

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 125: Sword Immortal? Bitch?

Tuobayan suddenly disappeared in place.


A figure flew out directly, and this flight flew more than ten feet away!

It was Ye Xuan.

A dozen feet away, Ye Xuan hit the ground heavily, directly smashing a deep hole in the ground.

Tuoba Yan's face was livid, and he was about to strike again, but Ye Xuan in the distance got up and ran, he was very fast, and disappeared into the distance in one fell swoop.

Seeing Ye Xuan who was running faster than a rabbit, Tuoba Yan suddenly smiled.



She naturally cared about this matter very much, in fact, she was not pregnant!

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly ran back.

Tuoba Yan's smile instantly turned cold.

Ye Xuan was far away from Tuoba Yan, he rubbed his chest that was a little stuffy, and said: "I will become a sword fairy!"

Tuoba Yan said lightly: "What does it have to do with me?"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "If I become a sword fairy, then you are the one who slept with a sword fairy, right?"

Tuoba Yan's eyelids twitched, "Do you want to die?"

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Isn't it?"

Tuoba Yan looked at Ye Xuan for a while, and then said: "Sword Immortal? I don't know if you will become a Sword Immortal, I only know that you will definitely become a Bitch Immortal!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Tuobayan didn't say anything more, turned around and left, but soon, she stopped again, "It doesn't make any sense if a sword fairy is not a sword fairy. A man with backbone and affection, even if he is not a sword fairy, I still respect him." he."

After speaking, she quickly disappeared into the distance.

In the same place, Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then turned and left.After receiving Tuobayan's accurate reply, Ye Xuan also heaved a sigh of relief, if Ning Guo didn't take action, Jiang Guo's situation would not be desperate!

In front of the city gate, Ye Xuan raised his head and faced the distance. This time, these countries are not only targeting Jiang Guo, but also targeting him and Canglan College!

He knew very well that Cangmu Academy and the Dark Realm didn't want him to grow up!

But fortunately, the other party should not dare to send a strong man above the ten thousand dharma realm, even so, he dare not be careless!

The battle with Tuobayan just now made him understand that there is also a very powerful existence in the Divine Harmony Realm. He didn't use all his strength just now, and Tuobayan still didn't use his full strength. If he fought hard, he wasn't completely sure to defeat Tuobayan!

Of course, he is not false!

Withdrawing his thoughts, he was about to leave, at this moment, a hunchbacked old man passing by him suddenly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve and cut across his abdomen.


Very fast, like a poisonous snake attacking, it is difficult for people to react!

At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't dodge at all, and he didn't dodge either. At the moment when the old man sliced ​​across his abdomen, he slammed his fists on the left and right sides of the old man's head.


The old man's head burst instantly.

Ye Xuan took a few steps back, a gash opened in his abdomen, and blood spilled out!

And at this moment, several cold lights appeared silently on his throat, the back of his neck, and the roots of his thighs...

Every ray of coldness is directed at the vital point!

There is no way back!

Ye Xuan didn't intend to retreat either, he spread out his right hand, and the Lingxiu Sword quietly appeared, and the next moment, he swept across with the sword.

The sound of the sword resounded!


The cold light was shattered, and several blurred shadows appeared in front of Ye Xuan more than ten feet away.

These blurred shadows did not make another move, but turned around and disappeared not far away.If you don't succeed in one blow, run away immediately!

Ye Xuan didn't chase either, because the opponent was too fast and had hidden breath, so he couldn't chase at all.


Ye Xuan's face was extremely gloomy, needless to say, this is definitely a killer from his own dark world!

These killers are extremely professional, with ruthless methods, and if they miss a single blow, they will immediately run away!

If these killers target Jiang Guo's soldiers and soldiers, or the students of Canglan College, it will definitely be a disaster!

After a moment of silence, Ye Xuan turned and walked into the city.

About a quarter of an hour later, he left the city again, and then went straight out of the city.

In the vast mountains, Ye Xuan ran wildly all the way, and soon he came to a gazebo. Inside the gazebo lay a man with his legs crossed and two big black iron balls in his hands.

Ye Xuan walked into the gazebo, the man glanced at Ye Xuan, "Blind?"

At this time, a powerful sword intent and momentum suddenly enveloped the man, and in an instant, the entire gazebo was cracked open!

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Master of Sword Dao!"

Ye Xuan sat aside, "Talk about a business!"

The man said softly, "Do you know our rules?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "I know!"

As he spoke, he took out a black card.

Seeing this black card, the man couldn't help but glance at Ye Xuan. This black card is the highest level card in Zuixianlou. In other words, it's a status symbol.

After a moment of silence, the man stood up, "Follow me!"

Ye Xuan followed the man towards the distance.

Under the leadership of the man, the two of them passed through a big mountain and came to a land in the middle of the mountain. Inside the mountain, there were dozens of scattered houses, like a small village, but the village was very deserted, and there were no people at all!The man brought Ye Xuan to a well. At this time, a woman was fetching water. The woman was about twenty years old, wearing a linen shirt on her upper body, a linen tights on her lower body, and a linen pair around her waist. Rope, she didn't wear shoes, she was barefoot!

The man respectfully said: "Sister, there is business coming!"

The woman turned around and glanced at Ye Xuan. At this moment, Ye Xuan also saw the woman's appearance through his sword eyes. The woman's appearance was not considered beautiful, but she was very attractive.

The woman put down the bucket, and she sat directly on a stone on the ground, "What business?"

Ye Xuandao: "Guardian!"

The woman shook her head, "We only kill people!"

Ye Xuandao: "There is no difference!"

The woman looked up at Ye Xuan, "It's harder to protect people than to kill them!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

After a while, the woman suddenly said: "Of course, there is nothing that money can't solve. Let's increase the price. It starts from 80 million gold coins. If you agree, we can talk again."

Ye Xuandao: "Yes."

The woman took out a big cake from her arms and took a bite, "Who is the opponent?"

Ye Xuandao: "Dayun Realm, Dark Realm, Cangmu Academy!"

The woman said blankly, "Double the price!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "No problem!"

The woman continued to take a bite of the pie, "How many days, how many people!"Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "How about this, let's not talk about these things, I will give you 200 million, and your time for a month is mine. In this month, if I let you protect people, protect people , I tell you to kill, you kill! How about it?"

The woman glanced at Ye Xuan, "Half a month!"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "One month, I will give you an earth-level martial skill alone."

Earth-level martial arts!

The woman was silent.

Ye Xuan didn't speak either, and the field suddenly became quiet.

After an unknown amount of time, the woman said, "Yes."

Ye Xuan nodded, "Now, I want to see your strength!"

The woman glanced at Ye Xuan, "Don't believe us?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I just want to take a look, it's not an exaggeration to pay such a high price to take a look, right?"

The woman looked at the man beside Ye Xuan, and the man nodded slightly. The next moment, he suddenly disappeared in place, and at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly drew his sword, turned around and slashed!

A sword is life and death!

This sword directly uses a sword to determine life and death, and it also has sword intent and sword power!


With Ye Xuan's sword beheading, the man was instantly shocked to a wall more than a dozen feet away. Ye Xuan's long sword slanted to the ground, he faced the woman not far away, "That's it?" Ye Xuan was about to speak, when a figure suddenly rushed from behind him! Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, he directly inserted the sword into the ground with his right hand, and in a flash, he turned around and punched out sharply. One punch blows your head! Boom! An explosion sounded suddenly, and in a flash, Ye Xuan turned back ten steps in a row, and in front of him, a bald man was still retreating again and again. The bald man was staring at Ye Xuan, his right hand was shaking violently at this moment. Ye Xuan turned to the woman, "That's it?" The woman took a bite and said, "Master Martial Dao, Master of Swords..." Then she nodded, and then took the loacon into her arms, and at this moment, a man suddenly came, "Big sister, why should you take this person?" Ye Xuan turned around and looked at him. A man walked towards him. The man was naked with a long spear in his right hand. The body of the gun was very thick, and he couldn't hold it completely.

The man walked up to Ye Xuan, without any nonsense, he stabbed a shot. This gun is extremely domineering! Gun potential! Gun meaning! Moreover, the man is still in the secluded realm! The real master is out! Ye Xuan pulled out the sword on the ground and slashed forward! This sword is still a sword that determines life and death, not only that, but also mixed with sword intent and fighting intent! Two moods! Slashed with a sword. Bang! The man's spear trembled violently in his hand, and the next moment, he was instantly shocked more than ten feet away with his gun. And as soon as he stopped, the ground under his feet cracked instantly! The man with the spear stared at Ye Xuan, "Shuangxiu of the sword and martial arts!" Ye Xuan did not return to the man with the gun, but faced the woman in the cloth shirt not far away, "Sorry, I'm sorry, you are not worth the price." After that, he put away his sword, turned around and left. These people who played against him are not weak at all, and it should be said that they are very strong, but these people are not worth so much price. He is willing to spend money, but he will not spend money casually! Just after Ye Xuan didn't take a few steps, the woman in the cloth shirt behind him suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he turned around and cut it with a sword! If you don't underestimate it, you still have a sword with all your strength! However, this sword slashed into the air and suddenly stopped, because the finger of the cloth shirt was on his armpit at some point, and in an instant, a sharp pain spread all over his body! And this is the beginning, the woman in the cloth shirt suddenly turned into the palm of the hand, and slapped him in the throat, very fast! Ye Xuan's toes tap the ground and are about to retreat, but the bare-footed girl's bare-footed girl stepped on the back of his right foot!This step, forcibly stopped him and retreated, and at the same time, the palm of the cloth-shirt woman slapped directly on his throat! Bang! Ye Xuanchao retreated for ten zhang in a row, and every time he took a step back, the ground was directly cracked! The woman in the cloth shirt did not continue to shoot, she glanced at Ye Xuan, "Sanxiu swordsman is repaired!" Ye Xuan was about to speak, at this time, a afterimage suddenly flashed from a distance, and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Ye Xuan. In the field, the muffled sounds continued to sound, and every time there was a muffled sound, Ye Xuan would retreat again and again. After counting the breath, Ye Xuan had already retreated for twenty feet! The moment he stopped, the person in front of him had disappeared, and behind the woman in the cloth shirt in the distance, there was an evil and charming man standing at some point. In the same place, Ye Xuan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. If they can all join Canglan Academy... At this point, his right hand suddenly spread out, and the Lingxiu sword disappears, and the big black sword is replaced! The next moment, the whole ground suddenly trembled violently, and in a flash, a terrifying earth force instantly gathered his whole body! At this moment, the expressions of the women in the cloth shirt not far away became solemn.