

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 279: I said you are stupid!


A majestic sword emperor can't even control the sword!

Ye Xuan himself felt a little shameful!

Life is a great shame!

Seeing that Ye Xuan didn't speak, the old man frowned slightly, "Why didn't you answer?"

Ye Xuan smiled, "Well, elder, I, I don't know how to control a sword!"

The old man froze for a moment, then said: "You don't know how to control a sword?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

The old man frowned, "Are you kidding me!"

Ye Xuan hurriedly said: "It's only been half a month since I joined the Cangjian Sect, and my master hasn't taught me how to control the sword yet!"

"Uncle Yue..."

After a moment of silence, the old man said softly, "Uncle Yue..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Ye Xuan, "You don't know how to control a sword, that's a problem!"

At this moment, a sword light struck from the sky, and the sword light fell to the ground. The person who came was Bailiyun!

Bailiyun walked up to Ye Xuan, and asked with some doubts: "Brother An Ye, why didn't you follow?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

On the side, the old man suddenly said: "He hasn't learned the art of controlling the sword yet!"

Baili Yun was stunned, then he looked at Ye Xuan, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's not difficult, the skill of controlling the sword is not difficult, and it's not too late for Brother An Ye to learn it. As for now, if Brother An Ye doesn't dislike it, You can ride the sword with me."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Then Brother Lao Baili will give me a ride."

Bailiyun laughed loudly and said, "You're welcome!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his right hand, and a sword was suspended in the air. He jumped and landed on the sword firmly. Then, he looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan also jumped up and landed behind Bailiyun. Soon, the sword soared into the sky and went straight into the clouds. Heartbeat!

At this moment, Ye Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and even his breathing was a little short!

Soon, the sword rushed into the sky, and at this moment, the entire Cangjian Sect below became somewhat small.

After a while, the two caught up with Lan Yu and the other two.

Lan Yu stopped in the air, she glanced at Ye Xuan and Baili Yun, "Follow!"

After speaking, she turned around and turned into a sword light and disappeared directly into the sky.

Very fast!

And the other woman seemed a little unconvinced, and immediately accelerated suddenly, disappearing at the end of the sky in an instant.

In front of Ye Xuan, Bailiyun exclaimed: "Senior Sister Lan Yu is really powerful, the speed of this Yujian is far faster than ours! But there is no way, the sword in the hands of Senior Sister Lan Yu is at the peak of the real rank, and it can be regarded as a half-step sky!" It's up!"

Ye Xuan asked, "The speed of the sword has something to do with the sword?"

Bailiyun nodded, "Naturally, the quality of the sword determines how much force it can withstand. If the sword is not good enough, the speed of the Yujian will be greatly reduced! In addition, the speed and slowness of the Yujian are also related to personal strength. , These, your master will tell you in the future!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and had to say, after coming out this time, he learned a lot!

The mysterious woman's kendo is too high-end!

High-end is a bit unsuitable for him now, what he has to do now is not to be too high-spirited, the road has to be walked out step by step!

About half an hour later, the four of them came to the sky above a small island. Under Lan Yu's leadership, the four of them landed on the edge of the island.

After landing, Lan Yu glanced at the three of Ye Xuan, "This island is called Wanyu Island, and it is a product of our Cangjian Sect. On and around this island, there are rich spiritual mines and treasures of heaven and earth. However, just One day ago, all the people we guarded here suddenly disappeared. This time, our purpose of coming here is to investigate this matter clearly!"

Ye Xuan suddenly asked, "What kind of state are the people guarding here?"

Lan Yu glanced at Ye Xuan, "There are three of the Imperial Law Realm and six of the Ten Thousand Law Realm."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned suddenly, "If the other party can make these nine people disappear without a sound, it proves that the other party is very likely to be a true magician, or there are too many people. I think, just the four of us, we should Leave immediately and start elsewhere instead of coming to the island so recklessly!"

Hearing this, Lan Yu frowned, "Why, are you scared?"

Ye Xuan was a little speechless, "Senior Sister Lan, it's not fear, it's a plan before acting."

As he said that, he glanced around, "Didn't you notice it? After we entered this island, there was no movement around at all. Besides, the surrounding water flow was extremely calm... Obviously there was wind, yet so peaceful..."

Lan Yu suddenly walked up to Ye Xuan, "If you are afraid, leave!"

Ye Xuan almost slapped this woman away, is there something wrong with his mind?

At this time, Bailiyun on the side suddenly came out to be a peacemaker, "Senior Sister Lan Yu, Brother An Ye, we are all on our own, so don't hurt your peace! Besides, we are here for the same mission, that is Investigate exactly who is secretly attacking our Cangjianzong, what do you think?"

Lan Yu gave Ye Xuan a cold look, "Do you think I don't know what you said? But, we sword cultivators should go forward bravely and face everything directly instead of running away! Only in this way, our Only the sword can be invincible!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Pedantry!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Lan Yu's expression changed instantly. She pulled out her long sword and pointed it at Ye Xuan, "What did you say! Say it again!"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "I said you are stupid!"


Lan Yu dashed forward holding the sword, and a burst of sword light slashed down diagonally, reaching the top of Ye Xuan's head in an instant.

Fast as lightning!

However, the moment the sword fell, Ye Xuanren had already retreated ten feet away!

A sword failed!

Lan Yu was stunned, then took a look at Ye Xuan, and sneered, "Is there something wrong!" After finishing speaking, she was about to make another move, when Bailiyun on the side quickly blocked her, "Senior Sister Lan Yu, don't be impulsive!" , if you hurt your own people because of some trivial matter, and you return to the sect, you will definitely be expelled from the sect!"

Expelled from the sect!

Lan Yu frowned. In Cangjianzong, private fighting is strictly prohibited. If there is a conflict, the elders of the sect can mediate it. If it still doesn't work, you can apply for a life-and-death challenge.

However, Cangjianzong hasn't had a life-and-death duel with the same sect for nearly a hundred years!

In a sect, if there is internal disharmony, there will be a miasma. Therefore, once there is any unreasonable disturbance or intentional trouble, the Cangjian Sect will be directly expelled from the sect!

After Lan Yu was silent for a moment, she finally gave Ye Xuan a cold look, then put away her sword, turned and walked towards the depths of the island.

Another woman named Gu Yue glanced at Ye Xuan, then turned and followed.

Bailiyun walked up to Ye Xuan, and he patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder, "Brother An, this Senior Sister Lan Yu has a bad temper, so don't argue with her! Besides, this Senior Sister Lan Yu is from Xuanjian Peak." , this Xuanjian Peak is not easy to mess with."

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I'm not easy to mess with, haha..."

Bailiyun smiled and said: "Brother An, if you are all difficult people to get along with, then there will be no easy people in this world! Let's go, we have to follow up quickly, no matter what conflicts within the sect, but if you encounter Ye Xuan raised his head and faced the black palace. The gate of the palace was open, but he couldn't see inside.


Lan Yu was about to go in, but Ye Xuan on the side shook his head, "Don't go in!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Lan Yu was furious, she pointed at Ye Xuan angrily, "You covetous life and fear of death, you..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan waved his hand suddenly, "All right, go in quickly!"

Lan Yu glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, with no concealment of contempt in her eyes, "Ugly people do mischief a lot, greedy for life and afraid of death!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked towards the black palace.

But this time, after Gu Yue glanced at Ye Xuan, she didn't go in with Lan Yu again.

On the side, Baili Yun hesitated for a while, and then said: "Junior Sister Gu Yue, and Brother An, should we follow in?"

Ye Xuan was about to speak, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the black palace, and then, a beautiful figure flashed out of it, and this beautiful figure was Lan Yu! But at this moment, her whole body was injured, especially her left shoulder was cracked, and her whole arm almost fell off!

And behind Lan Yu, there was an ugly rotten man, which was extremely fast. As soon as Lan Yu left the palace, the rotten man's fist had already come to the back of her head. To fall apart.

Lan Yu didn't dare to run, so he turned around and slashed down with his sword.


With the sound of an explosion, Lan Yu was instantly sent flying more than ten feet away. And before she could stop, the rotten man rushed towards her again.

At this time, Gu Yue and Baili Yun next to Ye Xuan suddenly drew their swords, and two sword lights directly slashed at the rotten man.

The corrupt man raised his hand and punched it out.


The two sword lights burst instantly!

But at this moment, the surrounding ground suddenly squirmed, and soon, nearly two dozen rotten people crawled out of the ground!

Seeing this scene, the faces of Lan Yu and the others suddenly changed!

Ye Xuan had no expression on his face. He was about to make a move. At this moment, Lan Yu suddenly crushed a sound transmission talisman, and the sound transmission talisman exploded, and a sound burst into the sky... However, there was no movement at all.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yu's face suddenly turned ugly.

This is the sound transmission talisman for help. Before coming, there was a strongman from the Cangjian Sect following in secret.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from not far away, "Are you asking him for help?"

Hearing this voice, Lan Yu and the others turned their heads to look. Not far away, a red-haired man came slowly, and in the red-haired man's hand, he was holding a bloody head.

This head is exactly the elder of the Cangjian Sect who confessed to the four of them before the four of them came!

This person is a strong man in the Law-Defending Realm!

Seeing this head, the faces of Lan Yu and the others instantly turned white!

The red-haired man grinned, "Let me introduce myself, I am from Qingzhou, my name is Ye Xuan! Now I am the dean of Canglan College!"

Ye Xuan!

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was stunned, what the hell?