

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 14: If you have a brother, you should be like this!

Not long after Ye Xuan carried his sister on his back, he suddenly stopped.

Not far in front of him, stood three people!

It was Jiang Nian and the three of them!

The three of Jiang Nian walked up to Ye Xuan, and Jiang Nian smiled slightly, "The three of you, old man, are here to see off Young Master Ye!"

Ye Xuan put down his sister, and hugged the three of them, "Thank you!"

Jiang Nian smiled, and he took out a white jade bottle and handed it to Ye Xuan, "There are 30 pills of Yangshen Pills inside, and they are a little gift from our three families, I hope you can accept them!"

Rejuvenation Pill!

Ye Xuan glanced at the three of them, a little puzzled.

Seemingly aware of Ye Xuan's confusion, Jiang Nian said with a smile: "The old man also said bluntly that the three of them want to form a good relationship with Young Master Ye. Although Young Master Ye is no longer from the Ye family, Young Master Ye is still from Qingcheng , if you go out from here, if you become famous in the future, the old man and others may still be able to enjoy it!"

Ye Xuan took the white jade bottle, and gave a slight salute, "Thank you very much!"

Although he doesn't really want to owe favors, but he really needs this nourishing pill. For his sister, he is willing to owe no amount of favor!

At this time, Li Yu suddenly said: "Master Ye is going to the imperial capital?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I'm going to Cangmu College in the imperial capital!"

Li Yu smiled slightly, and he made a move with his right hand, and soon, a carriage rushed from the city.

Li Yu said with a smile: "It's a long way to go to the imperial capital. If you rely on your feet to walk, it may take more than half a year. Your brother and sister can take a carriage to Qianshan City first, and there, you can take a cloud boat to the imperial capital. It's exactly January After that, it will be the recruitment time of Cangmu College, so it should be just in time."

After Li Yugang finished speaking, Zhang Lie took out a money bag and a picture scroll and handed them to Ye Xuan, "Young Master Ye, this is just a little care. Going to the imperial capital will require various expenses. Although this is not much, But it should be able to handle emergencies. And this picture scroll is a map, and some dangerous places are marked on it, so don't pass by these places."Ye Xuan glanced at the three of them, and then he clasped his fists together, "I, Ye Xuan, will remember the love you have for today. The future will last forever, and I will repay the three of you in the future. Farewell!"

After speaking, he put away his things, carried his sister on his back and got into the carriage.

Soon, brother and sister Ye Xuan disappeared from the sight of the three of them!

Seeing Ye Xuan's brother and sister disappear into the distance, Li Yu suddenly asked softly: "Does this person know how to think about love?"

Jiang Nian smiled and said, "Did you see his sister?"

Hearing this, the three of them immediately understood.

Jiang Nian looked at the increasingly blurred carriage in the distance, and said softly: "This person is decisive, never soft-hearted in doing things, he is a ruthless character, if there is such a person in the Ye family, I am afraid that we will have to bow our heads for countless years to come." Be a man. Fortunately, a group of idiots from the Ye family actually go to praise the chosen one. Even if they do, they shouldn't suppress another genius like this! This is good, and forced him to break with the Ye family !The great elder and patriarch of the Ye family are really human heads!"

Li Yu smiled and said, "For us, it's a good thing, isn't it?"

Jiang Nian smiled and said, "Naturally!"

Zhang Li suddenly laughed and said, "Both of you, how do you think the big pie of the Ye family should be divided?"

Li Yu laughed, "Of course we can divide it up as we like, let's go, let's go back and divide up this big pie!"The three turned and left.

On the other side, on a big mountain, a woman held a long gun and watched a trial carriage below.

This woman is An Lanxiu!

Behind An Lanxiu, there was an old man holding a dead wooden cane.

An Lan Xiu said: "Old Ling, what do you think?"

The old man glanced at the carriage, and then said: "Judging from his fight with you before, this son should have experienced countless life-and-death battles. As for his swordsmanship, it is still unclear where he came from. One thing is certain, that is, he is already a sword cultivator."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Miss, although he is good, but you are from two worlds. After all, you have already entered the martial arts list!"

Wu Bang!

In the entire Qingzhou, there are hundreds of small countries, four or five big countries, and hidden families and sects, and the children of all these forces have a common goal, which is to be on the martial arts list!

Wubang is the most valuable and authoritative list in Qingzhou. Those who can make it to the list are geniuses among geniuses and evildoers among evildoers!

And in Jiang Country, there are only two people on the list!

One of them is An Lanxiu!

An Lanxiu glanced at Linglao, and smiled slightly, "Linglao always thinks that if I give him the jade pendant, I am interested in him and afraid that I will fall in love?"Elder Ling didn't expect his young lady to speak so bluntly, so he lowered his head slightly and didn't speak.

An Lanxiu looked at the carriage that had disappeared at the end, "Master Ling got it wrong. I asked you earlier, not about his talent, but about his people."

Hearing this, Ling Lao frowned.

An Lanxiu smiled lightly, "If you have a brother, you should do that!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked away.

At the same place, Elder Ling was silent for a long time, then turned and left.


Ye Xuan drove the carriage, beside him was Ye Ling who was holding his arm tightly.

Ye Xuan glanced at the distance, and then took out the map that Zhang Lie gave him. He glanced at the map, and his brows suddenly frowned. He who had never been out of Qingcheng suddenly realized that this world is really big. !

They have been rushing for nearly two hours, but they are still at the boundary of Qingcheng, and if they want to reach Qianshan City, at the current speed, it will take at least four or five days!

Ye Xuan didn't choose to rush again, because it was getting late, and he didn't dare to drive into the deep mountains with his sister late at night.

If it was a person, he would be fearless. After all, he used to fight with people in the mountains, but now, with his sister by his side, he dare not be so unscrupulous!

Above the sky, the moon and stars are sparse, distant and deep.Beside the bonfire, Ye Xuan and Ye Ling were sitting next to each other. On top of the bonfire was a half-cooked turkey, which Li Yu and others prepared for them in the carriage.

Ye Ling glanced around, except for them, the surrounding area can be said to be invisible, because at this time, the moon in the sky has been covered by black clouds.

Surrounded by unusually quiet!

Ye Ling hugged Ye Xuan tightly, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Don't be afraid!"

As he spoke, he glanced around, "How familiar!"


Since he became the eldest son, he has often competed for mines with the disciples of the other two families on behalf of the Ye family, and their battlefields are often in this kind of deep mountains and old forests. He is not unfamiliar with forests at all, and he is used to fighting with people in the dark. Life and death battle!

Ye Ling tilted his head and looked at Ye Xuan, "Brother, I won't be afraid if you're here!"

Ye Xuan gently rubbed Ye Ling's little head, "Just don't be afraid, you have to remember, when the sky falls, you have to bear it first!"

Ye Ling smiled sweetly.

After the siblings ate the turkey, Ye Ling soon fell asleep.

Ye Xuan carried Ye Ling into the carriage, while he sat cross-legged, and then entered the Jie Prison Tower.

When he left Ye's house before, he had a battle with An Lanxiu, which made him feel deeply!After seeing the opponent's speed and reaction ability, as well as his fighting awareness, he found that he still has many, many shortcomings.

Ye Xuan did not practice against the shadow, but recalled every detail of the previous battle with An Lanxiu!

At first, he was thinking about it, but gradually, he began to assume that if he was An Lanxiu... It should be said that he was learning from An Lanxiu, and at the same time, he was also reflecting on the timing and angle of his previous sword strikes.

An hour later, Ye Xuan suddenly stood up, and then he began to practice his sword!Ye Xuan nodded slightly, "Taught!"

After practicing for a while, Ye Xuan left the Prison Tower. He glanced at Ye Ling who was already asleep, smiled, and got out of the carriage.

At this time, it was already late at night!

At this moment, Ye Xuan frowned suddenly, and he turned his head to the right. On the right, there was a rush of footsteps!

Soon, a woman appeared in front of Ye Xuan!

The woman was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with a charming face, wearing a rather revealing tight long skirt, revealing a white flower on her chest. And on the woman's body, there were several scars!

Seeing Ye Xuan, the woman froze for a moment, and suddenly ran to Ye Xuan's side, "Master, someone is going to kill me, please save me!"

As she spoke, she hugged Ye Xuan's arms with both hands, and Ye Xuan suddenly felt a softness in her arms.

At this moment, three people suddenly appeared not far away, the leader was a middle-aged man holding a long knife, while the other two were old men.

Seeing the three of them, Ye Xuan's heart trembled. Judging by his aura, the middle-aged man at the head was at least at the Qi-controlling state, and the two old men had also reached the Qi-changing state!

The three middle-aged men also saw Ye Xuan at this time, and when they saw Ye Xuan, the three of them also frowned.

The middle-aged man looked directly at Ye Xuan, "Who are you!"

Before Ye Xuan could speak, the charming woman suddenly said: "The things are in hand, you stop them, see you at the old place later!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to run, but at this moment, Ye Xuan who was beside her suddenly raised a whip and swept towards her.

The vixen's face changed drastically, she didn't expect Ye Xuan to make a sudden move, and immediately put her arms across her front.


The vixen girl was sent flying several feet away by Ye Xuan's kick.

On the other side, the three who were about to rush towards Ye Xuan froze.

Practice alone!

No, it should be said that he himself imagined an enemy, and this enemy is that An Lanxiu!

I don't know how long it took, Ye Xuan suddenly put away his sword, and then sat on the ground with a pale smile on his lips.Ye Xuan glanced at the charming woman, and said seriously: "Where is the old place you mentioned, please explain clearly, I'm afraid I will get lost and not find it!"