

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 132: Kill them!

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Miss Lu, this matter is my personal matter, there is really no need for you to get involved, I..."

Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, "Who said it was your fault?"

As she spoke, her voice cooled down, "Your business is everyone's business!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

On the side, Ye Li gnawed a bite of the chicken leg, and then said: "Eldest sister is right, Brother Ye, we all live and die together, the so-called sharing life and death is not a word, saying that life and death are shared, that is, life and death are shared!"

Ling Han nodded, "Brother Ye, this matter is not yours alone. This time, Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm are not only targeting you, but also targeting me. I didn't mess with them. They actually Sending people to mess with us again and again, this is unbearable!"

Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ling Han, and said coldly: "What are you, why are we waiting, aren't we all together?"

Ling Han smiled mockingly, "A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue!"

As he said that, he glanced at Ye Xuan, "Brother Ye, don't mind, we are all in the same group, so don't talk about other nonsense. Anyway, if we have difficulties in the future, we won't be polite to you!"

On the other side, Yeli nodded, "Fuck them to death!"

Everyone: "..."

On the side, the Eighth Master looked at Lu Banzhuang and the others with complicated expressions.

These are the top geniuses from the Middle-earth China. These geniuses are absolutely arrogant and arrogant. Ordinary people, they don't like them at all. Ye Xuan's ability to gain the approval of these people is not just a matter of talent!

And once recognized by them, these people are extremely loyal!

The friendship of young people is sometimes like this, it is a little inexplicable, but it is more real than real money.

At this time, Lu Banzhuang took out a sound transmission stone, and poured her profound energy into it. Soon, the sound transmission stone trembled, and then, a female voice sounded from the sound transmission stone, "Baby Lu, miss me!" gone?"

Everyone: "..."Lu Banzhuang said lightly: "Qingzhou, Tangguo, come and fight!"

After a moment of silence, the voice sounded again inside the sound transmission stone, "Come right now!"

As the voice fell, the sound transmission stone calmed down.

Lu Banzhuang sat down, and she glanced at Ling Han and the others, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Everyone quickly took out their sound transmission stones...

They didn't call the elders in the family, but their own friends. For these geniuses and monsters, calling their elders is the most shameful thing!

It's like two children fighting, and if one loses, they call their father to help them fight. In their opinion, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly cowardly behavior!

When young people fight, let the young people solve it by themselves!

Seeing the scene in the field, Eighth Master suddenly laughed.

These people in front of them are not simple people, will their friends be simple?

There is no doubt that this time there will be a good show to watch!

At this moment, an old man came in suddenly, and the old man said in a deep voice, "Lord, my Zuixian Tower has been surrounded by nearly Wantang soldiers."

The field fell silent.

The Eighth Lord nodded slightly, "Only soldiers?"

The old man shook his head, "It's not just soldiers, some of them don't look like soldiers. Besides, the Lord of the Tang Kingdom asked you to go to the imperial capital!"

Master Eight shook his head and smiled, "Tell them, there's nothing to talk about."The old man glanced at the eighth master, nodded slightly, and then retreated.

After the old man retreated, the eighth master looked at Ye Xuan and the others, "I think you are all exhausted, please rest for a night, I dare not say anything else, I will keep you safe tonight in Zuixianlou."

After speaking, he turned and left.

In the room, everyone fell silent.

Lu Banzhuang ate the big cake and didn't speak.

Everyone also continued to frantically sweep the food on the dining table!

After a while, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Everyone, is Middle-earth China fun?"

Is it fun?

Everyone looked a little weird suddenly.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "What?"

Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, but said nothing.

Ling Han shook his head slightly, "It's not fun, over there...the younger generation fights every day!"

As he spoke, he pointed to himself, "If it wasn't for the big sister, I would have been beaten to death!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "Will I be beaten to death with my past?"

Everyone glanced at Ye Xuan, and finally, Ling Han shook his head, "It's not easy to say, it mainly depends on who your opponent is!"

Ye Xuan: "..."On the side, Ye Li suddenly said: "The competition in Middle-earth China is very fierce. Many resources have to be robbed by individuals. If you don't rob, you will have nothing. Even if it is an internal family, you have to fight. If you don't fight, you will have nothing. I don't want to. If you are useless to live, you can only fight and grab it crazily."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly. In fact, the competition in any place is very fierce, but it may be even more fierce in China!

Soon, everyone swept away.


Although everyone is a martial artist, they still need to rest, especially since they entered the hinterland of the Tang Kingdom, they have not closed their eyes, so it can be said that they are very tired at this time!

Ye Xuan came to the window, looked out of the window, at this moment the Drunken Immortal Tower was surrounded by the army of the Tang State, almost airtight, and more and more soldiers were coming here.

And Zuixianlou has activated the formation at this moment. This formation may not have much effect on the strong like the Ten Thousand Laws Realm, but it is very, very effective for these ordinary soldiers.

But Ye Xuan knew very well that this formation could only temporarily stop these soldiers!

After dawn, it may be time to fight!

At this time, Lu Banzhuang walked to Ye Xuan's side, and Ye Xuan said softly, "Don't you take a break?"

Lu Banzhuang looked down and said softly, "No need!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Lu Banzhuang took a look at the Tang soldiers, "What are your plans?"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "More and more people will come, and the ones who will come must be the top people of my young generation in Qingzhou. My plan is to do it. Either we will kill them or they will kill them." us!"Lu Banzhuang nodded, "Then do it!"

As she spoke, she took out a large cake and gnawed it.

Ye Xuan: "..."

Time passed bit by bit, the sky gradually brightened, and the surrounding area of ​​Zuixian Tower was already crowded with people!

Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have already filled the water around Zuixianlou!

Soon, the sky turned pale, and a red sun rose slowly from the end of the sky.

Inside the house, Yeli and the others had all woken up.

At this moment, Lord Eighth came in suddenly, he glanced at everyone, and then said: "I, Zuixianlou, have dispatched 30 experts from various places in the Divine Harmony Realm, and they will break out with you later, please don't hesitate to let me know." To love fighting."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: "After rushing out, you all take care of yourself all the way. Sorry, I can only do so much in Zuixian Tower."

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "This time Zuixianlou has helped us so much, you are in the Tang Kingdom..."

The eighth master smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a small property, just give it up. Little friend, you wait and get ready, everyone is ready to rush out!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Inside the room, Lu Banzhuang suddenly asked, "Are there any problems?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Just as Lu Banzhuang was about to speak, Shang Yue who was beside him suddenly said, "Sister, I won't be leaving!"

Everyone looked at Shang Yue, Shang Yue took off his ring and put it on the table, "Help me take it back to my brother, it should be enough for him for a long time."

"What nonsense!"

Lu Banzhuang suddenly said angrily: "Why don't you leave! Let me tell you, even if you die, I will take your body with you."

As she said that, she looked at Gan Wuwei at the side, "Old Gan, you carry him on your back, and the rest of the people will surround him later."

Shang Yue wanted to say something, but Gan Wuwei walked up to him and picked him up.

Lu Banzhuang looked at Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan said: "You and I open the way! Don't hold back, try to kill those who can be killed in seconds!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Inside the house, Lu Banzhuang glanced at everyone, "I'll live!"

After half a quarter of an hour.The gate of Zuixian Tower opened suddenly, and immediately after that, twelve black wolves rushed out!

And on top of these twelve black wolves, there are more than 30 strong people in the Divine Harmony Realm!

"Let the arrow!"

A shout of anger suddenly sounded from the field like thunder.

As the voice fell, countless arrows shot towards Ye Xuan and the others like a violent storm.

At this moment, Ye Xuan and the others' eyes went dark!

Seeing this scene, Ling Han and the others all became serious!

At this moment, the more than 30 strong men in the divine realm above their heads suddenly soared into the sky. Immediately afterwards, more than 30 powerful auras swept towards those arrows. Instantly shattered.

At the same time, each of the more than 30 people sacrificed a pitch-black shield, and they just put the shield on top of Ye Xuan and the others, forcibly blocking all the arrows.

Below, countless soldiers held spears in front of Ye Xuan and the others, and no one stepped back!

At this moment, Ye Xuan flew out suddenly. The moment he landed, the power of the earth condensed instantly, and at the same time, the big black sword appeared in his hand.

The corner of Ye Xuan's mouth turned ferocious, he held up the big sword and rushed towards the group of soldiers in front of him, the sword intent and fighting spirit frenziedly oscillated from the big sword in his hand, coupled with the power of the earth, at this moment he was alone With the momentum of thousands of troops.When he was still a few feet away from the group of soldiers, Ye Xuan suddenly jumped up, and then slashed down with both swords in his hands, "I will die!"

The sword fell.


In front of Ye Xuan, dozens of soldiers were instantly smashed to pieces by this sword. At the same time, countless soldiers were shocked by the power emitted by the sword and flew around. In front of Ye Xuan, there appeared a A deep ravine that is more than ten feet long, this ravine is as deep as ten feet!

a mess!

Ye Xuan held the big sword and rushed towards the Tang soldiers in the distance, "Follow me!"

Lu Banzhuang and others followed closely.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang, their group was like a broken bamboo, but just as they were about to rush to encircle, a group of black men with long knivesPerson A suddenly stood in front of them.

The leader is Xia Houdao, the Dao of the Sword master they met yesterday!

In addition, there are hundreds of black sword guards around!

Xia Houdao looked at Ye Xuan and the others, and said fiercely, "Want to leave? Have you asked me?"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards Ye Xuan and the others with a long knife in hand, and behind him were about twenty black-armored soldiers. These twenty people held long knives and exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang rushed out directly, but this time, neither of them were able to instantly kill Xia Houdao and others, and they were abruptly blocked by Xia Hou and others.

At this moment, hundreds of black knife guards and countless soldiers rushed directly towards Yeli and the others.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Yeli's mouth, "Fuck them to death!"

When the voice fell, he rushed out directly.

Soon, Yeli and the others were overwhelmed by countless soldiers. Although they are all extremely strong and can fight dozens of them at once, at this moment, there are at least 20,000 soldiers around, and there are also those black sword guards. The suppression of their numbers makes them have no advantage at all!

In the distance, Lu Banzhuang suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, "Block it for a moment!"

After the voice fell, she floated backwards and came directly in front of Yeli and the others. Then, she slapped the ground suddenly, "Wuji collapse!"

A palm fell.


The ground within a radius of tens of feet of Lu Banzhuang and the others instantly cracked, and countless soldiers flew out directly. Those who were close to Lu Banzhuang were even smashed into a pulp by this palm. Not only that, but the aftermath of that palm Even the soldiers around the earthquake continued to retreat violently.

But Lu Banzhuang's face turned pale, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth! Obviously, the palm just now consumed her enormously!

Lu Banzhuang suddenly turned her head to look at Yeli and the others, and roared, "Hurry up!"

Yeli and the others were about to leave, at this moment, Shang Yue suddenly broke free from Gan Wuwei and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at Shang Yue, and Shang Yue took a look at Gan Wuwei. At this moment, Gan Wuwei was covered with wounds all over his body, especially on his chest. Just blocked it for him!

Just now, if Lu Banzhuang hadn't rushed over, Gan Wuwei would have died!Shang Yue's eyes slowly closed, "I know you don't want to abandon me, you don't want me to die, and I don't want to die either..."

As he said that, he suddenly yelled at Lu Banzhuang and the others, "But, I can't fucking drag you down. I came out to mess around, but I wasn't strong enough. I was beaten to death. I recognized it. I don't blame anyone. You all Let me practice hard and live well..."

After finishing speaking, he bent his fingers a little bit, and a Na ring flew in front of Lu Banzhuang. He grinned, "Tell my brother, in the future, if you are beaten up, I will beat you back. And my unmarried brother!" My daughter-in-law, tell her that I can't go back. Let her find someone new, I wish her happiness!"

After the voice fell, he slapped his forehead suddenly.


In an instant, his head split open.

He looked at Lu Banzhuang and the others dully, "Brothers, you can leave with peace of mind."
