

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 297: The man in the coffin!

Ye Xuan was completely stunned! Because he really didn't expect that the little girl in front of him knew that there was a tower in his body! So far, among the strong people encountered in this Qingcang Realm, even the middle-aged man who is at the bottom of the abyss who is at the bottom of the abyss who has obtained the space path will not find a tower in his body! How could this little girl find out? Ye Xuan squatted down, he took the little girl's hand, and said sternly, "How did you find out that there is that tower in your brother?" Wei Yangtian said softly, "I see!" I saw it! Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, "How did you see it?" Wei Yangtian said, "I just saw it!" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "Then what else can you see?" Wei Yangtian looked at Ye Xuan, she hesitated. Ye Xuan smiled and said, "It's okay, just say it." Wei Yangtian glanced at Ye Xuan's abdomen and said softly, "There is a dangerous person in the tower." Ye Xuan said softly, "Can you see the person in the tower?" Wei Yangtian nodded. Ye Xuan was silent. This thing is a little complicated. Originally, he thought that this girl was an ordinary little girl, but now it seems that things are not so simple! This is not an ordinary girl at all! At this time, Wei Yangtian suddenly said, "Brother, I, am I wrong?" Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "That's right." After speaking, he gently rubbed Wei Yangtian's little head, "What are you going to do in the future?" Wei Yangtian looked up at Ye Xuan, his eyes were full of firmness, "Cultivation!" Cultivation! Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Why practice?" Wei Yangtian clenched his hands tightly, and his eyes suddenly turned red. Ye Xuan said softly, "Don't cry, since you want to practice, then my brother will help you, but you have to promise me, no matter how powerful you are in the future, you will not be allowed to mess around, understand?" Intuition told him that the little girl in front of her future achievements may not be low. If this kind of person has lost hope for the world and has a extreme personality since he was a child, if she has strong strength in the future, it will be a disaster for this world! Wei Yangtian held Ye Xuan's hand tightly, "I, I won't hurt my brother." Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Okay, go find a place to rest with your brother first!" After speaking, he pulled Wei Yangtian and left. Half an hour later, Ye Xuan found a tree house where no one lived. In the tree house, he made some meals, and after seeing these meals, Wei Yangtian's saliva suddenly flowed out, and she just looked at it with such a pang of eyes. Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat!" Hearing this, Wei Yangtian suddenly began to sweep. Looking at Wei Yangtian, who was sweeping frantically, Ye Xuan suddenly felt a little distressed. Because the little girl in front of her must have suffered a lot. Just like his sister Ye Ling! When he hadn't grown up yet, the two brothers and sisters just had a previous meal and didn't have a next meal, or sometimes they didn't have a meal a day! Many times, in this world, how cruel it is! And if a person does not work hard, then the world will always be cruel to you. At this time, Wei Yangtian seemed to think of something, and she suddenly looked up at Ye Xuan, "You, don't you eat it?" Ye Xuan said with a smile, "Eat, let's eat together!" After speaking, he also began to move his chopsticks. Seeing this, a smile appeared on Wei Yangtian's face. In this way, the two quickly swept the table of food. After Ye Xuan finished packing, he took out the scroll that Grandpa Weiyang Tian gave him. He opened the scroll, and there were some strange runes on the scroll. I don't understand it at all! Ye Xuan thought for a while, then snorted a little, and a drop of sperm blood fell into the scroll, however, there was no movement! "What is this?" Ye Xuan frowned, wouldn't it be just an ordinary piece of broken skin? At this moment, Wei Yangtian suddenly said, "Brother, this is a map!" Map! Ye Xuan faced Wei Yangtian, "How do you know it's a map?" Wei Yangtian pointed to the scroll, "I can understand it." Ye Xuan said in a deep voice, "Then why didn't you talk to your grandfather and the others before?" Wei Yang Tian shook his head, "Grandpa and they are too weak! If you tell them, they may kill them! And the elder brother is different, the brother is very strong!" Hearing this, Ye Xuan was quite emotional, he gently rubbed Wei Yangtian's little head, "Little girl with a heart!" In the treehouse before, he could feel the old man's breath, but he was not weak. He was a imperial law realm, but unfortunately, he has come to the end of his life. As Wei Yangtian said, if she tells the old man the truth, it is very likely that it will harm the old man. Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "Do you know how to get there?" Wei Yangtian nodded, "You can follow this line, is your brother going?" Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Is it dangerous?" Wei Yangtian shook his head, "Brother is very strong, there should be no danger!" Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Then go!" After speaking, he pulled Wei Yangtian and left the tree house. Soon, the two entered a vast mountain range. Along the way, Wei Yangtian held Ye Xuan's hand tightly. She would look at Ye Xuan from time to time, but when Ye Xuan looked at her, she would quickly withdraw her gaze. Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Why do you keep peeking at me?" Wei Yangtian said softly, "Brother is a good person!" Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Good people and bad people are often difficult to distinguish! For example, my brother is a good person to you, but to others, it is likely to be a villain, a super evil person!" Wei Yangtian glanced at Ye Xuan, then lowered his head slightly, "Anyway, my brother is a good person!" Ye Xuan smiled and rubbed Wei Yangtian's little head, without saying anything. In fact, for Ye Xuan, many times, he really sympathizes with these bottom-level people, because he just climbed up from the bottom, and he can understand how helpless a person without strength can live! Even despair! Therefore, when he saw Wei Yangtian, he almost chose to help without thinking, and this help, he had no purpose. And Ye Xuan didn't know that the reason why Wei Yangtian trusted him so much was because she saw through this! About an hour later, Ye Xuan and Wei Yangtian entered a canyon. The canyon was very large, and the peaks on both sides were towering into the clouds. At this time, Wei Yangtian stopped, she opened the scroll, and after looking at it for a long time, she glanced around again, and finally, she looked at a mountain wall on the right. "Where?" Ye Xuan asked. Weiyangtian pointed to the mountain wall in the distance, and at the mountain wall, if you look closely, you will find a slit. This slit is like a natural mountain crevic. At a glance, there is nothing special. Ye Xuan grabbed Wei Yangtian, Yu Jian rose up, Wei Yangtian hurriedly hugged Ye Xuan, his head was tightly pressed against Ye Xuan's chest, a little scared. Soon, Ye Xuan came to the crack of the mountain, not far in front of him, it was a flash of stone gate. Ye Xuan pulled Wei Yangtian and walked over, and he pointed a little, and a ray of sword light shook out. Scum! The stone gate cracked directly from the middle, and inside the stone gate, there is no cave! Sure enough, it's a map! Ye Xuan pulled Wei Yangtian into the stone gate, and the two of them walked down the stone steps all the way. Soon, they came to a pool, with a coffin floating in the middle of the pool. Ye Xuan glanced around, there was silence all around, and there was no sound! In the end, Ye Xuan was facing the coffin in the water pool in the distance. He was about to go, and Wei Yangtian suddenly grabbed his hand and shook his head. She pointed to the bottom of the water pool, "There is something!" There is something! Ye Xuan's consciousness was unfolded, but when his consciousness entered the pool, it disappeared without a trace! Seeing this, Ye Xuan's expression became a little solemn. It's not easy! After hesitating for a moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said, "Wait here! Are you afraid?" Wei Yangtian nodded quickly, but soon, she shook her head again. Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid! Even if something happens, the existence below will definitely come to me first!" After speaking, he gently rubbed Wei Yangtian's little head, and then floated towards the coffin not far away. And this time, he used the chaotic spirit! At this moment, his whole body had no breath, as if it didn't exist. Soon, Ye Xuan came to the coffin, surrounded by the coffin, covered with all kinds of strange purple talismans, these talismans are all over the coffin, in addition, around this coffin, there are many black lines, these lines are like For example, a black net is generally covered with a whole coffin. What the hell is this? Ye Xuan frowned deeply, and his intuition told him that there may not be some kindness here! Ye Xuan hesitated, and then faced Wei Yangtian not far away, "Can you see through this?" Wei Yangtian shook his head, "There is something to block!" Something! Ye Xuan faced the coffin under his body. Needless to say, it should be because of these talismans and black lines, because he found that the moment his consciousness came into contact with the coffin, it would disappear without a trace. Can't open it? Ye Xuan was a little troubled. At this time, my intuition told him that there is definitely not a good stubble in this coffin. If it is opened, there may be big trouble! But the question is, if he leaves now, how can he be willing? Totally unwilling! Above the coffin, after a moment of hesitation, Ye Xuan finally decided to open it! Wealth and risk are in demand! Of course, the most important thing is that he has confidence in his own strength. Now, even if he is against such a strong man in the realm of the law, he has the power to fight! Ye Xuan turned his fingers a little, and a ray of sword light slashed directly on the surface of the coffin. Scum! On the coffin, those talismans and black lines actually began to crack, and soon, those talismans and black lines slowly disappeared. After the talisman and the black line disappeared, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and then began to slowly push the lid of the coffin away. Soon, the coffin lid was pushed open, and in the coffin, there was a woman lying, a woman in a big red dress. The woman's face was pale, with coquettish makeup, and her appearance was peerless, very beautiful. woman? Ye Xuan was stunned, and then leaned down. At this moment, the woman suddenly opened her eyes. Ye Xuan was directly petrified in the air. At this moment, the field was as quiet as solidified.