

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 120: I'll take care of everything first!


Ye Xuan suddenly stretched out his right hand to stop Mo Yunqi.

Mo Yunqi looked at Ye Xuan, a little cautiously, it should be said that he was on guard, he knew that Ye Xuan often likes to fight at every turn!

Ye Xuan didn't move, he patted Mo Yunqi's shoulder lightly, "Are those words just now true?"

Mo Yunqi nodded quickly, "Yes, it's definitely from my heart!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Well, then say it twice!"

Mo Yunqi: "..."

In the end, Mo Yunqi said it several times before Ye Xuan turned and left.

Looking at Ye Xuan's leaving back, Mo Yunqi squatted on the ground and 'vomited' crazily, "So fucking shameless..."

After a while, Mo Yunqi stood up, clenched his hands, and his eyes were full of determination, "Today's humiliation will be returned to this bandit Ye ten times in the future!"

After speaking, he let out a strange cry, and then ran wildly into the distance.

Ye Xuan returned to the bamboo forest, inside the Prison Tower, feeling the big sword in front of him, the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth slightly lifted.

He finally decided not to swallow this great sword!

Because he can use this great sword after mobilizing the power of the earth! When using this great sword, there is another force in his sword!

Pure overbearing power!

It can be said that after he mobilized the power of the earth, he used this sword to determine life and death with a single strike, which definitely had a miraculous effect!

After a while, the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth slightly lifted, "The sword is so big and so black, let's call it Dahei! Dahei Sword!"

As he spoke, he chuckled, obviously, he was very satisfied with the name he chose.

In the field, Ye Xuan estimated his own strength. Although he himself has not reached Tongyou now, but if he wants to reach Tongyou, he can do it at any time! After all, he is rich now!And now, his biggest trump card is not only a sword that can determine life and death, but also Jianyan. This trick of Jianyan can definitely have a surprising effect. In addition, he also has principles!

The power of this principle can be superimposed with a sword to determine life and death!

Sword power, sword intent, fighting intent, the power of the earth, one sword determines life and death, the superposition of the five is his real strongest trump card!

As for the Prison Tower, he would rather die now than activate the Prison Tower!

So fucking painful!

Ye Xuan returned to the bamboo forest, he raised his head to face the sky, at this moment, a picture of a woman appeared in his mind... white clothes like snow, spotless!

An Lanxiu!

I don't know how far she has grown now!

After a while, Ye Xuan grinned, "Xiao An...wait for me!"

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the distance.

Ye Xuan came to the kitchen, while Ji Anzhi was still chopping firewood.

When she saw Ye Xuan, she stopped, but she still had half a steamed bun in her mouth!

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Follow me down the mountain to buy something!"

Ji Anzhi didn't refuse, put away his knife immediately, and followed Ye Xuan down the mountain.

The sky is already dawn, and there are less than two hours before the official recruitment of Canglan College!

On the street, Ye Xuan and Ji Anzhi walked slowly.

Soon, Ye Xuan brought Ji Anzhi to the Drunken Immortal Tower, and Ye Xuan was entertained by a woman named Xiaogu, who was pretty. She obviously knew Ye Xuan's identity, so she was very polite.

Ye Xuan laughed and said, "Buy clothes!"

Xiaogu glanced at Ji Anzhi, smiled slightly, "Master Ye, Miss Ji, follow me!"

Saying that, she took Ye Xuan and Ji Anzhi to walk not far away...

Ye Xuan was sitting in a private room, after a while, Xiaogu brought Ji Anzhi to Ye Xuan, at this moment, Ji Anzhi had already changed into a dress.At this moment, Ji Anzhi was wearing a black green smoked sweater, and a skirt with water mist and green leaves scattered on her lower body. It was neither too big nor too small, and it fit her perfectly. It set off her slender figure even more attractively. Although she was unsmiling, she didn't have that icy aura. On the contrary, it gave off a weak feeling, which made people want to get close to her involuntarily.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Do you like it?"

Ji Anzhi nodded, "I like it!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Just like it!"

As he said that, he turned to Xiaogu who was beside Ji Anzhi, "There are also men's clothes, according to my figure, a few sets, um, and, according to my figure, I also have a few sets!"

He, Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze naturally needed to change into some better clothes. After all, today was an important occasion. However, they were all men, so whatever they wanted was fine.

Ji Anzhi is different, she is a woman, so it's better to come out and try it on herself!

Xiaogu smiled and said, "Understood."

After finishing speaking, she was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, Ji Anzhi suddenly said: "More!"

Xiao Gu looked at Ji Anzhi, and Ji Anzhi said, "Everything I saw just now is everything!"

Xiaogu was stunned, then hurriedly said: "Okay!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

Ji Anzhi sat in front of Ye Xuan. She picked up a fruit on the table and gnawed it. After gnawing for a while, she suddenly looked at Ye Xuan, "Why?"Ye Xuan is not stupid, so he naturally knows what Ji Anzhi means. He pondered slightly, and then said: "I know, you have been under a lot of pressure to bring back the corpses of those students on the Cangshan trail... There is also Ji Lao's enmity, his wish, and Canglan College. ...Don't think too much about it, I'll take care of everything first."

Ji Anzhi looked at Ye Xuan, but didn't speak.

Ye Xuan said again: "I issued a gold card to all three of you, and there is a lot of money in it, so don't be harsh on yourself. Especially you, you are so beautiful, you have to buy clothes and so on. "

Speaking of this, he also felt a little emotional.

When Old Man Ji was here, Canglan College was really too poor!

Up to now, he found that Ji Anzhi's clothes did not exceed two sets, and they were all very, very old. As for cultivation resources, although they are not in short supply, they are definitely not many. It should be said that they are pitifully few... But she has cultivated to this level. It is hard for him to imagine how the woman in front of him came here before.

Ji Anzhi bit the apple, but didn't speak.

At this time, Xiaogu came to the room with a large box.

Ye Xuan sent the box to the Jie Prison Tower, and just as he was about to give the money, Xiaogu hurriedly said, "Young Master Ye, I dare not accept your money. These are all given to Young Master Ye by our Zuixian Tower for free. Please also ask Young Master Ye to give you money." Don't say no!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "That's not acceptable. Friendship belongs to friendship. You still have to pay what should be paid. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy it here!"As he spoke, he took out a money bag and handed it to Xiaogu, "I think it should be enough."

Xiaogu hesitated, but Ye Xuan had already turned around and left with Ji Anzhi.

Xiao Gu hurried to see each other off...

On the street, Ye Xuan was walking slowly, and Ji Anzhi followed slowly. At some point, a chicken leg appeared in her hand... Neither of them spoke, and their figures grew longer and longer... .

After half an hour.

A round of red sun slowly rises from the end of the sky, and a new day begins!

On this day, countless people rushed towards Canglan College.

Enter Canglan College!

There is no doubt that this is the goal of countless young people in Jiang Country.

Now, there is no Cangmu College in the entire Jiang Country. These young people want to get ahead, so joining Canglan College is undoubtedly a good choice. You know, entering the academy means that there are people to teach and resources for cultivation.

On this day, under Ji Yun Mountain, there were almost a sea of ​​people.

There are too many people!

When Ye Xuan and the others looked down from the mountain, they were all stunned.

None of the four expected so many people to come!

Beside Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi suddenly said: "Ye, Bandit Ye, there are too many people!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Good thing!"

The large number of people represented the reputation of Canglan Academy!

Mo Yunqi nodded, and said excitedly: "I never expected that I, Mo Yunqi, will also be a mentor!"


Canglan College doesn't have any powerful people, so the four of them are all mentors. Apart from the status of tutor, the four of them are also responsible for the rest of Canglan College. Anyway, wherever there is a shortage of people, the four of them will go there.Today, the four of them dressed up specially, especially Ji Anzhi, she was beautiful in her own right, and she was wearing a brand new dress, which was even more beautiful!

Seeing more and more people below, Ye Xuan said softly: "It would be great if Elder Ji was still here!"

Ji Lao!

Hearing this, the smiles of Mo Yunqi and the three froze instantly.

Ji Anzhi clenched his hands tightly and did not speak.

After a while, Ye Xuan raised his head to face the sky, "Master Ji, take a look, Canglan College will become the best college in Qingzhou, no, it will be the best college in Qingcang Realm!"

After speaking, he walked down the mountain.

Mo Yunqi and the three followed closely.

Soon, the four of Ye Xuan came to the foot of the mountain. When they saw the four of Ye Xuan, the crowd in the field suddenly boiled.

Some people even started calling the names of the four of them!

Beside Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi put his hands behind his back, with a serious face.

Bai Ze also straightened his back, looking very serious.

Ji Anzhi's right hand is hidden behind his back, in his hand is a chicken leg...

Ye Xuan raised his hands suddenly and slowly, and then pressed them down lightly. In an instant, the field became quiet.Ye Xuan took a step forward, Mo Yunqi subconsciously wanted to go forward, but was pulled back by Bai Ze, who glared at Mo Yunqi, "Bandit Ye wants to speak, what are you doing!"

Mo Yunqi: "..."

Below, everyone was looking at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, "Welcome everyone to Canglan College. I am Ye Xuan, the dean of this Canglan College. Today, our Canglan College recruits 30 students, and these 30 students must pass three tests." Examination, those who succeed in the examination will immediately become students of this academy. Of course, if there are still people who can pass the three-level assessment after the quota is full, they can also enter our Canglan College."

Hearing this, countless people below immediately cheered!

Thirty places are too few!

Ye Xuan said so, there is no doubt that they have some more opportunities!

Ye Xuan smiled, and continued: "The matter of the assessment is in charge of the assessment by Mo Yunqi, the tutor of this academy. Now, he will explain it to everyone!"

After speaking, he stood aside.

Mo Yunqi took a deep breath, he took a step forward, looking at the dark crowd below, Mo Yunqi felt his heart speed up.

Mo Yunqi took another deep breath, forced to suppress the tension in his heart, and smiled slightly, "Hi everyone, I'm Mo Diao Mao..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped, as if something was wrong...

Everyone: "..."