

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 157: Share adversity, live and die together!

Let the arrows go!

When shouting these two words, Jiang Jiu remained expressionless!


Can she be emotional?

If the soldiers of Chu State were allowed to break through the city, countless soldiers in the city would die. Not only these soldiers would die, but the people in the city would also fall under the butcher's knives of the soldiers of Chu State!

More people will die!

She must be responsible for more people!

Although it was cruel, she had no choice!

There is no choice at all!

Jiang Jiu stared at the soldiers of Chu State below, his eyes were red, but there was no trace of emotion in them.

On the city wall, looking at the people of Jiang country below the city, all the soldiers couldn't bear it in their eyes. These are the people of Jiang country!

However, they had to make a move!

have no choice!

Deep helplessness!

Just when the soldiers on the city wall were about to make a move, a lieutenant beside Jiang Jiu suddenly pointed to the right, "Look, Marshal!"

Jiang Jiu turned her head and looked to the right. Over there, twelve people came galloping on black wolves!

Ye Xuan!

Seeing that it was Ye Xuan, the city wall instantly boiled!

"Ye Guoshi!"

Someone suddenly shouted angrily, and soon, voices continued to resound from the city wall.

Ye Guoshi!

The sound of the city wall and the shouts soared into the sky!

The moment she saw Ye Xuan, Jiang Jiu's expression immediately relaxed, her tightly clenched hands also loosened, and in the palms of her hands, there was blood dripping...

In the distance, Ye Xuan's twelve people rode big black wolves and went straight to the group of Chu State siege soldiers.With the ten gods, plus Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang who are far beyond the gods, how terrifying is the aura of Ye Xuan and his party?

Although there are only twelve people, this momentum is no worse than that of a small army!

Ye Xuan and the others were very fast, and in less than a short time, they had already rushed in front of the group of soldiers, and the cavalry behind the Chu Kingdom did not react!

Because the speed of Ye Xuan and others is really too fast!


Ye Xuan, who was the leader, roared!

A sword flew out from Ye Xuan's body, and the Lingxiu sword flew across from a distance like a bolt of lightning. In an instant, more than a dozen heads flew out!


Behind Ye Xuan, Ling Han and others roared in unison.


When Ye Xuan and the others rushed into the group of soldiers, they immediately started slaughtering them. Those soldiers were not their opponents at all. Of course, it was also because they did not react well and did not organize well, which caught Ye Xuan and the others by surprise. .

At this time, Jiang Jiu on the city wall suddenly shouted angrily, "Open the city gate!"

Below, the gate of the city was opened, and the people of Jiang State rushed into the city, and countless soldiers rushed out of the city.

"Don't panic!"Among the Chu infantry, a middle-aged general suddenly roared, "Groups of five, immediately..."

At this time, a sword light suddenly flashed across the field, and then, a sword passed directly between the general's eyebrows, and the general's voice stopped abruptly!

Not only that, some generals among these infantry also fell one after another...

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

As those commanders were beheaded one after another, those Chu soldiers were in chaos!


Countless soldiers fled towards the distance, but Ye Xuan and the others and Jiang Jiu naturally would not miss this opportunity. At that moment, Ye Xuan's twelve people rushed out first, and there were corpses everywhere they passed.

Ordinary soldiers can't stop them at all!

Just like that, the group of Chu infantrymen fled all the way, while Ye Xuan and others chased them all the way.

In the distance, in front of the group of Chu cavalry, a middle-aged man at the head suddenly raised his long sword.


Nearly 100,000 cavalry suddenly roared, and in an instant, 100,000 cavalry rushed out, and for a moment, the whole earth trembled violently like a major earthquake.

One hundred thousand cavalry charging together, how terrifying is that?

Ye Xuan stopped suddenly, and as soon as he stopped, Ling Han and the others also stopped!

Jiang Jiu came to his side, "Retreat!"Ye Xuan nodded, "Withdraw!"

Soon, Ye Xuan and others and Jiang Guo soldiers retreated one after another, and they all retreated to the city after a while.

At this time, the Chu cavalry outside the city also stopped one after another. Naturally, it is not easy for cavalry to attack the city.

Above and below the city, the two armies confront each other!

Below the city, in front of all the cavalry, a middle-aged man rode a horse and came not far from the city. He looked up at Ye Xuan on the city wall, "Your Excellency is Jiang Guo Ye Guoshi?"

Beside Ye Xuan, Jiang Jiu said in a soft voice: "This person is Xiao Yunshan, Marshal of the Cavalry of the Chu Kingdom, the pinnacle of the Divine Harmony Realm."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, facing downward, "Do you have any advice?"

Xiao Yunshan said in a low voice: "I have heard for a long time that Your Excellency is Jiang Guo's most evil genius since An Lanxiu, and I would like to ask Your Excellency for advice on two tricks today."

Hearing this, Jiang Jiu, who was beside Ye Xuan, frowned, "It's a lie, he is the commander-in-chief of an army, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to take risks alone!"

But at this time, countless Jiang Guo soldiers on the city wall suddenly shouted, "Fight!"


Tens of thousands of soldiers roared in unison, the sound was like thunder, deafening.

Countless soldiers looked at Ye Xuan excitedly!

In Jiang Country, Ye Xuan's prestige is undoubtedly very high, a bit outrageously high. Among the people of Jiang Country and these soldiers, Ye Xuan is invincible!

Jiang Guo's sword cultivator!

Facing Ye Xuan, everyone has an inexplicable confidence and expectation!

Seeing the excited and admiring eyes of the soldiers around him, Jiang Jiu's face darkened.

If there is no fight at this time, it will undoubtedly damage morale, but if there is a fight, she has new worries!

Ye Xuan suddenly smiled and said, "No problem!"

After the voice fell, he suddenly jumped forward, and slashed towards Xiao Yunshan below with his sword!

Seeing Ye Xuan jumping down, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yunshan's mouth. He soared into the sky with both swords in his hands, and met Ye Xuan with the same sword.The two have their own plans!

Just like that, in the eyes of countless people, the swords of the two were about to collide, and at the moment when the two swords were about to touch, Ye Xuan suddenly changed the trajectory of the sword, and stabbed Xiao Yunshan's throat with one sword!

Seeing this scene, the corner of Xiao Yunshan's mouth turned ferocious, he didn't withdraw his sword, but stabbed at Ye Xuan's heart!

Life for life!

Just when Ye Xuan's sword was still half an inch away from Xiao Yunshan's throat, Xiao Yunshan's left hand suddenly held Ye Xuan's sword tightly. At the same time, his sword directly pierced Ye Xuan's chest and heart. The piece in Ye Xuan's body, Xiao Yunshan was stunned!

Somewhat unreal!

Ye Xuan is so easy to kill?

At this moment, the sword in his hand suddenly turned into countless energies and fell into Ye Xuan's body!

Aware of this scene, Xiao Yunshan's expression changed drastically, and he was about to retreat, but at this moment, Ye Xuan's sword swirled suddenly.


Xiao Yunshan's entire arm shattered in an instant!

Ye Xuan's sword drove straight in, pointing directly at Xiao Yunshan's head!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and three strange men in black suddenly appeared behind Xiao Yunshan!

There were no signs!

In an instant, a ray of cold light blocked Ye Xuan's sword, while the other two ray of cold light cut towards Ye Xuan's throat at an extremely fast speed.

Very fast!

However, Ye Xuan was mentally prepared. The moment the three men in black appeared, he suddenly withdrew his sword and stepped back a few feet.

But at this moment, Ling Han and the others jumped down the city wall one after another and came to Ye Xuan's side.

Twelve peak spirits unite!

Facing Ye Xuan and the others, after the three black-clothed men failed in their attack, they did not continue to attack, but disappeared in place strangely.

Ye Xuan tightly held the Lingxiu Sword in his right hand, and was about to continue to strike, when an old man in white robe suddenly appeared in front of him!Venerable Nursing Master of Shenzhou Cangmu College!

The old man in white robe glanced at Ye Xuan and the others. He didn't speak, but turned his head to look aside. At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out there.

When seeing this middle-aged man, Ling Han and Ling Yue were stunned!

Because this person is Ling Tian, ​​the Patriarch of their Ling family.

Ling Tian glanced at the two Ling Han brothers, "Go back to Shenzhou!"

Ling Han said in a deep voice: "Patriarch, what are you?"

Ling Tian shook his head, "My Ling family will not get involved in this matter, you two will follow me back to Shenzhou immediately."

Ling Han's face turned cold, "I won't return!"

Ling Tian said angrily: "The Ling family has 2,700 people, do you want the whole family to be buried with you?"

Ling Han clenched his hands tightly.

At this moment, the sound transmission stones on Yeli and the others rang out one after another, including Lu Banzhuang as well.

Everyone looked at each other, and soon, Ye Li Gan Wuwei and the others all looked extremely ugly.

Ye Xuan said softly: "What's wrong?"

Yeli said in a deep voice: "Something happened to the family. Tell me to go back immediately!"

Gan Wuwei looked at Ye Xuan, "Mine too..."

The rest and others also nodded.

Ye Xuan was silent.

Not far away, the old man in white robe glanced at Ling Han and the others, "I, Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm are not incapable of killing your Excellencies, but I don't want to fight to the death with the forces behind you and others. If you retreat, I, Cangmu The grievances between the academy and the Dark Realm and you and the others are wiped out. If you don't retreat, then Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm will be defeated with your family."

Hearing this, Yeli and the others looked extremely ugly.

Their families together are not weak, especially the Lu family, which is still a wealthy family, but their families will never allow them to fight with Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm for Ye Xuan!

It's not worth it!In the arena, the sound transmission stones in the arms of Yeli and the others kept ringing.

Beside the old man in white robe, Ling Tian suddenly sighed in a low voice, "You value brothers, but what about family? Even if you don't value family, what about your parents? They gave birth to you and raised you, so you don't value them? You have a choice, Do you know how many people are going to be killed?"

Ling Han clenched his hands tightly, his face ashen.

And the same goes for Yeli and the others around!

Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm are no longer aimed at the younger generation, they are now going to war, a full-scale war, and if they want to fight, then all the powerhouses of the ten thousand dharma realm and above will be dispatched!

And these families behind Ling Han and others, it is impossible to start a full-scale war with Cangmu Academy and the dark world!

It's really not worth it!

Moreover, with one dozen, the entire army that is easy to hit is wiped out!

At this moment, Ye Xuan on the side suddenly said softly: "What do you think is a brother?"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "Understood! If brothers cannot understand each other, then they are not called brothers, but selfish!"

As he said that, he turned to Ling Han and the others one by one, "Now, as the big brother, I order you to return to your respective families immediately, and then wait for me in Shenzhou, and wait for me to come to you. Believe me, we brothers will meet again eventually Moment!"

brother!In Ye Xuan's view, apart from sharing adversity, wealth, life and death, brothers should also understand each other!


If you can't understand each other, it's selfish!

It's like asking a brother to borrow money. The brother himself can't solve the problem, but you still ask him to borrow money. Is this called a brother?


This is selfishness, it is selfishness to act in the name of a brother.

Ye Xuan is a selfish person, but he will never be selfish to his own people!
