

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 232: Sword Emperor!

The arena was silent!

Everyone is looking at Lian Wanli combing his hair on the dragon chair in the distance...

This is a typical fight, but the hairstyle can't be messed up!

Of course, the point is not to comb your hair, but that Lian Wanli just killed a Wan Dharma Realm in seconds!

It's an instant kill, not a victory!

Lian Wanli doesn't look very old, but with this strength... this is a super evildoer who may be even more evil than Ye Xuan!

In the arena, no one is not afraid!

However, Ye Xuan is right in front of him, and no one wants to give up!

Kill Ye Xuan, get rich directly, and save at least a hundred years of struggle!

In addition, killing Ye Xuan can also gain fame. Now Ye Xuan is a celebrity in the Qingcang world. If you kill him, your reputation will instantly skyrocket and become famous throughout the Qingcang world!

Even so, some people retreated.

After seeing Lian Wanli's terrifying strength, these people decisively chose to retreat. You know, there is not only Lian Wanli in front of you, but also Ye Xuan. If you let Ye Xuan recover, with the strength of these two people, how terrifying it would be!

Therefore, some people decisively chose to leave, but only a small number, less than ten people!

And the rest are all ready to go, ready to shoot at any time!

Not far away, after Lian Wanli combed her hair, she picked up Ye Xuan and put him on the dragon chair, then turned around and walked towards the hundreds of people with the Qinglong Saber in her hand!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of hundreds of people were filled with fear, and some even couldn't help but backed away!

Lian Wanli didn't make a move directly, but stopped suddenly. She looked at the hundreds of people and asked, "This Ye Xuan is on the world protection list, right?"

A Situ family's ten thousand dharma realm expert said in a deep voice: "Since your Excellency knows that this Ye Xuan is on the list of protecting the world, you should know that this Ye Xuan violated the rules of the world. As long as you are from the Qingcang world, everyone Get him and punish him. If you want to protect him, you are going against the entire Qingcang Realm!"

Lian Wanli thought for a while, and then said: "Then I will hand him over to you?"

Everyone was stunned.

Lian Wanli shook his head again, "No no! The World Protector League offers such a high reward, if I hand him over to the World Protector League, I can get rich instantly!"

Hearing this, everyone in the field looked weird. At first, they thought that they would protect Ye Xuan even thousands of miles away, but now it seems that they are fucking trying to monopolize Ye Xuan!

The members of Situ's family who were strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm were also a little confused. Didn't this woman want to protect Ye Xuan?

Lian Wanli glanced at everyone, "I tell you, this Ye Xuan is mine, and no one can take it away."

"Don't let her swallow it alone!"

At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

Go all alone!

Everyone came to their senses, and everyone quickly echoed.

Lian Wanli gave everyone a cold look, "This Ye Xuan is in my hands, why can't I take it all by myself?"

"Whoever sees it has a share!"

Someone suddenly said: "Why do you all work so hard to come to Qingzhou? Naturally, it is for money! This Ye Xuan is priceless. If I get it, just a piece of heavenly treasure will be enough for me to eat for a lifetime!"

"That's right! You can't let this woman eat it alone, everyone has a share!"

"Is this woman delaying time on purpose?"

"How could it be, this woman is not stupid, how could she fight against the entire Qingcang Realm and the Guardian Alliance for Ye Xuan?


No one noticed that the fingers of Ye Xuan, who was lying on the dragon chair, trembled slightly...

Lian Wanli held the Qinglong Saber expressionlessly, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, an old man came out, "Girl, everyone has come from afar to seek money. What do you think of this? You take the lead and we take the lead. Is it possible?"

In the arena, although some people were a little displeased, they didn't dare to say anything, who could call them amazing!

Lian Wanli pondered slightly, as if thinking about it.

Seeing this scene, the old man was overjoyed, felt that there was something interesting, and immediately said: "The girl is a genius, we will never be enemies with the girl, as long as the girl is willing to share this Ye Xuan with everyone..."

Lian Wanli shook his head suddenly, "It's not impossible to share, but there are too many people, if the spoils are shared, how much can one person get? I have a proposal! The Ten Thousand Dharma Realm can be kept, and everyone will hand over this Ye Xuan to the World Protector League. Then share the bounty!"

Hearing this, the faces of those who were not in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm suddenly became extremely ugly, while those who were in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm were thoughtful, as if they were thinking about it.

At this moment, an old man in gray robes from Situ's family came out suddenly, he looked at Lian Wanli coldly, "I think Your Excellency wants to split us up!"


Hearing this, everyone in the field suddenly became a little alert!

Because they found something was wrong.

Lian Wanli said in a low voice: "Differentiation? Are you willing to share this bounty with these ants? Anyway, I don't want to!"

The gray-robed old man stared at Lian Wanli, "If it's not splitting up, it's okay. As long as you kill this Ye Xuan, my Situ family is willing to stand by your side. Anyway, the Guardian League wants dead people, not living ones. Why? Sample?"

Kill Ye Xuan!

Everyone is watching Lian Wanli!

Lian Wanli nodded, and then she pointed to Ye Xuan who was sitting on the dragon chair not far away, "He's right there, kill him yourself!"

Go kill yourself!

The grey-robed old man looked a bit ugly, because he was not sure about Lian Wanli's real intentions. If Lian Wanli wanted to protect Ye Xuan, if he went to kill him, there was no doubt that Lian Wanli would attack him. But if you don't go there, how can you know Lian Wanli's true intention?

Ye Xuan and the Situ family can say that it's either you die or I live. At this moment, Ye Xuan is at his weakest. If you don't kill Ye Xuan now, the chances will be even less in the future.

After reading this, the gray-robed old man looked at the people around him, who nodded slightly, and walked towards Ye Xuan who was sitting on the dragon chair not far away.

Eight Myriad Law Realms!

Although the eight people were walking towards Ye Xuan, their eyes were fixed on Lian Wanli all the time, and the eight people were extremely alert!

And Lian Wanli held the Azure Dragon Saber, without any intention of making a move.

Soon, the eight people arrived in front of the dragon chair. The old man in gray robe turned his head and glanced at Lian Wanli, but Lian Wanli still didn't make a move.

Seeing this scene, the old man in gray robe felt relieved and relaxed his vigilance, because now, even if he took a shot, it was too late!

The few people around him are enough to withstand Lian Wanli, and he can kill Ye Xuan in less than half a breath!

But at this moment, Ye Xuan, who was lying on the dragon chair, suddenly opened his eyes one by one.

chi chi!

Two sword lights shot out from his eye sockets like two lightning bolts!

This sudden change made the grey-robed old man's face change instantly. He originally focused all his attention on Lian Wanli, so he never thought that Ye Xuan would suddenly attack him. Under such circumstances, he could only use his arms to block the attack by instinct At the point of his own harm.

chi chi!

Two beams of sword light directly cut off his arms, but he took this opportunity to step back, hoping to distance himself from Ye Xuan, but a flying sword was faster than him, piercing through his eyebrows in an instant.

The field is quiet!

Everyone's eyes moved from Lian Wanli to the dragon chair not far away!

Ye Xuan sat on the dragon chair with his eyes closed, and a dark sword intent exuded from his body.

Ye Xuan woke up!

Everyone is on high alert!

In front of Ye Xuan, those powerful men in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm also retreated one after another, distanced themselves from Ye Xuan.

Jian Huang!

Today's Ye Xuan is the sword emperor, able to gather the power of heaven and earth, and the power of space!

From a certain point of view, Ye Xuan is actually equivalent to the Realm of Ten Thousand Laws!

If there is no gap between realms, among the same level, no one in the field is Ye Xuan's opponent!

At this time, a voice sounded from the crowd, "This man's sword intent is quite messy and his breath is depressed. Obviously, his injuries are not fully healed. If we don't join hands at this moment, each of us is suspicious of each other and fearful of each other, then, Everyone will only be slowly played to death by the two of them."

Not far away, Lian Wanli looked at the crowd, and she frowned slightly, because she didn't see the speaker!

But at this time, the voice sounded again, "If we fight together, no matter how evil they are, the two of them will definitely die! Situ family, if you don't take the lead, the Situ family's blood feud may never have the chance to avenge it!"

Hearing this, the seven members of Situ's family who were strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm looked at each other, and the next moment, the seven of them rushed directly towards Ye Xuan!

Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the people immediately rushed over without any scruples!

Lian Wanli walked up to Ye Xuan with the Azure Dragon Saber in hand, and looked at the group of people rushing forward with a blank expression on her face.

The seven Ten Thousand Dharma Realm rushed to the front, and the force released by the seven people was like a flood, pressing down on Ye Xuan and Lian Wanli.

Before the people arrive, the momentum will come first!

Lian Wanli tilted his head slightly and asked, "How long will it take?"

"One hour!" Ye Xuan replied.

"Wait to die!"

After speaking, Lian Wanli turned around and left.

Ye Xuan hurriedly said again: "Half an hour!"

Lian Wanli turned around again, holding the Zhongqinglong Saber with one hand and slammed forward with a vertical slash, "Qinglong Break!"

As the voice fell, a cyan saber aura that was more than a hundred feet long suddenly slashed down from the air. In the saber aura, a green dragon's soul raised its head and roared!

As soon as this saber energy appeared, the momentum released by the seven Ten Thousand Dharma Realms disappeared instantly. At the same time, the powerful saber energy directly knocked back the seven people in front of her by more than a hundred feet. It should be said that it was the seven of them. After sensing this saber energy, he took the initiative to retreat!

Stay out of the way!

At that moment, the seven of them made this decision almost unanimously!

But the rest of the people who rushed over didn't have their reaction ability, and the sword energy fell one by one.


In an instant, the ground cracked open, and nearly dozens of people were instantly swallowed by this saber energy, and a ravine with a depth of tens of feet appeared on the ground...

The power of a knife is so terrifying!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and an afterimage flashed across the field!

Imperial Realm!

Lian Wanli squinted his eyes slightly, and he swung forward with a knife in one hand, and when the knife fell, he was blocked by a finger!

That finger blocked the blade, not the back!

True Realm of Law!

Lian Wanli's pupils shrank slightly, and his right hand suddenly pressed down, and the afterimage retreated a distance of Zhang Xu in an instant, but at the next moment, the person stepped forward, clasped the Azure Dragon Saber in her hand with both hands, and at the same time, together Afterimages suddenly appeared behind her without warning.

True Realm of Law!

Two True Guardians!

Moreover, he is still a top killer!

At this critical moment, Lian Wanli resolutely discarded the Azure Dragon Saber with his right hand, turned around and swept with his left hand, and at the moment she made the move, a cold light fell from her left shoulder.


Lian Wanli's left arm flew out in an instant, but she took this opportunity to dodge to the side. During the process, the blood sprayed from her left shoulder threw a beautiful arc...

After Lian Wanli stopped, she glanced at her left shoulder, where it was empty, and she was stunned.

At this moment, not far away, two experts in the Realm of Realm were about to attack Ye Xuan, but there was a sound of dragon chant from the side. The two turned their heads to look at Lian Wanli. Lian Wanli walked in front of Ye Xuan with the Azure Dragon Saber in her right hand. She turned and looked at the two real magicians not far away, "We agreed to buy him half an hour. That's half an hour, not a breath less!" On her left shoulder, blood was overflowing!