

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 87: Where is my sister?

On the cloud boat, in the room.

Ye Xuan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and his whole body exuded a strange sense... The reason why it was strange was because the sense was vaguely present, appearing and disappearing from time to time...

At the entrance of the second floor, another piece of paper floated in front of Ye Xuan.

There is still a sword on it, and behind the sword is a big '? '.

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at the paper in front of him, and said softly: "I don't know..."

After the voice fell, he got up, and the Lingxiu Sword suddenly flew out of his body, and the next moment, the entire first floor of the Jie Prison Tower was crisscrossed with sword light. And around Lingxiu Sword, besides the faint sword light, there is also a sense of fading and appearing now and then!

At the same time, the compatibility between the sword and the person has reached 99%!

Now he no longer needs to control the sword with Qi, but can control the sword with "will"!

The speed of the sword has increased by at least five times compared to before!

This is the real Royal Sword!


The cloud boat is getting closer and closer to Ningguo.


Ning State is very close to Jiang State and Tang State. It can be said that the Three Kingdoms are facing each other in a triangle. However, Ning State has advantages over Jiang State and Tang State. It can also be said that Ning State is the most powerful among the Three Kingdoms!

The main reason for this is because Tang and Jiang are feuds. The two countries have never stopped fighting, and if there is a fight, there will be internal friction!

And Ningguo has been focusing on development!

In addition, Ningguo also has a natural geographical advantage, because its surrounding minerals are rich, and it has no natural enemies. Therefore, Ningguo's national strength can be said to be the most powerful among the surrounding countries!

And Ningguo has always maintained neutrality, and has never easily participated in the struggle of any country!

This is also the reason, whether it is Jiang Guo, Tang Guo, or the surrounding countries, they all want to make friends with them!early morning.

A cloud boat slowly approached the Ningguo imperial capital, and when it was still a hundred feet away from the Ningguo imperial capital, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of the cloud boat. The middle-aged man looked at the cloud boat coldly, "Do you have a pass?"


On the deck of the cloud boat, Ye Xuan looked at Ji Anzhi, and Ji Anzhi said softly: "Any cloud boat without a pass is not allowed to enter Ningguo privately, even if it is from Zuixianlou."

After speaking, she paused slightly, and then said: "In Ningguo, whether it is Zuixianlou or Cangmu College, the influence is very low, because the royal family of Ningguo is very strong. Back then, these two forces were almost defeated by Ningguo. A strong man, Tuobafu, was completely eradicated, although these two forces were not completely eliminated in the end, but whatever these two forces do in Ning State, it depends on the face of the royal family of Ning State!"

Ji Anzhi's words caught everyone by surprise. You must know that Zuixianlou and Cangmu Academy are not so domineering and arrogant in Jiang Country!

At this time, Guanshi Li suddenly appeared in front of the middle-aged man in the distance. He pointed a finger, and a card fell in front of the middle-aged man. Soon, the middle-aged man turned around and disappeared.

The cloud boat continued to move forward, and after a while, the cloud boat fell slowly and landed firmly in the imperial capital of Ningguo.

On the deck of the cloud boat, Steward Li walked up to the four of Ye Xuan, and he gave a slight salute, "Master Ye, we have already found out the conspiracy of Cangmu College, and they have issued high reward orders to the surrounding countries. The reward is very, very high, therefore, there may be many people who come to participate in the secret realm this time, and none of them is weak, and their purpose is definitely not to explore the secret realm, but to surround and kill you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Understood! Thank you for letting me know!"

Li Guanshi glanced at Ye Xuan, seeing Ye Xuan's calmness, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Young master Ye, the people who came here are not simple people, even those on the martial arts list!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists, "Before Guilou helped you today, I, Ye Xuan, will remember it in my heart, so I bid farewell!"

After finishing speaking, he and Ji Anzhi turned around and walked off the cloud boat, and disappeared at the end of the street in the distance after a while.On the cloud boat, Guanshi Li turned around, and not far in front of him stood an old man!

It is the ninth master of Zuixian Tower!

Li Guanshi said in a deep voice: "Lord, it can be said that Cangmu Academy is going to spend money to eradicate this Young Master Ye this time, and it is a bit risky for us to openly stand by him."

The Ninth Lord said in a low voice: "Adventure? If you don't give help now, you will never have a chance to eliminate the barrier between me and him..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the distant sky.

Behind this young man, there is a sword fairy!

Sword Fairy!

In the entire Qingzhou territory, there has never been a sword fairy!

Even the Cangjie Sword Master did not reach the level of a Sword Immortal in the end!

A sword fairy, not to mention just a branch of Cangmu College, even the main campus of Cangmu College has to bow his head!

But at this moment, Cangmu Academy is going to retaliate wildly against Ye Xuan... Thinking of this, the Ninth Master suddenly shook his head and smiled, "Cangmu Academy...how are you so good... "


Ningguo Palace.

A woman is sitting on a dragon chair. The woman is wearing a golden dragon robe. The dragon robe is not bulky. On the contrary, it fits well, and it perfectly complements the woman's uneven figure; the woman's long hair is scattered casually At the back of her head, she looked at the memorial in front of her, her expression was calm, and there was a sense of majesty between her brows.

The woman in front of him is none other than Ning Kingdom Lord Tuobayan!

After a while, Tuoba Yan closed the memorial, "The person I want you to look for is this Ye Xuan?"

In a dark corner, a voice sounded, "Return to Your Majesty, that's right. We have already found out his origin. This person is from Qingcheng, Jiangguo. His parents are unknown. He lives with his younger sister. Before he was twelve years old, he took his younger sister to Ye Family. It was extremely difficult, and later he was valued by the head of the Ye family, and he was named the eldest son of the Ye family..."

Soon, the voice explained everything about Ye Xuan from Qingcheng to the imperial capital. Of course, there were some exceptions.After a while, Tuoba Yan leaned on the dragon chair, his eyes slowly closed, "You only checked the surface!"

In the dark corner, the voice said: "Let's analyze, there should be another expert behind this person besides Canglan College, but we can't find out who it is. However, this person is in Zuixianlou Cloud A Zuixianlou steward was killed on the boat, but in the end he was safe and sound. Not only was he safe and sound, but Zuixianlou kept wooing him. Therefore, according to my analysis, the person behind him should be extremely difficult! "

not simple!

Tuoba Yan suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were like knives, extremely cold.

At this moment, she thought of the moment when she was nailed to the tree by two beams of sword light in the dense forest.

Facing those two beams of sword light, she had no strength to fight back!

At this time, the voice said again: "The person Cangmu Academy asked Ningguo to cooperate with the siege this time is this person, Your Majesty, everyone in the 'Zhimou Pavilion' please reject this transaction with Cangmu Academy! "

Tuoba Yan said lightly: "Why?"

In the corner, the voice sounded again: "This person went from Qingcheng to the Imperial Capital, then from the Imperial Capital to the Liangjie City, and from the Liangjie City to the Imperial Capital. During this period...his strength can be described by leaps and bounds. Based on the attitude of the Jiang Kingdom royal family and Zuixianlou towards him, we speculate that behind this person, if there is either a very strong superpower, or a very strong superpower. Ningguo should not easily make enemies."

Tuoba Yan looked at the portrait of Ye Xuan indifferently, without speaking.

At this moment, a man in black suddenly appeared in the hall, and the man in black knelt on one knee, "Your Majesty, there are seventy-six people who came to participate in the siege of Ye Xuan this time. , are all top geniuses and evildoers from various countries. Among them, there are three on the martial arts list, and the Cangmu Academy of the Dayun Empire also sent people. As for who they are, they have not been found. Someone was sent here, but as for who it is, I haven't found out for the time being!"

Dark World!

Tuoba Yan frowned slightly, "This killer organization is also here to join in the fun?"The man in black said in a deep voice: "The reward offered by Cangmu Academy this time is really too high, no one is not tempted."

Tuoba Yan nodded slightly, "Go down!"

The man in black turned and left.

The hall fell silent.

After a while, Tuoba Yan suddenly said: "After opening the secret realm, I, Ning Kingdom, will not participate in this matter. I will inform all the families and members of the royal family in Ning Kingdom that they are not allowed to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Ye Xuan this time. Anyone who violates this will be beheaded!"



Ningguo Imperial Capital, Ye Xuan and the others had just entered the streets of the Imperial Capital when they were surrounded by a group of people!

In front of Ye Xuan and the others, there were more than a dozen people. These people were all wearing the same clothes, and they all had a logo on their left chests!

The logo of Kuraki Academy!

On both sides of the street, countless people gathered around, obviously, they all wanted to watch the excitement.

Opposite Ye Xuan, a Cangmu student sneered: "I think you are Ye Xuan from Canglan College in Jianguo, I heard that your head is very valuable..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place.

next moment.


The voice of the man who had just spoken stopped abruptly, and at the same time, his throat suddenly split open, and blood spattered!In the arena, everyone's face changed drastically.

Ye Xuan didn't give up, spread his palms, and the Lingxiu Sword in his palm suddenly flew out one by one.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In the arena, a ray of sword light pierced through the group of Cangmu Academy students like a butterfly piercing flowers...


A series of screams continued, and at the same time, the heads of those Cangmu Academy students rolled to the ground!

Not a single one was left alive!

Everyone in the field was stunned.

Ji Anzhi and the others were also stunned, and the three of them looked at each other with a trace of solemnity in their eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's hostility is too heavy!

It's like a different person!

At this time, the Lingxiu sword landed steadily in front of Ye Xuan, and a drop of blood slowly dripped from the tip of the Lingxiu sword.

Ye Xuan put away his sword and walked slowly towards the distance. After taking two steps, he stopped suddenly, because not far in front of him stood a middle-aged man who was staring at Ye Xuan. , "This is Ning country, not Jiang country, not something you can do wild..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he appeared on top of the middle-aged man, and at the same time, a sword cut straight down!

The sword was extremely fast, and the middle-aged man's body was split into two before he even realized it!

Blood poured all over the ground!

Take the sword!

Ye Xuan wiped the blood spattered on his face, and said softly: "I'm just here to bring my sister home..."

As he spoke, he glanced around blankly, "Where is my sister?"

The people around looked extremely fearful, and their eyes were full of horror.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's expression suddenly became ferocious, and the next moment, the Lingxiu Sword in his hand trembled violently, and a sword light flashed across the field.


In the distance, a house collapsed!

"This guy is crazy, run away..."