

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 261: I am unprecedented!

Lord order!

Ye Xuan naturally knew what the patriarch's order represented, it represented the patriarch!

With the Patriarch's order and this family history, many things can be done!

Ye Xuan put away the Patriarch's Order and family history of the Situ family, and then continued to look at the next ring.

In the second ring, there are no heavenly treasures, but there are more than a thousand Purple Origin Crystals, and besides that, there is a snow lotus the size of a palm.

The snow lotus is crystal clear, and the cold air is pressing.

Treasures of heaven and earth!

There are some strange things between the heaven and the earth. These strange things absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, are nourished by the heaven and the earth, and contain great energy.

And the snow lotus in front of him is obviously such a strange thing.

And this kind of strange thing can increase one's own cultivation. If it is used by special people, the effect will be doubled.

In addition to this snow lotus, there are some sundries in the ring, but none of them are worth much!

At least, for him now, he looks down on him a little bit.

Now in Ye Xuan's eyes, ordinary things are completely despised!

After putting away the ring, Ye Xuan continued to move forward, feeling elated.

Although nearly 2 billion top-quality spirit stones were paid for mobilizing the Hell Tower this time, the gains were not small.

Overall, it's still a win!

This time, Ye Xuan didn't blatantly hurry! After he activated the exercise 'Dun', he immediately hid himself.

It can be said that, except for those who are strong in the Realm of the Realm, it is difficult for ordinary people to find him! Moreover, even if it is a strong person in the Realm of the Realm, it will be difficult to find him if you don't deliberately look for him.

After a while, Ye Xuan completely disappeared at the far end.

And shortly after Ye Xuan left, a phantom suddenly appeared in the field.

After standing silently for a while, Xuying said softly: "Miss...have you seen it? The young master has already reached Sword Emperor at the age of nineteen. Even in our Dugu family, he is outstanding... .. and Miss Ye Ling, who has stepped into the Ten Thousand Laws Realm before the age of fifteen, and has a special constitution, which is extremely rare... If you know it in the hell, you should be relieved. "

After the voice fell, his whole person began to gradually become illusory, and he disappeared completely within a while.


The Nanlian Mountains are located in the south of Qingzhou. It is remote and sparsely populated. There are only endless mountains.

And Ye Xuan's goal this time is this vast mountain range.

The way!

Now he can't wait to find the second way.

Because he discovered that if there is a way to activate the Prison Tower, the reaction of the Prison Tower to himself will be much smaller!

You know, when there was no way before, he almost finished the game directly. And just now, although he was also backlashed, he didn't pass out!

Obviously, this rule is still very important!

A day later, Ye Xuan came to the Nanlian Mountains. After entering the mountains, Ye Xuan followed the direction that the Great God on the second floor said.

In the vast mountains, Ye Xuan ran all the way, and occasionally saw a few monsters, but none of these monsters found him.

Under the instructions of the Great God on the second floor, Ye Xuan came to the depths of the mountains, and after about half an hour, he stopped.

On the ground not far in front of him, there is a huge abyss, nearly a hundred feet long and wide, bottomless.

Looking down from his position, the bottom is pitch black, and there is still black mist lingering, which is extremely gloomy.

Intuition told him that this must not be a good place.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Jump!"


The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he took a step forward. The abyss was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

Ye Xuan hesitated a little, but his intuition told him that if he jumped, nothing good would happen.

Inside the Boundary Prison Tower, the second floor began to thump again.

Obviously, this is urging him.

Ye Xuan hesitated, and then said: "Well, let me ask weakly, since you discovered the Tao, why didn't you bring it to me?"

This is a point that Ye Xuan has always wondered about. Since the great god on the second floor dared to trouble the World Protector League, his strength must be beyond doubt. And since it found the Dao Principle, but failed to bring it back, there must be something wrong!

Big question!

As Ye Xuan's voice fell, the Jie Prison Tower suddenly became quiet, but soon, the second floor began to vibrate crazily, not only the second floor, but even the first floor trembled violently.

Ye Xuan suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head, and his whole body was not well.

This guy is crazy!

Ye Xuan quickly said: "Don't, don't, don't mess around, I, can't I stop asking?"

The Boundary Prison Tower fell silent in an instant.


The voice sounded again.

Ye Xuan took another step forward, his expression gradually calmed down.

As if thinking of something, he laughed at himself, "Why am I so timid!"

As he said that, he leaped forward and jumped straight down.

Ever since the mysterious woman left, he found that he was a little timid in doing things.

In fact, when something must be done, it should be done without hesitation, instead of being timid.

The more you think, the more questions you have, and the more questions you have, the more timid you feel.

Under the abyss, Ye Xuan fell extremely fast, he fell very fast, and there was a cold wind in his ears.

It went on like this for an unknown amount of time, and finally, he felt his feet hit the ground, and the ground was pitch black. Fortunately, he didn't use his eyes to see, otherwise, he might not be able to see anything.

At this moment, he has not yet reached the bottom of the abyss. Now he is standing on a stone platform extending from a mountain wall. Under the stone platform, he still cannot see the bottom. On the surrounding mountain walls, there are arm-thick ivy and weeds everywhere.

There is no sound or breath!


At this time, the master on the second floor spoke again.

Ye Xuan nodded, he grabbed the ivy beside him, and followed the ivy down.

In this way, after about half an hour, he finally felt his feet touch the ground.

There is water under the feet, no, Ye Xuan's face suddenly changed, because the feet are not water, but blood!


For a moment, Ye Xuan was on alert, and he asked quickly, "God on the second floor, is this dangerous?"

After a moment of silence, the great god on the second floor suddenly said: "I won't tell you!"

I am Nima!

Ye Xuan almost went berserk!

There is no mistake!

When is it, do you still want to be arrogant? He really couldn't beat him, otherwise, he really wanted to beat up the master on the second floor!

What a bad temper!

Gotta rule!

Unfortunately, I can't beat it!

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and suppressed the thought of hitting someone. He showed a smile that he thought was very, very gentle, and said in what he thought was the gentlest and gentlest voice in his life, "Master, please tell me, is there any danger here?"

After a while, a voice came from the second floor, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan's smile became brighter, "What danger?"

"I don't know!" This time, the second floor answered quickly.

Ye Xuan's smile froze, I don't know... I don't know what a ghost! After a while, Ye Xuan shook his head and moved on.

There is a lot of blood under the feet, and the smell of blood is also very strong, especially as it goes forward.

Not a good place!

This is Ye Xuan's intuition.

Just walking like that, I don't know how long I walked, suddenly a blood-red flame appeared in front of me, and the flame was floating in front of me...

Ye Xuan felt his heart speed up a bit. Although monks are not very afraid of ghosts, they are still a little afraid of the unknown.

The flame was blood-red, only the size of a palm, fluttering, and Ye Xuan flustered a little.

But soon, Ye Xuan calmed down. He continued to move forward, walking very calmly. As he walked, he suddenly said, "Hey, the family is really real. I came here to practice, and I have to send more than a dozen real magicians to follow me secretly! Really, What else is there to practice?"

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed, "I think my Ye family is in charge of the heavens and the world, and there are hundreds of people in the Realm Realm. I'm training outside, who dares to bully me? Really, why send someone to follow me!"

Not far away, the will-o'-the-wisp trembled suddenly, and then slowly drifted backwards.

With a calm expression, Ye Xuan continued to move forward. At the same time, he exuded a powerful aura of swordsmanship.

Sword Emperor breath!

It was as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was the Sword Emperor...

Ye Xuan continued: "The ancestor also said that I was only eighteen years old, and he insisted on suppressing my realm and sword cultivation, if I didn't suppress it, I would have already broken through to the Sword Emperor and achieved the status of Sword Immortal. "

As he said that, he sighed deeply, "Forget it, just hold it down, it's fine to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger if you have nothing to do."

Not far away, the blood-red flame gradually receded, and finally disappeared completely in the darkness.

Ye Xuan's footsteps quickened, and he was a little excited, "This place is gloomy, and it's not easy. Well, I hope there will be a strong enemy, so that I won't be in vain."

After speaking, his speed increased again, and at this moment, the space in front of him suddenly trembled, and then, it seemed that there was an invisible door blocking him.


The real powerhouse!

Ye Xuan's heart shuddered, and the person who made the move secretly was at least a true magician!

Ye Xuan looked around for a while, and said coldly: "Where is the sacred, how dare you take my Ye Xuan's way!"

At this time, in the dark night in the distance, a cold voice suddenly sounded, "Where did you come from, little boy, this place is not the place you should come to, get out of here before the old man is ready to kill."


Ye Xuan was stunned, and then laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing at!" In the darkness, the voice sounded.

Ye Xuan faced the distance, and laughed loudly: "In Qingcang Realm, even the Guardian Alliance, they are all servants of my Ye family. Your Excellency told me to go away. You are so angry. Do you know that I With one order from the Ye family, not to mention this place, even the entire Qingcang world will be wiped out by you!"

"Ye Family? What Ye Family? This Emperor has never heard of it!" the voice said again.

Ye Xuan snorted coldly, "You haven't heard of it, so have you heard of me, Ye Xuan?"

"No!" In the darkness, the mysterious man replied.

Ye Xuan shook his head, "You have never even heard of me. It seems that you are either not from this world, or you have been here for a long time. Let me tell you, I, Ye Xuan, am the most outstanding person in the history of Qingcang Realm." Sword cultivator, I, there is no one before, no one after!"

As he spoke, he once again released his powerful sword emperor aura.

The bottom of the abyss suddenly became quiet, and after a while, the mysterious man suddenly said: "Thousands of years ago, a person who claimed to be the sword master of the blue world came here, and he seems to be more evil than you."

Whoops I'm going!

Ye Xuan's expression froze, this fucking met a great god!

what to do? How to pretend?

Ye Xuan's brain was spinning, and soon, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and then he continued to move forward, "Senior actually knows the sword master of the Cangjie, it seems that senior is not an ordinary person!"

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly, "I have created a sword technique myself, and I ask senior to give me pointers."

After finishing speaking, he spread out his palm, and a sword appeared in his hand. The next moment, a powerful sword vibrated out from the sword.

A sword is life and death!


A mysterious man's voice suddenly came from a distance, and there was a trace of astonishment and disbelief in the voice.