

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 275: The Sword of the Earth!

No one knows what elder brother means to Ye Ling!

is all!

Her brother is everything to her!

She really wanted to stay by her brother's side, but she knew that if she stayed by her brother's side, with her current strength, she would definitely become a burden to him.

Only when she leaves, my brother will not have any worries. Moreover, she can also go to the Taoist sect to practice and make herself stronger, so that she can help her brother in the future!

However, she was really reluctant, so she didn't even have the courage to look back at Ye Xuan.

Because she was afraid that after seeing it, she would not want to leave.

Mu Zhaoling gently rubbed Ye Ling's little head, "The parting is for a better reunion. Don't be sad, and practice hard. Only when you are strong can you do what you want to do!"

As she spoke, she looked back.

In fact, Ye Xuan is fully qualified to join the Taoist sect, but unfortunately, Ye Xuan has too many right and wrong.

If Xuanmen accepts him, Xuanmen will be forcibly involved in these right and wrong.

Although Xuanmen is not afraid, but it does not want to tear faces with the World Protector League for Ye Xuan, which is not in the interests of Xuanmen.

However, it is still a pity, because Ye Xuan is too evil!

Mu Zhaoling sighed in a low voice, then speeded up, and after a while, she and Ye Ling disappeared in the field.


World Guardian League.

There are only Mo Xiu and Lu Zunzhu in the hall.

Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

After a while, Zunzhu Lu suddenly said: "You were deceived by him!"

Mo Xiu looked at Venerable Lu, who said calmly, "If that person is really the Sword Master of the Cang Realm, you would have died when you challenged him." Mo Xiu frowned, "If it wasn't the Sword Master of the Cang Realm, then it was the Sword Master of the Cang Realm." Who? You know, that person has no breath, even if he is standing in front of me, I can't feel his existence."

Lu Zunzhu said coldly: "No matter who this person is, since this person dares to oppose our World Guardian Alliance, he is not an ordinary person!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Mo Xiu, "Come on, I'll go with you to see who this person is!"

After speaking, the two disappeared into the hall.

After a while, Zunzhu Lu and Mo Xiu came to a thatched cottage in a mountain range.

Venerable Lu glanced at the hut, and clasped his fists together, "I don't know what your name is?"

Inside the hut, there was no movement.

Venerable Lu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Your Excellency looks down on me so much?"

Inside the hut, there was still no movement.

Venerable Lu's face turned gloomy and cold. With a wave of his right hand, a powerful coercion swept towards the thatched cottage in an instant.


The thatched hut shattered directly, and inside, it was empty!

Seeing this scene, Venerable Lu and Mo Xiu were stunned.

no one?

The two looked at each other, and Venerable Lu said in a deep voice, "Go to the Divine Fortune Gate to check..."

Mo Xiu said in a deep voice: "It may cost some money!"

Lu Zunzhu shook his head, "I can't control that much anymore! The original heart of Qingzhou is about to be born, during this period, you must not let that little Ye Xuan do bad things!"

Mo Xiu nodded, "Understood!"

The original heart!

This is undoubtedly the most important thing for the Guardian Alliance!

Soon, Mo Xiu turned and left.

Zunzhu Lu glanced around, and then left.

However, after an unknown amount of time, Zunzhu Lu appeared in the arena again, but the arena was still empty.

Seeing this, Zunzhu Lu frowned, "Is the induction wrong?"

Saying that, he shook his head, then turned and left.

About half an hour later, a figure suddenly appeared at the position where Venerable Lu was originally standing.

This person is Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said softly: "It's so dangerous..."

Just now, Venerable Lu obviously discovered something, but the other party himself was not sure. Although nothing was found in the end, Ye Xuan was still taken aback.

If found, he must be dead.

Because his intuition told him that with his current strength, even if he activated the Hell Tower, he might not be able to kill Venerable Lu.

Venerable Lord Lu is clearly a powerhouse above the Realm of the Realm!

In the future, we should be more cautious when facing such a strong man!

After a while, Ye Xuan turned and left, he ran towards the depths of the mountains, and soon, he entered the vast mountains.

About half an hour later, Ye Xuan found a dense forest. The dense forest was very dense, and each tree was at least a dozen feet high, and even sunlight could hardly penetrate it.

Ye Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and between his brows, a small word 'earth' quietly condensed.

The way!

Condensed the sword of Taoism!

He didn't know what the sword of Taoism was, but he knew that since the mysterious woman asked him to do this, she must have a reason.

Under the urging of Ye Xuan, the soil between his eyebrows suddenly flew out and hovered in front of him. When this Tao appeared, the surrounding earth began to tremble. At the same time, the power of countless earths continued to flow The ones are coming together toward the soil!

After a while, after absorbing countless powers of the earth, the earth became brighter and brighter.

The one who protects the earth, endures the trampling of all things, and obtains thousands of breaths of soil to temper the earth. If it is condensed into a sword, it will naturally be the sword of the earth!

Gradually, Ye Xuan began to sweat profusely, and his body was shaking. Because there are too many of these powers of the earth, so much that he can't control it.

Ye Xuan gritted his teeth violently, "Cohere for me!"

As the voice fell, the Dao Dao began to tremble violently, and then gradually began to change its shape under the influx of the power of the earth.

About half an hour later, the tip of the sword appeared!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was ecstatic in his heart, this Dao can really be condensed into a sword!

At this moment, Dao Dao suddenly trembled violently—


Countless powers of the earth vibrated in all directions, and Ye Xuan was instantly sent flying hundreds of feet away!

And all around, the dense forest has turned into flat ground!

Ye Xuan was lying on the ground, just lying there, I don't know how long it took before he slowly got up, and the corner of his mouth was full of blood.

Ye Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled wryly, "It really isn't that simple..."

With that said, he sat cross-legged and healed his wounds.

About an hour later, Ye Xuan continued to start.

Judging from the power just now, if he really succeeds in condensing it, this sword of the earth must be very terrifying, at least it will not be inferior to the top grade of the sky, and, with the blessing of the power of the earth, the power must be Those who can surpass the top grade of heaven.

Must condense!

Ye Xuan continued to start, but it was not so satisfactory, because he failed several times! The most successful one was to condense the body of the sword...Unfortunately, this was far from enough.


For Ye Xuan, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is giving up. He will not give up until the last moment.

Ye Xuan condensed again...

In this way, two days later, Ye Xuan gradually began to touch some doorways.

Can not be forced to condense!

If they are forcibly condensed, these powers of the earth will instinctively resist, not only these forces of the earth, but even the earth will resist instinctively!


Communicate with the earth, let the earth cooperate with him to condense, and if the earth cooperates, the power of the earth will cooperate...

At the beginning, it was not easy to communicate, because this soil was a bit cold and didn't pay him much attention. In the end, Ye Xuan sacrificed the Boundary Prison Tower... As a result, the Dao soil began to cooperate a little bit.

Obviously, this is to save face for the Prison Tower.

Ye Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground. In front of him, the soil was spinning violently, and countless forces of the earth gathered towards it. Gradually, a sword tip appeared.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan was overjoyed, and continued to push Dao Ze, and soon, the sword body also appeared.

The moment the sword body appeared, Ye Xuan did not relax, but became more nervous.

Because of countless failures, it is because of condensing the hilt!

Ye Xuan concentrated his attention, and more and more power of the earth gathered towards the soil, and gradually, the hilt of the sword slowly began to appear.

half an hour later one by one


A sound of sword cry suddenly resounded through the sky!

It's done!

Ye Xuan was paralyzed on the ground, and not far in front of him, there was a khaki-colored sword floating. The sword was three feet long and about two fingers wide. There was a faint khaki-yellow streamer all over the sword.

After a while, Ye Xuan stood up, walked to the sword, and grabbed the hilt.


In an instant, a powerful force suddenly vibrated from the sword, and the ground around him instantly split apart!

The power of heaven and earth!

This is the real power of heaven and earth, to be precise, the power of the earth!

Sensing the power in the sword, Ye Xuan was a little excited. This sword is much, much stronger than his Heavenly Sword!

As if thinking of something, Ye Xuan suddenly held his sword forward and slashed. Above the tip of the sword, a destructive force of the earth poured out along with his sword energy. Wherever this sword energy and the force of the earth passed, the earth directly cracked layer by layer. The power of the earth swept over a hundred feet!

A moment later, a huge gully that was about ten feet wide and bottomless appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

Ye Xuan was a little excited. If the sword energy and the power of the earth are protected by the Dao of Space, this sword is very likely to hurt the real powerhouse!

To put it simply, he now has the ability to compete with the real powerhouse!

The only downside is that the sword of the earth consumes too much. With his current strength, he can only activate it twice a day at most. If he uses too much, he will be exhausted first!

Ye Xuan put away his sword, and the word 'empty' suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

The law of space!

The power of this space dao is obviously stronger than that of the big tunnel, and moreover, the space dao involves many levels!

What would happen if a sword of space was condensed?

The Sword of Space!

Ye Xuan was a little excited, he quickly sat down cross-legged, and soon, the space between his eyebrows flashed out, and after a while, the space around him trembled violently