

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 31: Ye Xuan, can we talk?

Ye Xuan's words fell, and the field suddenly became quiet.

No one thought that Ye Xuan would dare to insult Mo Suiqing in front of so many people!

This is Mo Suiqing, the dream lover of countless men in the imperial capital!

At this moment, Mo Suiqing suddenly slapped the table with her palm.


That table was instantly reduced to ashes!

Mo Suiqing's figure flashed, and she was already in front of the three of Ye Xuan. She stared at Ye Xuan with a smile on her lips, "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

Ye Xuan walked up to Mo Suiqing, the two were so close that they could feel each other's breathing, Ye Xuan just looked at Mo Suiqing, "A woman like you, relying on how beautiful you are, Don't look down on anyone, don't know how to respect anyone, like to play with the men around you, watching them be stupid because of your words and deeds, are you happy? With all due respect, like you Such a woman, naked and lying in front of me, I have no interest in it."

The smile on the corner of Mo Suiqing's mouth still exists, but it's a little colder.

Everyone knew that the first emperor in front of him was angry!

Mo Suiqing made a move.

With a slight twist of her palm, a powerful air gushed out from her palm like a gust of wind.

Royal atmosphere!

And what she used was obviously some kind of powerful martial skill. As soon as the air flow appeared, the tables and chairs around her and Ye Xuan instantly turned into powder, but Ye Xuan didn't take a step back, but punched him in front of him. The woman blasted past!


The punch was thrown out, the air flow shattered, and countless winds swayed towards the surroundings, and the two of them each retreated several feet away!

Mo Suiqing glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, "You're a bit capable!"After finishing speaking, she was about to make another move, but at this moment, Han Xiangmeng suddenly stood in front of her, and Mo Suiqing said in a low voice, "Xiangmeng, go away."

Han Xiangmeng said in a deep voice: "Sui Qing, let's forget about it, just give me some face, is that okay?"

"never mind?"

Mo Suiqing sneered, "Xiangmeng, he insulted me so much, why don't you let me do that?"

Han Xiangmeng held Mo Suiqing's hand, "Listen to my advice, is that okay?"

Mo Suiqing frowned slightly, "Xiang Meng, what is his origin that makes you so afraid?"

Han Xiangmeng was about to speak, at this moment, the First Prince and Lu Xiaoran rushed over. When he saw the scene in the field, Lu Xiaoran's heart sank.

The eldest prince glanced at Ye Xuan and Mo Suiqing in the distance, then he walked up to Mo Suiqing, and said with a smile: "Miss Mo, what made you so angry?"

Mo Suiqing glanced coldly at Ye Xuan who was not far away, "Jiang Niansheng, did you invite this person here?"

Jiang Niansheng glanced at Ye Xuan, and said, "Miss Mo, what misunderstanding happened?"


Mo Suiqing smiled lightly, she sat aside, and said: "Jiang Niansheng, the person you invited insulted me in front of so many people, and you told me it was a misunderstanding? Why, this person in front of you is your friend?"


Lu Xiaoran's heart trembled, he looked at the eldest prince, he knew very well that whether he could win Ye Xuan over or not depended on the eldest prince's choice this time.

"How could the eldest prince be friends with this person?

At the side, someone suddenly said: "This person speaks rudely and openly insulted Miss Mo. This kind of person should be killed immediately to make an example to others!"

"Exactly, such a vulgar person is not qualified to sit with me at all."

"Eldest Prince, you should have someone drive this person out immediately, so as not to insult Miss Mo's eyes!"


The eldest prince pondered slightly, then shook his head,"I am not familiar with this person, and I have never invited him!"

Hearing the eldest prince's words, Lu Xiaoran sighed softly in his heart, in fact, he had already guessed the result. Behind Mo Suiqing is the Mo family, and now that Ye Xuan has obviously committed public anger, it is impossible for the eldest prince to stand on Ye Xuan's side!

Hearing what the eldest prince said, Ye Xuan had no expression on his face, he just held Ye Ling tightly.

At this moment, someone in the field sneered: "No wonder I ate so vigorously just now, it turned out that it was sneaked in, really, these servants don't know how to do things, and let this kind of person sneak in!"

On the side, Lu Xiaoran stood up, and he clasped his fists towards the surroundings, "I am Lu Xiaoran, the lord of Qianshan City, I brought this little friend here, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused to you all."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Xuan and smiled wryly, "I didn't expect this to happen, little friend Ye Xuan, I'm sorry!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "It has nothing to do with you."

Lu Xiaoran nodded, he turned his head to look at the eldest prince Jiang Niansheng, who stared at him firmly, "Old Lu, do you know what you are doing?"

Lu Xiaoran smiled and said, "Prince, excuse me!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Little friend, let's go!"

Obviously, he chose Ye Xuan!

Everyone was a little unbelievable, especially the eldest prince, he didn't expect that Lu Xiaoran would choose Ye Xuan in front of so many people, and at the same time he was a little startled, what is the identity of this Ye Xuan?

Ye Xuan nodded, then pulled Ye Ling to follow Lu Xiaoran and was about to leave, but at this moment, Mo Suiqing who was not far away suddenly said coldly: "Why? Just want to leave like this?"

Lu Xiaoran groaned slightly, and he walked up to Mo Suiqing, "Miss Mo, the previous matter seems to be a misunderstanding, so please ask Miss Mo to give this old man a face, and let this matter be exposed, how about it?"

Mo Suiqing said softly: "If you want to expose this matter, it's okay, let him kneel down and apologize to me, let's expose this matter, how about it?"Hearing this, Lu Xiaoran frowned.

At this time, Han Xiangmeng suddenly walked in front of Ye Xuan, and she gave a slight salute to Ye Xuan, "Young Master Ye, although I didn't do this on purpose, it happened because of me, sorry."


On the side, Mo Suiqing said angrily, "Which side are you on?"

Han Xiangmeng glanced at Mo Suiqing, "Sui Qing, if you treat me as a friend, this matter will be exposed, okay?"

Mo Suiqing's expression turned ugly.

"How can this matter be forgotten?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the field.

In the eyes of everyone, a young man came in from the stairs. The person who came in was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a burly figure, a crew cut, and a fierce look on his face.

"Cang Qi!"

Someone in the field exclaimed, "It's the genius of the Cang family. I heard that he has been admitted by Cangmu College..."

Early admission!

Many people still need to be assessed if they want to enter Cangmu Academy, but some people don't need to be assessed, and these people who don't need to be assessed have their own uniqueness, and this year, there are only five people who don't need to be assessed!

This Cang Qi is one of them!

And Cang Qi is Mo Suiqing's follower, this is something that almost everyone in the imperial capital knows!Cang Qi walked up to Mo Suiqing, and he gave Ye Xuan a cold look not far away, "Sui Qing, I will vent my anger on you!"

Mo Suiqing frowned slightly, "Cang Qi, this has nothing to do with you!"

Cang Qi said grimly: "If he insults you, he insults me."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Ye Xuan, "What kind of bastard are you, worthy of humiliating Sui Qing? I'm going to break your bones bit by bit today."

When the words fell, he rushed out directly.

This charge was like a tiger descending a mountain. Before the person arrived, an invisible momentum had already pressed on Ye Xuan's body!

Ye Xuan clenched his right hand into a fist, and that aura disappeared instantly. The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, Cang Qi punched Ye Xuan's chest, and Ye Xuan also punched Cang Qi's chest. on the chest.

bang bang!

Ye Xuanchao retreated about ten feet, but Cang Qi retreated ten feet, and finally bumped into the wall before stopping!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was stunned!

Jiang Niansheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes, while Mo Suiqing who was beside him frowned.

They are very clear about Cang Qi's strength. The special thing about Cang Qi is that his physique is special and his physical body is extremely strong. Few people at the same level can compete with him physically!

But now, Cang Qi is actually at a disadvantage!Cang Qi's eyes were full of disbelief, "How could you..."

Ye Xuan's face was expressionless, more than a flesh body? He has never been afraid of anyone! He has cultivated the hidden realm of golden body! In terms of physical body, let alone human beings, he dares to fight hand-to-hand with monsters!

"I don't believe it!"

Cang Qi roared suddenly, he rushed towards Ye Xuan again, but Ye Xuan trembled, and came to him first, under the eyes of everyone, the two collided again.



A sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded, and Cang Qi's entire right arm was directly broken. Immediately afterwards, his whole body flew out and hit the wall.


The entire wall trembled violently, and Cang Qi struggled a bit, but finally failed to stand up!

Ye Xuan looked around coldly, then he took Ye Ling's hand, "Let's go!"


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the field.

It was the voice of the First Prince Jiang Niansheng!

The First Prince walked up to Ye Xuan and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, I already understand what happened. You really insulted Miss Mo, please apologize to Miss Mo!"

"The eldest prince is benevolent!"

In the arena, some people gave Jiang Niansheng a slight salute, "Please also ask the eldest prince to uphold justice!"

"This person bullies others and insults Miss Mo. His crime is unforgivable. I also ask the First Prince to order this person to be imprisoned!"


Jiang Niansheng clasped his fists to the surroundings, "Don't worry, everyone, be fair, I will definitely not turn a blind eye to it, and I will definitely seek justice for Miss Mo!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, if you don't apologize today, I'm afraid His Highness won't be able to let you leave this Xianke Tower."

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Your Highness the First Prince has good means, now you can win people's hearts, and you can kill multiple birds with one stone!"Jiang Niansheng said softly, "Apologize! To show your sincerity, please kneel down and apologize!"

As his voice fell, a group of guards with long spears appeared all around, all of them were elite soldiers selected from a million!

Get down on your knees and apologize!

Ye Xuan laughed lightly, and looked at Lu Xiaoran beside him, "Senior Lu, and Miss Han, please take care of my sister!"

The reason why Han Xiangmeng was invited was because there was one more person at this moment, and Ye Ling would be more protected!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Lu Xiaoran hesitated for a while, then nodded, Han Xiangmeng sighed softly, and did not speak.

Ye Xuan turned to look at Jiang Niansheng and the others. Jiang Niansheng narrowed his eyes slightly, "Here comes someone. This person trespassed on Xianke Tower, openly insulted Miss Mo, and hurt others. His crime is unforgivable. Kill him immediately."

Those guards rushed towards Ye Xuan directly.

And at this moment, a footstep suddenly sounded at the stairs, and the next moment, everyone was stunned.

At the entrance of the stairs, a woman stood there, dressed in white snow, like a nine-day goddess.

An Lanxiu!

Seeing An Lanxiu, the guards knelt down on one knee, and everyone in the field quickly bowed deeply, saying in unison: "I have seen An Guoshi!"Even the eldest prince Jiang Niansheng saluted quickly, while Mo Suiqing, who was beside him with a livid face, also stood up and gave a slight salute, "Mo Jia Mo Suiqing, I have seen An Guoshi!"

An Lanxiu nodded slightly. Under the eyes of everyone, she walked up to Ye Xuan, and after taking a look at Ye Xuan, there was a trace of surprise in her eyes, "Zhan..."

As she said that, she smiled slightly, "I'm a little shocked by you. I haven't seen you for a short time, and you have reached such a level...Brother Ye, can we talk about it?"

Brother Ye!

When Brother Ye came out, everyone in the field thought it was too crazy.