

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 286: The World Protectors do it!

Except Ye Xuan!

The reason why Venerable Lu suddenly changed his mind was because he suddenly thought of one thing, that is Ye Xuan's growth rate!

You know, Ye Xuan is now the Sword King!

If Ye Xuan reaches Sword Immortal, at that time, it will not be so difficult for the Guardian League to kill him!

Moreover, even if he could kill him, he would have to pay a huge price!

Can't drag!

The longer you delay, the bigger the problem!

Hearing Zunzhu Lu's words, Mo Xiu said in a deep voice, "How to kill?"

Venerable Lu fell silent.

How to kill is another question!

At this time, Ye Xuan has become difficult to kill!

At this moment, Mo Xiu suddenly said: "I have a plan!"

Venerable Lu looked at Mo Xiu, who said in a deep voice, "Look at this..."

About half an hour later, Mo Xiu left the hall.


Cangjianzong, Yunjianfeng.

On the top of the back mountain, Ye Xuan formed a sword mark with both hands. A sword flew out of his body suddenly, and then landed steadily in front of him. Ye Xuan flew onto the sword, and the next moment, he pointed forward. .


The sword shot out, and in an instant it was already hundreds of feet away!

A hundred feet away, Ye Xuan suddenly shouted softly, "Get up!"

The voice fell.


With the resounding sound of a sword, the sword under Ye Xuan's feet suddenly turned into a beam of sword light and soared into the sky. The speed was very fast, and it was within the thick clouds in a short while.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's heart speeded up suddenly, it was so exciting!

Yu Jianshu!

Finally learned how to control the sword!

For him, he no longer needs to rely on things like cloud boats to go anywhere in the future. Ye Xuan didn't stop, but continued to practice, because he still didn't fully understand the art of controlling the sword.

As Yue Qi said, it is very easy to learn how to control the sword, but it is difficult to learn it well!

He not only has to learn, but also learn well!

About an hour later, Yue Qi came to the top of the mountain. At this moment, Ye Xuan's Yujian landed firmly in front of her. Ye Xuan grinned, "Master Yue, do you think I'm a genius!"

Yue Qi was a little puzzled, "Why do you ask that?"

Ye Xuan patted himself on the chest, "It took me less than two days to learn the art of imperial swordsmanship! Isn't this considered a genius?"

Yue Qi looked at Ye Xuan, and frowned slightly, "Two days? I learned it in one day back then!"

Ye Xuan was speechless, but he still believed in Yue Qi's words very much, because after getting along with him during this period of time, he found that Yue Qi was actually a very real person, he would not lie, he would say what he said, and he would do what he said. What!

At this time, Yue Qi suddenly said: "I saw your Yujian just now, and there are some shortcomings. When you are Yujian, don't be impetuous. You are quite impetuous. This bad habit needs to be changed."

Ye Xuan nodded quickly, "Understood!"

Yue Qi said again: "The skill of controlling the sword can be borrowed from the power of the wind. The wind is invisible but powerful, so you can make good use of it..."

In this way, Yue Qi explained some details to Ye Xuan and then left.

After Yue Qi left, Ye Xuan started to practice again.

At this moment, he discovered that the skill of controlling the sword is actually very complicated.

And the purpose of his coming to the Cangjian Sect is to learn the art of controlling the sword. Naturally, he has to learn it well, otherwise is it not for nothing?

While Ye Xuan was struggling to practice the art of controlling the sword, on this day, a middle-aged man suddenly came to Cangjianzong!

The person who came was Zunzhu Lu of the World Protector League!

Chen Beihan greeted him personally!

In the main hall, Chen Beihan looked at Venerable Lu with a smile and said, "What kind of wind brought Brother Lu here today?"

Venerable Lu smiled all over his face, "Brother Chen, to be honest, I came here today to ask for something!"

Chen Beihan pretended to be displeased, "If you have something to ask for, Brother Lu has something to do, just give me an order!"

Lu Zunzhu smiled and said: "Since Brother Chen said so, then I will not be polite! It is said that your sect recruited a new apprentice today, named An Ye, right?"

"An Ye?"

Chen Beihan was stunned, then turned his head to look at Cang Xuan who was not far away, "Is there any?"

Cang Xuan nodded slightly, "Yes!"

Chen Beihan looked at Lu Zunzhu, Lu Zunzhu said with a smile: "Can you let him come and see?"

Chen Beihan smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem!"

After a while, Ye Xuan came to the main hall.

Ye Xuan's heart trembled when he saw Venerable Lu. Sure enough, the other party had already guessed his identity.

Chen Beihan looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile, "An Ye, this Lu Zun wants to meet you!"

Ye Xuan turned to Lord Lu, "Lord Lu, tell me something quickly, I'm busy!"

Hearing this, Cang Xuan not far away couldn't help laughing.

Chen Beihan also shook his head and smiled, "You little brat, be more polite, the one in front of you is Lord Lu of the World Guardian League!"

Venerable Lu stared at Ye Xuan for a moment, then smiled and said: "Little friend An is indeed a genius in the sky, such an achievement at such a young age, rare, rare!"

As he spoke, he smiled slightly, and said again: "Of course, the premise is that you don't want to die young. Once you die young, no matter how evil you are, it's just a corpse!"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Lord Lu is right. For so many years, there are indeed some cats and dogs who want me to die. For example, recently, there was a mad dog chasing me, but there is no way. The old dog is pissed off!"

Hearing this, Venerable Lu narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were cold.

At this time, Chen Beihan who was not far away suddenly said: "Why did you talk to Master Lu? You don't understand any rules! Get down!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists, turned and left.

After Ye Xuan left, Chen Beihan looked at Venerable Lu and said apologetically, "Brother Lu, this little guy is not sensible, brother Lu, don't care about him like him!"

Lu Zunzhu smiled and said: "Brother Chen, to be honest, I came here today because I have something to trouble you."

Chen Beihan smiled and said, "Brother Lu, it's okay to say it!"

Venerable Lu nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I want to take away that young man An Ye just now!"

Chen Beihan shook his head decisively, "No way!"

Lu Zunzhu looked directly at Chen Beihan, "Brother Chen, we have been very friendly for thousands of years, don't ruin this friendship because of an irrelevant person!"

Chen Beihan said with a smile: "What brother Lu said, my Cangjian Sect has never caused trouble. Of course, we are not afraid of trouble. Although if you want to bully us, everyone in our Cangjian Sect will not agree!"

Lord Lu looked at Chen Beihan for a long time, and finally he smiled slightly, "Okay, very good! Then Brother Chen and Cangjianzong please take care!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

After Lu Zunzhu left, the smile on Chen Beihan's face also gradually disappeared.

"He should be that Ye Xuan!" Cang Xuan said suddenly.

Chen Beihan nodded.

Cang Xuan said in a deep voice: "If you do this, you will completely offend the World Guardian Alliance!"

Chen Beihan looked at Cang Xuan, "Offended?"

As he said that, he shook his head and smiled, "If it was before, my Cangjianzong would definitely not intervene in the affairs between Ye Xuan and his World Guardian Alliance, but at this moment, Ye Xuan is already a member of my Cangjianzong! Do you understand? "

Cang Xuan frowned slightly, "He doesn't necessarily want to join my Cang Jianzong sincerely!"

Chen Beihan said lightly: "Then let him join my Cangjian sect sincerely!"

Cang Xuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "This person has already reached Sword Emperor at such a young age, his talent must be good! If he sincerely joins our Cangjian Sect, it will be considered a good thing for our Cangjian Sect. It's just that the World Protector Alliance may not let it go!"

Chen Beihan said with a smile: "Without Ye Xuan, they would not let it go! Now the ambition of the World Protector League has been clearly revealed. Once they succeed, I am afraid that Cangjianzong will be the first to strike."

As he spoke, he got up and walked outside, "You know, the body of one of their lords was still hanging in front of the gate of our Cangjianzong Mountain! Unfortunately, weeds have grown. Let's take a look at it some other day. Do you need to clean up those weeds! Also, you go to Qingzhou yourself..."

Inside the hall, Cang Xuan shook his head and sighed, then turned and left.


Yunjian Peak, inside the main hall.

Ye Xuan and Yue Qi were sitting opposite each other, and they were eating.

Towards the end, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Master Yue, I might have to leave!"


Yue Qi stopped his chopsticks and looked at Ye Xuan, "Leaving Cangjianzong?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I told you before, my name is Ye Xuan, do you still remember?"

Yue Qi nodded slightly, "I remember, but, are you famous?"

Ye Xuan smiled wryly.

Actually, Yue Qi really didn't know Ye Xuan, or in other words, Yue Qi knew very little about the outside world.

Because Yue Qi likes to study all day long when he has nothing to do, researching various mystical skills, exercises and supernatural powers. And other than that, she is not interested at all!

At this time, Yue Qi said again: "Just now Venerable Master Lu came, did he come for you?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I am the second most wanted person in Cangjie!"

Yue Qi put down his chopsticks, "Why are you wanted?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "The Guardian Alliance wants to destroy Qingzhou, and I am from Qingzhou, so I brought my own brothers and had many unpleasant things with them, and then they wanted me and wanted to kill me ! That's about it!"

After thinking for a while, Yue Qi said, "You are not wrong!"

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Tonight's meal is the last one! I will leave later!"

Yue Qi looked at him, "Why are you leaving?"

Ye Xuandao: "If you don't leave, you will implicate Cangjianzong!"

Yue Qi shook his head, "You don't need to go, Cang Jianzong is not afraid of him to protect the World Alliance!"

Ye Xuan still wanted to say something, but Yue Qi suddenly said: "Cangjianzong and the World Protector League had a grudge. Back then, a lord of the World Protector League died in the hands of the Patriarch, and the body was still at the foot of the mountain. After that, the Patriarch left Afterwards, there was a retaliation by the World Protectors, and three suzerains of our Cangjian Sect died tragically, and one of them was the father of Senior Brother Beihan."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan, "These enemies are all mortal enemies. It doesn't matter if you have one more!"

After finishing speaking, she stood up, patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Since you have entered our Cangjian Sect, you should do your business well, and we will handle the matter of the World Protector League!"

After the voice fell, she turned and walked towards the inner hall. In the same place, Ye Xuan remained silent for a long time.

after one day.

Ten coffins suddenly appeared at the foot of Cangjianzong Mountain, and inside the coffins were the corpses of ten disciples of Cangjianzong!

The entire Zhongzhou was shocked!
