

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 223: My people, no one can move!

On the mountain, Lian Wanli looked at Ye Xuan quietly, "You are this kind of person!"

The tone was firm, without giving any face.

Ye Xuan's face was full of black lines, "Lian girl, it seems that you don't know me well enough! But it's okay, I'm not interested in you anyway, I..."

At this moment, Lian Wanli who was in front of him suddenly jumped up and slapped him, swift as lightning!

Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, he took a step forward, and punched Lian Wanli's palm with a punch. However, his face changed instantly, because with this punch, he felt as if he had smashed a piece of cotton, limp. of!

Ye Xuan just wanted to stop, but Lian Wanli suddenly grabbed his wrist. The next moment, Lian Wanli pulled his wrist and pulled it towards her. At the same time, she pressed her knee against Ye Xuan's abdomen. .


Ye Xuan retreated thirty feet in an instant!

Ye Xuan said angrily: "Why are you crazy!"

Lian Wanli glanced at Ye Xuan, and said softly, "My hands are itchy, I want to hit someone!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's anger came from his heart, his body trembled, and he shot directly towards Lian Wanli.

Lian Wanli was expressionless, she lightly tapped the ground with her toes, and the whole person floated forward, a little blurred and a little weird, because her whole body was already a little illusory and distorted, not only the person, but also the space she was in was a little distorted!

Ye Xuanzhi, punch out!

This punch boosted his fighting spirit!

But the next moment one by one


Ye Xuan retreated violently again and again, and this time, he retreated another thirty feet.

After Ye Xuan stopped, he didn't make another move, and his expression was quite serious.

Lian Wanli put his right hand behind his back, and said in a low voice, "Sword out!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan pointed forward, and a ray of sword light flashed by, cutting straight for thousands of miles.

She did not dodge for thousands of miles, but when the ray of sword light came half a foot in front of her, the sword light suddenly stopped and twisted directly, no, what was twisted was not the sword light, but the space, and the sword light was restricted by space .

Just like that, the sword light became more and more distorted, and finally disappeared.

Ye Xuan was silent.

Lian Wanli walked up to Ye Xuan, "The Ten Thousand Dharma Realm can be divided into the false Ten Thousand Dharma Realm and the real Ten Thousand Dharma Realm. The so-called False Ten Thousand Dharma Realm is just reaching the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, but they haven't really understood the mysteries of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm. The mystery of the Myriad Dharma Realm is the use of space. Only those who have reached the True Ten Thousand Dharma Realm can truly grasp the mysteries of space and be able to use it."

As she said that, she looked directly at Ye Xuan, "There are very few people who are strong in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm in Qingzhou, but there are quite a few in China. When we go to Wanqiu Mountain, we are very likely to meet such a strong man." , if you still underestimate the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm like this, you will suffer a big loss then."

Ye Xuan was silent for a long time, and finally, he nodded, "I have been taught."

The tens of thousands of miles in front of me are undoubtedly the real ten thousand dharma realm!

And although he and Lian Wanli didn't have a life-and-death battle just now, judging from those two fights, he can already feel the horror of the real ten thousand dharma realm!

Kendo journey, never take it lightly!

At this time, Lian Wanli said again: "It will take a day and a half to go to Wanqiu Mountain, please explain, let's start now!"

After speaking, she and the woman in armor turned and left.

Ye Xuan returned to Canglan Hall, and he called Ji Anzhi, Mo Yunqi and others over.

In the hall, all the core figures of Canglan College are there.

An hour later, Ye Xuan left Canglan Palace, and he brought only three people with him, Ji Anzhi, Mo Yunqi, and Bai Ze.

He didn't bring Canglan Taoist soldiers, because at present, there are still many Zhongzhou mercenaries and some sect forces. These Canglan Taoist soldiers must stay in Qingzhou to deter these mercenaries and sect forces.

On the cloud boat, Ye Xuan stood at the bow of the boat, holding the boat pole with both hands, meditating.

Save Qingzhou!

He never imagined that one day he would do such a feat! Because he never felt that he was a hero, even, he felt that he was not even a good person!

And now, he actually wants to save Qingzhou!

It's unbelievable for him to think about it!

When did I become so great?

But, it's really impossible not to go.

Jiang Guo is his country, his home, here, there are his friends, his brothers, and his college students...

What happened in Liangjie City let him know how evil a person can be! There is no upper limit to the evil of human nature!

But now, those strong men from Canglan State, these people are no longer human beings, they are all wolves, bloodthirsty wolves, if these people are allowed to step into Qingzhou, Jiang State and Ning State, it is conceivable that it will be How terrible!

In the world of warriors, the strong rarely show mercy to the weak, more often it is the strong who oppress and plunder the weak!

Ye Xuan didn't want to be a savior, and he never thought of being a savior, he just wanted everyone around him to be safe!

In a word: My people, even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu can't move!

At this time, a gust of fragrant wind hit, and a woman appeared beside Ye Xuan.

Thousands of miles.

Lian Wanli looked down at the bottom of the cloud boat, and said softly: "Look at this great river and mountain, how beautiful it is! But under such a beautiful scenery, there are countless corpses and blood."

Speaking of this, she suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, "Before this, I always thought that Qingzhou became what it is today, all because of your master's sword. Later, I felt that I was wrong. Qingzhou became like this Generally speaking, it is actually because of people's hearts and human nature. Good people can become evil, and bad people can become even worse!"

Good and evil!

Ye Xuan was in a daze. His kendo is the way of good and evil, but what is good? What is evil?

Ye Xuan stood on the bow of the boat, as if he had settled down...

Lian Wanli glanced at Ye Xuan, turned and left.

She knew that Ye Xuan might have realized something.

The cloud boat continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to Wanqiu Mountain.


Middle-earth Shenzhou, blood sect.

In a gloomy hall, there were thirty people standing in the hall, and the smell of blood in the hall was extremely strong.

On the first seat at the top of the main hall, sat a middle-aged man in black. This person was Xue Yue, the lord of the Blood Sect.

Below, an old man with a ferocious face was talking about Qingzhou, "The Great Elder of my Blood Sect was beheaded, more than thirty elite disciples were slaughtered, and their heads were all hung by Ye Xuan in the City of Two Realms On the city wall, their corpses are left to be hunted by wild dogs and vultures..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Xue Yue, "Young Sect Master was also beheaded by that Ye Xuan in the two cities..."

The field fell silent.

Xue Yue remained expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a moment of silence, an old man suddenly said angrily: "This Ye Xuan is really deceiving people too much. This is completely ignoring my blood sect!"

As he said that, he looked at Xue Yue, "Sect Master, I have to avenge this revenge."

In the field, most people nodded in agreement.

Xue Yue glanced at the talking old man, "Do you know Ye Xuan?"

The old man was slightly taken aback, and shook his head, "The barbarians of Qingzhou, how could I understand, I..."

Xue Yue suddenly interrupted the old man's words, "A barbarian? The barbarian you speak of has already been able to kill the Ten Thousand Law Realm with the Divine Harmony Realm! And he is a sword master who is less than twenty years old!"

The old man was shocked, "This..."

Xue Yue's eyes slowly closed, "I have to avenge this revenge, but I can't fight it like this... I have to use my strength! I will go to the Demon Sect myself. Before that, anyone People are not allowed to step into Qingzhou to find Ye Xuan!"

After finishing speaking, it disappeared directly.

Albizia sect.

The Hehuan Sect at this moment is just like the Blood Sect. The entire sect was furious after learning that several Wan Dharma Realm members had been killed.

At this moment, the Hall of Hehuan is very lively, everyone is discussing how to attack Ye Xuan and avenge the old man Hehuan and others.

The suzerain of the Hehuan Sect is a middle-aged man named Li Yuan, and from the beginning until now, he has not said a word, just listening quietly.

In the hall, the voice gradually became quieter, and many people looked at Li Yuan.

Because at this moment they realized that no matter what they said, the person in front of them needed to nod.

Seeing everyone stop, Li Yuan opened his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Two points, first, that Ye Xuan destroyed Cangmu College in Qingzhou, forcing all the dark world to withdraw from Qingzhou; second, he is still alive , and the Northern Cold Sect didn't give us any explanation."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and at this moment they realized that things were not that simple!

Li Yuan glanced at everyone in the field, "Cangmu Academy is much stronger than my Hehuan Sect, but even they can't do anything to Ye Xuan, do you think this person is simple?"

An old man suddenly said: "Is this the case?"

Li Yuan looked at the old man, "Continue to target him now, and the result may be the complete destruction of our Acacia Sect!"

The old man was silent.

Li Yuan's eyes slowly closed, "The order continues, all disciples of the Hehuan Sect are not allowed to enter Qingzhou, as for revenge...I will personally investigate this person, and finally decide whether to take revenge or not!"

When the words fell, he got up and disappeared into the hall.


On the cloud boat.

Ye Xuan, who was standing at the bow, was still thinking about one question, good and evil!

His way of swordsmanship is the way of good and evil swordsmanship, and understanding the meaning of good and evil swordsmanship is just the beginning for him, just the beginning!

His kendo and sword intent still have a long way to go.

As for good and evil, he doesn't have an accurate concept of what is good and what is evil! Because many times, a good person can also do evil, and a bad person is not necessarily really very bad...

In this way, Ye Xuan stood for a full day and night, and at dawn the next day, the cloud boat had already entered a mountain range.

During this period, even Wan Li and the others did not bother Ye Xuan.

After about an hour, the cloud boat stopped.

Lian Wanli led Ah Zuo towards the cloud boat, and behind them were Mo Yunqi, Mo Yunqi, and Tuoba Xiaoyao.

This girl was the last to chase after her!

Opposite the few people, there are two towering mountains. The distance between the two mountains is hundreds of feet, which happens to be a passage, and beyond the two mountains is a boundless sea.

Here is the only way for Zhongzhou and Canglan Prefecture to enter Qingzhou! The passage between the two mountains is called Qingzhou Road.

After entering this way, it is Qingzhou!

Lian Wanli stood at the front. Today, she is wearing a black phoenix robe and a black phoenix crown on her head. Her eyebrows are slightly thicker, and she looks a little cold and serious.

At this time, a man in black suddenly came from a distance. The man in black was extremely fast, and he came to Lian Wanli in the blink of an eye. He knelt down on one knee, "My king, Zhongzhou from Canglan Prefecture The strong will enter the Qingzhou Road soon!"

Lian Wanli said in a low voice, "How many people!"

The man in black said: "Among them, there are sixteen members of the Myriad Law Realm, three hundred and twenty-one strong people at the peak of the Divine Harmony Realm, six first-class mercenary regiments, and countless casual cultivators from the rest of the aristocratic families. There are seven strong men on the monster list, among them are the twenty-sixth on the monster list, the seventeenth on the monster list, the fifteenth on the monster list, the thirteenth on the monster list, the tenth on the monster list, and the fourth on the monster list... ...."


Not far away, Tuoba Xiaoyao suddenly looked at the man in black in astonishment.

The man in black nodded, "Exactly!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Xiaoyao blinked, then she looked up at the sky, "Today's weather is bad, not suitable for fighting!"

Lian Wanli nodded, "This king thinks... makes sense! Withdraw!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

Everyone: "..."