

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 18: Ye Xuan's mother!

Qingcheng, Ye family.

The current Ye family can be said to have long lost its former glory. It should be said that the Ye family has almost disappeared from Qingcheng.

When the Ye family gained power before, they almost offended several other Qingcheng families, but now, Li Jiazhang's family and the City Lord's Mansion can be said to be crazily taking revenge on the Ye family.

The sites and shops of the Ye family were almost all swallowed up by other families. The most important thing is that the children of the Ye family dare not go out at all now!

As long as you go out, you will definitely be beaten to death!

How miserable is the current Ye family!

In the Ye family's water prison, the former great elder of the Ye family is now imprisoned here like a dead dog.

After learning that Ye Lang was beheaded, the last hope of Elder Ye family was shattered, and he sometimes became crazy.

On this day, Ye Cang came to the water prison.

Ye Cang walked to the cell of the First Elder, looking at the First Elder in the cell, Ye Cang looked indifferent, "You and I have been fighting for a lifetime, but never thought that the Ye family would be defeated by both of us!"

Inside the water prison, the Great Elder sneered: "Ye Cang, the world says that I am short-sighted, so why not you?"

Ye Cang nodded, "It's short-sighted, but the Ye family will not perish from now on, and there will be a rising day in the future!"

The Great Elder sneered, "You still think that he is able to recite love, and he takes care of the Ye family every day? If so, then stop daydreaming! You know this person's character better than anyone else. If the Ye family betrays him, he will not be in this life. I will take care of the Ye family again!"

Ye Cang was silent for a long time, then sneered, "There is one thing you must not forget. It is rumored that if a person's strength reaches a certain level, his bloodline will mutate. surge."

"A fool's dream!"

The Great Elder sneered, "Then what kind of strong man has this ability? I'm afraid Jiang Guo doesn't even have one, so Ye Xuan can do it?"Ye Cang took two steps forward, and said with a smile, "Do you know why I overcame all opinions and made him the crown prince?"

The Great Elder stared at Ye Cang, but did not speak.

Ye Cang smiled and said, "Besides his personal strength, there is another reason, and that is his mother!"

Ye Xuan's mother!

The Great Elder frowned slightly. He naturally had an impression of this person. A very ordinary woman who suddenly disappeared when Ye Xuan was in his teens and has never appeared until now!

Ye Cang clenched his right hand slowly. When Ye Xuan's mother left with the man in black at the back door of Ye Mansion, he was actually there. At that time, he could clearly see how the man in black behind Ye Xuan's mother was. fear!


What kind of strong can be able to suspend in the air?

At most, a strong person in the volley realm can only take off in the air for a period of time, but that person is suspended in the air with his feet off the ground, and there is no profound energy fluctuation around his body!

And when the last two people disappeared, they broke through the space and left!

Break open the space!

He had only heard of this kind of thing in rumors!

After that, he immediately established Ye Xuan as his son, because he felt that one day the mysterious woman would definitely come back and take away Ye Xuan's brothers and sisters, and at that time, the Ye family would definitely reap great benefits!However, he never thought that the woman had been away for almost ten years and never came back, not even a word of news!

At this time, he doubted!

It is suspected that Ye Xuan brothers and sisters have been abandoned by each other!

This is the reason why he gradually changed his attitude towards Ye Xuan later, but he never thought that Ye Xuan became a swordsman, and became a swordsman inexplicably, and his strength was even more powerful. He knew that it must have something to do with that mysterious woman!

Ye Cang withdrew his thoughts, and he glanced coldly at the great elder in the water prison, "The stronger Ye Xuan is now, the more my Ye family will be ridiculed and humiliated, but we will bear it until he ascends to the clouds and changes." On the day of the bloodline, even if the hope is slim, we still have a little thought. As for you, the Great Elder, you will never have any thoughts in your life. I don't want to kill you and lock you up. I want to tell Ye Xuan, My Ye family is admitting my mistake! My Ye family will wait for him to dissipate, even if it takes ten, twenty or thirty years. As for you, just stay well! Until you die!"

After speaking, he turned and left!

In the water prison, after the Great Elder was silent for a long time, he suddenly laughed wildly, very crazy!

After a while, the Great Elder laughed maniacally and said, "Ye Cang, Ye Cang, you are more stupid than I thought!"

He knows Ye Xuan's character better than anyone else. He is a person who will take revenge and also a person who holds vengeance very much.


If he hates the Ye family, it proves that he still has the Ye family in his heart, and there is still hope for the Ye family. However, Ye Xuan doesn't even hate the Ye family anymore!

Since you don't hate it anymore, why should you let your anger go away?


Three days later, Qianshan City.

Qianshan City is a prosperous city, located on the north and south sides of Jiang Country, surrounded by countless mountains, hence the name Qianshan City. The reason why Qianshan City is prosperous is because there is the largest chamber of commerce in Jiang country: Zuixianlou.

Zuixianlou, a mysterious force, has established branches in hundreds of countries in Qingzhou, and cities with them will definitely be prosperous!Because they have a means of transportation: cloud boats!

The so-called cloud boat is a kind of flying tool. With it, the distance between cities has become less. It should be said that the distance between countries has become less.

And this time, he is going to Qianshan City to take a cloud boat to the imperial capital!

This is the most prosperous place in Jiang Country!

In front of the gate of Qianshan City, on the carriage, Ye Ling looked at Qianshan City in front of him and blinked, "Wow, brother, what a big city, bigger than our Qingcheng!"

Ye Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "It's really big!"

Ye Ling shook Ye Xuan's arm lightly, and said coquettishly, "Brother, let's go shopping later, shall we?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay!"

During this period of time, I was on my way, not to mention Ye Ling, even he felt boring!

It's good to go shopping!

After reading this, Ye Xuan took Ye Ling into the city.

The street is very large, several feet wide, and inside the city, there is a lot of traffic and pedestrians. Compared with Qingcheng, it is indeed much more lively!Ye Xuan first took Ye Ling to find an inn, and he only wanted a room. Now that Ye Ling's condition is not very stable, he is naturally worried about letting her be alone in a room.

After arranging the accommodation, Ye Xuan took Ye Ling to go shopping!

On the street, Ye Ling looked here and there, looking cheerful like an elf.

After a while, Ye Ling already had some gadgets in his hand.

Seeing Ye Ling who was so happy, Ye Xuan also smiled more.

When the brother and sister passed by a small vendor, the mysterious woman's voice suddenly sounded in Ye Xuan's mind, "Wait a minute!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was slightly taken aback, and then he pulled Ye Ling to stop.

"Senior?" Ye Xuan asked in his heart.

The mysterious woman said: "There is a purple ring on the vendor next to you, buy it!"

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at the vendor, he glanced at it, and there was an inconspicuous purple ring at the corner of the vendor.

The stall owner was a middle-aged man. He glanced at Ye Xuan and said with a smile, "What does this brother need to buy?"

Ye Xuan picked up the purple ring, "How do you sell this?"

He didn't ask why the mysterious woman asked him to buy this ordinary ring, because he knew that there must be a reason! You know, this mysterious woman is usually silent, and it's rare to see her take the initiative to speak!The middle-aged man glanced at the purple ring in Ye Xuan's hand, and said with a smile, "Ten gold coins!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, ten gold coins is a bit expensive! However, he did not hesitate, and directly took out ten gold coins and handed them to the stall owner.

Seeing that Ye Xuan didn't negotiate the price, the stall owner chuckled and quickly put away the gold coins, feeling overjoyed! You know, even if it is three gold coins, he is willing to sell it!

Ye Xuan was about to turn around and leave, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side, "Wait a minute!"

Ye Xuan heard the sound and looked, a little girl who was as old as Ye Ling walked towards him.

The little girl has red lips and white teeth. She is wearing a small white padded jacket and has a braid at the back of her head. She looks very cute.

The little girl glanced at the ring in Ye Xuan's hand, then she turned to look at the stall owner, "I'll give you twenty gold coins for this ring!"

The stall owner was stunned, and then he was a little embarrassed because he had already sold it to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan glanced at the little girl and said with a smile: "Little sister, this ring..."

"Who is your little sister?" The little girl suddenly interrupted Ye Xuan coldly.

Ye Xuan's expression froze, and he was speechless for a while, what kind of temper is this little girl!

Beside Ye Xuan, Ye Ling glanced at the little girl with dissatisfaction, "Why are you talking like that? My brother has no malicious intentions!"The little girl looked at Ye Ling. When she saw Ye Ling, she was startled slightly. Soon, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. Looking at it, the surprise turned into shock, and soon turned into ecstasy. .

For a while, the little girl's expression changed several times, making Ye Xuan stunned.

Ye Ling was also looked at a little unnaturally, and asked immediately, "You, what do you see me doing."

The little girl's expression returned to normal. She wanted to speak, but she seemed to have some scruples. After a moment of silence, she said, "What's your name?"

Seeing that the little girl did not have that domineering attitude, Ye Ling replied: "Ye Ling."

As she spoke, she hugged Ye Xuan's arm, "This is my brother Ye Xuan!"

The little girl gave Ye Xuan a cold look, and then her eyes fell on Ye Ling again. It could be seen that she seemed to be hesitating.

Ye Xuan pulled Ye Ling to turn around and leave, but at this moment, the little girl suddenly took out a fist-sized red stone and handed it to Ye Ling, "This is for you!"

Brother and sister Ye Xuan were stunned!

The little girl stuffed the stone into Ye Ling's arms, "This is the warm jade from heaven, you can put it on your body to temporarily suppress the coldness in your body."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's face changed drastically, "You..."

The little girl didn't care about Ye Xuan, she said again: "I have urgent matters to deal with now, and I can't take you away. It will be three months at the latest, and I will come to you then."As she said that, she gave Ye Xuan a cold look, "For your sister's sake, this ring is for you!"

After speaking, she glanced at Ye Ling again, then turned around.

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then chased after him, but the next moment, the little girl was already tens of feet away, and after a while, the little girl had completely disappeared from Ye Xuan's eyes!

Ye Xuan stayed where he was.

some corner.

The little girl walked to the corner of the wall. Just as she stopped, a man in black robe appeared silently behind her. The man in black robe knelt down on one knee, "Lord!"

The little girl said coldly: "Just keep an eye on the pair of brothers and sisters, no, you can't follow, you are too conspicuous, you find a weaker one to follow, remember, don't let that little girl have an accident."

The man in black said in a deep voice, "The lord wants to accept that little girl?"

The little girl's eyes closed slowly, and her tone was quite excited, "I didn't expect that there are people with such physique in this little Jiang country. If the cave left by the sword master of Cangjie is not so important, I would like to think about it now." Take her away!"

The man in black said in a deep voice: "Although the cave of the Sword Master of the Cang Realm has been discovered, the sword formation he left behind cannot be broken. It is rumored that his saber is needed to dispel his formation, but the Sword Master of the Cang Realm He has disappeared for more than a thousand years, where can I find his saber?"The little girl said softly: "It's okay, everyone gathered this time to find a solution!"

The man in black nodded, as if thinking of something, he asked again, "The elder brother of the little girl, does the lord intend to accept him?"

The little girl shook her head, "Although the foundation is good, but its dantian is broken, its physique is mediocre, and its spiritual root is mediocre. What are you doing for it? Wasting rice?"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left!