

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 225: It's nice to have a younger sister!

evil thoughts!

The world is divided into yin and yang, and all things generate and restrain each other.

Humans are naturally divided into good and evil.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is good, but in fact, it is also accompanied by evil.

For a powerful person, one good thought can benefit the world, but one bad thought will naturally destroy everything.

As far as Ye Xuan is concerned, if you treat him kindly, he will be kind, but if you treat him evilly, he will be ten times, a hundred times worse than you!

How people treat him, how he treats people!

He, Ye Xuan, would never do the thing of repaying kindness with grievances, but even less would he do the thing of repaying grievances with kindness.

At the moment when the evil thought came out, the sword in Xia Houzhao's hand suddenly trembled violently, and then it turned dark black in an instant, and Xia Houzhao's hand began to disappear directly!

Xia Houzhao's face changed drastically, and he quickly let go of his right hand, and the sword flew back into the sword box behind Ye Xuan in an instant.

Xia Houzhao's expression was extremely dignified. At this moment, the palm of his right hand had lost a layer of skin. If he had slowed down a little earlier, his entire hand might have disappeared.

What kind of sword intent is this?

Xia Houzhao raised his head and looked at Ye Xuan in the distance, but Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared. Xia Houzhao narrowed his eyes slightly, and in his eyes, a ray of sword light was getting closer and closer to him!

A quick sword!

Very few people in the field can clearly see the trajectory of this sword!

But Xia Houzhao turned slightly sideways and directly dodged the sword!

After the sword passed, Ye Xuan was more than ten feet behind Xia Houzhao!

Was dodged!

Ye Xuan had no expression on his face, but he was on guard in his heart!

One cannot treat any enemy lightly or carelessly, not to mention that this person in front of him is still the fourth on the monster list!

How can this kind of person be an idiot?

Xia Houzhao turned to look at Ye Xuan, with a gloomy expression, "The number one genius in Qingzhou? Hmph, you really are sitting in a well and looking at the sky, ignorant..."

At this point, Xia Houzhao's face changed slightly, because in the distance, a flying sword flew towards him, and the speed was so fast that it completely exceeded the scope of the Divine Harmony Realm. Such speeds are possible!

This sword has far surpassed the average ten thousand dharma realm powerhouse!

And Xia Houzhao just took a step towards the right, and with this step, he directly dodged the lightning-fast flying sword!

Very easy!

"This is the first genius in Qingzhou?"

At this time, a middle-aged man came out suddenly, he looked at Ye Xuan, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "It turns out that the first day in Qingzhou is such a trash, you..."

In the distance, Ye Xuan pointed casually, and a ray of sword light flew out.


The middle-aged man's voice stopped abruptly, because a sword had pierced his throat!

The middle-aged man held the sword tightly with both hands, his eyes were full of horror, and blood splashed like a fountain from his throat!

Ye Xuan turned his head to face the middle-aged man, "The person who hates talking the most!"

As the voice fell, he spread out his palms, and the sword at the middle-aged man's throat immediately flew back and landed firmly in his palm.

Holding the sword, Ye Xuan didn't say any nonsense, turned around with the sword in hand, and rushed towards Xia Houzhao in the distance!

Seeing Ye Xuan rushing, Xia Houzhao also had a trace of solemnity in his eyes, although he easily dodged Ye Xuan's two swords, in fact, it was not easy.

Ye Xuan's strength also somewhat exceeded his expectations!

At this time, Ye Xuan was already in front of Xia Houzhao with the sword in his hand. He raised the sword and stabbed it. When the sword came out, the powerful sword force instantly enveloped Xia Houzhao. The ground instantly cracked open!

Xia Houzhao was expressionless, neither dodging nor dodging!

Ye Xuan's sword pierced Xia Houzhao's eyebrows without any suspense!


There is a tearing sound!

That was the sound of the air being torn apart!


Ye Xuan's reaction was extremely fast, he turned around and slashed fiercely with his sword, but his speed was half a beat slower, a fist had already hit his chest.


Ye Xuan's body trembled violently, but he was not blown away. Seeing this scene, Xia Houzhao's face changed instantly, and he flashed backwards. This flash directly flashed ten feet away! And on his chest, the clothes had been torn, and there was a deep sword mark on his chest!

Xia Houzhao's expression was quite ferocious, he looked up at Ye Xuan, there was a white air flow in Ye Xuan's abdomen, and it was this white air flow that forcibly blocked his punch just now.

Sword intent!

Two forms of sword intent!

Xia Houzhao slowly clenched his right hand, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly soared into the air. In the air, a devastating coercion suddenly appeared. When this coercion appeared, the ground within a radius of 100 meters trembled violently stand up!

All around, countless people were horrified and retreated violently.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yunqi and the others immediately became serious!

Lian Wanli suddenly said softly: "Heaven-level martial arts!"

In the air in the distance, the coercion emanating from Xia Houzhao's body is still surging wildly. The right fist clenched in his right hand is emitting a fiery red light at this moment, and powerful coercion is continuously pouring out from his right hand out.

The power of heaven and earth!

Heaven-level martial arts already have the power of heaven and earth!

Below, the Lingxiu Sword in Ye Xuan's hand has become the Lei Xiao gifted to him by Ye Ling. The moment he holds the Heavenly Rank Sword, the power of the sword in his sword instantly soars, like a torrent rising into the sky , forcibly blocked the momentum emanating from Xia Houzhao's body!

In the air, Xia Houzhao looked ferocious, his body turned around, and then he punched down fiercely, "Borrow a punch from the sky: the earth collapses!"

As the voice fell, the power in Xia Houzhao's fist suddenly rose, at least five times higher, and below, Ye Xuan's sword power was instantly suppressed, and at the same time, a force of destructive power swept from the sky Down, as if to destroy this land!

Down below, under this powerful force and coercion, Ye Xuan is like a flat boat in a storm, which may be swallowed at any time!

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Xuan suddenly stomped his right foot, and his whole body turned into a black sword light soaring into the sky!

A sword is life and death!

The moment Ye Xuanshi unleashed a sword to determine life and death, the sword power contained in his sword instantly soared, and the powerful sword power directly counterpressed the power of heaven and earth emanating from Xia Houzhao's body, and where the sword light passed, Torn inch by inch, like a broken bamboo!

This sword can be said to be his strongest sword, especially after the blessing of the sword intent of evil thoughts, the power of this sword is enough to destroy the world!


In the air, a roar suddenly resounded, and then, countless sword lights and fist lights splashed wildly towards the surroundings. The people around were terrified, and they retreated violently again. This retreat was a full retreat of a hundred feet.

The location where Ye Xuan and Xia Houzhao are located has been submerged by countless sword lights and air waves, but within the sword lights and air waves, there are still explosions. Obviously, the two are still fighting fiercely.

In this way, it lasted for an unknown amount of time, and the sword lights and air waves slowly dissipated, and Ye Xuan and Xia Houzhao also appeared in everyone's sight.

At this moment, the two are separated by twenty feet.

Ye Xuan held the Lei Xiao sword and pointed at the ground obliquely. The Lei Xiao sword was pitch black, and blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

On the other side of Ye Xuan, Xia Houzhao was standing there, at this moment, his right arm was gone!

When they saw that Xia Houzhao had lost his right arm, the expressions of the people behind Xia Houzhao all sank!

There is no doubt that Xia Houzhao lost!

Xia Houzhao stared at Ye Xuan, "I didn't lose to you, I lost to the Heavenly Sword in your hand!"

Ye Xuan raised the sword in his hand, with a proud face, "My sister gave me this sword. Who is to blame if you don't have a heavenly treasure? It must be your fault! Who told you that you have no sister?"

Xia Houzhao: "..."

Holding the Lei Xiao Sword in his hand, Ye Xuan is very happy in his heart at the moment, in fact, as long as it is given by Ye Ling, he likes it!

It's really good to have a sister!

Of course, don't be like Tuoba Xiaoyao, with this kind of girl, if you are a brother, you will be played to death!

Xia Houzhao took a deep look at Ye Xuan, "I underestimated you! The Situ family also underestimated you! But don't worry, after I go back, they won't underestimate you anymore! You..."

At this moment, the Lei Xiao Sword in Ye Xuan's hand suddenly turned into a beam of sword light and shot out. Xia Houzhao's face changed drastically, and he just wanted to block it with his right hand, but at this moment he was horrified to find that his right hand was gone. ... At this pause, the sword passed through his eyebrows in an instant!


A stream of blood shot out from between Xiahou Zhao's eyebrows!

Ye Xuan walked slowly in front of Xia Houzhao, "Go back? Do you still want to go back? You really think too much!"

As he said that, he made a move with his right hand, and the ring on Xia Houzhao's hand flew into his hand immediately!

After getting Xia Houzhao's acceptance ring, Ye Xuan was stunned!

In Najie, there is actually a real-grade high-grade long spear. Besides, there are nearly a hundred million top-grade spirit stones!

So fat!

This was the first thought in Ye Xuan's mind at the moment, and these hundreds of millions of top-grade spirit stones must have been looted by Xia Houzhao from Canglan Prefecture, including this real-grade high-grade spear, it must be the same!

Thinking of this, he turned to the hundreds of people in front of him. These people probably carried most of Canglan State's finances on them!

And if these people are allowed to enter Qingzhou, one can imagine how tragic the fate of Jiang Guo and Ning Guo will be!

In the arena, the eyes of those hundreds of people are all jealous at this moment!

Ye Xuan beheaded and killed Xia Houzhao, who was fourth on the list of monsters, which means that his strength has reached the fourth place on the list of monsters!


No one is not afraid!

But retreating like this, no one is willing! They have come to Qingzhou, as long as they enter Qingzhou, women, money...whatever they want!

If you retreat now, you will lose a lot!

At this moment, a hunchbacked old man suddenly stood up!

Imperial Realm!

This is no longer the Realm of Myriad Laws, but the Realm of Imperial Laws!

The hunchbacked old man walked up to Ye Xuan, he glanced at Ye Xuan, his expression was extremely gentle, "This old man is the great elder of the Xuanyou Sect of the Middle-Earth Shenzhou, although my Xuanyou Sect is not a first-class force, but within the sect, the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm is strong There are also more than a dozen of them, although there are not many in the Imperial Realm, but there are also four or five, uh..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Xuan and said apologetically, "This old man doesn't mean to threaten, really, he doesn't mean to threaten at all, little friend, don't think too much!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I understand! By the way, do seniors know about Cangmu Academy?"

The old man nodded, "Of course I know!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "I destroyed Cangmu College... Well, I don't have a backer, really, I don't have a backer, and the dozen or so Ten Thousand Dharma Realm and several Dharma Realm powerhouses in Canglan College are all I killed... Oh, senior, what is your expression? Don't believe it, really, I, Ye Xuan, have no backing, I did it all by myself!"