

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 104: I am his backer, don't you agree?

I can no longer protect you!

In an instant, tears welled up in the eyes of Ye Xuan and the others.

Ye Xuan held onto Old Man Ji's hand tightly, only now did he realize that he had already regarded Old Man Ji as a family member!

loved ones!

The same is true for Mo Yunqi. At this moment, he is no longer a fool, and his face is covered with tears.

Bai Ze clenched his hands tightly, he didn't cry, but his eye sockets were already filled with mist.

Ji Anzhi lowered his head and remained silent.

Old man Ji's breath was getting weaker and weaker, his eyes swept over the four of them one by one, and finally, his eyes fell on Ye Xuan, "After I leave, you will be the dean of Canglan College, promise me to take good care of them, Don't let them be bullied."

Ye Xuan nodded, choked up and said, "Okay!"

Old man Ji smiled slightly, and with this smile, a lot of blood suddenly overflowed from the gap between his fingers covering his throat. He glanced sideways at the distant sky, "Two things, the first thing, if possible, please bring back the corpses of those students on the Cangshan trail in the future, you are now the dean, you have this responsibility; the second thing Fact, I am from the General Campus of Canglan College in Central China... I am not worthy of Canglan College, but I am ashamed of my master. If you can in the future, you can go to the General Campus of Canglan College for me to replace I kowtowed three times to him, and said, I will repay his old man's kindness in my next life."

After the voice fell, he suddenly soared into the air, and the next moment, a powerful force directly enveloped Ye Xuan and the others.

In an instant, this force directly transported Ye Xuan and the others to the foot of Canglan Mountain, while Old Man Ji himself soared into the sky. The next moment, a powerful aura swept out of his body!

The strength of this force made everyone in the field look pale!

Not far away, the old man in plain robe looked at old man Ji in horror, "You..."

At this moment, old man Ji suddenly rushed towards the old man in plain robe.And at this moment, two phantoms quietly appeared on the left and right sides of old man Ji!

Seeing those two phantoms, old man Ji slowly closed his eyes, "Take them away!"

next moment one by one


A powerful force suddenly erupted from Old Man Ji's body... This force was so strong that even Old Man Ji himself instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist...

Wanfa peak self-destruct!

How terrifying is that power?

In the air, the two phantoms that had just appeared on the left and right sides of old man Ji were instantly blown away. This flight flew hundreds of feet away, and the old man in plain robes brought him by his side immediately. The young man retreated violently, not only him, but the strong men around him all retreated violently at this moment...

In an instant, the entire top of Canglan Mountain was directly shaken to half by that force!

And at the moment that old man Ji chose to blew himself up, Lord Nine and Jiang Yuetian suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and the others at the foot of the mountain, Lord Nine took a look at Ye Xuan and the others, and then said in a deep voice: "Go, go to my Zuixian Tower first. "

Go to Zuixianlou!

Jiang Yuetian looked at the Jiuzhuzhu in disbelief!

Taking Ye Xuan to Zuixianlou is to lead the fire to Zuixianlou!Is Zuixianlou really going to take everything to suppress Ye Xuan?

The four of Ye Xuan were also a little unbelievable, the ninth master actually let them go to the Zuixian Tower, and now the four of them can be said to be hunted down by more than a dozen strong men in the 10,000-dharma realm!

If this goes to the Zuixian Tower, it is tantamount to leading the fire to the Zuixian Tower!

Ye Xuan hesitated for a moment, wanting to say something, at this moment, Lord Jiuzhu suddenly said: "Don't waste your time."

As he said that, he glanced at Jiang Yuetian, "Brother Jiang, take them with me!"

After finishing speaking, he swung his right hand and disappeared in place with Ye Xuan and Ji Anzhi.

After Jiang Yuetian was stunned, he took a deep breath, "Then bet!"

After speaking, he took Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze and disappeared in place.

As soon as they disappeared, Li Xuancang and a black-robed man appeared where they were originally standing.

Li Xuancang stared at the dark shadows in the distant sky, "Is this Zuixian Tower crazy?"

He really can't figure it out!

This Zuixianlou dared to offend so many forces in order to keep Ye Xuan and the others! And it was a blatant offense!

There are more than a dozen ten thousand dharma realm experts around here, and there are even three or four ten thousand dharma peak realm experts! The most important thing is that there are also the killer organizations of Dayuncangmu Academy and Dark Realm!

These two forces are not third-rate forces!

How dare Zuixianlou offend both of them at the same time?

Beside Li Xuancang, the man in black said in a deep voice: "He must have something to rely on!"


Li Xuancang said fiercely: "No matter what he relies on, Ye Xuan and the others must die today!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced around, "This person has reached the level of a martial arts master at a young age, and even a master of swordsmanship. If he does not die, once he becomes a sword master in the future, or even a sword repairer at the sword emperor level, it is very important to everyone. I'm afraid it's not a good thing."After a moment of silence, the plain robed old man led the young man beside him and chased towards the sky!

Ye Xuan must die!

They are all old monsters who have lived for so many years, so they naturally understand the principle of cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots. If the grass cannot be completely removed, it may bring disaster in the future!

Seeing those people leaving, Li Xuancang grinned grimly and said, "That's fine, even your Zuixian Tower has been eradicated today!"

After speaking, he and the man in black disappeared directly in place.

The imperial capital tonight is destined to be restless.

Zuixian Tower.

Not long after, Jiuzhuzhu and Jiang Yuetian brought Ye Xuan and the others to the Zuixian Tower. The Zuixian Tower is located in the center of the center of the imperial capital, with a total of nine floors. Of course, this is just a branch of Zuixianlou in Jiang Country!

The ninth floor owner brought Ye Xuan and others to the ninth floor. He walked to the window and looked around, "There are people waiting around, leave quickly!"

The sound spread out like thunder!

Soon, those people around Zuixianlou fled one after another. It should be said that there were not many people. Almost everything within dozens of miles around Zuixianlou was the property of Zuixianlou.

After clearing the people, the Jiuzhu Lou suddenly shouted angrily: "Let's go out!"

The voice fell.


A blue beam of light suddenly shot up from the first floor of Zuixian Tower, and this beam of light instantly enveloped the entire Zuixian Tower. At this moment, the entire Zuixian Tower was tightly wrapped by these blue lights. In addition, on these blue light walls, there are countless golden runes as thin as tadpoles, and these runes are like tiny snakes constantly swimming around the Zuixian Tower.


In the pavilion on the ninth floor, Jiang Yuetian glanced at the ninth floor building, and said in a deep voice: "This should be the famous 'Nine Spirit Formation' in your Zuixianlou. "

The ninth master nodded.Jiang Yuetian said in a deep voice: "It costs at least 300,000 top-grade spirit stones to open it once, and at least 500,000 to activate it once..."

As he spoke, he took a deep look at Jiuzhu Lou.

This Zuixian Tower, in order to keep Ye Xuan and the others, really spent money!

Jiuzhuzhu shook his head, "Money is something outside of the body, not worth mentioning!"

Beside Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi said softly: "For the first time, I feel that Zuixianlou is very righteous..."

Ye Xuan: "..."

At this time, Lord Nine looked at Ye Xuan, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Little friend, when will the commander arrive?"


Everyone looked at Ye Xuan.

In fact, they had already guessed that there must be a master behind Ye Xuan, because Ye Xuan couldn't learn the way of swords by himself, if so, it would not be evil, but abnormal.

Now that Lord Nine asked about it, everyone looked at Ye Xuan.


Especially Jiang Yuetian, he was extremely curious, who is Ye Xuan's master? To be able to make Zuixianlou want to protect Ye Xuan at all costs!

The Jiuzhuzhu is actually a little nervous at the moment, no, it's very disturbing!This time, he made the arbitrariness to bring Ye Xuan and others to the Zuixianlou. Naturally, he wanted to send charcoal in the snow at this time and try his best to keep Ye Xuan. As long as he keeps Ye Xuan, he can not only make friends with a sword fairy for Zuixianlou, but also make friends Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan also has a bright future!

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

But the premise is that Ye Xuan's master must arrive!

If you can't make it, everyone will be cold. Not only that, but he would provoke countless powerful forces for Zuixianlou, especially Dayun Cangmu Academy and this dark world... It can be said that he was the sinner of Zuixianlou at that time! Even if you die a hundred times, it's not enough!

Just as Ye Xuan was about to speak, at this moment, a powerful force suddenly hit the Zuixian Tower.


The entire Zuixian Tower trembled violently!

Everyone turned their heads and saw a group of people appeared outside the Zuixian building at some point. The leader was the plain-robed old man from Dayun Cangmu College, and not far from the plain-robed old man were Li Xuancang and the black-robed old man. !

And not far behind the three of them, there were still more than a dozen people standing!

These people are all in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

More than a dozen ten thousand dharma realms!

This lineup is probably the first time in Jiang Guo's history!

Seeing such a lineup, everyone on the ninth floor became serious. Even the Ninth Lord's face is a bit ugly at this moment!This lineup...

How to stop?

Outside, Li Xuancang looked coldly at the Jiuzhuzhu, "Since you Zuixianlou want to be enemies with everyone, let's die together!"

After the voice fell, he rose into the air, and then slapped Zuixianlou with a palm from the air.


Zuixianlou trembled violently, and cracks appeared in those light walls.

The Ninth Lord said fiercely: "Start the array!"


Countless beams of dazzling light suddenly shot out from the walls of light surrounding the Zuixian Tower, and each beam of light carried a powerful force!

In the air, Li Xuancang narrowed his eyes slightly, and he turned to look at the old man in plain robe and the others, "What are you waiting for? Let's take action together, just in case something changes!"

The old man in plain robe and others looked at each other, and the next moment, the old man in plain robe and others disappeared in place.

How terrifying would it be if more than a dozen experts from the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm attacked together?


Those powerful beams of light disappeared without a trace almost in an instant, and at the same time, more than a dozen powerful forces blasted on the Zuixian tower.


Suddenly, a loud noise resounded in the entire imperial capital. In an instant, the entire Zuixian Tower collapsed, and countless dust, smoke and rubble rose into the sky, but soon, these rubble and dust were directly dispelled by Li Xuancang and others!

In the ruins, just as Ye Xuan and the others got up, two figures fell directly in front of them!

It was the Jiuzhuzhu and Jiang Yuetian!


Crushing without any suspense!

Soon, more than a dozen powerful pressures suddenly enveloped Ye Xuan and the others.


In an instant, the four of Ye Xuan were suppressed and lay down on the ground. Not only that, but at this moment, all the bones in their bodies were cracking.Ye Xuan wanted to stand up, but at this moment, Li Xuancang suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan, and a powerful pressure instantly enveloped Ye Xuan.


From Ye Xuan's mouth, a stream of blood spurted out.

Li Xuancang looked at Ye Xuan coldly, "I want you to understand that not joining my Cangmu Academy is the biggest mistake of your life, not my Cangmu Academy's mistake!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze beside Ye Xuan, and the next moment, his body trembled.

bang bang!

Bai Ze and Mo Yunqi were directly blown hundreds of feet away. As soon as the two of them landed on the ground, they sprayed several mouthfuls of blood!

Li Xuancang looked at Ye Xuan and said with a sinister smile: "You killed so many students from Cangmu Academy, today, I want you to watch these friends of yours die in front of you..."

The sound fell, and he kicked hard with his right foot.

bang bang!

Three gravels flew out, and the next moment, Bai Ze, Mo Yunqi, and Ji Anzhi's abdomen were directly pierced by the three gravels in the distance!

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan's eyes were about to burst, and he let out an angry roar.


A powerful fighting intent suddenly came out of his body, not only fighting intent, but also a sword intent!The appearance of the two moods unexpectedly forcibly withstood Li Xuancang's coercion! The next moment, his body trembled, and he rushed towards Li Xuancang with his sword!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was shocked!

Li Xuancang is at the peak of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm!

And this Ye Xuan was able to forcibly withstand his coercion... The most terrifying thing is that Ye Xuan is not only a master of martial arts, but also a master of swordsmanship!

Sword and martial arts dual cultivation!


This is what everyone thinks at the moment!

There was also a hint of shock in Li Xuancang's eyes, Ye Xuan was several realms behind him, and Ye Xuan's two moods were able to forcibly withstand his coercion!

This is really a little scary!

After reading this, Li Xuancang's eyes became more murderous!

I am even more thankful that I chose to use all means to get rid of Ye Xuan before, otherwise, with Ye Xuan's growth rate, he would definitely become the enemy of Cangmu Academy in the future!

At this time, Ye Xuan had already rushed in front of Li Xuancang, Li Xuancang waved his right hand,


Ye Xuan flew directly to Mo Yunqi, which was a hundred feet away, and just as he landed, the ground within tens of feet below him instantly cracked!

Ye Xuan was lying on the ground, with blood continuously overflowing from the corner of his mouth.Li Xuancang walked slowly towards Ye Xuan and the others, "I said before, you are doomed. This time, even the gods will not be able to save you!"

Beside Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, he glanced at Ye Xuan who was not far away, "Ye Bandit... It seems that I really can't do it this time. That... I'm going ahead..."

In front of Ye Xuan, Li Xuancang grinned and said, "Why, don't you have any backing? Call out, call out!"

After the voice fell, he kicked Ye Xuan in the abdomen.


Ye Xuan flew directly to the ground dozens of feet away. This time, his physical body collapsed directly.

At this time, Ye Xuan sat up suddenly, and he punched himself in the chest, forcefully suppressing the strong discomfort in his heart. The next moment, a golden yellow 'soil' appeared between his eyebrows Character.

At the same time, within Ye Xuan's body, the Prison Tower trembled slightly! Immediately afterwards, an illusory small tower appeared between his eyebrows.

But at this moment, his consciousness began to blur...

At this moment, the word 'earth' between Ye Xuan's eyebrows and the small illusory tower disappeared immediately!

In his body, the Prison Tower completely returned to calm.


A low sigh sounded in the field without warning.

Li Xuancang was stunned.

The next moment, he turned his head to look at the sky, and everyone in the field turned their heads to look at the sky.

In the distant sky, a bright moon hangs, and under the bright moon, stands a woman in a plain skirt. The woman's back is facing everyone, her long hair reaches her waist, her hands are behind her, and between her fingertips, there is a black and white object .

At this time, the woman in plain skirt suddenly spread her right hand, "Sword!"

In an instant, the trees in all places in the imperial capital trembled violently almost at the same time, and then, the leaves of those trees suddenly shot up into the sky. In an instant, the entire sky of the imperial capital was covered with leaves!The next moment, these leaves converged into a green sword like a river returning to the sea, and then fell steadily into the palm of the woman in the plain skirt.

Everyone in the field was stunned.

At this time, the sword in the woman's hand suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already touched Li Xuancang's eyebrows. Immediately afterwards, the woman's voice sounded in the field, "I am his backer, are you not convinced?"
