

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 184: The man stays!

Big cloud environment!

In fact, Ye Xuan wanted to go to Dayun Realm very early on, because he never liked to be passive. And it has been Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm who have been making moves all along, and he can only passively accept the moves!

He doesn't want to continue to be passive!

The reason why he was passive before was because he was worried about Canglan College, but now, Canglan College has been on the right track, even if he is not there, Canglan College can still run well.

Time to be proactive!

As he said, this trip to the Great Cloud Realm is not for cultivation, not for chance, not for money, but only for killing people!


This time, he is going to kill!

Seeing Ye Xuan disappear into the distance, Mo Yunqi was stunned for a long time, and finally, he grinned, "Wait for us!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Canglan College.

Today's Canglan College has undoubtedly become the most powerful force in Jiang Country. Of course, this is inseparable from the help of Jiang Country and Zuixianlou.

Without the great help of these two forces, it would be impossible for Canglan College to develop so fast!

The reason why Jiang Guo and Zuixianlou helped each other so much was obviously for Ye Xuan. It should be said that the interests of the three parties have now been bundled together. Especially Jiang Guo, there is another very important reason why they help Canglan College so much, that is, Jiang Jiu is in Canglan College!

The most powerful Dao soldiers in Canglan College are led by Jiang Jiuzai! Moreover, the relationship between Jiang Jiu and Ye Xuan is very unusual...Ye Xuan is strong, Canglan College is strong, so it can be said that Jiang Guo is strong!

The Lord of the Jiang Kingdom and Jiang Yuetian saw it very clearly. In the future, Jiang Jiu and Ye Xuan's goal is the sea of ​​stars, not this mere Jiang Kingdom.

As for Zuixianlou, their goal is not Qingzhou, but Zhongzhou.

They were waiting for Ye Xuan to go to Zhongzhou. As for Ye Xuan going to Zhongzhou, it will be a matter of time. No matter how high Ye Xuan's achievements are in the future, the rewards Zuixianlou can get will be as great.

Zuixianlou is in business, and they know very well that investors, in many cases, may be the most profitable!

Canglan Hall.

Mo Yunqi, Jian Chuchu, Mo Yuan and the others are all there, but now, Canglan College is in charge of Lu Jiuge!

Lu Jiuge glanced at everyone, "Everyone, what do you think about Dean Ye going to the Great Cloud Realm?"

Mo Yuan shook his head, "Quite impulsive!"

Feng Lan also nodded, "The most important thing at the moment is to develop Canglan College and improve his personal strength. Going to the Great Cloud Realm now, I'm afraid there will be trouble again!"

"Something happened?"

Lu Jiuge said with a smile, "If he doesn't go, there will be no trouble?"

Everyone looked at Lu Jiuge. Lu Jiuge took a sip of tea, then chuckled and said, "Now we, Cangmu College and the Dark Realm are in a life-or-death situation. If Dean Ji has not fallen, I believe there may be room for relaxation. But Dean Ji's demise, with our dean's personality, there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation. Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm also know this, so there is no possibility of any reconciliation between the two parties."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mo Yuan and Feng Lan, "You two must not have a heart to reconcile, otherwise, Confucianism and Taoism will have no future for him!"

Mo Yuan smiled wryly, "Don't worry, my Confucianism and Taoism won't be as pedantic as before. Reasons must be told, but fights must also be fought!"

Lu Jiuge nodded, and she glanced at Mo Yunqi and the others, "You guys, except for Jian Chuchu, are not strong enough, and there is already a big gap between you and him. If you can't make up for this gap, you guys will only Getting farther and farther away from him. Do you understand?"

Mo Yun smiled wryly, "This guy, his strength has grown so fast, we are helpless!"

Lu Jiuge shook his head, "From today onwards, besides Anzhi and Chuchu, you two will join the Taoist soldiers of Canglan College and practice with them."

Mo Yunqi hesitated for a while, and then said: "There is no need for the two of us, right?" Lu Jiuge said softly, "Do you think you are strong?"

Mo Yunqi chuckled, "Although we can't compare to Bandit Ye, in Canglan College, apart from Bandit Ye, Bai Ze and I are considered the best existences, right?"

Lu Jiuge smiled slightly, she turned her head to look outside the hall, "Da Zhu!"

After the voice fell, a sturdy middle-aged man walked into the hall, and the middle-aged man looked at Mo Yunqi.

Mo Yunqi got up and walked aside with Da Zhu, the next moment, Mo Yunqi suddenly disappeared, and afterimages appeared in the field.

high speed!

but one by one


With a muffled sound, Mo Yunqi returned to his original position. But in front of him, the man named Da Zhu stayed put!

Seeing this scene, Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze's expressions became serious.

Da Zhu saluted Lu Jiuge and Jiang Jiu slightly, then turned and left.

The hall suddenly fell silent.

Lu Jiuge glanced at Mo Yunqi, "After the meeting is over, I will take them to a secret place for training. You and Bai Ze can come or not. Besides, there is one more thing, that is, we Canglan College is about to enter the Great Cloud Realm!"

Jiang Jiu looked at Lu Jiuge, "Going to develop in the Great Cloud Realm?"

Lu Jiuge shook his head and smiled, "The Great Cloud Realm is not our goal. The reason why we want to enter the Great Cloud Realm is because after our dean enters the Great Cloud Realm, the Great Cloud Realm will change. We have to be ready at any time." Go support it!"

change of weather!

Hearing this, the field became quiet.

Will good things happen when Ye Xuan goes to Dayun Realm?

Obviously not!

An hour later, Lu Jiuge and the Taoist soldiers of Canglan College left Canglan College, not knowing where they went. Bai Ze and Mo Yunqi were also among them.


On a cloud boat, in a room, in the prison tower.

Ye Xuan stood in front of the corner of the first floor, and in front of him was the sword with the scabbard. At this moment, the sword is still trembling, obviously very afraid.

Heavenly Sword!

Ye Xuan looked extremely solemn, not because of the sword, but because of the tower.

From the time he got this tower to now, this tower has been constantly refreshing his cognition.

What kind of tower is this? Who is that sword fairy sister? Whose swords are the three swords on the top of the tower?

He asked himself this question countless times, but unfortunately, he never got an answer.

Harvesting his thoughts, Ye Xuan faced the Heavenly Rank Sword in front of him, and after a while, he turned and left.

There is no choice to devour!

Because with his current ability, it is not enough to swallow a heavenly sword. If he swallows it now, it is very likely that he will be backlashed by this sword. No, it should be said that he will definitely be backlashed by this sword. not come down. Moreover, the Lingxiu Sword is only a low-grade real-level sword. If this Heaven-rank sword is devoured, the Lingxiu Sword may cease to exist.

Can't devour!

After Ye Xuan left the Prison Tower, he came to the deck of the cloud boat, and there were still some people on the deck of the cloud boat. He took the cloud boat this time and did not reveal his identity, because he wanted to surprise Cangmu Academy.

Ye Xuan came to the bow of the ship. From this position, he could feel the vast sky, the majestic mountains, and the endless land.

Feeling all this, Ye Xuan's heart became more and more quiet.

Sword Cultivator Sword Cultivator cultivates the sword, but also the heart. It should be said that what warriors cultivate is the heart.

Heart, there is kindness, but also disgusting.

One thought of good, one thought of evil...

What is goodness? What is evil?

He, Ye Xuan, didn't know, and didn't want to know, he only knew that if he was good to himself, he should be good to others. And those who treat themselves badly will naturally have to fight back!

"Brother, please give way!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from Ye Xuan's ear.

Ye Xuan withdrew his thoughts, he turned his head, and in front of him stood a woman, wearing a long ink-colored dress, with shawl hair, a graceful figure, very elegant and indifferent.

Seeing Ye Xuan's appearance, the woman was slightly taken aback, and exclaimed, "Your eyes?"

Speaking of this, she realized that she was a little presumptuous, and immediately smiled apologetically, "Sorry."

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Nothing!"

After finishing speaking, he backed away to the side, because he was blocking the intersection just now!

The woman nodded slightly, "Thank you!"

After speaking, she also came to the bow of the cloud boat.

The woman looked down at the earth, looked at the vast land below, and smiled, "What a beautiful river and mountain!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Ye Xuan who was not far away, "My friend, is this going to the Great Cloud Realm?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "The people in this cloud boat should all aim at the Great Cloud Realm, shouldn't they?"

The woman smiled slightly, "Dayunjing is the most prosperous place in Qingzhou! It's great to see it."

Ye Xuan smiled, but did not speak.

At this time, there was a sound of discussion behind her, and the woman turned her head to take a look. Not far away, some people were discussing, which was very lively.

These people are all discussing Ye Xuan!

Now in Qingzhou, Ye Xuan is undoubtedly the hottest one. Such a young sword master has never appeared in Qingzhou for hundreds of years!

The woman shook her head and smiled, she turned around and put her hands on the boat pole, looking down at the vast land below, her hair was blown by the breeze, quiet and elegant.

Ye Xuan stood on the top of the cloud boat, he liked this kind of tranquility very much, because it could calm down his mind.

At this moment, three cloud boats suddenly appeared in the distant sky. The cloud boats were extremely fast, and they came straight to their cloud boat.

Everyone on the cloud boat also noticed, and they all looked at the three cloud boats.

An old man suddenly appeared on the deck of the cloud ship. This person is the steward of the cloud ship.

When the old man saw the three cloud ships, his expression changed drastically, "Blood wolf mercenaries! Everyone be on alert!"

The voice fell, and some cloud boat guards appeared around, and when they saw the three cloud boats, the faces of these guards became serious at this moment.

On the deck of the cloud boat, everyone was a little confused.

At this time, the three cloud boats were already approaching, and the three cloud boats surrounded the cloud boat that Ye Xuan was in from three directions.

Opposite Ye Xuan, a man stepped onto the bow of the cloud boat. The man looked down at Ye Xuan and the others, and grinned, "This time, the harvest should be good."

Ye Xuan was stunned, is this robbery?

At this time, the man opposite him suddenly jumped onto their cloud boat.

The man walked up to Ye Xuan with a machete, to be precise, he walked up to the woman next to him. The man knelt down on one knee in front of the woman, "Sister!"

The woman smiled slightly, "Kill all the men, and keep the women!"

Ye Xuan: "..."