

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 248: Bloodbath in Qingzhou!

Among the mountains, Ye Xuan led Mo Yunqi and others to run wildly all the way. They were as fast as the wind, and wherever they passed, there was a flame.


This time, Ye Xuan's goal was to wipe out the Middle-earth Divine Cultivators from the surrounding countries of Jiang Country.

These people are like malignant tumors. Only by getting rid of these people first can he be able to fight against the Demon Sect and Ghost Sect who are about to enter Qingzhou with peace of mind.

An hour later, Ye Xuan brought Mo Yunqi and others to a small city on the border of Jiang Country. At this moment, there were not many people left in the city, and the whole city was extremely desolate.

Qingzhou's aura is getting less and less, and the living environment is getting worse and worse. Coupled with the brutal invasion of Qingzhou by the middle-earth divine monks, even in Jiang Country, many empty cities have appeared.

Some empty cities are run by people themselves, while some empty cities are man-made.

under the city.

Ye Xuan raised his head and faced the city wall. Above the gate of the city wall, there were corpses hanging, many, at least hundreds!

These people were just hung on the city wall. Some of the corpses were still bleeding, obviously they had just been hung up.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field turned cold.

Beside Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi said in a deep voice: "The army division sent a voice transmission, there are hundreds of monks from the Middle Earth and Shenzhou gathered in the city, they have already occupied this city, as a stronghold, they will go out to plunder every day."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Half an hour, is it enough?"

Mo Yunqi chuckled, "You underestimate us!"

After the voice fell, he waved his hand, "Brothers, go!"

The voice fell, and more than a hundred people rushed towards the city.

At this time, under the city gate, a man ran out quickly, furiously, "Who are you..." Before the words fell, a flying knife pierced through the man's eyebrows.

Hundreds of cavalry rushed into the city like a torrent, and soon there were sounds of fighting and screams in the city.

Outside the city, Ye Xuan was leaning against the city gate, with his arms crossed and a weed in his mouth, looking a little foolish.

In less than half an hour, Mo Yunqi led a hundred Canglan cavalry out of the city, and there were hundreds of corpses piled up in an open space in the city, and at this moment, these hundreds of corpses were burning.

Outside the city, Mo Yunqi held a ring and handed it to Ye Xuan, "The total number of top-grade spirit stones obtained is more than 90 million, and there are some other sundries, estimated at about 40 million."

Speaking of this, he shook his head slightly, "These people are really rich, and I don't know how many people they robbed..."

Ye Xuan put away the ring and said softly: "Is there anyone else in the city?"

Mo Yun nodded, "There are some, but not many, we have already arranged it."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Let's go."

Soon, more than a hundred people turned and left.

On the road, next to Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi suddenly said: "Bandit Ye, I heard that Canglan State has become a dead state. Do you think this Qingzhou will be like Canglan State?"

Ye Xuandao: "Do you want Qingzhou to be like that?"

Mo Yunqi shook his head, "No matter what, this is our home after all."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "In the city before, I saw many corpses, most of them were people in the city... If one day our imperial capital falls, our Jiang country and our Canglan will be killed." The academy is afraid..."

Ye Xuan chuckled, "It's nothing, I want to open it up, because it's either they die or we die."

Mo Yunqi was silent for a while, then grinned, "That's right, either they die or we die! Fuck you! Haha..."

Soon, a group of people disappeared at the far end.

When Ye Xuan and others started to clean up frantically, a mysterious army also started to clean up the Zhongzhou monks in Dayun.

At first, these monks from Zhongzhou started to resist, but gradually, these people started to escape!

Because they found out that they couldn't beat it at all!

Even some powerful members of the Law Protection Realm died inexplicably, and their bodies were hung on the city wall for public display...

At this moment, these monks from Zhongzhou suddenly discovered that Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli from Qingzhou were countless times stronger than they imagined!

Especially on Ye Xuan's side, besides his own Cang Lan Taoist soldiers, there are two mercenary groups helping him. These two mercenary groups are working extremely hard, because they are so profitable!

Two days later, these monks from Zhongzhou began to retreat, retreating towards Wanqiu Mountain, because in Qingzhou, no matter where they hid, someone would find them...

The roles of hunter and prey have changed.

In less than two days, under the joint efforts of Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli, the monks from Zhongzhou were basically driven to Wanqiu Mountain. Even if some remained, they were already frightened and did not dare to continue to come out.

Gradually, Qingzhou began to stabilize, but the aura was still slowly decreasing.

Canglan College, inside the Prison Tower.

Ye Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and in front of him was a ring of acceptance.

In the Najie, there are more than 600 million top-quality spirit stones in his two days. Adding his original 700 million, he now has 1.2 billion top-quality spirit stones. And if he sells all the things he gave to the Fifth Lord before, he will have billions of top-quality spirit stones guaranteed!

His current wealth, even some first-class forces in Zhongzhou can't match it!

So rich!

Ye Xuan put away the ring and began to practice.

This time, it's not about practicing sword skills, nor understanding the way of the sword, but understanding the realm.

Wan Dharma Realm!

His current goal is the Myriad Dharma Realm, and the Myriad Dharma Realm doesn't mean that he can just swallow the sword. After reaching the Divine Harmony Realm, any realm requires enlightenment. Of course, it also requires the Devouring Sword, both of which are indispensable.

Now, in terms of swords, he naturally doesn't have to worry, he has a lot of swords on his body, and he also has two heavenly swords!

And Enlightenment... is not difficult for him, because he has already reached Sword Emperor and has a certain understanding of space itself. It can be said that he almost has time now.


For space, Ye Xuan does not have a deep understanding, nor has he studied it seriously. However, when he reached the Sword Emperor, he borrowed the power of space, that is to say, he has already touched this threshold.

Ye Xuan closed his eyes, carefully feeling everything around him.

Quiet, no distracting thoughts!

At this time, a sword suddenly appeared in front of him, and soon, a sword force emanated from the sword, and this sword force was exactly the force of space he used. Now, he is using the sword as a medium to carefully Feel the space carefully.

Soon, he touched it.

Although the space cannot be seen, it can be felt. However, how to make use of the space, use the space, and control the space is another matter.

And if you can control the space, then you will be in the Realm of Reality!

His goal, of course, is the Realm of Reality!

Inside the tower, time passes by bit by bit...


Wanqiu Mountain, Qingzhou Road.

At this moment, more and more people ran out from the vast mountains. These people were all Zhongzhou monks who escaped from Qingzhou.

With Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli in Qingzhou, they couldn't stay any longer, especially Ye Xuan's Canglan College, who chased them like crazy.

They had to retreat!

However, at the intersection of Qingzhou Road, there was an old man standing, and the old man blocked everyone.

A man walked up to the old man with a slightly apprehensive expression, "Your Excellency?"

The old man glanced at everyone in the arena, "How do you go back to Zhongzhou in such desperation, are you willing to wait?"

The man shook his head, "So what if you are not reconciled? Ye Xuan's Cang Lan Taoist soldiers are not something we can fight against at all!"

The old man looked at the man, "Do you want revenge?"

The man frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

The old man said softly: "I am the elder of the Demon Sect, I am here to tell you that my Demon Sect will take over Qingzhou in the near future, and at that time, the entire Qingzhou will belong to my Demon Sect. As for Ye Xuan, my Demon Sect Zongzi will solve it."


Hearing this, there was an uproar in the field.

This Demon Sect is the real top power in Zhongzhou!

Even the forces of Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm, even the Northern Cold Sect, cannot compare with them.

In the arena, many people became excited. If the Mozong enters Qingzhou, it means that Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli will be taken care of!

Seeing that the crowd became restless, the old man said again: "Everyone, Qingzhou is not Ye Xuan's Qingzhou, but everyone's Qingzhou. Moreover, you have no grievances or enmities with him, but he prevents you from getting rich and cuts off people's wealth. How can you let go of your father's revenge? Besides, Ye Xuan has already been on the wanted list, and getting rid of him is to uphold justice in the world!"

In front of the old man, the man said in a deep voice: "But that Canglan Daoist..."

The old man said with a smile: "Don't worry, Ye Xuan Canglan Daobing, my Demon Sect will solve it on its own."

As he spoke, he glanced at someone in the crowd.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, "Since there is the Demon Sect leading the charge, then what are we afraid of? Everyone, kill Ye Xuan, it's a shame!"

Following the sound of this voice, the crowd suddenly became agitated again, and soon, one after another sounded continuously.

"Kill Ye Xuan to death, wash Qingzhou with blood..."


Seeing the appearance of the crowd, the corner of the old man's mouth curled up in an undetectable arc. He raised his hands and pressed gently, and the field fell silent. The old man glanced at everyone, "I would like to trouble everyone to inform each other, and let everyone come here to gather. At that time, everyone will enter Qingzhou together and wipe out Ye Xuan!"


Among the crowd, countless people responded, and soon, many people turned and left...

In this way, under the mutual notification of these Zhongzhou monks, more and more people rushed towards Wanqiu Mountain to gather!

In less than a day, tens of thousands of people have gathered in Wanqiu Mountain, and most of them are Shenhejing! Among them, there are many ten thousand dharma realms! And there are also Royal Law Realm, but not many, only a dozen or so.

At the same time, nearly a hundred huge cloud boats are approaching Qingzhou Road...


Ghost sect!


Cang Lan College.

Inside the Prison Tower, Ye Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly took out a real-grade high-grade sword, and then thrust it into his chest.


A powerful aura suddenly vibrated from his whole body...