

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 107: Zhu Jianxian!

I am invincible, you can do whatever you want!

The entire Cangmu Academy was dead silent!

Everyone was looking at the sword. The head on the sword, they all knew, was a venerable guardian in Cangmu College. Among Cangmu Academy, the strength can definitely be ranked in the top five!

However, at this moment, the head was just nailed there!

Cangmu Academy offended a sword fairy?

Not only were many students of Cangmu Academy dumbfounded, but even everyone in the entire Dayun Empire was dumbfounded.

Sword Fairy!

It was the first time a sword fairy appeared in Qingzhou, but it was because of Cangmu Academy!

What exactly did Kuraki Academy do?

At this moment, countless people are undoubtedly very curious!

Qingzhou, Jiangguo.

Under the moonlight, the woman in the plain skirt was even more spotless against the backdrop of the moonlight. She still turned her back to everyone, so no one could see her appearance.

The woman in the plain skirt pointed to the distant sky on the right, "The sword, within half a year, you can get it back for me, if you can't get it back, I will break your leg."

The voice fell, and the woman in the plain skirt disappeared under the moonlight.


Jiuzhuzhu and Jiang Yuetian looked at each other, and finally, the two looked at Ye Xuan who was not far away.

Ye Xuan walked in front of the two of them, and bowed deeply to them, "Tonight, thank you very much!"

Without the help of these two, they would have died long ago. As for the mysterious woman, he should have alarmed the mysterious woman when he forcibly activated the Prison Tower.

Seeing Ye Xuan thank you so respectfully, Jiuzhuzhu felt very comfortable. Helping others, the most fearful thing is to help the white-eyed wolf!Lord Nine patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder lightly, "Little friend, it is the two of us who should say thank you. I have to ask my teacher to help each other. After half a year, the two of us will be able to reach a higher level. This is very important for the two of us." In other words, it is undoubtedly the grace of regeneration."

If there is no other opportunity, it should be impossible for them to go further. But now, with the help of the mysterious woman, they can break through themselves again. For them, this is really a gift of reinvention.

Jiang Yuetian also nodded, and he glanced at Ye Xuan, "What are your plans for the future? If not, you can go to the palace to cultivate for a while. Anyway, you and Xiao Jiu are also friends, so you should have a companion by then!"

win over!

The Ninth Master took a look at Jiang Yuetian, and then he quickly said: "You can also come to my Zuixianlou. If you are willing, I am willing to take you to the Shenzhou of Zhongtu.On the side, Ji Anzhi glanced at Ye Xuan, with tears in his eyes.

At this time, the Lord Nine nodded, "Little friend, rebuilding Canglan College will definitely require a lot of things. If you need anything, just come to Zuixian Tower and give me an order. I will ask someone to help you to the best of my ability!"

Jiang Yuetian also nodded, "In terms of manpower, I will come here, and then I will ask people from the Ministry of Industry to help!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan gave another deep salute to the two, "Thank you very much!"

Jiang Yuetian smiled and said: "It's all trivial things, so don't be polite with me, little friend, it's too alien!"

Lord Nine also nodded, "Exactly, don't be too polite!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Seniors, I still have a lot to deal with, so I will take my leave first!"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his fists at the two of them, then turned to look at Mo Yunqi and the others, "Pack up the spoils, let's go!"


There are more than a dozen ten thousand law-level powerhouses who died here, including several ten thousand law peaks, and one strong man above the ten thousand law peak. Will the things these people carry be bad?

Of course it won't be bad!

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze walked aside, and soon, everything on the ground was cleaned up by a few people.

Jiang Yuetian and Jiuzhuzhu didn't say anything. Although they were jealous, they knew that these things should really belong to Ye Xuan and others.

These people were killed by that mysterious woman!

Soon, Ye Xuan and others disappeared from the sight of Lord Jiuzhu and Jiang Yuetian.

Jiuzhu Lou said softly: "This person is neither impatient nor impetuous, and is very affectionate. We didn't help the wrong person this time!"

Jiang Yuetian nodded, "Cangmu College didn't accept him at the beginning, it was really stupid to the extreme, and this old man Ji, hey..."

Ninth Building Master said softly: "I'm afraid this matter is not over yet!"Jiang Yuetian looked at the ninth master, and the ninth master said in a deep voice: "The headquarters of Cangmu College is not in Qingzhou, but in Zhongtu Shenzhou! There is also the dark world, their headquarters should also be in Qingzhou. This time, they After suffering such a big loss, especially in the end, that senior didn't know what he did... According to my estimation, these two forces probably won't let it go!"

Jiang Yuetian said in a deep voice: "This is a sword fairy, will they really offend to death?"

Lord Jiuzhu shook his head, "In the eyes of the two of us, the sword fairy is undoubtedly an existence that we look up to, but in the land of China, a sword fairy... I'm afraid it can't be regarded as a top powerhouse! Sword Immortal, it is impossible for them to bow their heads and surrender."

Jiang Yuetian said softly: "Whether they will let it go, let us wait and see."

Ninth Lord nodded, "Let's wait and see..."


Dayun Empire, Cangmu Academy.

Cangmu College is located in the south of the capital of the Dayun Empire. This college is built on a mountain range. The mountain range is so large that it can't be seen at a glance. The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round, like a fairyland.

And this mountain range is not an ordinary mountain range, there is a spiritual vein underneath the mountain range!

Although the Cangmu College of the Dayun Empire is not the main academy, it is the largest Cangmu College in Qingzhou. Among all the Cangmu Colleges in Qingzhou, Dayun Cangmu College can be said to be the leader.

And tonight, for Dayun Cangmu Academy, it is undoubtedly a great shame and humiliation!

A venerable Dharma protector from Cangmu College was actually nailed to the "Haoran Hall" of Cangmu College.

In this Haoran hall, the past deans and ancestors of Cangmu College are enshrined. It can be said that it is the most sacred place of Cangmu College!

No one is going to get the sword!

One is that they dare not, and the other is that some people dare not approach the sword at all!

The fierce sword energy emanating from that sword, even a strong man in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm would not dare to approach it easily!Sword Immortal is undoubtedly!

Everyone knows that Cangmu Academy offended a sword fairy!

In a hall.

Above the main hall, sat a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was wearing a dark white robe, holding a scroll in his left hand, and he had a refined aura on his body.

This person is Mu Qingxuan, the dean of Cangmu College.

On both sides below, stood eight or nine people, some men and some women.

They are all at the peak of Ten Thousand Laws!

After an unknown period of time, Mu Qingxuan suddenly closed the scroll in his hand, and said softly: "It has been confirmed that the sword fairy is from Qingzhou, and several people in our previous courtyard have been to Qingzhou for the purpose of going to Qingzhou." Killing a young man named Ye Xuan, I want to get rewards from Cangmu Academy of Jiang Guo. Unfortunately, Jiang Guo not only lost a genius, but also several strong men of ten thousand dharma realms. Now, even a Dharma protector has been beheaded Kill. According to the report of the spies, there were also two killers at the peak of the Ten Thousand Laws from the Dark Realm who went this time. , All of them have fallen! With such strength, there is no doubt that he is a Sword Immortal!"

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone in the hall, "What do you think?"

The hall was silent.

Sword Fairy!

This is not something Qingzhou Cangmu College can afford!

Eat this loss!

Although a bit embarrassing, this is undoubtedly the wisest decision!

But at this moment, an old man stood up, "If this person only kills people, it's fine. I deserve it for provoking the sword fairy. However, this person nailed the saber above the Haoran Hall of Cangmu College. For my Cangmu Academy, it is an insult, and my Cangmu Academy will also become the laughing stock of the entire Qingzhou, and the students of my Cangmu Academy will not be able to hold their heads up in front of outsiders!"

Speaking of this, he shook his head slightly, "This matter, we can't just leave it like this!"

Can't forget!

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became a little dignified.

Can't forget it, does that mean to continue fighting?

Fighting with a sword fairy?

how to spell?

What to fight with?

At this moment, Mu Qingxuan suddenly raised his head to look at the entrance of the main hall, where a shadow appeared at an unknown time.

Only shadows, no one!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of everyone in the field changed slightly.

Because they didn't realize when this shadow appeared!

Mu Xuanqing said in a low voice: "I didn't expect the dark lord of the dark realm to come, and I'm not far away to welcome you."

Lord of Darkness!

Hearing this, everyone in the field turned pale!

Dark Lord of the Dark Realm, this is definitely a name that can scare people in the territory of Dayun!

The boss of Qingzhou No. 1 Killer Organization!

It should be said that Qingzhou is the only killer organization.

At this time, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the field, "Master Mu, this time the two sides join forces?"

team up!

Mu Xuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, "What confidence do you have!"

The dark master said: "It's just a sword fairy, everyone joins hands, and there is no difficulty in killing him."Mu Xuanqing shook his head, "You can't kill me, but if I add you, I still can't kill you!"

The dark master suddenly said: "Middle-earth China, someone has already arrived."

Mu Xuanqing frowned slightly, "You Dark Realm really dare to put all your eggs in one basket? What is the purpose? Just for revenge?"

The dark master said in a low voice: "A sword fairy must have cultivated the original golden core. If he is killed, it can be worth hundreds of years of hard work, isn't it?"

Mu Xuanqing said lightly: "What about the price?"

The dark master sneered, "Wealth and wealth come from danger, don't you?"

Mu Xuanqing was silent.

At this time, the dark master said again: "That is a wounded sword fairy!"

Mu Xuanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, "How can I see that!"

The Dark Lord said quietly: "If she hadn't been injured, she would have come here in person. Furthermore, why did this person appear in Qingzhou? If there were no special reasons, she would never have appeared in Qingzhou. Therefore, this person must be here. It's a wounded body."

Mu Xuanqing said in a deep voice: "It's just your guess!"

The dark master sneered, "Her sword is not crucifying a Dharma protector of your Cangmu College, but your Cangmu College's thousand-year reputation. If she is not dead, the students of your Cangmu College will not be able to hold their heads up for life!"

Hearing this, Mu Xuanqing slowly clenched her right hand.

After a while, Mu Xuanqing suddenly stood up,