

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 65: If you have anything to say, I will talk about it in the future!

In the middle of the night, the faint moonlight poured down, and the earth was silver.

After the waterfall, in the small pit, Ye Xuan was sitting on the ground, and in front of her was the woman in black robe.

The two were very close, and because the pit was very small, Ye Xuan could clearly feel the fragrance from the woman's body. But at this moment, he doesn't have any charm in his heart. Now, he just wants to escape!

It's a pity that he has no chance to escape at all!

Although the woman in front of him seemed to be seriously injured, it was definitely not something he could contend with now!

Now he can only wait and look for opportunities!

As for the mysterious woman, he didn't give any hope!

At this moment, the woman in black robe suddenly stood up, "Carry me on your back!"

Ye Xuan looked at the feet of the black-robed woman, and only now did he realize that there was a puddle of blood under the black-robed woman's feet. There was no doubt that the black-robed woman's legs should have been seriously injured! Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan had some thoughts in his mind.

"Want to run?"

The woman in black robe suddenly smiled and said, "You try?"

Ye Xuan glanced at the black-robed woman. In the end, he still didn't choose to run away. The realm between him and the woman in front of him was too far apart!

This gap in realm cannot be made up by any foreign object at all!

Ye Xuan's back was facing the black-robed woman, and the black-robed woman lay on Ye Xuan's back without any scruples.


This is how Ye Xuan felt at the moment. He only saw the woman's breasts before, but now he felt it himself. He found that it might be bigger than what he saw!

The second feeling is: soft!

Very, very soft, at this moment Ye Xuan thought of a word: nephrite jade warm fragrance.

Without thinking too much, Ye Xuan jumped out of the waterfall, and then ran in the direction pointed by the black-robed woman.On Ye Xuan's back, the black-robed woman glanced at Ye Xuan, her expression was indifferent, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes. Because so far, she still hasn't figured out why Ye Xuan is standing in front of her, but she can't feel Ye Xuan's aura. This is very abnormal. You know, she is several realms higher than Ye Xuan , This gap, no amount of skills can make up for it!

However, she just couldn't feel Ye Xuan's existence!

Ye Xuan didn't know, and it was for this reason that the black-robed woman in front of him didn't kill him.

Anyway, he is quite depressed now. The mysterious woman promised to have her, but she stopped talking at the critical moment. Now it's all right, life and death are all in the black robe woman's thought!


Even though he was aggrieved, he didn't dare to say anything, he was a boss, so he couldn't afford to mess with him!

Ye Xuan ran all the way to the border of Ning country.


Ye Xuan also knows something about this country, because among the countries closest to Jiang Guo, there are Tang Guo and Ning Guo, and Jiang Guo and Tang Guo are constantly at odds. As for Ning Guo, neither Jiang Guo nor Tang Guo is friendly. , It's a bit like sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

And Tang Guo and Jiang Guo haven't fought yet, and part of the reason is that they are afraid of Ning Guo! With Ning country here, neither Jiang country nor Tang country dare to go to war easily!

About half an hour later, the black-robed woman on Ye Xuan's back suddenly said: "Stop!"

When the voice fell, Ye Xuan stopped immediately. As soon as he stopped, there was a sound of breaking wind above his head, and there were more than one sound. Sensing the two coercions flashing above his head, Ye Xuan's expression also became serious. Neither of those two coercion is definitely not something he can fight now!

The black-robed woman looked up, and sneered, "What a Zuixian Tower, actually dispatched two experts from the Divine Harmony Realm!"

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Senior, why don't we surrender?"

If he surrendered to Zuixianlou and Zika was around, the problem shouldn't be too big."Surrender?"

The woman in black robe was directly amused by Ye Xuan's words, "Surrender and give away your head?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The black-robed woman patted Ye Xuan's head lightly, "Let's go now!"

Ye Xuan had no choice but to continue walking.

In the process of running, he inevitably had some friction with the body of the black-robed woman, especially the strange feeling coming from behind made him very...comfortable! However, he didn't dare to think too much, he had to know that this woman's strength far surpassed his.

One night passed, and at this time, Ye Xuan and the black-robed woman had already left the Liangjie Mountain, and it was less than a day away from the border of Ningguo.

When Ye Xuan passed a river with a black-robed woman on her back, the black-robed woman suddenly said: "Stop!"

Ye Xuan stopped.

The black-robed woman pointed to the river, "Carry me on your back!"

Ye Xuan had no choice but to follow suit.

Ye Xuan placed the black-robed woman on a stone by the river, and then he stepped aside, looking around from time to time.

"Want to escape?"

The black-robed woman turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, "Within fifty feet, I can easily kill you. If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

Ye Xuan was silent, but said in his heart: "Senior, do you have the heart to see this woman bullying me like this? Come out and beat her!"

The mysterious woman didn't speak!

Ye Xuan had a look of lovelessness!

At this time, the woman in black robe suddenly said: "Come here!"

Ye Xuan glanced at the black-robed woman, he thought for a while, and then walked up to the black-robed woman, "After I send you to Ningguo, you will definitely kill me, right?"

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the black-robed woman, obviously, she did not expect Ye Xuan to say that suddenly.

Ye Xuan looked directly at the black-robed woman, "You snatched something from the Drunken Immortal Tower, you absolutely cannot let outsiders know about it, so when I send you to Ningguo, it is my death date, right?"The black-robed woman sized Ye Xuan up and said with a smile, "I underestimated your intelligence."

As she spoke, she put her legs in the river, letting the current wash away the blood on her legs, "You can choose to die now, or die later!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I still have a choice!"

The black-robed woman turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I can choose to die together!"

The black-robed woman chuckled, "You overestimate yourself."

Ye Xuan spread out his palm, and Lingxiu Sword appeared in his palm. When seeing this sword, the black-robed woman narrowed her eyes, "Bright sword!"

At this moment, the Lingxiu Sword in Ye Xuan's hand trembled violently.

The black-robed woman looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan looked directly at her, "I'm sure I can't beat you, but as long as I send out a sword and cause a little movement here, I believe that the strong man in Zuixianlou will be able to catch you!" Come here, when the time comes, without my aura to hide, you will not be able to escape now. You will die, but with Zuixianlou's temper, they will definitely not let go of the forces behind you, what do you think?"

The black-robed woman smiled and said, "Maybe you don't have a chance to strike a sword!"

"Then try!"

As the voice fell, Ye Xuan's eyes surged with murderous intent. Obviously, this is to use a sword to determine life and death!

The silence of the mysterious woman let him know that if he wanted to survive, he had to rely on himself, and it was definitely a very stupid idea to pin his hopes on others!

And Ye Xuan was also decisive, saying that he was really risking his life if he said that he was risking his life. He was not trying to scare the black-robed woman, she was going to die anyway, why didn't he pull a back before he died?

Seeing Ye Xuan coming seriously, the black-robed woman narrowed her eyes slightly, "Stop!"

Ye Xuan stopped, but the Lingxiu Sword in his hand was still trembling violently, obviously, it would erupt at any time.

The black-robed woman looked directly at Ye Xuan, "I really underestimated your courage."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "I just want to live."The corners of the black-robed woman's mouth twitched slightly, "If I remember correctly, it seems that you came to find me on your own initiative! Although I don't know how you found me, you definitely didn't come to me to save me, did you? "

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "I'm not hiding anything, the reason I came to you is to ask you something."

The black-robed woman was a little curious, "Tell me!"

"Ask where she has felt the power of the earth!"

At this moment, the mysterious woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Xuan looked at the woman in black robe, "Where have you ever felt the power of the earth!"

Hearing this, the black-robed woman suddenly turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, with a trace of disbelief in her eyes, "Why do you know that I have felt the power of the earth before!"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "I guessed it!"

The black-robed woman stared at Ye Xuan, as if she wanted to see him thoroughly.

Ye Xuan also looked at him without showing any weakness!

After a while, the woman in black robe said: "Who are you!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Stop talking nonsense. To be honest, I will send you to Ningguo. After arriving, you can't kill me, and you have to tell me where you felt the power of the earth."

After the black-robed woman was silent for a long time, she nodded, "Okay!"Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Can you swear? Seriously, I don't believe you!"

The black-robed woman turned her head to look at Ye Xuan, and sneered, "Then you use your sword now! However, I have to remind you that I may not die if I am caught up by the Zuixian Tower, but you will definitely die!"

Ye Xuan took a step back, and he looked directly at the black-robed woman, "You have to swear, not only can you not kill me, you can't beat me, mutilate me, or imprison me, anyway, you can't hurt me, otherwise, we will die together today!"

After finishing speaking, the Lingxiu Sword in his hand trembled violently, and a sword glow flickered on the tip of the sword.

As long as he moves his mind, the sound of the sword will resound through the sky!

The black-robed woman stared at Ye Xuan, her eyes were extremely cold, "You are very thoughtful!"

Ye Xuan looked at her without showing any weakness, "If you don't swear, you and I will die together today."

The black-robed woman looked at Ye Xuan for a long time, but didn't speak!

At this moment, the sword in Ye Xuan's hand trembled violently, and a sword glow was about to burst out. Seeing this scene, the black-robed woman suddenly said: "Okay, I swear, after you send me to Ningguo, I will not kill you!" You, I will not beat you, let alone imprison you, if you violate it, you will be backlashed by the demons in the future!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan felt relieved, if possible, he didn't want to die.

Who doesn't want to live?

Ye Xuan put away the Lingxiu sword, then walked up to the black-robed woman, "Come up, let's go now!"Ye Xuan put away the Lingxiu sword, then walked up to the black-robed woman, "Come up, let's go now!"

The black-robed woman glanced at Ye Xuan, with a weird smile on her lips. She lay on Ye Xuan's body, and Ye Xuan quickened his pace. He just wanted to send this woman to Ningguo as soon as possible, and then go to find Taoism!

Because of the help of a mysterious woman to hide their aura, Ye Xuan and the black-robed woman were not chased by the strong men from Zuixianlou. On the second night, the two finally entered the border of Ningguo!

In a dense forest, Ye Xuan put the black-robed woman down, and then he stepped back a certain distance, "Here we are!"

The black-robed woman looked at Ye Xuan without saying a word.

Ye Xuan's heart trembled, "You don't mean to break your oath, do you?"


The corner of the black-robed woman's mouth was slightly raised, "I don't want to have demons in the future, but..."

Hearing these two words, Ye Xuan secretly thought it was terrible, he turned around and ran away, but the woman in black robe appeared in front of him like a ghost, and then pinched his throat.

Ye Xuan stared at the black-robed woman, the corners of the black-robed woman's mouth slightly lifted, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, I won't maim you, I won't imprison you, but..."

As she spoke, she took out a pink elixir and flicked it with her fingers, and that elixir fell directly into Ye Xuan's throat.

The black-robed woman stepped back a certain distance, with a faint and strange smile on her lips.Ye Xuan stared at the black-robed woman, "What did you eat for me!"

The corner of the black-robed woman's mouth slightly raised, "You will know soon."

At this moment, Ye Xuan's face turned red instantly, and at the same time, his whole body was extremely hot, as if a ball of fire was burning from his body.

In the distance, the black-robed woman chuckled, her smile was rarely charming and seductive, "This is Ningguo's famous 'Golden Spear Unfalling Pill', which is said to keep men alive overnight... You are so lucky !"

Speaking of this, she pretended to be surprised, "Oh, I almost forgot, this is a deep mountain and old forest, where did the woman come from? Well, although there are no people, there are many beasts here, heck..."

After finishing speaking, she turned and walked towards the distance. After walking for a while, she seemed to think of something, turned around and said: "I didn't kill you, I didn't maim you, and I didn't imprison you!"

When the words fell, her body floated away, and she was about to fly away.

But at this moment, the prison tower in Ye Xuan's body trembled slightly, and in an instant, two beams of sword light suddenly shot out from Ye Xuan's body.

In the distance, the black-robed woman seemed to have a feeling, and she turned around immediately. When she saw the two beams of sword light, her expression changed drastically, and she slapped her right hand forward suddenly. With this slap, countless thunderbolts shook like a net. out!

However, those two beams of sword light directly tore the grid, and the next moment one by one

chi chi!The black-robed woman was directly nailed to one of the big trees by the two beams of sword light. The two beams of sword light stared at her, directly blocking the meridians in her body, making it impossible for her to raise the mysterious energy in her body. gas!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan threw himself directly in front of the black-robed woman. At this moment, Ye Xuan's eyes were bloodshot, his whole body was scorching hot, and he looked like a beast in heat.

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, the expression of the black-robed woman suddenly changed. She stared at Ye Xuan and said fiercely, "If you dare to touch me, I will kill you."

Ye Xuan didn't care at all, and started tearing up crazily.

Seeing this scene, there was finally a trace of panic in the eyes of the black-robed woman, "Don't act recklessly, or this king..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly covered her mouth with one hand, and growled: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after sleeping!"

After the voice fell, he hugged the black-robed woman with both hands...
