

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 136: Bandit Army!

Lu Banzhuang who was behind Ye Xuan was not idle either, the moment Ye Xuan rushed out, they also rushed out one after another.

And none of those soldiers retreated!

And when Ye Xuan and the others were thirty feet away from the group of soldiers, an old man suddenly appeared in front of the group of soldiers, and the old man glanced at the crowd, "The lord has ordered, everyone get out of the way!"

Step aside!

The soldiers were stunned for a moment.

The leading general looked a little hideous, "What's the old man's intention?"

The old man shook his head, "Stay back, don't make fearless sacrifices, there are twelve of them, and someone will deal with them!"

Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!

Two thousand soldiers, nothing to do with Ye Xuan and the others! Unless it is more than 5,000, it is possible to pose a threat to Ye Xuan and others. You know, these twelve young people in front of you are all real geniuses and monsters!

It is undoubtedly unwise to let soldiers fight against them!

Seeing those soldiers backing away, Ye Xuan and the others were a little stunned, but they didn't think too much about it. It's a good thing for them if these soldiers don't take action!

But at this moment, the middle-aged general suddenly rushed in front of Ye Xuan, he stared at Ye Xuan, without any nonsense, he rushed forward and stabbed Ye Xuan's throat.

The pinnacle of the volley realm!

Ye Xuan didn't move. When the middle-aged general rushed to a distance in front of Ye Xuan, a flying sword suddenly passed through his eyebrows.


Blood spatter!

The middle-aged general stopped in front of Ye Xuan, blood gushed out from between his brows, and his face turned into a bloody face in an instant. He stared at Ye Xuan, and said fiercely: "Tang people will never surrender to Jiang people!"

Ye Xuan said calmly: "When you attacked Jiang Guo and slaughtered the people of our country, I didn't intend to ask you to submit, because..."

Speaking of this, he grinned, "Because I want to kill you invaders!"

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the group of two thousand soldiers in the distance, "Is there anyone else who wants to come? Don't worry, my head will fly out in an instant with my sword, without any pain!"Hearing this, the group of soldiers suddenly became agitated, and at this moment, the old man suddenly said angrily: "Whoever dares to fight will punish the nine clans!"

Kill the Nine Clans!

The faces of the group of soldiers suddenly became extremely ugly.

The old man turned his head to look at Ye Xuan, his eyes did not conceal the murderous intent, everyone in Tang country wanted Ye Xuan to die. But at this time, if these soldiers go to battle, they will die in vain!

These soldiers should have all died on the battlefield, not here.

Seeing that the soldiers did not make a move, Ye Xuan and the others did not make a move either, but rushed towards the gold mine.

Although they are not afraid of two thousand soldiers, it is not an easy task to kill them all. This time, they mainly came to ask for money and kill people, only occasionally incidentally.

When Ye Xuan and the others rushed into the vault, Yeli and the others' eyes lit up!

Gold mine!

In this gold mine, there are dozens of boxes of gold nuggets. Although these have not yet been made into gold coins, they are no different from gold coins! And with the batch of gold mines in front of us, at least 200-300 million gold coins can be produced!

Ye Li grinned, "If I can go back alive this time, I will be able to rush to the Divine Harmony Realm! There must be a lot left!"

Divine harmony!

Sprinting from the Netherworld Realm to the Divine Harmony Realm requires at least hundreds of millions of gold coins. It's not that you can't break through without gold coins, but with gold coins, this process can be greatly shortened!

To put it simply, it takes at least ten years for normal meditation practice to reach divine harmony from tranquility!And if you have money, a lot of money, it may take only one year to achieve divine harmony.

Money matters!

Soon, Ye Xuan and others began to sweep everything in the cave.

Crazy sweep!

After a while, those ready-made gold nuggets were collected by them!

This time it can be said to be a real sudden wealth!

After everyone left the gold mine, at this moment, two spears suddenly pierced through the sky. Soon, the two spears crossed and thrust in front of Ye Xuan and the others. Then, a man landed on them before.

The man looked up at Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang. He was about to speak. At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped in front of the man. The power of the earth spread all over his body in an instant. In an instant, he held a big black sword in front of him. The man suddenly slashed.

A sword is life and death!

The strongest sword!

Seeing this sword, the man's face changed drastically, and he was about to fight back, but at this moment he was horrified to find that his gun had been stuck in the ground by himself!

He instinctively went to get the gun, just slow down...


A sword fell, and the man's body was instantly split apart by the sword!


He didn't even have the strength to resist. It should be said that he hadn't had time to resist!

Ye Xuan put away the big black sword, and then put away the two long spears, because these two long spears are top-grade spiritual weapons!

On the side, Ling Han glanced at the shattered corpse beside Ye Xuan, shook his head, "He is really a good man! Come here as soon as you come, and give you a top-grade spiritual weapon..."

Lu Banzhuang blew a whistle, and soon, those black wolves came in front of them, and the twelve turned on the wolves, and were about to leave, at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled!

Lu Banzhuang looked up, and in the distance, a group of cavalry suddenly came slowly.

There were about a thousand cavalry in this group, all of them were holding black spears and wearing jet-black heavy armor, even the horses were wearing thick heavy armor.

They are so neat that even the steps of the horses are exactly the same.

Tang country heavy cavalry!Ye Xuan frowned. He had heard about the heavy cavalry of the Tang State before, because back then a hundred-man cavalry of the Tang State actually wiped out the three thousand infantry of the Jiang State!

These one hundred cavalry are the heavy cavalry of the Tang State!

It can be said that this heavy cavalry is the strongest cavalry among the Tang cavalry!

But this time, a thousand heavy cavalry came. You know, there are only three thousand heavy cavalry in Tang!

Seeing the aura of the thousand-man heavy cavalry, Yeli and the others became serious!

Lu Banzhuang was expressionless. It should be said that she had always been expressionless.

The group of heavy cavalry did not continue to move forward, but stopped a hundred feet in front of Ye Xuan and the others.

This position is just right for them to charge!

At this moment, countless soldiers suddenly appeared around. These soldiers all carried longbows and wore helmets with long feathers.

There are as many as ten thousand people!

These soldiers formed an encirclement circle, enclosing Ye Xuan and the others.


At this moment, the group of heavy cavalry opened a gap towards the two sides, and then, a man holding a long knife appeared in the sight of Ye Xuan and the others.

The one who came was Xiahou Dao!

Twenty-year-old Dao of the Sword master!

Behind Xiahou Dao, there were more than a dozen Heijia men holding long swords.

Xia Houdao looked at Ye Xuan and the others coldly, but didn't do anything.

Beside Ye Xuan, Lu Banzhuang suddenly said: "Their people should be here!"

Ye Xuan nodded. He naturally knew who Lu Banzhuang was talking about, they should be those geniuses from the Qingzhou martial arts list, and those evildoers from the Middle-earth Shenzhou!

Because Tang Guo is unlikely to use his own soldiers to fight with them!

Too bad!

The arena was very quiet. None of the Tang soldiers, Xia Houdao and others did anything. They could actually besiege and kill Ye Xuan and others, but they would pay a heavy price.

Tang Guo is unwilling to pay this price. If their elites sacrifice too much here, how can they attack Jiang Guo in the future?And Ye Xuan and the others didn't do it either, the reason why they didn't do it was because they couldn't fight...

The two sides stalemate.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "How long will it take for your people to arrive?"

Lu Banzhuang said: "Hurry up!"

Ye Xuan asked again, "Is it reliable?"

Lu Banzhuang nodded, "Reliable."

Ye Xuan nodded, and said again: "Before you said that you hired a mysterious mercenary from Middle-earth China, is that expensive?"

Lu Banzhuang said calmly: "It's not expensive, only around 200 million."

Ye Xuan almost fell off the wolf's back.

Two hundred million!

Before entering the imperial capital, Lu Banzhuang told him that there were many mercenaries in China, and asked him if he wanted to hire one. They are in such a bad situation now, they must be invited! But he didn't expect it to be so expensive... 200 million!

Damn it, I must bring Mo Diaomao, Bai Ze and Ji Anzhi to form a mercenary team in the future!

Tai Nima made money!

In the arena, when they heard Lu Banzhuang's words, let alone Ye Xuan, Yeli and the others were stunned!

Although they have made a lot of money during this period of time, it is very, very heartbreaking to allocate 200 million yuan!

Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan and the others, "I still need money!"

Ling Han smiled wryly, "Of course it's fatal. Sister, by the way, which mercenary did you hire?"

Lu Banzhuang said lightly, "The Ninth Mercenary!"Hearing this, except for Ye Xuan, the faces of Ling Han and the others all changed.

Sensing the changes in Ling Han and others, Ye Xuan asked, "Is the ninth mercenary very powerful?"

On the side, Ling Han smiled wryly, "At first I wanted to join the Ninth Mercenary, but I was rejected."

"Why?" Ye Xuan asked subconsciously.

Ling Han's smile became more bitter, "Not strong enough!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan looked shocked, not strong enough?

Ling Han is the pinnacle of the Netherworld!

He is not strong enough?

At this time, Yeli who was standing beside him suddenly said, "If I can survive in Middle-earth China, I won't come here. If Brother Ye goes to Middle-earth China in the future, he will find that there is never a shortage of talents there." And monsters. As for the Ninth Mercenary Regiment, their normal price is at least 500 million."

Five hundred million!

Ye Xuan: "..."

Ye Li glanced at Lu Banzhuang, "Eldest sister used to belong to the Ninth Mercenary Regiment. They charged such a low price this time, probably because of her face. Otherwise, even if we pay 500 million, it will be difficult to please her." Move them."

Mercenary group!

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "I want to form a mercenary group, are you interested?"

Everyone looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan said seriously: "I'm serious!"

On the side, Ling Han said: "Brother Ye, you can definitely join us."Ye Xuan shook his head, "I want to form a mercenary group by myself. I want to do a good job in this mercenary group. If you are interested, you can follow me. If you are not interested, it doesn't matter. We are still brothers and have no influence."

Ye Li and the others looked at Lu Banzhuang, who remained expressionless.

Ye Xuan faced Lu Banzhuang, and Lu Banzhuang glanced at him, "Do you want to be the big brother?"

Ye Xuan nodded.

Lu Banzhuang looked directly at Ye Xuan, "Give me a reason!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "If I am the eldest brother, I will run first when there is a fight, oh no, if it is a fight, I will go first, and if I run away, I will be the last."

Lu Banzhuang looked at Ye Xuan for a long time, and finally, she looked at Yeli and the others, "Can you convince him?"

Everyone thought for a while, then nodded.

Anywhere, the strong are respected!

Among them, except for Lu Banzhuang, Ye Xuan was the strongest, and after getting along, Ye Xuan convinced them in every aspect, so they didn't have any opinions.

Lu Banzhuang nodded, then looked at Ye Xuan, "What's your name?"


Ye Xuan said earnestly: "Whoever messes with us, I will make no grass grow in his house!"

Everyone: "..."