

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 166: I really don't want to die!

Fight to the death!

For all Jiang Guo soldiers on the city wall, this battle is a matter of life and death, and for the entire Jiang State, this battle is a matter of survival!

If this battle is lost, the country will perish!

On the city wall, Jiang Jiu was holding a spear in his right hand, looking at the soldiers of Chu State rushing forward, with a blank expression on his face.

Soon, the siege soldiers of Chu State had arrived at the city.

Jiang Jiu took a step forward, waved his left hand forward, and shouted angrily, "Fire the arrow!"

As the sound fell, countless sharp arrows poured down on the city wall like a torrential rain, and in an instant, screams rang out from under the city wall.

But at this moment, there were many screams on the city wall.

Jiang Jiu suddenly turned his head. At this moment, some ghostly men in black appeared on various places on the city wall. They appeared and disappeared quickly, and every time they appeared, Jiang Guo soldiers fell down on the city wall.

Dark Daoist!

The sudden appearance of the killer caused panic on the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Jiu shouted angrily, "Don't panic, Deadpool is dispatched!"

"No way!"

Beside Jiang Jiu, a general hurriedly said:"Your Highness, Deadpool is responsible for your safety, they must never leave you, Your Highness!"

Jiang Jiu turned her head to look at the general who spoke, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, "My life is my life, but the soldier's life is not my life? All dead servants are dispatched immediately, immediately!"

After a moment of silence, countless men in black with short daggers suddenly appeared on the city wall, and soon, these men in black plundered around the city wall.

Jiang Guo Deadpool!

This is a group of dead servants carefully cultivated by Jiang Guo, who are responsible for protecting the royal family. Although the strength is not as good as the killer of the dark world, it is not weak. With more fights, it can still contain the killer of the dark world.

At this moment, Jiang Jiu suddenly turned around and walked to the wall. She looked down, and not far away, a man was running towards the city gate with a long gun.

Qingzhou Martial Arts Ranking No. 1, Li Mulin!

Li Mulin was extremely fast, he dodged left and right, and easily dodged the arrows in the city.

Seeing that Li Mulin's target was the city gate, Jiang Jiushuang's face changed drastically. If the city wall was broken, the soldiers of Jiang State could hardly resist the Chu army without the city wall as their support.

At this moment, Li Mulin below suddenly stopped, his right hand shook, and the long spear stabbed forward.


On the tip of the gun is a flying knife, the flying knife is spinning violently, holding the spear tightly, sparks are flying!

Li Mulin swung his right hand forward, and the spear in his hand trembled violently.


The knife was shaken away.

Li Mulin looked up at the city wall, and on the city wall, a man was also looking at him.

Mo Yunqi!

Mo Yunqi stood on the city wall. He looked down at Li Mulin with a blank expression on his face. In the palm of his right hand, there was a flying knife. The knife was only three inches long, and the tip of the knife exuded a piercing cold light.

Under the city wall, Li Mulin looked away and continued to move forward. However, just as he took a step, a flying knife suddenly flew out from the city wall, as fast as lightning, and the next moment, a cold light appeared in front of Li Mulin.

Li Mulin reacted extremely quickly. The moment the flying knife flew out, the spear in his hand had already stabbed out.boom!

A flying knife was blown away!

After hitting the flying knife with one blow, Li Mulin suddenly jumped for life, and this leap came directly to the city gate. Countless soldiers of Chu State separated towards the two sides one after another.


At this moment, he raised his potential to the extreme!

This shot will break the city gate!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Mo Yunqi's mouth on the city wall turned ferocious, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped up and smashed down from the city wall with a big iron rod in his hand!

Li Mulin didn't care about Mo Yunqi, because he felt that he was faster and could break through the city the moment Mo Yunqi fell.

However, he underestimated Mo Yunqi's speed.

The moment he jumped off the city wall, Mo Yunqi's speed suddenly increased.

Sensing the sudden increase in Mo Yunqi's speed, Li Mulin's face changed drastically. The spear in his hand that was about to stab at the gate of the city changed its trajectory and blocked it upwards.


With the sound of a heavy blow, Li Mulin was already ten feet away!

As soon as he stopped, suddenly, a flying knife came to him without warning!

too fast!

Li Mulin narrowed his pupils slightly, turned sideways, and the flying knife flew past his nose. The next moment, he turned around abruptly and stabbed out with a spear. The spear came out like a dragon, and a little cold light appeared!

This shot directly pierced the iron rod that was thrown at him. The spear trembled violently, and Mo Yunqi retreated more than ten feet away!

As soon as Mo Yunqi stopped, the ground under his feet immediately cracked. At the same time, the tiger's mouth on his right hand was split open, and blood spilled out, flowing slowly down the iron rod.

Li Mulin glanced at Mo Yunqi in the distance, he tapped his toes lightly, and his whole body burst out suddenly, and the next moment, there was a sharp tearing sound resounding in the field.Li Mulin stopped, the spear in his hand was stabbed empty! He raised his head and looked into the distance, Mo Yunqi had already retreated to the city gate at some point!

So fast!

There was a trace of solemnity in Li Mulin's eyes, because Mo Yunqi's speed was too fast, faster than he expected!

Mo Yunqi didn't make a move. He glanced around and saw that ladders were already erected all around. Countless soldiers rushed towards the city wall like crazy, and some people didn't need ladders at all. They can fly up the city wall with the help of the city wall!

On the city wall, there are already fighting sounds!

Now, if even the gates of the city are broken, then Kaiyang City is really over!

Because once the 100,000 cavalry from Chu State charged into the city, the soldiers in the city could not stop the charging cavalry at all.

The city cannot be broken!

Mo Yunqi tightly held the iron rod in his right hand. As soon as he exerted force, the wound opened again, and more blood flowed out.

Mo Yunqi stared at Li Mulin in the distance, "It seems that I have to be a hero once."

At this time, Li Mulin suddenly disappeared in place.

Mo Yunqi's expression turned ferocious, he could escape, but this time, he couldn't because the city gate was behind him.

Mo Yunqi's body suddenly flew into the air, and in the air, his body spun like a top, and in an instant, countless stick shadows flashed.At this time, Li Mulin came with a gun in his hand, pointed his spear at Mo Yunqi, and when he shot out, there was a thunderous force.

In the air, Mo Yunqi suddenly roared angrily, "Hang Tian stick!"

The sound fell, and a stick fell, behind the long stick, there were countless overlapping shadows of sticks!

A stick across the sky!

This is the stick technique taught to him by old man Ji!

As soon as the gun stick touched one by one


A piercing pounding sound suddenly resounded!

Mo Yunqi flew out of the whole body, and finally smashed heavily on the city gate not far away. The city gate trembled violently, he fell to the ground, and the ground instantly cracked; , retreated more than 30 zhang, in front of him was a gully about 30 zhang long, which he rubbed out with his feet when he retreated!

Mo Yunqi slowly got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked up at Li Mulin not far away, who was also looking at him at the moment.

Mo Yunqi grinned, "Fuck it!"

Li Mulin narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to strike again, but at this moment, a figure suddenly came running from behind him!

Li Mulin turned around and saw a man running towards him. The man was in his twenties, dressed in tight plain clothes, his long hair wrapped around his neck, his eyes were as cold as ice, and in his right hand held a Holding a large machete, the blade is wide and the blade is extremely thin. There are five black iron rings on the back of the knife, and there are lines on the handle of the knife. There are lines of light red luster in these lines, which are very attractive to the man. right hand.

Just like that, the man rushed towards the gate of the city with a big knife in his hand. Wherever he passed, the ground touched by the big knife cracked inch by inch, and a monstrous force rushed towards his face. The surrounding soldiers retreated one after another, not daring to approach!

So strong!

Seeing this person, Li Mulin's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

From Zhongzhou!

In front of the city gate, Mo Yunqi stared at the man rushing towards him. In fact, in his heart, he wanted to escape!

Because of the fight with Li Mulin just now, he was seriously injured. Now seeing the momentum of the man with the sword, he knew very well that he couldn't stop it!

If you block hard, you may die!

Mo Yunqi suddenly roared, "Run away! I'm from Canglan College, and I'm a bandit Ye brother. I can't be ashamed, let's fight!"

After the sound fell, he stomped his right foot on the ground, holding the black stick in both hands, and rushed towards the man!

In Mo Yunqi's body, profound energy surged wildly, and countless profound energy poured into the black stick in his hand like a tide, and at this moment, a stick force gathered on him! However, his stick posture is much different from that of the long-sword man!

However, there was no fear in Mo Yunqi's eyes, he was getting faster and faster!

Just like that, under the eyes of countless people, the two got closer and closer, five feet, three feet, two feet, one foot...

The man with the big knife slashed down with a knife!

Mo Yunqi smashed out with a stick in both hands!

Silence for a moment!


The long stick shattered instantly, and the big knife fell straight towards Mo Yunqi's head. Mo Yunqi shrank his eyes and pupils, and his figure flashed back, avoiding the deadly knife by a hair, and the knife sank directly into the ground, but the next moment, The man with the long knife suddenly let go of the big knife, rushed forward, and directly pressed his knee against Mo Yunqi's abdomen!Mo Yunqi opened his eyes wide, bowed his body and threw it backwards. This flight flew a distance of several tens of feet, and finally smashed heavily on the gate of Kaiyang City in the distance!


The city gate trembled violently, and then, Mo Yunqi fell to the ground, and countless dust rushed up!

Not far away, the man with the big knife opened his right hand, and the big knife behind him suddenly flew up, and then appeared in his hand.

The man held a big knife and walked towards Mo Yunqi at the city wall!

Mo Yunqi got up, the blood from the corner of his mouth kept overflowing, and the pain in his body was tearing!

Mo Yunqi stared fixedly at the man with the big knife coming from a distance, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Damn it, Bandit Ye, you don't have to wait until I die to come..."

As he said that, he glanced around, but did not find Ye Xuan.

And the man in the distance is getting closer!

The corners of Mo Yunqi's mouth twitched slightly, "Bandit Ye...Brother Ye...Big Brother...Brother...Help...I really I don't want to die!"
