

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 294: I dare!

How did you find out?

Ye Xuan's face was full of black lines, could it be that he guessed it?

Ever since he left Cangjianzong, he knew that the Guardian League would definitely not let it go. But he is more aware that if a real magician is following him, it will be difficult for him to find him.

So, along the way, he asked every once in a while.

Unexpectedly, I really asked him.

Mo Xiu!

Ye Xuan had no expression on his face, "Your World Protector League is really lingering!"

Mo Xiu said coldly: "Ye Xuan, do you really think Cangjianzong can protect you?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Why don't you find me someone who can keep me?"

Mo Xiu stared at Ye Xuan, "Surrender, surrender to me!"

Ye Xuan was stunned for a moment!

Want him to submit to the Guardian League?

Ye Xuan looked shocked, "Are you serious?"

Mo Xiu stared at Ye Xuan, "Naturally, with your talent, if you are willing to join our World Guardian League, our World Guardian League will definitely treat you well!"

Ye Xuan was silent, and seemed a little moved.

At this time, Mo Xiu said again: "Look, when the price reaches a certain level, Cangjianzong will definitely abandon you. At that time, you, Ye Xuan, will be really desperate."

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "This matter is very important, I want to think about it, how about giving me a few days to think about it?"

Mo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you trying to delay?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "To be honest, I don't really trust you in the Guardian League, so I have to think about it. Of course, you can do it now. Let's see if you can kill me now!"

Mo Xiu sneered, "Are you so confident?"

Ye Xuan spread his hands, "Try?"

Mo Xiu laughed and said, "Just try it!"

As the voice fell, he suddenly slapped Ye Xuan across the air. In an instant, the space in front of Ye Xuan fluctuated, and a powerful spatial force swept out of that space, and then crushed him.

The power of space!

Ye Xuan stood in the air, clenched his right hand suddenly, "Prisoner!"

The sound fell, and the space in front of him suddenly stabilized. At the same time, the power of space released by Mo Xiu was directly imprisoned by the space, but it did not disappear, and it was still stirring in the space!

Seeing this scene, Mo Xiu not far away frowned deeply. "Dharma Realm! No, you can't break through my power of space with the Imperial Dharma Realm alone!"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Actually, I am the Realm of the Realm!"


Mo Xiu suddenly said angrily: "Ye Xuan, do you think this old man is a fool? Now you are far from the level of the real magic realm! The reason why you can control the power of space must be because of other reasons!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Yes, I really haven't reached the Realm of the Realm now, but since I have already reached the Realm of the Realm, is it still far from the Realm of the Realm?"

Hearing this, Mo Xiu's expression gradually became gloomy.

Ye Xuan's improvement speed is really too terrifying!

Imperial Realm!

Now, when he faced Ye Xuan, he was not fully sure that he could kill Ye Xuan.

And if Ye Xuan reaches the realm of true defense, with Ye Xuan's terrifying combat power, he may already be able to fight him 50-50!

After a moment of silence, Mo Xiu said, "I'll give you two days to think about it, Ye Xuan, you're a smart person, you should know what to do in your best interest!"

After speaking, the three turned and left.

In the same place, Ye Xuan smiled lightly, and then Yu Jian disappeared at the far end of the sky.

On the other side, an old man beside Mo Xiu suddenly said: "He will not surrender to our World Guardian Alliance!"

Mo Xiu said lightly: "I know!"

The old man looked at Mo Xiu in puzzlement, and Mo Xiu said softly, "Do you think the three of us can kill him?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "If Cang Jianzong doesn't make a move, the three of us will join hands and we will definitely be able to kill him!"

Mo Xiu said quietly: "Then do you think they will make a move?"

The old man fell silent.

Because Cang Jianzong will definitely make a move!

Mo Xiu's eyes closed slowly, "At the beginning, the Lord should have done it himself!"

Ye Xuan's growth rate really made him a little scared! Especially now that Ye Xuan has joined Cangjianzong, the combination of the two will undoubtedly be even more powerful for both parties!

Beside Mo Xiu, the old man sighed in a low voice, "That mysterious woman is really too terrifying! One sword broke the formation that the Lord arranged in Qingcang Realm. It is normal for the Lord to be afraid of such strength. of."

Mo Xiu shook his head, "If you are afraid, you shouldn't be an enemy. Ye Xuan didn't have much conflict with us, but now he has become an enemy of life and death. This is really not a wise move!"

The old man sighed in a low voice, "Who knew that he would be so monstrous at the beginning? It doesn't make any sense to say this now. What we have to do now is how to get rid of this person and Cang Jianzong. Now Cang Jian Zong blatantly provokes our World Protector League, if we don't destroy it, the majesty of our World Protector League in Qingcang Realm will be gone!"

Cang Jianzong!

Mo Xiu's eyes gradually turned cold, "They are looking for their own death!"

After speaking, the three of them quickly disappeared.


Half a day later, Ye Xuan came to a mountain range, and the ancient witch clan was deep in the mountain range.

He didn't know much about the ancient witch clan, but those who could be valued by Cangjianzong and invited to form an alliance would definitely not be weak.

After Ye Xuan entered the vast mountain range, he secretly became vigilant, because he found that there is a lot of poisonous gas in this mountain range!

Some poisonous gases are clearly audible, but some poisonous gases are invisible!

But Ye Xuan found out that even if he didn't use the sword intent to protect his body, he would be fine!

After being inhaled by him, those poisonous gases disappeared without a trace.

The air of chaos!

These poisonous gases have been purified by the gas of chaos!

After discovering this, Ye Xuan was ecstatic, because he never thought that the Primal Chaos Qi would have such an effect!

This means that he, Ye Xuan, is invulnerable to all poisons!

nice one!

Ye Xuan smiled and continued to move forward. After a while, he came to the depths of the mountains. In the depths of the mountains, towering ancient trees stood everywhere. day.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped, and something was wriggling on the ground!

Not only on the ground, but also on the surrounding trees, there are things wriggling!

As soon as Ye Xuan opened his sword eyes, he soon became a little creepy!

On the ground in front of him, and on the surrounding trees, there were all snakes, densely packed with small black snakes, and at this moment, these snakes were actually staring at him!

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "I, Ye Xuan, under the order of the suzerain, come to see the patriarch of the ancient witch clan!"

There was no response, but all around, those poisonous snakes were already crawling towards him.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan frowned, and the next moment, he opened his palm, and a sword appeared in his palm, and then, a powerful sword intent swept out of his body.

Evil thought sword intent!

When this evil thought and sword intent appeared, the poisonous snakes all around retreated one after another, but there were also some poisonous snakes that rushed towards him.

With no expression on his face, Ye Xuan raised his hand and slashed out with a sword.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the heads of countless poisonous snakes fell to the ground.

But at this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded from the distant dense forest, "Bold!"

As this sound sounded, a pitch-black black vine suddenly shot out from a distance, and a jet-black poisonous snake was wrapped around the black vine.

With no expression on his face, Ye Xuan stabbed out with a sword.


The black vine was instantly sent flying!

At this time, a man appeared not far in front of Ye Xuan. The man was wearing a short jacket and black trousers. There were some strange pictures drawn on his face and exposed skin.

The man stared at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists, "Cangjianzong Ye Xuan, on the order of the suzerain, come to see the patriarch of the ancient witch clan!"

Cang Jianzong!

The man frowned slightly, "You belong to the Cangjian Sect!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The man pointed to the black snakes with severed heads on the ground, "Why did you kill my snakes?" Ye Xuan said, "I didn't want to kill you snakes, it was you snakes who wanted to kill me."


The man said angrily: "It's you who trespassed on my Ancient Witch Clan, and they besieged you. If you didn't trespass on my Ancient Witch Clan, how could they attack you!"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "Brother, when I came here, I already felt that you were in the dark, so at the beginning, I took the initiative to report my identity, just hoping that you could come out. Unfortunately, you didn't Did not come out, not only did not come out, but also did not let the snakes you raised back down. According to my guess, you deliberately let your snakes attack me, but unfortunately, you underestimated my strength, right?"

Hearing this, the man's expression suddenly became a little ugly, he stared at Ye Xuan, "I only know that you not only trespassed on my ancient witch clan, but also killed my snake, you should die, you..."

At this moment, the man's voice stopped abruptly, because a sword had already reached between his eyebrows.

The anger in the man's eyes has turned into panic!

Ye Xuan turned his head and faced not far to the right, "Why, this is how the ancient witches treat guests?"

Soon, an old man came out from the other side, and the old man glanced at Ye Xuan, "Your Excellency, the Ancient Witch Clan will do it, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a guest!"

Ye Xuan put away his sword and said with a smile: "I do it, but it's actually for his own good!"

The old man said softly: "Really? Why is it for his own good? Let's hear it!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Outside, the strong are respected. If you think about it, your Excellency should be clear. And this man, he knows he can't beat me, but he still provokes me again and again. To be honest, if Go out, with his character, I'm afraid he won't survive for a few days, what do you think?"

In front of Ye Xuan, the man said angrily: "You think you are..."

At this time, Ye Xuan's sword touched the man's eyebrow again, and the man's voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Xuan faced the man: "Have you seen how weak I am? If I want to kill you, I can do whatever I want. It doesn't matter if you are weak, because as long as you work hard, anyone can grow from weak to strong! However, if you are weak but also arrogant, that is Stupid!"

The man stared at Ye Xuan and sneered, "Do you dare to kill me? You dare not! You..."

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly stabbed out with a sword,


The man's eyebrows were instantly pierced by Ye Xuan's sword! The man's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "I dare, really! I won't lie to you!"