

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 129: Kill them!

Killer appeared again! Ye Xuan's expression became hideous in an instant, and the next moment, he stomped his right foot, and in an instant, a golden armor appeared around him! The Armor of the Earth! At this time, the number of daggers stabbed directly at his various key points, but these daggers could not stab at all! Ye Xuan suddenly turned around and punched forward. One punch blows your head! Bang! With a punch, the ghost in front of him was smashed directly! Next to Ye Xuan, when the two cold lights suddenly appeared, Lu Banzhuang was moving faster. Her thumb and index finger were gently pinched, directly clamping the cold light in front of her, and then, she turned to the top of her knee. Bang! The ghost in front of her instantly cracked! In the blink of an eye, the entire hall suddenly became quiet! Those dark killers all disappeared! Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, "Dark world?" Ye Xuan nodded. Lu Banzhuang retracted his gaze, "I'll talk later." After speaking, the two left the treasure house. At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, more and more soldiers were surrounded, but they were all blocked by Ye Li and others. Ye Xuan was still very shocked when he saw Ye Li and others blocking hundreds of soldiers. This group of people is really strong. These guys have experienced countless life and death, and their own talent is also good, and they are from China-Turk China. Therefore, their combat power is not weaker than the God of God! The world is very big, there are many geniuses! Ye Xuan put away his thoughts, and rushed out with Lu Banzhuang directly towards the group of soldiers! Boom boom! Under the full strength of the two of them, they instantly made a passage, and soon, thirteen people rode the black wolf and disappeared at the end of the street in the distance! Just as they were out of the city, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes from behind!Black Blade Guard!

The leading masked man stared at Ye Xuan and the others, "Speed ​​up, speed up with all your strength!"

Hundreds of cavalry galloped past, and the streets were trembling!

Outside the city, Ye Xuan and the others were also accelerating with all their might.

If there were only these hundreds of black knife guards, they wouldn't be particularly afraid. There would be no problem with a dozen of them! But the problem is, if they fight against this group of black sword guards, Datang's army will definitely catch up immediately.

They can beat ten with one, but they can't do hundreds with one!

must run!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Run to the mountains!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately changed direction and ran deep into the mountain.

Seeing Ye Xuan and the others enter the mountain, the faces of the group of black sword guards behind them instantly became ugly. If they also enter the mountain, their speed will be greatly reduced!

The masked man looked into the distance for a long time, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

At this moment, a black sword guard suddenly came to the masked man on horseback, "Dao Tong, His Majesty has an order, let us not lose track, reinforcements have arrived!"

The masked man frowned slightly, "What reinforcements?"

The sword guard shook his head, "I don't know, Your Majesty said, they will contact me and let me cooperate with them to encircle and suppress those dozen people!"

The masked man was silent for a moment, and then said: "Have you found out their identities?"

The sword guard said in a deep voice: "The young swordsman is Ye Xuan, a scholar of Jiang Guo Ye Guo, and the dean of Canglan College!"

Ye Xuan!

The masked man tightly held the knife at his waist with his right hand, and said fiercely, "What a Ye Xuan!"


Deep in the mountains in the distance, Ye Xuan and the others stopped, and everyone gathered around a pool of water. Ye Li and the others lay down on the riverside and drank heavily.

After Ye Xuan got off the black wolf, he seemed to think of something, he suddenly turned to Lu Banzhuang, who was not far away, who was eating a big cake, "Where did you get these wolves?"

black Wolf!

These black wolves are too fast, and their bodies are extremely strong. They can withstand ordinary arrows, which is much better than horses!Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, "Bringed by Zhongtu Shenzhou." It was brought from Zhongtu Shenzhou! Ye Xuan nodded, and suddenly, not far to the right, a man had three arrows on his body, and at this moment, he was pulling one by one! Ye Xuan found that when the man pulled out three arrows, his face was expressionless and his brows were not wrinkled! Ye Xuan hesitated, and then walked up to the man. He turned his fingers and fell in front of the man. The man glanced at the medicinal pill, and his eyes were a little surprised, "Golden Sore Dan!" Ye Xuan nodded, "This thing can quickly heal your wounds, and the next step is a fierce battle!" He knew very well that Tang Guo wouldn't let them so much mess around in Tang! Next, Tang Guo will definitely do everything to them at all costs! In front of Ye Xuan, the man glanced at Ye Xuan, "This thing is worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins." Ye Xuan said with a smile, "You think I'm brining people's hearts?" During the scene, everyone looked at Ye Xuan. Buy people's hearts! Not to mention, some people really think so! At this moment, Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Yes, I am brining people's hearts. Ming people do not speak secretly. I Ye Xuan want to be friends with you. Is there anything wrong?" "Haha..." On the side, Ling Han suddenly laughed, "No problem! You guy is interesting, I will make you a friend, Ling Han!" On the other side, everyone laughed. Be honest! Obviously, everyone likes Ye Xuan's frankness very much, and they don't hide it. Of course, the main reason is that he is strong enough, and he is still a sword cultivator! No one will be reluctant to be friends with a strong man, and Ye Xuan's temper is also like everyone! In front of Ye Xuan, the man glanced at Ye Xuan, "Thank you." After that, he swallowed the golden sore pill, and then said again: "My name is Gu Yunqing, Gu family." Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I remember your name!"Gu Yunqing smiled, as if thinking of something, he asked again, "By the way, what's the matter with your eyes?" Hearing this, everyone looked at Ye Xuan. eyes! In fact, they were very curious in the morning. It's just a shame to ask, after all, this is a bit disrespectful. But now, after everyone is familiar with it, there is no such scruples. Ye Xuan said with a smile: "The practice is backlash, and then you are blind." Everyone: "..." At this time, Lu Banzhuang on the side suddenly said: "Why did the dark realm killer participate?" Ye Xuan said solemnly: "Not even hiding it, I have a big hatred with the Cangmu Academy and the dark world. Half of the reason for the Dayunjing Cangmu College and the dark world are because of me, they want to get rid of me, but they are strong in all dharmas. Dare to do it, so I did it!" On the side, Ye Li was a little curious and said, "This dark world and Cangmu Academy are not simple, you have a deadly hatred with them?" Ye Xuan nodded, "Next, the killer of the dark world may appear at any time, if you want to quit, I can understand it completely!" Ye Li shook his head, "We are not afraid of them!" Gu Yunqing smiled and said, "Although the dark world is disgusting, we are not afraid of them, but everyone has to be careful next. Those killers in the dark world still have one hand." On the other hand, Ling Han suddenly said in a deep voice: "If it is the dark world killer in Qingzhou, I will naturally have no fear, but I am afraid that they will come from China to the people of China, those top killers..."Hearing this, everyone in the field looked solemn. Those killers in China and China are really not easy! If they are heads-up, they are not at all cowardly, but how could those people head-to-head with them? Dark arrows are hard to defend! The atmosphere in the field suddenly became solemn. At this time, Lu Banzhuang, who was not far away, suddenly said, "It's okay." Everyone looked at Lu Banzhuang, and Lu Banzhuang said softly: "Whoever blocks our financial path will kill who." Speaking of this, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "Those killers, I will deal with him, you usually have a lot of thoughts, and now you give me a twelve spirit, I don't want anyone to leave!" Everyone nodded one after another. Ye Xuan walked to Lu Banzhuang, he took out all the treasures he had searched in the city lord's mansion, and the same was true of Lu Banzhuang. When I saw the pile of treasures on the ground, everyone in the field had straight eyes! Ye Xuan checked it out, and then said: "There are about 90 million gold coins, among which, there are seven pieces of the best spiritual tool, and there are eight volumes of martial arts. Although they have not reached the ground level, they can sell at least about 10 million. The rest of the gold, silver and jade are similar. In addition to this, there are some unexpected harvests this time, that is, the spirit stone, and a total of almost a million pieces of the best spirit stones are obtained!" The best spirit stone! In the market, a spirit stone can be exchanged for about 100 gold coins! Lingshi is too much more precious than gold coins! And the best spirit stone, for them, is also the most important thing, cultivation is inseparable from spirit stones! This time, I have made a lot of money! Everyone couldn't help laughing! Ye Xuan said: "Let's see these top-quality spiritual tools, if you need any, take them yourself, if you don't need them, they will share them together as gold coins." Everyone glanced at the top-quality spiritual tools, and soon, the two chose two pieces. Next, everyone shared a lot of wealth under the distribution of Ye Xuan and Lu Banzhuang. So far, Ye Xuan himself has harvested almost 60 million gold coins, of which there are four of the top-quality spiritual tools, and about 100,000 the best spirit stones. In addition to his previous ones, he now has about eight top-quality spiritual tools, and there are about 230,000,000 gold coins in total.It looks like a lot, but very few! Because this wealth is not just spent on himself, the cultivation resources of the three of Mo Yunqi, as well as the construction of Canglan College, etc., all cost a lot of money! As for Canglan College, there is no other way to make money for the time being. If he doesn't come out to rob, I'm afraid that everyone in Canglan College will starve to death soon! Stressed! At this moment, Ye Xuan's brows suddenly frowned, and in the distance, Lu Banzhuang had already stood up, "Warning!" In an instant, everyone gathered together. Ye Xuan was holding a Lingxiu sword, his face was expressionless. Very quiet around! At this moment, a dense forest in the distance suddenly trembled, and at this moment, Lu Banzhuang's pupils suddenly shrank, "Go back!" As soon as the voice fell, people in black suddenly appeared in the dense forest in the distance. These men in black drifted like a ghost in the jungle. There are not many people, only more than 30 people! In the hands of these men in black, all of them hold black strong crossbows! Every strong crossbow is the best spirit tool! And these men in black are all in the secluded realm! Moreover, it is all the peak realm of Tongyou! Ye Xuan carefully discovered that these people have two big golden characters on their chests: Dayun! Big Cloud Empire! At the same time, the sound of hooves suddenly came from behind them! Black Knife Team! Enemies on the abdomen! Lu Banzhuang looked at Ye Xuan, "What's the matter?" Ye Xuan's mouth appeared a ferocious at the corner of his mouth, and he held a spiritual sword and pointed straight at the men in black in the distance, "Fuck them and grab their crossbow!" Lu Banzhuang glanced at Ye Xuan, "You must kill them all in a quarter of an hour, and I will lead someone to block the group of cavalry behind you, it will only be a quarter of an hour!" The six people followed Lu Banzhuang, and the remaining five were close to Ye Xuan, no one was afraid! A quarter of an hour! The Lingxiu sword in Ye Xuan's hand trembled violently, and for a moment, Ye Xuan suddenly roared: "Kill!" Om!The sound of the sword resounded, and the six people rushed towards more than 30 men in black.