

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 255: Thick-skinned, never seen before


Everyone looked shocked.

Everyone looked at the Demon Sect Sect Master, this Demon Sect Sect Master is a real powerhouse!

Will a strong man of this level lose to Ye Xuan?

Everyone is waiting for the answer from the Sect Master of the Demon Sect.

Ku Mingxu stared at Ye Xuan, and his profound energy transmitted his voice, "You have such a thick skin, I've never seen it before."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Senior, do big things without sticking to small details. Now, you can take everyone from the Demon Sect to retreat. Remember, you can't just say to leave Qingzhou, you can only say to retreat first, and fight again at another day."

Ku Mingxu gave Ye Xuan a cold look, turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Senior, you have to do all the acting!"

The corner of Ku Mingxu's mouth twitched, he suppressed the anger in his heart forcibly, turned around, and said in a low voice: "Little friend is a genius, the old man admires it, it's getting late today, we will fight again in another day."

After finishing speaking, his figure trembled, and the person had appeared on the cloud boat. He glanced at Ye Xuan below, "Let's go!"


Everyone in the arena was stunned, should we leave now?

Really defeated by Ye Xuan?

When they saw the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect begin to evacuate, everyone's minds went blank!

really go!

Soon, under the watchful eyes of countless people, Mozong and Guizong began to retreat. And those monks from Middle-earth China wanted to retreat, but at this moment, Ye Xuan, who was below, suddenly trembled and stood in front of these people.

Seeing Ye Xuan, these monks from Middle-earth China all looked apprehensive.

Ye Xuan grinned, "Everyone, I don't seem to let you go!"

In front of Ye Xuan, an old man said in a deep voice: "Ye Xuan, don't deceive others too much, we have tens of thousands of people waiting, you..."

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place.

laugh! The head of the talking old man flew out directly, and the blood was like a pillar!

Everyone was horrified and retreated violently.

In the air, Ye Xuan pointed his sword at tens of thousands of people in front of him, "Kill!"

The voice fell, and the others had already rushed out.

Down below, a hundred Canglan Daoist soldiers ran straight up. A crossbow arrow soared into the sky in their hands. In almost an instant, nearly a hundred people fell from the sky.

In the city, the Wild Lion Mercenary Group and others rushed out one after another.

The veiled woman hesitated for a while and rushed out with the nine people behind her!

Besides these three mercenary regiments, there are also Lu Banzhuang and others...

The total number of people on Ye Xuan's side is less than 200, but this momentum directly crushed these monks from Central China!

Of course, the most important reason is that after the Mozong and Guizong left, these people have no one to lead them, and they are all scattered.

When they started fighting, they didn't think about desperately, but wanted to escape desperately, so they collapsed at the first touch!


Ye Xuan and the others started to slaughter directly, especially Ye Xuan, where a corpse would fall from the sky wherever they passed.

No one can take his sword!

Besides him, there are a few people who are particularly conspicuous, they are the Wild Lion, the King, Lu Banzhuang, and the Veiled Woman! Several people are evildoers among evildoers, even if they are strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, they are not their opponents. It should be said that several of them have the strength to easily kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm powerhouses.

And under the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, it is not an enemy of a few people with one move!

In addition, the three mercenaries and Ye Xuan's Canglan Taoist soldiers are also very eye-catching, especially the nine people following the veiled woman. These nine people are all in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, although they are not the real Ten Thousand Dharma Realm. , but everyone has no water, and their combat power is extremely strong!

In this way, it lasted for an unknown amount of time, and there were fewer and fewer Zhongzhou monks here. Of course, most of them escaped. This battle lasted for an hour before it ended!

Nearly 10,000 corpses lay outside the capital of the Jiang Kingdom...

Ye Xuan was sitting in front of the city gate, leaning against the city wall, gasping for breath... He no longer knew how many people he had killed, there were many, many anyway!

This world is like this, many times, either you kill others, or others kill you!

In the world of warriors, most of the time, there is no right or wrong, only strong or weak!

At this time, Mo Yunqi walked up to Ye Xuan and sat down. He took out a pill and took it, and said, "It's a joy to kill!"

Ye Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

The veiled woman, the king, and the wild lion also came over. The king shook his head, "Without the leadership of the demon sect and the ghost sect, these people are just a bunch of mobs."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan, "I'm curious, how did you persuade the Demon Sect and Ghost Sect to evacuate!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What do you think?"

The king said softly: "Forget it, I shouldn't have asked."

After speaking, he also sat aside.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "How about the loss?"

Mo Yunqi said in a deep voice: "Eleven of our Canglan Taoist soldiers died!"

Eleven people!

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Their family members must take care of them. If there are immediate family members, young ones, they can be sent to the academy to study."

Mo Yun nodded, "The army division will take care of it!"

Ye Xuan turned to Lu Banzhuang who was at the side, and Lu Banzhuang shook his head, "Brothers are all here!"

all there!

Ye Xuan's expression was slightly relieved. This time, only 15 people were killed on their side, among them, 11 people died from the Canglan Taoist soldiers, and 4 people from the Wild Lion Mercenary Group died!

And none of the king's mercenary group and the Huangquan mercenary group died!

Of course, there are many injured!

Although they sacrificed 15 people, nearly 10,000 people remained behind!

In fact, if the tens of thousands of Zhongzhou monks are all desperate, they will definitely not be able to fight here!

Because these monks from Zhongzhou are not weak. It is a pity that after seeing the departure of the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect, especially when the Sect Master of the Demon Sect was defeated by Ye Xuan... they can say I don't have any will to fight anymore!

At this time, these people are like a flock of sheep, and a flock of sheep, no matter how many there are, cannot attack a wolf!

Of course, there are also some people who fight to the death, but it doesn't make any sense! Because they are not strong enough!

At this time, Ye Xuan stood up suddenly, facing Mo Yunqi, "How about the spoils?"

Mo Yunqi chuckled, "This harvest has a total of 1.2 billion top-quality spirit stones!"

As he said that, he bent his fingers a little, and a ring flew into Ye Xuan's hand.

1.2 billion!

Hearing this, everyone in the arena burst into ecstasy, 1.2 billion, this is not a small sum!

Ye Xuan took out three empty accepting rings and divided up the top-quality spirit stones he had obtained, and then he bent his fingers, and the three accepting rings flew to the face of the veiled woman, the king, and the wild lion respectively.

The Wild Lions and the others looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan said, "Each ring contains 300 million top-quality spirit stones, and the rest of the sundries will be distributed to everyone after I auction them off in the future!"

Three hundred million!

The wild lion and the king looked at each other, both of them had smiles in their eyes, this is not a small sum.

The two clasped their fists at Ye Xuan, and then put away the ring.

The veiled woman at the side glanced at Ye Xuan, and put away the ring too!

Ye Xuan turned his head to face the distance, "Those people are fleeing everywhere, it's no longer a matter of course, everyone, at this time, you should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. From now on, everyone is free to fight. How much you can earn depends on how much you can kill yourself."

The king and the wild lion looked at each other, and the next moment, the two chased them out with their brothers.

Ye Xuan turned to Lu Banzhuang, who nodded slightly, "I will take good care of them!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed towards another direction with Ling Han and others.

Ye Xuan turned to face Mo Yunqi, Bai Ze, and Ji Anzhi, "The three of you, each bring thirty Canglan Taoist soldiers, remember, don't be greedy, and keep in touch at any time."

Mo Yunqi chuckled, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Soon, the three of Mo Yunqi disappeared into the distance with all the Cang Lan Dao soldiers.


Ye Xuan knew very well that if the three of Mo Yunqi and Canglan Taoist soldiers wanted to become stronger, they had to go through battles!

Because just now, he discovered that whether it is Canglan Daobing or Mo Yunqi, they are actually inferior to the mercenaries of the three mercenary regiments!

Especially the nine people behind the veiled woman, those nine people are not only higher than Mo Yunqi and others in terms of realm, but also in terms of fighting, they are also much stronger.

These people are definitely tempered from countless fights.

Cang Lan Dao Bing, to become stronger, not only need good resources and equipment, but also need the baptism of blood!

On the side, the veiled woman suddenly said: "You didn't defeat the Demon Sect Master before!"

Ye Xuan withdrew his thoughts, and said quietly: "Is it important?"

The veiled woman looked directly at Ye Xuan, "You are so high-profile, you will only kill yourself, you..."

"you are wrong!"

Ye Xuan shook his head suddenly, "Now, even if I keep a low profile, someone will try to mess with me! Since a low profile is useless, why don't I make a high profile? After today, the entire Qingcang world will know that I am Ye Xuan, and I will defeat you with the spirit of harmony." I have entered the Realm of the Realm! When I go out in the future, who would not be afraid of me, Ye Xuan?"

The face of the veiled woman twitched slightly, "You didn't defeat the Sect Master of the Demon Sect, so what do you mean?"

Ye Xuan shrugged, "What's the matter with you! Anyway, I don't think there's a problem, it's really not a problem!"

The veiled woman was about to speak, at this moment, the distant sky was torn apart suddenly, the veiled woman and Ye Xuan suddenly turned their heads, and there, a white shadow flashed out from the crack in the space, the white shadow was extremely fast, In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Ye Xuan and the veiled woman.

It's a little monster!

This little monster looks like a cat, but it is quite different from a cat. It is blue all over, with a big, fluffy tail with a little fiery red. Its face is round, its eyes are big and round, and the eyeballs are crystal blue, and one of its teeth is exposed.

Judging from the shape, it's cute!

It is worth mentioning that there is a blush at the corner of its mouth, as if it has been injured.

The little monster stared at Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan was a little puzzled. He was about to speak when a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

Lord Lu!

The person who came was Zunzhu Lu of the World Protector League!

Venerable Lu's gaze was directly locked on the little monster, and he was about to make a move when he suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, "It's you!"

Ye Xuan's expression was serious. He didn't know Zunzhu Lu before, but after he was targeted by the World Protector League, he also investigated the World Protector League, so he knew this person in front of him.

Why did the other party come in person?

Do you want to do it yourself?

Ye Xuan clenched his right hand slowly, ready to activate the Prison Tower at any time.

Zunzhu Lu didn't do anything, but pointed to the little monster, "Hand it over!"

Hand it over?

Ye Xuan faced the little monster in front of him, he didn't know it! He was about to speak, when the little monster suddenly turned into a blue light and entered his body.

This time, Ye Xuan was stunned.

God on the second floor!

This is the god on the second floor!

Seeing the little monster enter Ye Xuan's body, Venerable Lu's expression instantly became gloomy, "Ye Xuan, this monster killed eleven Dharma Realms and two True Dharma Realms from my Guardian League, and even snatched away one of my Guardians." The treasure...if you don't hand it over, this deity will crush you to ashes!"

Ye Xuan was about to speak. At this moment, sheets of white paper floated out of the Prison Tower. On the white paper was a portrait. This portrait was none other than Venerable Lu, and on the top of Venerable Lu's head was a fist!

Ye Xuan's fist!

Obviously, this is to tell him to beat Zunzhu Lu!

Ye Xuan smiled wryly in his heart, "Master...I can't fucking beat you..."

After a moment of silence, the second floor began to vibrate crazily, and Ye Xuan's head suddenly felt dizzy...

Ye Xuan was horrified, and hurriedly said: "Don't mess around, I'll hit you, can't I hit you..."

The Boundary Prison Tower fell silent in an instant.

Ye Xuan rolled his throat, and then looked at Lord Lu in the sky, "Lord Lu, that, we, let's compete?"

Veiled woman: "..."

Venerable Lu: "..."