

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 241: Why did you come here!

Ning Country is not far from Jiang Country, so Ye Xuan didn't take the cloud boat.

In less than a few hours, Ye Xuan returned to Canglan College with a hundred Canglan cavalrymen.

After returning to Canglan College, Ye Xuan immediately found Lu Jiuge and others.

Inside Canglan Hall, Lu Jiuge, Mo Yuan, Feng Lan, Jian Chuchu, Mo Yunqi, Bai Ze and others were all there.

Everyone was looking at Ye Xuan, waiting for Ye Xuan's reply.

Ye Xuandao: "I think you all already understand what the current situation in Qingzhou is, and you should also understand what the current situation is for me, Ye Xuan. Well, that's right, I have indeed worked with the Guardian League."

It's done!

In the hall, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

World Guardian League!

This is the law enforcer of Qingcang Realm!

Mo Yunqi smiled wryly, "Bandit Ye...isn't the enemy you're looking for a bit too strong?"

Ye Xuan shrugged, "There's no way, he's too handsome, he's easy to attract hatred!"

Mo Yunqi gave Ye Xuan a thumbs up, "Your skin is so thick, even if everyone in the Guardian Alliance joins forces, it will be difficult to penetrate."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall burst into laughter.

The atmosphere is much more cheerful!

After a while, Lu Jiuge looked at Ye Xuan, "Tell me what you think!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Qingzhou is very chaotic now, and more and more monks from Zhongzhou are entering Qingzhou. Our Canglan College alone cannot keep Qingzhou. Only by joining hands can we resist these monks from Zhongzhou!"

"How should the strong in the Realm of Realm deal with it?" Lu Jiuge asked suddenly.

This question hits the nail on the head!

But Ye Xuan waved his hand, and said with arrogance, "It's okay, I'll deal with a powerhouse like the True Law Realm. Behind me, Ye Xuan, there are people, many people!"

Everyone: "..."

Lu Jiuge glanced at Ye Xuan, and said, "Then it's not a big problem. I'll handle things like summoning monks from the Qingzhou Zongmen family."

Ye Xuan nodded, "I don't worry if you do things. Besides, there is another biggest problem, the Cang Lan Taoist soldiers are not strong enough, they must reach the level of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm."

"Are you crazy?"

On the side, Mo Yunqi couldn't help but said: "Ten Thousand Dharma Realm...Ye Bandit, do you know what this means?"

Ye Xuan said softly: "Old Mo, Lao Bai, the current situation in Qingzhou, our situation, is actually a desperate situation."

Mo Yunqi shook his head, "I know, but it's very difficult for everyone in the Cang Lan Dao Bing to reach the level of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm..."

Ye Xuandao: "What if the money is enough?"

Enough money!

Lu Jiuge looked at Ye Xuan, "Because of the changes in Qingzhou, Canglan College's current income can only barely cover expenses, and there is no extra money to support this Taoist soldier!"

Ye Xuan suddenly took out a ring and put it on the table, "500 million top-grade spirit stones, is it enough?"

Five hundred million!

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused, did Ye Xuan go to rob a super sect? After Lu Jiuge was silent for a while, she took out a ring and put it on the table, "In the ring, there are 31 real-level spiritual artifacts that you bought from the fifth owner of Zuixianlou. , Canglan Taoist soldiers went out to exterminate the monks in Zhongzhou, and obtained a total of 41 real-level spiritual weapons. If you add the 500 million top-grade spirit stones, you can barely make up 100 real-level spiritual weapons, but remember, it is one, It's not a set."

Speaking of this, she looked at Ye Xuan, "You want to raise a super Taoist soldier, it's not as difficult as usual, understand?"

"It's not particularly difficult!"

On the side, Jian Chuchu suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Jian Chuchu, and Jian Chuchu giggled, "We can support war with war. Aren't there many people from Zhongzhou? They came to rob us, so why can't we rob them?"


Mo Yunqi suddenly laughed and said, "We can also snatch them back! Cang Lan Taoist soldiers, they can't be kept by bandits Ye all the time! Now, they are so powerful that they can completely support themselves!"

Ye Xuan turned to Lu Jiuge, who nodded after pondering slightly, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly. In this way, his pressure was indeed reduced a lot.

After the meeting ended, Ye Xuan returned to his room.

Ye Xuan took out a ring, and inside the ring were the remaining 500 million top-quality spirit stones!

The Prison Tower must be repaired!

With this tower, I still feel at ease. After all, sister Jianxian is not here, so I still need a hole card!

Moreover, there are hundreds of rings in the prison tower!

Although the top-grade spirit stones in these rings have been devoured, the things are still there. You must know that these people were looted from Canglan State before. Could their things be garbage? Not only that, but there are also two treasures from the Realm of the Realm...

If the Prison Tower is restored, he will get rich again!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan was a little excited!


Soon, Ye Xuan began to feed the top-quality spirit stones to the Prison Tower, and just like that, the Prison Tower began to frantically devour the top-quality spirit stones in his ring...

A quarter of an hour later, 100 million top-grade spirit stones were gone. There was no movement in the Prison Tower!

Two quarters of an hour later, another 100 million top-grade spirit stones disappeared. The Boundary Prison Tower is still silent!

Not long after, there were only 100 million top-grade spirit stones left in the ring...

At this moment, Ye Xuan panicked.

After a while, all the top-grade spirit stones in his ring were devoured. However, there was still no movement in the Prison Tower!

In the room, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly slapped the table in front of him, and said angrily: "What are you going to do! What are you going to do! 700 million top-quality spirit stones! Brother, are you a pig? so edible?"

700 million top grade spirit stones!

Ye Xuan's heart is bleeding!

With the current situation in Qingzhou, even some first-class forces may not be able to produce 700 million top-grade spirit stones!

You know, Ningguo has accumulated tens of millions of top-quality spirit stones after countless years of accumulation!

But now, this prison tower has swallowed 700 million top-quality spirit stones, and most importantly, there is still no movement!

I can't afford it!

This time, Ye Xuan really felt that he couldn't afford it!

Because he didn't know how many top-quality spirit stones the tower would devour...

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Xuan calmed down and said, "Come in!"

The door opened, and a woman walked in. It was Jiang Jiu who came.

At this moment, Jiang Jiu was still wearing silver armor, and he was still so heroic.

Jiang Jiu walked up to Ye Xuan, and she took a look at Ye Xuan, "Is the Sword Emperor?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Jiang Jiu nodded slightly, "Your improvement speed is not much worse than Xiaoan's."

Ann! A beautiful image suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan's mind...

At this time, Jiang Jiu said: "Follow me!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

Ye Xuan followed Jiang Jiu to the back mountain of Canglan College, in front of a waterfall, stood ten people, all of them were wearing dark golden armor, holding a dark golden spear in their hands. The ten people had sharp breaths, their eyes were like knives, and there was a cold killing intent exuding from their bodies.

Seeing Ye Xuan, the ten people quickly knelt on one knee, "I've seen the dean!"

Beside Ye Xuan, Jiang Jiu said in a deep voice: "The ten of them are all at the peak of the Divine Harmony Realm. If ten of them work together, they can easily kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!"

Easily kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

Ye Xuan shook his head, "Not enough!"

Hearing this, Jiang Jiu turned to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said: "I need each of them to have the strength to kill the Ten Thousand Law Realm."

Ten people looked up at Ye Xuan, a little unbelievable.

Ye Xuan said lightly: "No confidence?"

Ten people were silent.

Ye Xuan said softly: "The borders of Qingzhou are in chaos now. The fate of Qingzhou, the fate of Jiang Guo, the fate of Canglan College, and our own destiny are all unknown. We must be strong enough, and we must be strong enough. To survive in this chaotic world."

Ten people clasped their fists together, "I will follow the dean to the death!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "In two days, I will find a group of opponents for you to practice with!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Jiang Jiu glanced at everyone, "Continue to practice!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and followed Ye Xuan.

On the path, Jiang Jiu followed Ye Xuan, "Equipment, money, and medicine."

Ye Xuan spread his hands, "Sell me to the World Protector!"

Jiang Jiu glared at Ye Xuan, "What are you talking about without money, do you think it's so easy to create a group of super Taoist soldiers?"

Ye Xuan smiled wryly, now, he is really poor, so poor that he wants to surrender himself to the Guardian League! Because of the bounty offered to him by the World Guardian League, even he himself was very moved!

There are so many!

Jiang Jiu was about to speak, when Mo Yunqi suddenly ran over, "Bandit Ye, a large number of strong men were found outside the imperial capital, hundreds of them, they seem to be looking for you!"


Ye Xuan jumped up, "It's only a hundred? How much money can you make with such a small amount? I'm so mad! Forget it, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left quickly, heading straight for the outside of the imperial capital.

On the spot, Mo Yun was stunned, and then looked at Jiang Jiu, "He... doesn't seem to be nervous at all, but rather excited?"

Jiang Jiu glanced at Ye Xuan's back in the distance, "He is already poor and crazy."

Ye Xuan was very fast, and in a short while he arrived outside the capital of the Jiang Kingdom, and behind him in the city were a hundred Canglan Taoist soldiers!

The hundred Canglan Daoist soldiers were already in full formation, ready to charge at any time.

Outside the city, more than a hundred people came here in a mighty manner, and the lowest level of each person is above the Netherworld Realm, among them, there are also Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, and there are a few more obscure auras!

A hundred or so people stopped when they were more than ten feet away from Ye Xuan. The leader was a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man glanced at Ye Xuan and was about to speak. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Damn, why did you come here?"

After finishing speaking, he disappeared directly in place. The next moment, the face of the middle-aged man changed drastically. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly

A sword has reached between his eyebrows!

Everyone in the field was stunned.

In front of Ye Xuan, the middle-aged man broke out in cold sweat, "I, I belong to the Qinglin Sect, I..."

"Qinglin sect?"

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then said a little excitedly: "Okay, hurry up, call someone now, tell everyone in the Qinglin Sect to come..."

As he spoke, he pointed his sword at everyone in the arena one by one, "Call someone, you should call me too, call me quickly, if you don't call someone, you won't give me Ye Xuan face, I will beat you to death!"

Everyone: "..."