

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 24: Original Heart

There was a sudden silence on the deck of the cloud boat.

The gray-robed old man was silent, his expression was calm, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly.

Naturally, there was fire in his heart, and Zuixianlou had never been treated like this before. Although there was fire, he didn't dare to get angry.

Sword Fairy!

The mysterious woman is very likely to be a sword fairy. If she is really a sword fairy, then Zuixianlou really can't provoke her.

With all the strength of Zuixianlou, he can contend with a sword fairy, but it is only a contest, and, who knows if this sword fairy has any friends? Or big power?

Even if she has no friends or power, she alone is enough to make Zuixianlou fall apart!

Sword Fairy!

How terrifying is the combat power of this kind of person?

The most difficult thing to mess with in the world, apart from the guardians of heaven and earth, is the sword cultivator! And the most difficult thing to mess with is the Taoist Sword Cultivator.

Therefore, even if the mysterious woman's words were so embarrassing, the old man in gray robe didn't dare to say anything.

You know, Jianxiu's temper is extremely weird, if he said one more thing, maybe he would have to confess here today!

The old man in gray robe withdrew his thoughts, and he glanced at Ye Xuan. Obviously, the reason why the mysterious woman stopped was probably because of the young man in front of him.

Sword cultivators come and go alone, but once they have disciples, they are no longer alone.

A disciple of the sword fairy!

The grey-robed old man had a complicated look on his face. This kind of person should have tried his best to win him over, but at this moment, he has caused such trouble.

After reading this, the gray-robed old man walked up to Ye Xuan, he sized Ye Xuan up, and then he pointed, a purple card landed in front of Ye Xuan, "Little friend, the relationship between you and my Drunken Immortal Building was just a few minutes ago." The matter is over, this is my Zuixianlou VIP card, just a little bit of care, please accept it."On the side, Han Xiangmeng suddenly explained: "This is a purple card. With this card, if you buy items in my Zuixianlou in the future, you will get a 50% discount. In addition, if you sell in my Zuixianlou Things, my Zuixianlou will not charge any handling fees. Not only that, but this card has many benefits, Mr. Ye will know in the future."

Ye Xuan naturally did not refuse, he accepted Zika, and then clasped his fists together, "This junior is going down to rest, let me take my leave."

After speaking, he pulled Ye Ling and turned to leave.

After the Ye Xuan brothers and sisters left, Han Xiangmeng and the old man beside him knelt down slowly.

The eyes of the gray-robed old man slowly closed, "Your grandfather used to be my subordinate. Of course, I didn't treat him as a subordinate. I regarded him as a brother. You are his granddaughter, and you are also half of my granddaughter."

Han Xiangmeng lowered her head slightly, not daring to speak.

The old man in gray robe shook his head, "You are his only bloodline, I don't want to kill you, but you don't want to meddle in this Zuixianlou matter for now, go back to the imperial capital and reflect on yourself."

Hearing this, Han Xiangmeng's face suddenly turned pale.

Years of hard work are all in vain at this moment!

The old man in gray robe glanced at the big river below, and slowly clenched his right hand, "Sword Immortal... I never thought that I could meet a Sword Immortal in this life, but in this way... ."

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the sky.

On the deck of the cloud boat, Han Xiangmeng smiled sadly, "Am I wrong?"Beside Han Xiangmeng, the old man said in a deep voice: "Miss, the world is impermanent, so there is no need to blame yourself too much."

Han Xiangmeng shook her head, "If I had sincerely made friends with him before, with his potential and the people behind him, it should be easy for me to enter the core of Zuixian Tower in the future... Unfortunately, I was too calculating and missed This is an opportunity to change my fate and my family's fate!"

The old man lowered his head slightly and did not speak.

Han Xiangmeng stood up, and she glanced at the far end of the sky, "Forget it, let's take it as a lesson today."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Xuan took his younger sister Ye Ling back to his private room. It was an ordinary room, a special room or something, neither brother nor sister wanted to live in it!

In the room, after Ye Xuan coaxed Ye Ling to fall asleep, he entered the Prison Tower. As soon as he entered the Prison Tower, he realized that something was wrong!

He found that the second floor moved a bit!

Sensing this scene, Ye Xuan's face suddenly changed. Just as he was about to speak, the mysterious woman's voice sounded again, "Are you relieved?"

Ye Xuan bowed deeply, "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

The mysterious woman said coldly: "Rescue? Do you know why I want to take action?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

The mysterious woman said: "Do you still remember what I asked you earlier? Let me ask you, do you know the consequences of that sword strike?"Ye Xuan nodded.

The mysterious woman said: "At that time, if you didn't make that sword move, I definitely wouldn't do it today!"

Ye Xuan was stunned, a little puzzled, "Why? If I don't use my sword, the matter may calm down."


The mysterious woman said coldly: "Calm down? You can be tactful, there is nothing wrong with it, but if your close relatives are treated like this, and you still think about the consequences, then what qualifications do such people have to hold a sword? Besides, what kind of sword do you have? If I don't come out, I feel aggrieved, and my sword heart shatters in an instant, and I will never have a chance to become a powerful sword cultivator again in this life."

"The heart of the sword is broken? Why?" Ye Xuan was a little puzzled.

The mysterious woman said: "A sword cultivator and a sword cultivator cultivate both the sword and the heart, and the original heart is the true 'heart'. At that moment, you want to get justice for your sister, you want to kill someone, but if you worry about the consequences , go against your heart, do things smoothly, and calm down this matter, that is, go against your heart. Of course, you may not feel that doing so will have any impact. The fact is that your sword will be bound by yourself. The clarity of the sword heart will also dissipate in this instant."

Ye Xuan smiled wryly, "Senior, if sword repairers are so tough, they probably won't live long!"

The mysterious woman said softly: "This is why there are so few swordsmen in this world, especially the real swordsmen, there are even fewer! This is what I once told you, the road to the sword is more difficult than you imagined. It's still hard to go!"

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and now he can feel a little bit.

At this time, the mysterious woman said again: "I couldn't make a move at first, but this time, do you know the consequences?"

as a result of?

Ye Xuan was stunned, and subconsciously said: "What consequences?"Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Senior, can't you make another move?"

The mysterious woman said: "At least until you find a way, I can't make a move, or even go out again. Of course, even if I can make a move, I won't make a move again. With all due respect, I made a move before because of you For the sake of daring to draw the sword to seek justice for my sister, I also want to see that person's displeasure, do you understand?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I understand."

He is very clear that people must rely on themselves, and he is also very clear that if someone helps him once, it does not mean that he will help him a second time, and he is not qualified to let others help him a second time!

It's a big favor for someone to help me once!

He Ye Xuan is not the kind of white-eyed wolf, he will not think that it is only natural for others to help him, and he will not let others come out when there is any trouble in the future!

Being strong is king.

Therefore, he doesn't have any mentality of dependence. On the contrary, the last words of the mysterious woman made him understand that everything depends on himself! It is unrealistic and stupid to pin your hopes on others!

It's just a problem with the seal... The way is the way, and if you want to find the way, he must reach the air-controlling state, or even the volleying state as soon as possible, because now the mysterious woman said that he has no strength to subdue the way!

It's a hassle!

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed, he is facing many things now, the first is his sister's illness, and the second is the seal of this prison tower.

He already felt something abnormal in the Prison Tower, and even felt the solemnity in the mysterious woman's voice. He knew that the mysterious woman was not joking with him. If the seal was loose, the other party would definitely not make a move for him!

This matter must be resolved by himself!Seemingly thinking of something, Ye Xuan quickly asked, "Senior, what is the clarity of the sword heart?"

He didn't forget that he had entered a mysterious and mysterious state before.

After being silent for a while, the mysterious woman said: "The heart of the sword is clear, just like looking in a mirror. Usually you don't know what you look like, but when you look in the mirror, you will clearly understand what you look like. And This sword heart is clear, this is the reason, now you are very clear about the direction of your own sword path, and you know what your own sword path looks like, to put it simply, you have clearly understood yourself and your own sword path!"

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Is this useful?"

The mysterious woman said: "You seem to have forgotten one thing. You used a sword to determine life and death before, but this time, your body doesn't seem to have suffered much backlash!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was stunned.


He used a sword to determine life and death before, but now his body is not as miserable as before, but he just feels a little tired!

The voice of the mysterious woman sounded again, "The heart of the sword is clear, it is a state of mind of the way of the sword. When you fight against people in the future, all illusions and illusions will be invalid for you. Of course, if the enemy's strength exceeds you by too much, it is another matter. Apart from this In addition, if your heart is clear, your compatibility with the sword will be higher, and you will get twice the result with half the effort when you perform sword skills and sword moves... I'm tired, I don't want to explain these idiots to you, go and practice with the shadow yourself I'll know soon!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

After a while, Ye Xuan began to find the shadow to practice duel.When he made the first sword, he froze.

Because the feeling is really different, not only that, when the shadow made the first sword, he was stunned again, because the feeling was different this time, and he couldn't explain the reason for this feeling, if he had to say , his feeling is this sword, so simple...

After a quarter of an hour, Ye Xuan stopped.

And the shadow in front of him had a long sword stuck in his chest!

In an instant, the shadow slowly dissipated.

Ye Xuan lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

After a while, he put away the Lingxiao sword and looked at the Lingxiao sword in his hand. After a long silence, he murmured softly: "Now I feel that this sword belongs to me."