

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 146: Did they ask me?

Under the leadership of Bai Ze, they soon came to the depths of Mang Mountain, while the monsters retreated.

For them, entering Mang Mountain is like returning to their home.

Bai Ze led Ye Xuan to the entrance of a cave, which was very large, five or six times larger than the gate of Jiang Kingdom's imperial capital.

When I came here, some monsters suddenly appeared around, all kinds of monsters, some of which Ye Xuan had never seen before, and these monsters came to Bai Ze one after another, and they were very close to Bai Ze, and Bai Ze Ze is also very happy.

At this moment, those monsters suddenly retreated to the side, and a middle-aged man came out of the cave not far away.

The middle-aged man was unusually tall, much larger than Ye Xuan, and he looked particularly burly and sturdy.

Mangshan Demon King!

Mangshan Demon King's eyes fell on Bai Ze, and Bai Ze grinned, "Father, this is my elder brother."


Mangshan Demon King narrowed his eyes slightly, and he turned his head to look at Ye Xuan. At this moment, Ye Xuan walked over and bowed deeply, "Hello foster father!"

foster father!

Bai Ze was stunned.

Mangshan Demon King was also slightly taken aback, foster father? What the hell?

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Bai Ze and I are brothers, so his adoptive father is naturally my adoptive father. Oh yes, this time I came here and brought some gadgets to my adoptive father, please accept it."

As he spoke, he spread out his right hand, and a tray appeared in his hand. On the tray, there were ten fist-sized fruits. These fruits were white and red, exuding a fragrance.

Peach Spirit Fruit!

Seeing these fruits, the eyes of some monsters in the arena immediately went straight.

The Peach Spirit Fruit is equivalent to the Breakthrough Pill, which can help monsters improve themselves. But peach spirit fruit is much, many times more precious than Pokong Pill, because it is much more difficult for monsters to improve than humans, or in other words, monsters are much behind than humans, and they can't refine pills, refining things, etc. It is also basically no.Compared with humans, they lack innovation, but they have inherent physical advantages, such as longevity and physique. Compared with monsters of the same level as humans, humans are generally inferior to monsters.

As for the promotion of monsters, most of them rely on time to accumulate. In addition to using time to accumulate, they can also use the treasures of heaven and earth to upgrade, but this kind of treasure is too precious.

Just like peach spirit fruit, one is worth about two million gold coins.

Ye Xuan gave ten of them at a time, which is actually quite generous.

The reason why he came to Mang Mountain one day late this time was because he was looking for the Peach Spirit Fruit, and luckily it was Zuixianlou, otherwise, even if he had money, it would be difficult for him to find it in such a fast time.

Mangshan Demon King glanced at Ye Xuan, and was about to speak, when Ye Xuan suddenly took out a golden card and handed it to Mangshan Demon King, "Senior, there are 100 million gold coins in this card, which is my tribute to you from Bai Ze." of!"

One hundred million gold coins!

Mangshan Demon King's expression was a little moved. One hundred million gold coins is not a small amount. !

On the side, Bai Ze was also a little shocked, because he did not expect that Ye Xuan would give 100 million gold coins to Mangshan...

Mangshan Demon King looked at Ye Xuan for a long time, and finally, he said, "Why?"

Ye Xuan said solemnly: "If there is no help from Mangshan this time, we will all have died in the Tang Kingdom. I, Ye Xuan, and Canglan College will always remember this feeling."He has never felt that others should help him. If others help him, this kind of love should be remembered forever, and when he can repay others, he should repay him!

If there is kindness to repay kindness, if there is revenge, there must be revenge!

Mangshan Demon King was silent for a moment, and then said: "Come in and sit!"

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the cave.

Ye Xuan handed the gold card and the peach spirit fruit to Bai Ze, and then gestured, Bai Ze hesitated, "Bandit Ye, this..."

Ye Xuan kicked Bai Ze's ass, "What are you talking so much about? Send it over quickly!"

Bai Ze glanced at Ye Xuan, then grinned, "Okay! Listen to your brother!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly chased towards the Mang Mountain Demon King in the distance.

On the spot, Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, and then followed in.

The cave is very large and spacious, and there are some utensils used by humans, which surprised Ye Xuan.

The three of them sat around the table, and there were some food and wine on the table.

Mangshan Demon King took a look at Ye Xuan, "Xiao Ze said, do you have something to discuss with me?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I want to cooperate with my seniors. My Canglan College wants to admit a group of monsters."

Collect monsters!

Mangshan Demon King narrowed his eyes slightly, "Slavery?"

After these words fell, the atmosphere in the field instantly became tense.Ye Xuan shook his head, "No, they are students. If the Mangshan monsters are my Canglan College students, they will be students of my Canglan College. They can study and practice together with human students, and the cultivation resources they get will be shared with my Canglan College students. Same, they are equal to human students in our Canglan Academy!"

Hearing this, Mangshan Demon King's expression was a little moved!


In this area of ​​Qingzhou, there used to be Canglan College and Cangmu College. However, these two colleges have never accepted monsters as students. Even if there are some monsters in the college, they are all slaves, not students at all. It can be said that the two academies still look down on monsters, or in other words, the entire human race looks down on monsters!

I feel that monsters are wild beasts, even beasts. If the monsters themselves were not strong enough, they would have disappeared from this world long ago.

And now, Ye Xuan wants to recruit monsters as students!

This has never happened before in Qingzhou!

Mangshan Demon King looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Seriously, if you enter my Canglan College, you will be a member of my Canglan College, and I will treat everyone equally. Of course, seniors should know that I have a lot of enemies, and my ambition is quite big, because I want to let you Canglan College has become the best college in the Qingcang Realm, so if they enter my Canglan College, it is an opportunity for them, a chance to improve, but it is also accompanied by danger."

The Demon King of Mang Mountain looked at Ye Xuan, but did not speak.

Ye Xuan didn't speak either, he had already said everything he needed to say, and he was very frank, now it's up to Mangshan Demon King.At this time, Bai Ze on the side suddenly said: "Father, I think this is an opportunity for me, Mangshan, those brothers should go out and venture out, the outside world is really big, and the people outside are really very big." powerful."

After seeing the strength of Ling Han and others, it can be said that Bai Ze and Mo Yunqi both deeply realized their own shortcomings.

Really strong!

But Ling Han and others are not the top in China.

There are really many, many geniuses and monsters!

After a while, Mangshan Demon King looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you sure you can treat everyone equally?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Yes. Not only that, I will vigorously cultivate them to make them surpass their current self."

The Demon King of Mang Mountain said again: "Monsters are wild and hard to tame. If they enter Canglan College, they are very likely to be unrestrained and even act recklessly. How do you deal with it?"

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "As long as they can beat me, they can do whatever they want. If they can't beat me, then obey me obediently, otherwise, they will be beaten by me!"

The Mangshan Demon King was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I, Mangshan, cooperate with your Canglan Academy. Do you have any requirements for the monsters who want to join Canglan Academy?"

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "It is best to communicate with the monsters in the Nether Realm."

Mangshan Demon King got up and walked out of the cave, "Follow me!"

Ye Xuan and Bai Ze quickly followed out.Outside the cave, the Mangshan Demon King suddenly stomped his right foot on the ground. In an instant, the whole ground trembled violently. Soon, the surroundings suddenly trembled. After a while, a large group of monsters suddenly surrounded them.

There are all kinds of monsters.

Mangshan Demon King glanced at the field, "Those who pass through the secluded realm, come out!"

The voice fell, and more than twenty monsters came not far from the Mang Mountain Demon King.

Ye Xuan glanced at it, and found that there were only twenty-seven monsters in the Netherworld, which could be regarded as the elite strength of Mangshan Mountain.

The Mangshan Demon King looked at Ye Xuan, "There are twenty-seven monsters in total, and most of the rest are volley-level monsters."

Ye Xuan nodded, and then he walked up to the group of monsters, and the group of monsters were also looking at Ye Xuan, but there was no hostility in their eyes.

Ye Xuan looked around, and finally, he selected three volley-level monsters. These three monsters are at the peak of volley-level, with a strong breath and the potential to break through!

Thirty monsters!

Ye Xuan looked at the Demon King of Mangshan Mountain, and the Demon King of Mangshan Mountain glanced at the monsters, then pointed at Ye Xuan, "From now on, you must obey his orders, if you refuse to obey, challenge him now."

Human beings respect the strong, and monsters are even more so!

If Ye Xuan wanted to recruit these powerful monsters, he had to subdue them.

It should be said that this is also a test for Ye Xuan by the Demon King of Mang Mountain.

If Ye Xuan wasn't strong enough and not evil enough, he wouldn't let these monsters go to Canglan College.In the arena, those monsters looked at each other, and finally, a monster walked in front of Ye Xuan.

This monster was shaped like a lion, with a huge body and a few feet tall. When it came to Ye Xuan, compared with it, Ye Xuan seemed too small.

This monster looked down at Ye Xuan, and suddenly, it raised its paw and slapped Ye Xuan with a palm.

A palm fell, like a hill pressing down, the powerful palm directly caused the ground under Ye Xuan's feet to crack instantly.


With the sound of an explosion, the monster flew out directly, and it flew tens of feet away!

All the monsters in the field were stunned. Soon, they looked at Ye Xuan one after another, but Ye Xuan was still in place, motionless.

A mysterious force slowly receded from Ye Xuan's whole body.

It was the power of the earth. He used the power of the earth just now. If he didn't use the power of the earth, he would not be able to crush the opponent like this with his physical strength alone. But if you use a sword, you will either die or be injured.

If the Lingxiu sword is chopped down, this monster can't bear it at all!

Ye Xuan walked in front of the group of monsters, "Are there any dissatisfied?"

The group of monsters looked at each other, but no one came out.

Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Mangshan Demon King, Mangshan Demon King glanced at those monsters, "Take them away!"

Ye Xuan didn't stay longer in Mang Mountain. Fifteen minutes later, he and Bai Ze left Mang Mountain with thirty monsters, and went straight to Liangjie City to meet Ling Han and the others.And on the way, the sound transmission stone in Ye Xuan's arms suddenly rang. Ye Xuan stopped, and after a while, his face turned gloomy.

Bai Ze looked at Ye Xuan, "What's wrong?"

Ye Xuan raised his head and looked into the distance, "The Dayun Empire sent an envoy. They said that the Dayun Emperor wants to accept our Jiang Guojiu princess as his concubine!"

Speaking of which, he put away the sound transmission stone and sneered, "Fuck it! Did they ask me?"