

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 127: Killed Countless!


The moment Ye Xuan opened his eyes, two strands of sword light shot out from his eye sockets like two bolts of lightning. In an instant, dozens of soldiers in front of him were directly shattered by these two strands of sword light.

Smash directly!

And the remaining nearly one hundred soldiers were directly and seriously injured by these two rays of sword light!

Ye Xuan didn't stop, but rushed forward holding the Lingxiu sword...

All he has to do now is procrastinate, delaying time for the cloth-shirted woman and others!


Holding the sword, Ye Xuan rushed all the way, and wherever he passed, heads would fall to the ground!

With the appearance of Ye Xuan, more and more soldiers in the city rushed towards this side...

Outside the city, the cloth-clothed woman suddenly said: "Come on!"

The sound fell, and the twelve people rushed out riding the black wolf!

The speed was extremely fast, and the twelve people rushed into the city in an instant and went straight to the barracks.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were surrounding Ye Xuan suddenly reacted, and one of the generals' face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily, "Go back to the camp! Go back to the camp!"

Soon, some soldiers retreated back and forth.

However, their speed was not as fast as the cloth-shirt woman and the others. In less than ten breaths, the cloth-shirt woman and the others had already rushed to the front of the barracks. At this moment, hundreds of elite soldiers had gathered in front of the barracks!

Seeing these hundreds of elite soldiers, the cloth-shirted woman and the others all became extremely dignified.

Although these soldiers are not as high-level as them, they must not be underestimated. The soldiers have a killing aura, and they are numerous and orderly in attack and defense. This kind is very difficult to deal with!

But at this moment, they have no way out!

The clothed woman suddenly turned her head to look at a man beside her, "Ling Han!"

The man named Ling Han suddenly leaped into the air. In the air, Ling Han clasped his hands together. In an instant, a hot breath radiated from the air. The next moment, his arms were actually on fire!In the air, Ling Han's mouth turned ferociously, "Bang Yan Luo!"

As soon as the voice fell, he fell from the air like a ball of fire towards the soldiers!

Wherever Ling Han passed, the air was directly incinerated. At this moment, he was dazzling like a scorching sun!

Earth-level martial arts!

Down below, the eyes of those soldiers suddenly showed horror, but none of them retreated!

At this time, behind the group of soldiers, a general suddenly roared, "Raise the shield!"


Hundreds of soldiers raised their long shields directly.

At this time, Ling Han fell down.


Dozens of soldiers were directly smashed into the air, countless flames splashed, and half of the formation formed by the group of soldiers was immediately dispersed. At this time, the cloth-shirted woman and others directly rushed into the barracks.

Soon, the cloth-clothed woman came to a tent, while the people behind her blocked the outside.

The woman in the cloth shirt glanced at it, and there were dozens of iron boxes and three golden boxes in the tent.

The woman in the cloth shirt opened an iron box, and inside were all golden coins!

After a moment of silence, she walked quickly to those gold boxes. She opened a gold box at any time, and inside was a long knife.

The ultimate spiritual weapon!

The woman in the cloth shirt didn't look much, and directly covered the box. She slightly turned the ring on her index finger with her thumb, and in the next moment, all the boxes in the field disappeared.

The woman in the cloth shirt turned around and walked out of the tent. At this moment, they were already surrounded by soldiers, and more and more soldiers were rushing towards this side!

The cloth-clothed woman glanced at the soldiers, and the next moment, she suddenly walked towards them, "Stay close to me, make a way out!"

As the voice fell, her speed suddenly increased!

boom!Some soldiers were blown away before they could see the cloth-shirted woman clearly. In this way, under the leadership of the cloth-shirted woman, the crowd rushed out of the way. Soon, the cloth-shirted woman blew a whistle, and retreated Those black wolves who were on the side once again came in front of the cloth-shirted woman and the others, and the twelve turned on wolves and rushed out of the city!

When they rushed to the door, Ye Xuan was still fighting with a group of soldiers!

The woman in cloth shirt glanced at Ye Xuan, "Let's go!"

Not far away, Ye Xuan slashed out with a sword, and the soldier in front of him was cut in two by the sword. At the same time, he lightly tapped his toes, and jumped directly behind the cloth-shirted woman, sitting next to the cloth-shirted woman. On the black wolf!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people behind the cloth-shirt woman suddenly changed!

The woman in the cloth shirt also frowned slightly, but she didn't say much, and rode the black wolf directly towards the distance.

Soon, a group of people rushed out of the city, but soon, they stopped again, because there were thousands of cavalry rushing towards them in the distance!

Come back!

Seeing this scene, the cloth-shirt woman frowned, at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Go into the city, go from the other side!"

The woman in the cloth shirt said in a deep voice: "Then we will enter the hinterland of the Tang Kingdom!"

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "There is no choice!"The woman in the cloth shirt didn't say anything else, she patted Hei Lang under her body lightly, Hei Lang turned around and ran towards the city, followed by twelve people closely behind her!

And at this moment, the soldiers behind them have re-formed!

A general held a big sword and pointed at Ye Xuan and the others, shouting, "Stop them!"


Countless soldiers rushed towards Ye Xuan and the others!

Ye Xuan flew out suddenly, and the next moment, a sword flew across the field, and the heads of several soldiers flew out!

And the woman in the cloth shirt also flew down, just like that, the two teamed up and forcibly made a bloody path among the group of soldiers, and soon, everyone rode wolves and disappeared not far away.

Those soldiers can't catch up at all!

Soon, a group of iron cavalry came to the city, and a middle-aged man in armor led a group of cavalry into the city. The middle-aged man looked at the corpses in the field with a livid face!

This middle-aged man is Pei Xiaohu, the commander of the 100,000 black-armored cavalry, and the most famous commander in the Tang Kingdom!

Pei Xiaohu glanced around, and said coldly: "Immediately let people find out the identities of these people, notify the king, and ask him to send black sword guards to help, and immediately recall 30,000 cavalry, block the surrounding borders, and don't let them Leave the country of Tang."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked into the distance, "Tell the Death Battalion, let them chase those people without sleep."

"yes!"Behind them, several people turned and left.

Pei Xiaohu stared at the end of the street in the distance, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

This time, what he lost was not only his military salary, but also some of the treasures he had collected. Most of these treasures were top-grade spiritual weapons!

lost heavily!

In fact, these things can be installed in the ring, but it is too troublesome. First, the Naring itself is very expensive, and the ones that can be bought are those with very small space. If you want to fit all those things, you need to buy at least dozens of Naring, which in itself is a huge sum of money. It's not cost-effective to spend a lot of money, and besides that, the ring is not safe!

You know, the ring is placed on a person, if this person has an accident, what will happen to the military salary? Moreover, the higher-ups are not worried about concentrating all these things on one person!

Must be chased back!

Pei Xiaohu closed his eyes slowly, if he couldn't catch up, the consequences would be really serious!

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, where did Jiang Guo find these secluded realm experts, all of them are so terrifying!


Ye Xuan and the others ran all the way, about two hours later, they entered a dense forest, and everyone stopped.

At this moment, everyone was more or less wounded.

Ye Xuan was injured all over his body!

This time, he also saw the strength of the soldiers. These soldiers are not strong alone, but when they are combined, they are very terrifying. If he was surrounded by those thousands of cavalry just now, he would die even if he used the power of the earth!

It can be said that even if the two armies are at war, even a strong man in the Divine Harmony Realm will not have much effect.

Everyone sat around, and Ye Xuan squeezed into the crowd.

The cloth-shirted woman glanced at Ye Xuan, and then she took out her holding ring, and soon, dozens of boxes appeared in front of Ye Xuan and the others.

One of them opened a box, which was full of golden coins!Everyone's eyes lit up immediately!

However, none of them showed any greedy look, because they have all seen the world!

The cloth-clothed woman said: "Thirty-eight iron boxes, each with at least two million gold coins, a total of about seventy million. Three gold boxes, a total of eight top-quality spiritual weapons, each estimated at five million about."

Nearly 100 million!

There were smiles on everyone's faces.

The woman in cloth shirt glanced at Ye Xuan, "Half is yours!"

Everyone also looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, then shook his head, "Let's split it equally!"


Everyone was stunned.

Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Everyone contributes the same amount, I'm not qualified to take so much, let's divide it equally according to the number of people!"

Everyone didn't speak, but when some people looked at Ye Xuan, their expressions softened a lot.

The woman in cloth shirt looked at Ye Xuan, "Are you serious?"

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Sword cultivator, never cheat!"

Sword repair!

The woman in the cloth shirt nodded, she almost forgot that the person in front of her was a master of swordsmanship!

After a moment of silence, the cloth-shirted woman said: "You should get more for attracting firepower. Seventy million gold coins, you get twenty million, top-grade spiritual weapons, you get three, how about it?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "No problem!"

Soon, everyone in the field finished sharing the spoils.

This time, it can be said that everyone has gained a lot, especially two of them have their own suitable top-grade spiritual weapons.

After everyone put away their things, the woman in cloth shirt looked at Ye Xuan, "How is it now?"

Everyone also looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "The Tang cavalry must be chasing us behind, we can't go back, we can only go forward!"The woman in the cloth shirt said in a deep voice: "The Tang Dynasty may motivate the powerful in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!"

Ye Xuandao: "Don't worry, they dare not!"

The woman in cloth shirt looked at Ye Xuan, "There is someone behind you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "They dare not use the Myriad Law Realm, but the Divine Harmony Realm...are you afraid!"

The woman in the cloth shirt said softly: "I have killed countless people!"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Let me introduce myself, Qingzhou Jiang Guo, the dean of Canglan College, Ye Xuan!"

The cloth-shirted woman took out a large pancake and took a bite, then said, "Middle-earth China, Lu family, Lu Banzhuang."

Beside the cloth-shirted woman, the thin-looking man glanced at Ye Xuan, "Middle-earth Shenzhou, Yejia, Yeli."

"Middle-earth Shenzhou, Shang Qingzong, Ling Han!"

"Middle-earth China, Mo Family, Mo Yu!"

"Middle-earth Shenzhou, Southern Border, Southern Kaiming!"

"Middle-earth China, the Holy Land, be willing to do nothing!"
