

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 177: Too handsome, too troubled!

The ruler of the Yue Kingdom must die!

This is Ye Xuan's attitude!

The State of Yue and the State of Chu launched a war against Jiang State, and countless soldiers of Jiang State died in battle. The two countries must pay the price for this!

After Ye Xuan walked out of the hall, he went straight to the treasury of Yue Kingdom.

In the hall, there was a wail.

Half an hour later, Ye Xuan left the Yue Palace.

This time, Ye Xuan did not choose to leave by Hei Lang, but took the cloud boat of Zuixianlou, because on the cloud boat, he could count his treasures!

As for the Cangmu Academy and Dayun Empire in Central China, he will naturally not go there to die now, don't look at Jiang Guo's victory! However, the Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm have not been seriously injured, especially the Dayun Empire, whose overall national strength is still there!

Take it easy!

Now, his top priority is to improve his own strength, improve the strength of those around him, and what's more, build up the Dao soldiers of Canglan College!

Ye Xuan is the only guest in the entire cloud boat, which is a convenience given to him by Zuixianlou.

In a luxurious room, Ye Xuan was sitting on the ground, and at this moment, he was counting his treasures.

After looting Chu and Yue, he got a lot of things!

Among them, there are as many as 1.4 billion gold coins alone. Adding his own, he now has almost 1.6 billion gold coins! In addition to gold coins, there are more than two million top-grade spirit stones, and twelve jade-grade spirit stones. Among them, the earth-level skills, martial arts, and body skills, together, there are a total of twenty-five pieces, and with the ones he has accumulated, there are about thirty-five pieces!

As for the top-grade spiritual weapons, this time he obtained a total of thirty-six pieces, plus his previous savings, he already had as many as eighty-five top-grade spiritual weapons alone!

In addition, there are also Ming-level spiritual weapons, but not many, only about six pieces, and this time, he is lucky, there are two swords among them!

sword! Ye Xuan brought the two swords in front of him. The two swords were different from the Swift Shadow Sword. One of the swords had a wider blade, and there was a lightning pattern on the blade. The hilt was pitch black, and it felt icy cold ; while the other sword has a thinner blade and a slightly longer sword, and the blades on both sides exude a cold light.

Two low-grade swords of Ming rank!


Ye Xuan devoured it without any hesitation.

As soon as the two swords entered the body, they turned into countless energies and scattered towards Ye Xuan's limbs and bones...

Through the secluded environment!

With his current strength, he is not enough to compete with the Ten Thousand Laws Realm, but if he reaches the Divine Harmony Realm, he is fully capable of fighting against the Ten Thousand Laws Realm. Even if he cannot defeat him, he will not be powerless to fight back. And if he faced tens of thousands of powerful people at this moment, he would definitely be hanged and beaten!

Must reach God's Realm!

As for the two Swift Shadow Swords, he did not devour them, because the two swords are of great use to him now, not weaker than the Lingxiu Sword at all!

Now he is fighting against people, the two flying swords are very lethal!

The two swords can be kept, and, with his current financial resources, he can find more swords from Zuixianlou in the future!

Inside the cloud boat, Ye Xuan frantically devoured the energy in the Ming stage, his aura was also growing, and the Lingxiu sword in his body was also trembling slightly, constantly absorbing the energy.


What Ye Xuan did in Chu and Yue soon spread throughout Qingzhou.

Now Ye Xuan's reputation can be said to be in full swing in the entire Qingzhou territory!

But in Jiang Country, Ye Xuan's reputation has reached its peak. Every day, countless people come to the foot of Canglan College, some want to be admitted to Canglan College, and some want to meet Ye Xuan... ...

As for the Dark Realm, Cangmu Academy, and the Dayun Empire, since the first battle in Kaiyang City, there has been no movement from these three forces!

A day later, the cloud boat arrived in Jiang Country, and after the cloud boat stopped, Ye Xuan did not leave the boat. On the deck of the cloud boat, two handsome women whispered quietly.

"I saw that sword cultivator yesterday!"

"How does it look?"

"Very handsome! Even after entering the box, I didn't come out, and I couldn't go in, alas..."

"Wow, look at your nympho, he is the sword master, you, don't think too much about it."

"What's wrong with the sword master? How about we drug him?"

"Oh, you damn girl, you don't even know how to be ashamed..."


A light cough came from behind the two women.

The two girls turned around, and when they saw the person coming, the two girls were stunned for a moment, and in a moment, the faces of the two girls turned red, like the morning glow in the sky, extremely shy.

The person who came was Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan walked down the boat, and just as he was about to get off the boat, he raised his head to the sky, his face full of sadness, "Too handsome, but also a kind of trouble!"

After speaking, he jumped off the cloud boat.

On the deck, the two women covered their faces in shame.


After Ye Xuan got off the boat, he went straight to Canglan College.

He is still in the Netherworld!

Swallowing the two swords did not allow him to reach the state of divine harmony, nor did it improve the Lingxiu sword, which made him quite disappointed.

At the same time, he also found that when he reached the Netherworld, the requirements for the sword became higher and higher. Especially the Lingxiu sword, if he wants to reach the middle grade of the true rank, he doesn't know how many swords of the Ming rank he has to devour... At first he thought it would be four or five at most, but now it seems that he was thinking too simply !

If he and Lingxiu Sword want to go further, they probably need at least ten Ming-level swords, or more!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan suddenly felt that he was so poor again!

After a while, Ye Xuan entered the city, and at this moment, the imperial capital was full of joy.

Jiang Guo won the battle! When the army of Chu State, Yue State, Cangmu Academy and Dayun Empire approached, the people of Jiang State were naturally terrified. Because if Jiang Guo is subjugated, they will be subjugated slaves, and their fate will be very tragic!

And Jiang Guo won!

Looking at the jubilant people in the city, Ye Xuan showed a smile on his face.

Defend the country?

He didn't think too much, all he knew was that he fought to the death with the soldiers of Jiang Guo and the students of Canglan College in Kaiyang City, and many people survived!


When he was young, his mother left suddenly. At that moment, looking at his thin and small sister, he felt a sense of responsibility for the first time.

You must protect your sister!

This is the responsibility of being an older brother!

After growing up, as the eldest son of the Ye family, at that moment, he had another responsibility. Seek benefits for the family, fight for the family!

Although the family later abandoned him and his younger sister, he was never worthy of the Ye family!

But now, he is the dean of Canglan College, he is a national scholar of Jiang Guo, he is the elder brother of Bai Ze and Mo Yunqi...

Responsibility has always been there, and it is getting bigger and bigger!

Men, on the other hand, should take up their own responsibilities.


Yes, it will be tiring. But if you don't have a good family, don't have a good father, if you are not tired, then you can only be a waste!

After reading this, suddenly, a sword intent emanated from Ye Xuan's body!

Ye Xuan was stunned.

This sword will come out by itself... Does this sword have its own consciousness?

Ye Xuan was taken aback by his own thoughts!

Another thing is, since it is good and evil sword intent, that is to say, if there is a good side, then there must be an evil side... But, what about this evil side?

How powerful is the evil thought sword intent? Ye Xuan was a little curious.

"Are you Ye Guoshi?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from Ye Xuan's ear.

Ye Xuan stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look. On his right stood a woman holding a butterfly umbrella. The woman had a beautiful appearance and a very good figure. At this moment, the woman was looking at him with suspicion in her eyes.

As the woman's voice fell, some people around looked at Ye Xuan one after another!

Ye Xuan said seriously: "I'm not Ye Guoshi. Ye Guoshi is handsome, imposing, talented and beautiful, and he is handsome... He is so handsome that no words can describe it. How could I be Ye Guoshi? I am not as good as him." One ten thousandth of him!"

Woman: "..."

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, without blushing or panting, he turned and walked towards the distance.

But at this time, the woman suddenly walked up to Ye Xuan, and she took out a portrait, in which was Ye Xuan.

The woman looked at the portrait, then looked sideways at Ye Xuan, and said softly, "It's very similar!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, the woman suddenly stood in front of Ye Xuan, she stared straight at Ye Xuan, "Are you?"

Ye Xuan felt helpless, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, the woman's eyes lit up, "You really are!"

After the voice fell, the umbrella in her hand suddenly closed, and the next moment, the umbrella in her hand pointed directly between Ye Xuan's eyebrows.

Sword potential!

Sword intent!

Kendo master!

Ye Xuan was shocked, this woman is actually a master of swordsmanship, and the umbrella in her hand is actually a real-grade sword, it should be said to be an umbrella sword!

Ye Xuan didn't think much, a sword intent suddenly stood in front of him!

Kindness Sword Intent!

The sword intent of kindness formed a thick shield to block the woman's umbrella sword abruptly!

Seeing Ye Xuan's sword intent, the woman had a trace of surprise in her eyes, "What a strange sword intent, I've never seen it before!"

After the voice fell, she swirled her jade hand lightly, and the umbrella sword suddenly unfolded.


Ye Xuan was shocked ten feet away in an instant, but the next moment, a flying sword directly stabbed the woman's umbrella sword.


The woman retreated violently again and again, this time, she retreated a full twenty feet!

After the woman stopped, she looked up at Ye Xuan not far away, with excitement in her eyes, "Sword Master, you have really reached Sword Master."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Are you sent by Cangmu College?"

The woman froze slightly, then shook her head, "My name is Jian Chuchu, from the Jian family, and my brother's name is Jian Xiaowang, you should know him, right?"

Little Sword King?

Ye Xuan was stunned, he knew it naturally, back then in Ningguo Secret Realm, this little sword king and Gong Qingcheng had helped him.

Jian Chuchu took a look at Ye Xuan, "I was going to China, but I suddenly heard that you have become the sword master, so I wanted to come to you to compete. You are very powerful, and I may not be able to beat you now!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "You're not bad either!"

Jian Chuchu walked in front of Ye Xuan, and asked curiously, "How did you become the sword master? Can you share a wave of experience?"

Ye Xuan was stunned, this guy just asked so openly? Not taboo at all?

Jian Chuchu blinked, "Is it okay?"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "Why don't you join my Canglan Academy, and we can exchange swordsmanship together in the future, how about it?"

Jian Chuchu didn't even think about it, and immediately nodded, "Okay!"

Ye Xuan: "..."