

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 190: Come on, hit me!

Mu Qingxuan's voice was very loud, and he also strengthened his profound energy. Not to mention Ye Xuan not far away, even within a mile radius, he could clearly hear his words.

Obviously, he deliberately told Ye Xuan to listen.

For Jiang Guo!

For Canglan College!

This is Mu Qingxuan's purpose at the moment.

Because he found that targeting Ye Xuan was completely impossible. Whether it is sending strong men or killers, they can no longer stop Ye Xuan's progress.

The only way now is to target Jiang Guo and Canglan College and force Ye Xuan to go back!

In the dark night, Mu Qingxuan glanced coldly at Ye Xuan in the distance, but Ye Xuan still didn't make any movement, and even grunted.

Mu Qingxuan didn't say anything more, turned and left with the dark master.

An hour later, the five cloud boats left Dayun Imperial Capital and headed for Jiang Country.

Inside these five cloud ships are elites from Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm.

Immediately after Heiyan, Ye Xuan sat up, and he took out the sound transmission stone...

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Jiuge's voice came from the sound transmission stone, "Don't worry, if they come, they will come and go."

Ye Xuan put away the sound transmission stone and continued to sleep.

In fact, he is not worried, because the current Canglan College is no longer the original Canglan College. Those elites from Cangmu College and the Dark Realm will not be able to gain any advantage at all, unless the Taoist soldiers from their main college go. , now Canglan Academy is not afraid of Cangmu Academy and the dark world at all!

It was dawn, and Ye Xuan set off.

The target is still Dayun Imperial Capital!

And the news of Ye Xuan's entry into the Great Cloud Realm also spread at this moment, especially the fact that Ye Xuan killed a thousand cavalry by himself in Pingyang City, it was even more popular!

In the beginning, it was still a one-on-one fight against one thousand, but later on, Ye Xuan had become one-on-one against ten thousand, and then later, it was one-on-one against one hundred thousand...

In short, Ye Xuan at this moment is undoubtedly the most dazzling one in Qingzhou.

And everyone knows that Ye Xuan's goal is Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm, the two most powerful forces in Qingzhou!

At noon, Ye Xuan came to an ancient city.

Longshi City!

On the city wall, a middle-aged man looked at Ye Xuan who was entering the city below, and said with a smile, "This person is that Ye Xuan?"

Beside the middle-aged man, a guard nodded, "It should be true."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "You are worthy of being the youngest sword master in Qingzhou. This kind of bearing and courage are rare among the younger generation in Qingzhou."

The guard said in a deep voice: "City Master, Cangmu Academy has sent a message, I hope we can stop this person."


The smile on the middle-aged man's face turned cold, "Take the lives of my soldiers in Longshi City to stop it? His Cangmu Academy has a good plan!"

The guard said in a deep voice: "If we don't send troops to stop Ye Xuan, the Cangmu Academy may be..."

The middle-aged man glanced at the guard beside him, "Cangmu Academy? I only obey the orders of the King of the Mountain. If the order continues, no one in the city shall stop Ye Xuan. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

The guard saluted slightly, "Obey!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

On the city wall, the middle-aged man turned around. At this moment, Ye Xuan had already entered the city.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was slowly disappearing at the end of the street, the middle-aged man remained silent for a long time.

In the city.

When Ye Xuan was about to leave the city, an old man in a gray robe stood at the city gate. The old man hid his right hand in his sleeve and held two black iron balls in his left hand.

Wan Dharma Realm!

In the corner, the lord of Longshi City frowned. Is this Cangmu Academy going to dispatch the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm?

Opposite Ye Xuan, the gray-robed old man stared at Ye Xuan, "Ye Xuan, the mentor of Cangmu Academy, I came here this time to tell you that I, Cangmu Academy and the elites of the dark world, are about to enter Jiang Country. If you don't come back, you, Canglan College and Jiang Guo's royal family will die without a place to bury you!"

Ye Xuan remained expressionless, and continued to move forward on the black flame horse!

Being ignored, the grey-robed old man's expression darkened instantly, and in the palm of his left hand, two black iron balls made a 'cracking' sound.

Want to do it!

He really wants to do it!

Because if he did it, he was very confident that he would be able to kill Ye Xuan. After all, he was in the Ten Thousand Laws Realm, and Ye Xuan was only in the Netherworld Realm. Ye Xuan and him were two big realms behind.

But the problem is, he dare not!

Li Mu was a strong man in the Law-Defending Realm, but he died for no apparent reason...

Gradually, the old man loosened his left hand.

But at this time, Ye Xuan stopped suddenly, and he turned his head to face the old man, "Want to hit me? You hit me! Come on!"

The old man's left hand that had been loosened was clenched again, and he turned his head to stare at Ye Xuan, his entire facial features were slightly distorted!

Ye Xuan jumped off the black flame horse suddenly, he walked directly in front of the old man, then pointed to himself, "Come on, hit me!"

In the corner, the corner of Longshi City's lord's mouth twitched slightly, this Ye Xuan...

In front of Ye Xuan, the old man's hands were already trembling slightly, which was a sign of extreme anger.

Seeing that the old man didn't make a move, Ye Xuan's mouth twitched with sarcasm, but he didn't make a move either, and turned around to get on the black flame horse. Soon, he disappeared not far away.

On the spot, the old man suddenly slammed his palm on the ground.


The entire ground exploded instantly, forming a huge deep pit.

The old man's face was gloomy and terrifying!

It was the first time that he was provoked by an ant in the Netherworld, but he couldn't make a move!


He has never been so frustrated! At that moment just now, he really wanted to do it. But I still held back abruptly!

Because if you do it, you will die in vain! Moreover, Ye Xuan was obviously trying to provoke him on purpose!

Even a strong man like Li Mu has no power to fight back in front of that sword fairy, let alone him!

After a while, the old man sighed deeply, turned and left.


outside the city.

Ye Xuan rode the black flame horse all the way forward.

In fact, he just wanted the old man to do it, because he wanted to see how far his current strength was from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

There must be a gap!

Even though he has reached the level of the sword master now, what he holds is still a real-level sword and sword box, but he is very clear that there is still a certain gap between him and the Ten Thousand Laws Realm.

After all, he is only in the Netherworld now!

And he just wanted to know how big the gap was.

He actually doesn't have a clear concept of his current strength. Under the Ten Thousand Laws Realm, few people can block his sword, but what about the Ten Thousand Laws Realm?

To put it simply, he really wants to fight the Ten Thousand Law Realm now!

The reason why he didn't take the initiative is because he didn't want to waste time. His current goal is Dayun Imperial Capital!

After leaving the city, Ye Xuan speeded up.

In the next two days, Ye Xuan didn't encounter any troubles, and it went smoothly. Therefore, he passed through three cities and got closer and closer to the capital of Dayun Emperor.

However, Cangmu Academy and the cloud boats from the Dark Realm also entered Jiang Country.

Outside Jiang Kingdom's imperial capital, three cloud boats slowly descended, and soon, nearly a hundred people descended from the cloud boats, including more than 30 men in black. These men in black just got off the boat and were about to become invisible... .

Suddenly, more than thirty arrows shot out from nowhere!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the students of Cangmu Academy and those men in black changed drastically, and they all retreated violently. However, it was still a bit late, and more than a dozen people were directly pierced by arrows and fell to the ground. At the same time, more than 70 cavalry rushed out of the city suddenly!

When they saw these seventy people, the faces of those Cangmu Academy students changed drastically!

Black flame cavalry!

Because the seventy people are exactly the same as the legendary black flame cavalry!

exactly the same!

Black flame cavalry?

Those Cangmu Academy students and the killers from the Dark Realm were already stunned.

But at this time, the seventy or so cavalrymen were getting closer and closer to them, and the force of the impact was simply devastating!

Among the students of Cangmu Academy, someone came back to his senses and shouted angrily, "Meet the enemy!

Meet the enemy!

As soon as the voice fell, more than 70 cavalrymen had already charged...

In an instant, there were screams in the field.

On the wall in the distance, there are still tens of thousands of soldiers waiting in battle!

Now, the status of Canglan College in Jiang Country is extremely high, and it is also respected by countless people. If you want to move Canglan College, no one agrees!

At the city wall, Lu Jiuge was sitting in a wheelchair. Beside her were Mo Yuan and Feng Lan, all of whom were looking down at the battlefield below.

At this time, most of the so-called elites of Cangmu Academy had died...


The seventy people crushed the Cangmu Academy directly and overwhelmingly.

On the city wall, Mo Yuan smiled slightly, "These Dao soldiers are very effective!"

Lu Jiuge chuckled, "Countless gold coins are piled up..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly raised her head to look over the cloud boat in the distance, where an old man was suspended.

This person is the elder of Cangmu Academy who led the team this time.

Looking at the battle situation below, the old man clenched his hands tightly, his expression turned extremely ugly. He never expected that there would be Black Flame Cavalry in this Canglan Academy!

This is naturally not the Black Flame Cavalry of the Dayun Empire, it is obviously a re-established cavalry after the batch of cavalry equipment obtained by Canglan College.

And the combat power of this cavalry is so terrifying!

If things go on like this, all the Cangmu Academy students below will die!

After reading this, the old man raised his right hand slightly, and was about to make a move when an old man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

Drunken Immortal Building Fifth Floor!

The fifth floor master looked at the old man, didn't speak, just looked at him like that, but his aura had locked on the old man.

The old man looked at the Fifth Building, "You really want to..."

The Fifth Lord waved his hand, "Don't talk too much, if you make a move, stay here today!"

Hearing this, the old man's face became extremely ugly.

At this time, all the Cangmu Academy students below have been wiped out!

And those killers in the dark world have already escaped, because they can't make a move at all. The armor defense power of these seventy people is really too terrifying!

At this time, a Taoist soldier from Canglan Academy suddenly took off his helmet, revealing a delicate female face.

Sword Chuchu!

Looking at the corpses in the field, Jian Chuchu said excitedly: "Clean the field!"

As she spoke, she held the umbrella sword and pointed directly at the three cloud ships parked in the distance, "Hurry up and occupy them, this is ours..."

Everyone: "..."

Big cloud environment.

On this day, Ye Xuan came to another city. Just as he was about to enter the city, a man stood in his way.

The man was holding a long gun. Judging by his age, he was about twenty years old.

The man looked at Ye Xuan with excitement in his eyes. Because, as long as he blocks Ye Xuan for an hour, he will have hundreds of millions of gold coins! One hour, hundreds of millions of gold coins!

What a great thing!

The man was about to speak, at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly disappeared in place, the man's face changed drastically, the spear in his hand was about to be shot, but at this moment, a sword was already in between his eyebrows.

The man's body stiffened!

Ye Xuan held the sword and moved forward lightly, "What do you want to say?"

The man looked at Ye Xuan for a long time, and finally, he slowly released his right hand holding the spear tightly, and said softly: "I'm just passing by..."
