

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 282: Life and Death!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, everyone was stunned.

Displeased with her?

Bailiyun smiled wryly, this Brother An is really an honest person, he can't even lie at this time, and he can make friends!

And that Lan Yu's face was a little ferocious, she just stared at Ye Xuan.

Yue Qi couldn't help but glanced at Ye Xuan, "Be more tactful!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

On the side, Cang Xuan suddenly said: "Senior brother, you have also seen how arrogant and domineering this person is. If this kind of person is in the sect, he will definitely cause discord within the sect in the future, and if he is outside the sect, he is very likely to provoke Tao Tian. Disaster! Brother, please punish me severely!"

Chen Beihan smiled and said, "Junior brother, don't worry, everything happens for a reason!"

As he said that, he looked at Ye Xuan, "Tell me, why are you upset seeing her!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I said it, the suzerain and some people may not believe it, let Senior Brother Baili and Senior Sister Gu Yue tell it!"

Chen Beihan looked at Bailiyun and the two of them, and they saluted quickly, and then told them everything about what happened on the island.

Gradually, Cang Xuan's expression became rather ugly, and he gave Lan Yu who was next to him a hard look, "It really doesn't live up to expectations!"

Lan Yu lowered her head slightly, not daring to speak.

Beside Ye Xuan, Yue Qi suddenly said: "The matter is very clear, he didn't intentionally seek trouble, the person who sought trouble has already paid the price, I, Yun Jianfeng, will not pursue it. Brother suzerain, I still have something to do, so I will leave first. "

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "Go and cook!"

Ye Xuan chuckled, turned around and ran away.

Yue Qi shook his head slightly, "Slippery!"

After speaking, she also turned and left.

At this time, Chen Beihan suddenly said: "Little sister, there are still important things to discuss!"

Outside the door, Yue Qi didn't turn his head back, "You are the masters!" Inside the hall, Chen Beihan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This little junior sister..."

As he spoke, he looked at Cang Xuan who was not far away, "In the final analysis, the rotten corpse sect is the culprit. As for the rotten corpse sect, although it belongs to the devil way, it has always acted in secret. This time it is so open and aboveboard. My Cangjianzong strikes, there must be someone behind it."

Cang Xuan was about to say something, as if thinking of something, he glanced at Baili Yun and the others, "Go down!"

Bailiyun, Gu Yue and Lan Yu hurriedly retreated.

After the three retreated, Cang Xuan said in a deep voice: "The Guardian League?"

Chen Beihan nodded slightly, "It shouldn't be wrong!"

Cang Xuan frowned, a little puzzled, "Why are they targeting us? We, Cang Jianzong, have no enmity with them!"

Chen Beihan said with a smile: "Who says there is no injustice? Thousands of years ago, my Cangjian Sect patriarch personally tore one of their lords into pieces. Although most of the Qingcang world has forgotten about this matter, the guardian The World Alliance will never forget!"

Cang Xuan shook his head, "If they want to take revenge, they won't wait until now!"

Chen Beihan nodded, "I definitely won't wait until now..."

Speaking of this, he and Cang Xuan looked at each other, and then said: "There is a problem with that island! Go, go and check!"

After finishing speaking, the two disappeared directly.

After a while, the two came to Wanyu Island, but at this moment, the entire island has disappeared!

Seeing this scene, both of them looked a little dignified.

After a while, Chen Beihan said: "Before, in Central China, some forces were secretly targeting the World Protector League. Obviously, the World Protector League must have done something to make these forces afraid, especially Ye Xuan and the people behind him. The fact that he appeared on the island this time may be to sabotage something of the World Guardian Alliance, so he sent an order to find Ye Xuan, and the matter must be clarified!"

Cang Xuan nodded, "Understood! I'll send someone to find Ye Xuan now!"

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the sky. In the air, Chen Beihan's eyes slowly closed, "The Guardian Alliance...the changes in the Qingcang Realm may have something to do with you guys!"


Cang Jianzong.

After Ye Xuan returned to Yunjian Peak, he immediately started cooking. After half an hour, he had already cooked a table full of meals.

It is delicious in color and fragrance!

Yue Qi smelled the fragrance and came out, she sat opposite Ye Xuan, nodded slightly, "Eat!"

Ye Xuan hurriedly said: "Master please first!"

Yue Qi was not too polite, and started to eat directly.

After eating to a normal level, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Master, is this art of controlling the sword difficult?"

Yue Qi said: "Difficult, not difficult!"

Ye Xuan quickly put down his chopsticks and asked, "How do you say it?"

Yue Qi glanced at him, "It's not difficult to learn, it's hard to learn well!"

Ye Xuan asked again, "How to learn well?"

Yue Qi drank a sip of the vegetable soup, and said, "You can fight when you are holding a sword!"

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then said: "Then Bailiyun and the others can't fight when they can't control their swords?"

Yue Qi shook his head, "No!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Master, I want to learn the art of controlling the sword!"

Yue Qi's chopsticks suddenly stopped, and she looked at Ye Xuan, a little astonished, "You don't know how to control a sword?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "No!"

Yue Qi shook his head, "A sword master who doesn't even know how to control a sword, what does he look like?"

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something, and then said: "Come to my inner hall later to find a book called: Yujian True Solution Technique. .Remember, don't spread it privately!"

Yujian true solution!

Ye Xuan nodded quickly, "Okay!"

Yue Qi nodded slightly, and she pointed to a dish of fried cabbage with mushrooms in front of her, "That's right, let's continue making this dish tomorrow!" Ye Xuan: "..."

After the meal, Yue Qi left the hall, not knowing where he went.

But Ye Xuan quickly entered the inner hall after tidying up. The inner hall is not big, surrounded by cabinets, and there are many scrolls placed on each cabinet, among them, either exercises or martial arts, Or the art of supernatural powers!

all of them!

Moreover, the lowest level is the ground level, and the sky level is everywhere!

Ye Xuan was already stunned!

At this moment, he discovered that this Yunjian Peak was actually Nima Cangjianzong's martial arts storehouse, kung fu storehouse...

These should be collected by the Cangjian Sect in the past dynasties, and some of them were created by some seniors of the Cangjian Sect in the past dynasties!


At this moment, Ye Xuan truly understands what is the foundation, and this is called the foundation!

This Cangjian sect deserves to be the top force in the Qingcang world!

Without thinking too much, Ye Xuan began to look for the book Yujian True Solution, and he found it after a while. Then, he started looking for Yue Qi's comment, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it.

An hour later, he still couldn't find it, so he didn't look for it anymore, he was going to wait for Yue Qi to come back and ask, or in other words, ask Yue Qi directly!

Ye Xuan walked out of the main hall holding the book Yujian True Solution, and then went straight to the back mountain.

Just after Ye Xuan left the hall, a woman and a middle-aged man appeared at the gate of the hall.

These two people are Yue Qi and Chen Beihan!

The two just looked at Ye Xuan who was flying in the distance.

Chen Beihan suddenly said: "During this period of time, he only chose a sword in the sky?"

Yue Qi nodded.

Chen Beihan asked again, "He didn't take away any of the martial arts and martial arts in the hall?"

Yue Qi nodded again.

Chen Beihan said with a smile: "This is interesting! If you are a casual cultivator, it is impossible not to be tempted by these things!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Yue Qi, "His instant sword, is it true that he has cultivated to the extreme in just a few days?"

Yue Qi said softly: "Anyone has his own secret, and he has no bad intentions towards our sect, that's enough!"

Chen Beihan smiled and said: "This person is on Wanyu Island. Although he didn't save Lan Yu, he did save the two little guys Bailiyun, which proves that this person is not a heartless person. Since Junior Sister thinks he is good, then Just let him stay with you and cultivate well, he is indeed a good seedling, if you cultivate him well, he will surely achieve great success in the future!"

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared in place.

After Chen Beihan left, Yue Qi also turned and left. When she returned to the inner hall, there were small tables one after another in the inner hall. On the small tables were three plates of small fruits.

Seeing this small table, Yue Qi said softly: "Have a heart!"

back mountain.

Ye Xuan ran all the way with the Yujian True Solution in his arms, and didn't stop until a pool of water.

After stopping, Ye Xuan opened the volume of the true explanation of Yujian, "The art of Yujian is based on the heart but not on the form, the unity of mind and spirit, and the unity of human and sword..."

Just like that, Ye Xuan watched, and stopped after watching for half an hour. He sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to analyze in his mind...

About an hour later, he suddenly made a sword strike, and soon, a real-grade sword flew out of his body, and landed firmly in front of him!

Ye Xuan pointed at the long sword at the same time, the long sword trembled violently, and then there was a resonant sword cry!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was overjoyed, he quickly jumped up and landed directly on the sword.

However, the sword almost sank directly to the ground!

Ye Xuan hurriedly calmed down, and gradually, the sword began to stabilize. After it was stable enough, Ye Xuan suddenly said softly: "Get up!"

As the voice fell, the sword under his feet suddenly rose slowly. The speed was a little slow, but it kept rising. Yizhang!

Two feet!

Five feet!

ten feet....

After a while, he was more than 30 feet away from the ground with his sword, and at this moment, he could already see the cloud sword palace in the distance!


To be able to control the sword is undoubtedly the dream of every sword cultivator!

In the air, Ye Xuan's sword was getting higher and higher, but he was so excited that he didn't realize that the sword under his feet was already trembling.

Just like that, after rising to more than fifty feet, the sword under Ye Xuan's feet suddenly trembled violently, and then fell down quickly.


Suddenly, Ye Xuan's exclamation came from the air.

After counting interest one by one


The ground below trembled violently, and countless dust and smoke flew up!

On the ground, Ye Xuan rubbed his butt, "It really hurts..."

After a short break, Ye Xuan continued to start...

Time passed little by little, and in the early morning of the next day, a man came to the foot of Cangjianzong Mountain.

The man was wearing a plain robe and a pair of cloth shoes, and his eyes were black and purple!

The man in sackcloth raised his head and glanced at Cangjianzong, "It is rumored that the young generation of Cangjianzong is amazing and talented. I am Ye Xuan, and I am here to ask for advice."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and said again: "The difference between high and low is life and death!"
