

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

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Chapter 291: There is no woman I can't conquer

Run away! Mo Xiu and the others looked confused on the spot! Actually ran away! They really didn't expect Ye Xuan to run, because of Ye Xuan's appearance, he was a peerless powerhouse! How could this kind of peerless power run? But the problem is, it really ran away! After Mo Xiu and the others were stunned for almost two breaths, Mo Xiu looked extremely ugly, "Chasing!" Soon, a few people disappeared in place. At this moment, he has already understood some things, that is, the "peerless powerhouse" just now is likely to be a silver gun wax head! Got scammed! Thinking of this, Mo Xiu's face became even more ugly. After living for so many years, I was actually played like this! This is simply a shame in life! Soon, Mo Xiu and the others chased out of the city lord's mansion and came to the street. However, when they came to the street, the faces of several people suddenly looked ugly. Breath! They are chasing people, relying on their breath to lock, and they can't lock Ye Xuan at all. Therefore, after leaving the city lord's mansion and coming to the vast sea of people, they completely disappeared from Ye Xuan. If you want to chase Ye Xuan, you must keep your eyes on it! At the gate of the city lord's mansion, Mo Xiu swept the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but there was nothing, and gradually, his face became a little hideous. If the other party escapes, it will prove that they are afraid! And afraid, it proves that the opponent cannot be the sword master of the Cangjie at all! It's not the sword master of the Cangjie, who is it? And how does the other party do it without breath? At the gate of the city lord's mansion, Mo Xiu thought with a gloomy face for a long time. Finally, he glanced around again, "Let's go!" After speaking, several people disappeared in place at the same time. Just after a few people disappeared, a man came out behind the gate of the city lord's mansion. It's Ye Xuan! In fact, just now, he didn't run away at all. Don't dare to escape! Because once he leaves the city, if he runs away, it is too eye-catching, Mo Xiu and others will definitely be able to find him! Therefore, he decided not to escape, just under the eyes of Mo Xiu and others. Chaos Qi! At this moment, Ye Xuan thought of the Qi of Chaos, this Qi of Chaos is really terrifying! And the role of this chaotic qi is definitely more than that! In the future, it will be developed slowly! Ye Xuan didn't think much, his figure trembled, and he left the mansion of the city lord's mansion. He did not stop in Yunkong City, but returned to Cangjianzong. Zhu Qifeng, Zhan Tie stared at the Wanqi Ding in front of him for a long time, and finally, he looked at Ye Xuan, "You killed him!" Ye Xuan nodded, "Killed!" Zhan Tie nodded slightly, "Come with me!" After that, he walked outside. Ye Xuan quickly followed. Heaven Sword Box! I'm a little excited to think about it! After a while, Zhan Tie took Ye Xuan to the belly of Zhuqifeng Mountain. At this moment, Ye Xuan discovered that the entire casting vessel peak was actually empty! In this mountain belly, Ye Xuan found many disciples of Zhuqifeng, who were all forging weapons. When they saw Zhan Tie, these disciples saluted one after another, and then looked at Ye Xuan curiously. Zhan Tie took Ye Xuan to the depths of the mountain belly, where there are no other disciples. The right hand of Zhan Tie waved, and the 10,000-piece tripod fell on a round table in front of him. Then, he glanced at Ye Xuan, "Blood!" Ye Xuan was stunned, and then said, "What blood?" Zhan Tie's face was expressionless, "Your blood nourishes all utensils!" Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said, "How much..." Zhan Tie's eyes were slightly twitched, "Don't worry, I won't want you a bucket, I want you a drop!" One drop! Ye Xuan smirked, hurriedly turned his fingers a little, a drop of blood shot out from his fingertips, and finally fell steadily into the 10,000-air tripod. Zhan Tie glanced at Ye Xuan, "Do you want to make your sword box power more terrifying?" Ye Xuan hurriedly said: 'Of course! The more terrifying the better! "" Zhan Tie said in a low voice: "This sword box needs to arrange a set of sword formations. Although I know a little bit about the sword formation, I am far inferior to Brother Gu of the formation. If you can ask him to help you arrange a set of formations in this sword box, this sword box's The quality of the order can reach the top grade of the sky. "Zhen Daofeng! Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said, "Is this uncle Gu good to talk about?" Zhan Tie's face was expressionless, "Look at people!" Look at the people! Ye Xuan is a little speechless, look at a hammer! He is not familiar with the other party at all, how could the other party be easy to talk! Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "Uncle Zhan, why don't you go and tell me!" "Zhan Tie directly refused, "Don't go!" Go, let your master go! After speaking, he turned around and faced the Wanqi Ding, "You only have ten days. If the one doesn't come to arrange the formation within ten days, I will just make a formation for you!" "Ye Xuan: "..." After a while, Ye Xuan left Zhuqifeng. He did not go to Jindaofeng, but returned to Yunjianfeng. After fiddling for half an hour, he made a table of meals. Soon, Yue Qi came out. Halfway through the meal, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior Shitou promised to help me to forge a heavenly rank sword box, but, Master Gu, who needs the help of the formation of Daofeng, will set up a set of formations, Master Yue..." Yue Qi suddenly put down her chopsticks, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "I'm full! After speaking, she turned around and walked into the inner hall. Ye Xuan looked confused! What does this mean? Is Brother Gu of Daofeng a devil? Is it so scary? Even if the Daofeng is the Longtan tiger's den, he will also have to break through! Soon, Ye Xuan came to the formation of the formation, the formation of the peak is very deserted, there is basically no one! No, he will not see anyone! There is something strange! After Ye Xuan hesitated, he finally came to the main hall of Zhendaofeng, which is the formation hall. In front of the hall, Ye Xuan gave a slight salute, "The younger generation asks Uncle Gu! There was no response! Ye Xuan hesitated, and it was another ceremony, "Please see Uncle Gu!" "At this time, a voice came from the hall, "Come in!" Female? Ye Xuan was stunned, because the voice was very slender. After a moment of hesitation, Ye Xuan walked in, just entered the hall, and a pungent fragrance came to his face. This fragrance is too strong! Ye Xuan couldn't help wrinkling his nose, he looked up, not far away, a woman was sitting there, the woman was wearing a white plain clothes, a bit like a filial piety. A piece of white cloth, what is she embroidering at the moment. And beside her, there was a pair of ice coffins! In the whole hall, it was very cold. Ye Xuan hesitated, and then walked to the woman's face several feet, he gave a slight salute, "I have seen Uncle Gu! The woman didn't speak. Ye Xuan was a little speechless. There was really something wrong with this place with this woman. He hesitated, and then said, "Uncle Gu..." The woman still didn't speak. Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, what is this? In the first place, in addition to him, you are the most powerful, and he is a little busy, so I hope I will come to you and ask you to help arrange a formation! The woman suddenly stopped, she turned to look at Ye Xuan, and at this moment, Ye Xuan also saw the woman's face. This face has no feelings, like a piece of ice for ten thousand years! The woman looked at Ye Xuan, "He is the first in the battle? Ye Xuan nodded. The woman said, "Then why are you coming to me?" " Ye Xuan hurriedly said: "But my master said, as far as the path of the battle is concerned, in my Cangjianzong, no, it is the entire Qingcang Realm, and you are the first to be your uncle. " The woman glanced at Ye Xuan, "Little junior sister really said this?" " Ye Xuan hurriedly said: "It's true! Otherwise, my nephew, I will not come to you, uncle,! " The woman said: "I'm not free!" There is no time! Ye Xuan's expression froze, he hesitated, and then walked to the woman's side, and smiled, "Uncle, my master said, if this sword box is not blessed by your formation, it is also a defective item for forging!" Just help me, I, I can cook, I will cook for you! The woman stopped, she looked at Ye Xuan, and just stared at it. Ye Xuan was a little numb by her scalp, but he was thick-skinned, and he was not afraid of being stared at. I..." "Go out! The woman suddenly said. Ye Xuan said sternly, "No!" The woman was slightly stunned, and then looked at Ye Xuan, "I'll let you go out!" " Ye Xuan's face was expressionless, "I won't go out!" The woman looked at Ye Xuan for a long time, and the next moment, she waved her right hand, and a sword light shook out. Boom! Without any suspense, Ye Xuan's whole body was directly shocked outside the main hall, but soon, he walked in again. Ye Xuan sat in the main hall, "If Uncle Gu is unwilling to help, I will not leave! The woman glanced at Ye Xuan, but did not speak, she continued to embroider her own things. Ye Xuan was sitting for several hours. When the sky was getting dark, he suddenly turned around and ran out, but it didn't take long for him to run back, and this time, he brought a table of fragrant meals. Ye Xuan walked up to the woman and smiled, "Uncle Gu, it's dinner! The woman didn't speak. Ye Xuan brought a dish to the woman, "Uncle Gu, this is a drunk duck, my nephew, I have been doing it for a whole hour!" Look at this skin, how tender and fresh! Uncle Gu, try it! The woman still didn't speak. Ye Xuan was not discouraged, and he ate it himself at the moment. After eating, Ye Xuan didn't leave at night, but slept in the main hall. After the woman drove him away, he would sneak in again. Anyway, he had already regarded this place as his home. On the third day, Ye Xuan came to the woman with a pot of fish soup, "Uncle Gu, try it? The fish that just came out is very tender! The woman didn't speak. Ye Xuan was helpless and was about to walk away. At this moment, the woman suddenly said, "Wait!" Ye Xuan was stunned, and then hurriedly brought the pot of fish soup to the woman. The woman glanced at the fish soup, and Ye Xuan hurriedly handed the chopsticks to the woman. The woman picked up the chopsticks and tasted it lightly, then nodded slightly, "Shangke!" Hearing this, Ye Xuan was ecstatic in his heart! There is no woman who can't conquer it!"