

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 5: Hidden Realm!

The static needles in the field can be heard.


Ye Xuan challenges the Elder!

The whole Yefu was almost shocked.

In Yefu, the strongest force is naturally the closed patriarch, followed by Yeqing, the patriarch of Yefu, and Yeqing is not in the house. He is the elder in the future.

Now, Ye Xuan challenges the Elder!

too big for her skin?

Some people think so, but others think that Ye Xuan is not without the power of World War I.

Ye Xuan used to be cultivated by the Ye family. Moreover, unlike the elder, he is not respected in the Ye family all the year round. He lives on the edge of a knife almost every day. This ruthlessness and bloodiness are not available to the elder.

In the eyes of the people in the Ye Mansion, although Ye Xuan is only a five-grade restless, if he works hard, he still has a little chance of winning!

In front of Ye Xuan, the big elder looked at him. He didn't expect that Ye Xuan would challenge him!

Pick up or not?

If you don't answer, he will lose his face! Not only that, but also his prestige in Ye's mansion will be greatly reduced. I'm afraid some people will not obey him in the future.


He hesitated at the thought of Ye Xuan's fighting power. Although his realm is higher than that of Ye Xuan, he has not competed with others for many years, and only occasionally competed with others in Ye Mansion, but that's all! But Ye Xuan is different. Every time outside is a battle of life and death.

He knows what it means!

Moreover, even if he wins Ye Xuan, outsiders will only say that he bullies the small with the big, but if he loses, he will lose his face too much. At that time, the position of the elder was not guaranteed!

The old man's face is gloomy and terrible!

It was originally Ye Xuan's desperate situation, but at the moment, Ye Xuan forced him to a desperate situation!

At that moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the room, "Don't you and I still have a January appointment?"

Everyone heard and looked. Not far away, Ye Lang came slowly!

Ye Lang, now the son of Ye Fu!

The elder was about to speak. Suddenly, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of disbelief. "Ye Lang, have you reached the state of Qi change?"

Qi changes state!

Everyone in the field was stunned.

In the eyes of the crowd, Ye Lang nodded slightly, "No, it took more than ten days to reach the Qi state, which is too slow."

Hearing this, everyone in the field took a breath of cool air.

Is this slow?

You should know that before Ye Lang woke up, Ye Lang was just a four-level cultivation environment, and in just ten days, the Ye Lang actually reached the state of Qi change! The cultivation speed is unprecedented in the Ye family!

Hearing what Ye Lang said, the elder burst out laughing, "God bless my Ye family, ha ha..."

Everyone in Ye Mansion is also delighted. With the speed of cultivation of Ye Lang, the future Ye Family can definitely become a big family in the world!

Ye Lang's eyes fell on Ye Xuan and said with a smile, "What qualifications do you have to challenge the elder? Only when you win me can you be qualified to challenge the elder. You and I have less than 20 days left in the month of life and death, right?"

Ye Xuan looked at Ye Lang and said with a smile, "Look at me, I almost forgot."

He looked at the elder and said, "Elder, how offended you just now. Well, after I compete with your grandson, I will come to ask the elder for advice. Goodbye!"

After saying that, he took Ye Ling and turned away.


At this moment, the elder suddenly said angrily, "You killed an elder. Is this..."

Ye Xuan suddenly turned and looked straight at the elder, "Elder, why don't we fight alone now? Or can your grandson compete with me now? Or is your grandson afraid, so he sent Ye Ku to deliberately mess with me, and then found an excuse to kill me? If so, the elder doesn't have to bother so much. If you go directly together, I will be defeated by Ye Xuan!"

"You!" The old man's face was livid.

At this time, the leafy corridor looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "Go ahead, see you on the stage of life and death 20 days later."

Ye Xuan shrugged and said, "Elder, your grandson is still sensible. You are getting older and more confused!"

After that, he turned and left with Ye Ling. The old man's face was purple, and he seemed to think of something. He suddenly looked at Li Mu and others and said angrily, "You are a group of beggars. When you see the old man being beaten, you don't help. Here comes the man, drag him out and kill him on the spot!"

Hearing this, Li Mu and other people turned pale when they were pale.

At that moment, Ye Xuan, who was not far away, suddenly stopped. He turned and looked at the elder. "Elder, please remind me that Li Mu and others are the elders' guards. Although you are the elder, the patriarch is not dead. Now move his guards, this..."

Speaking of this, he pretended to be surprised, "Do you want to fight against the patriarch... you..."


The elder roared: "Ye Xuan, say one more word, I will kill you even if I die today!"

Ye Xuan laughed and said, "Eldest, calm down. I just want to remind you not to get angry. Otherwise, I will be too happy. Oh no, it's too sad."

After saying that, he took Ye Ling and turned away.

Li Mu and others looked at Ye Xuan, and their eyes were full of gratitude. If Ye Xuan hadn't said this, they would have died today.

In the same place, the old man's body was shaking, and the people around were afraid to speak.

As if thinking of something, the elder suddenly looked at Ye Lang and said, "Why don't you just compete with him for life and death? Why bother to wait until 20 days?"

Ye Lang looked at the big elder and said in a faint voice, "Because I am going to break through the realm of imperial qi soon!"

Hearing this, the elder was shocked. At the next moment, he said excitedly, "Really?"

Ye Lang nodded slightly, "The breakthrough is imminent, or I would have killed him just now. It is not suitable to start at this moment. I cannot ruin my breakthrough because of an ant like existence."

The elder nodded hurriedly, "Exactly. Just let Ye Xuan live a few more days. Anyway, he is a waste!"

Ye Lang nodded slightly, "He is in a hurry now. Don't provoke him again in this period of time, lest others say that I am afraid of him, and deliberately let you find trouble with him, and then find an excuse to kill him!"

The elder said in a deep voice, "This time, I'm not careful. Don't worry, I won't let anyone find him in trouble in these twenty days."

Ye Lang nodded, "By the way, I may need a lot of spirit stones for my cultivation this time." The elder was a little embarrassed. The spirit stone is a kind of precious crystal stone, which contains aura. Even the Ye family doesn't have much. Not only that, but the spirit stone can only be used by the patriarch and the prince. However, Ye Xuan has not used the spirit stone, which is naturally because they are stuck.

"Is there a problem?" Yelang asked.

The elder shook his head, "No problem, but there may not be many spirit stones."

Ye Lang said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's just to control the qi, and it doesn't need many spirit stones."

Hearing this, the elder immediately sighed with relief, "That's good!"

Ye Lang looked up at the sky, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and whispered in his heart: "It's a remote place... However, it's OK to use it temporarily..."


Ye Xuan pulled Ye Ling back to his yard. As soon as he got back to the yard, Li Mu and others came.

Ye Xuan glanced at Li Mu and others, "It's not good for you to come here at this time."

Since his son was abolished, the brothers who had fought with him in blood have almost disappeared. Because those people are very clear that the future owner of the Ye family will not be his Ye Xuan, but that Ye Lang.

Li Mu hugged Ye Xuan and said, "Brother Ye, thank you for the previous thing."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "You didn't do it. I thank you. Go back. If you are seen by the elder, you will have a lot of trouble."

Li Mu hesitated and then said, "Brother Ye, if you need me in the future, please tell me. My brother will never refuse."

After that, he turned and left with several bodyguards.

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly. Seeing Ye Xuan shaking his head, Ye Ling held Ye Xuan's arm and whispered, "Brother, don't you believe them?"

Ye Xuan laughed and said, "If your brother and I are strong, what they just said is true. If I am weak and have no chance to turn over, then everything is false."

Ye Ling looked at Ye Xuan and said very seriously: "I am real, I will always stand by my brother!"

Ye Xuan laughed and pulled Ye Ling around to enter his yard. As soon as he entered the yard, Ye Ling's body shook violently. Not only that, he also exuded a chill!

Ye Xuan was shocked. He hurriedly carried Ye Ling to the bed, then took out a white jade bottle and poured out a white pill for Ye Ling to take. After Ye Ling took the pill, she looked a little better.

Ye Ling slowly opened her eyes. Her right hand was holding Ye Xuan's hand. Her voice was as thin as a mosquito. "Brother, I think I may not live long. For example, if I die, will you take my ashes with me? I want to stay with you, you..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Xuan suddenly shouted, and he glared at Ye Ling, "You won't die. I won't let you die. I believe that I will cure you! When I reach the regal state, I will take you to the imperial capital, OK?"

As he spoke, his voice gradually softened down. "Brother, you are the only relative. Even if you want to live for him, will you?"

Ye Ling looked at Ye Xuan and her tears ran down.

Ye Xuan gently wiped away the tears on Ye Ling's face, "Don't cry, it won't look good if you cry again. You'll have to marry later!"

Ye Ling shook his head and said, "No, I only like my brother!"

Ye Xuan laughed and said, "A fool. Come on, I'll tell you a story... There was a mountain and a temple on it..."

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Ling fell asleep.

Looking at Ye Ling on the bed, Ye Xuan's face was as low as water, because Ye Ling had been sleeping longer and longer recently. Moreover, there are less than three pills left in his jade bottle!

After a moment, Ye Xuan put away the jade bottle, covered the quilt for Ye Ling gently, and then entered the prison tower.


What Ye Xuan needs to do now is to improve his strength crazily, reach the realm of Qi as soon as possible, and then take Ye Ling to the imperial capital. In addition, Ye Fu also has a killing heart for him. In the battle of life and death 20 days later, if he loses, not only he will die, but also his sister Ye Ling will die.

Ye Xuan was looking for the shadow to practice, when the mysterious woman's voice suddenly sounded, "You can practice the hidden realm."

Ye Xuan was stunned. "Hidden realm? What hidden realm?"

The mysterious woman said, "The physical state can be divided into one to six levels, but many people don't know that after the six levels of Qi change, there is another level, the golden state. After the golden state, it is the innate state of Qi." Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "The golden state? Why haven't I heard of it, senior?"

The mysterious woman said in a faint voice, "It's a hidden state, which most people don't know at all. If you reach this golden state, your overall strength will at least double. Do you practice it? If you don't practice, you can go to find the spirit sword in the future, and you can also cross this state and enter the innate defense state directly."

Ye Xuan excitedly said, "Double your strength? Seriously?"

The mysterious woman said, "Nature!"

Ye Xuanlian hurriedly said, "Practice, I practice!"

The mysterious woman said, "You already have sword qi in your body. Although you can't transmit it to the outside, you can use it to stimulate the meridians and five internal organs in your body. You used to cultivate the body from the outside, but now you can cultivate the body from the inside, both inside and outside, which is perfect. However, it is a little painful."

Ye Xuan waved his hand and said proudly, "A little pain. It's nothing. I'm starting."

The mysterious woman said, "Well, it's very simple. It's just to stimulate those sword qi and let them automatically scatter in your body."

Ye Xuan did it immediately. As soon as he did it, his eyes suddenly opened, "Ah..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan felt that his body was stabbed by tens of thousands of needles, and he almost fainted.

"Elder, this is not a little pain!"

"Is it painful? I thought there was only a little..."

"Elder, don't tell me that no one has practiced this hidden realm!"

"A long time ago, there was a man who practiced, but he died at that time. I thought it was another reason..."


"Looking at you in such pain, and I can't help you, I can only express my guilt with a smile. Hey hey..."

Ye Xuan: "...."