
Kella The Matagot

A woman goes to bed looking forward to sleeping in but wakes up with a completely different body called a cat beastkin by a screen floating in front of her. To make things worse she's in an unnatural forest

Rayith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Loose Ends, Riko's fur and Who is Gilbert?

"I CAN leave this place now right?" Kella mumbled.

"What was that?" Titanya asked tilting her head.

"Nothing important let's leave." Kella was about to leave when she saw something glimmer out of the corner of her eye.

Kella went over to the glimmer and looked at a pair of copper brass knuckles that had 3 bumps on them. "brass knuckles?"

"An artifact!" Titanya yelled Directly behind Kella making her tail jump up and cover her ears in pain.

Titanya saw this and thought she scared Kella. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Kella looked at Titanya still covering her ears. "You didn't scare me, you hurt my ears, Tanya."

"I hurt your ears?" Titanya started to feel bad for a different reason.

"I got a skill that tremendously increases my senses." Kella said turning around and picking up the claws then putting the artifacts in one of the Pouches on her belt.

"Oh, it increased it so much that me yelling hurt your ears?" Titanya tried to think of a way to make it up to her before deciding on something.

"I only got it less than 2 days ago." Kella got picked up and placed on Titanya's back in a piggyback ride.

Kella just sat there unsure of what to think for a few seconds.

"I feel like a child." Kella Said and laid her head on Titanya's right shoulder.

"Does that mean you don't like this?"

"I didn't say that~" Kella started to mess with Titanya's ear with one hand.

Titanya felt calmer with Kella rubbing her ear. "Mmm Ok then, should we leave?" Titanya asked Kella who covered her right shoulder.

"Yeah, although we're probably gonna have a hard time outside of the dungeon." Kella Said her thoughts.

Titanya agreed to that. "Yep, we should probably get you signed up as an adventure so we can make money together." Titanya offered her opinion as she started walking towards the exit.

"Riko you shrink down and get in my biggest pouch." Riko listened and shrunk down to the size of a softball then jumped into the biggest pouch.

They made their way to the exit just enjoying each other's company.

"And here we are." Titanya said as she stopped directly in front of a big hole that had a grey film over it.

"And into the unknown yet again." Kella said softly. Titanya heard it and smiled.

"And the start of our new life." Titanya replied walking through the film.

Titanya's and Kella's vision clouded over as they went through the film but quickly went away revealing an actually normal forest with trees that had Orange and yellow leaves that were occasionally falling to the ground.

A dirt path starting from the dungeon and then leading somewhere.

What looked like a small building that had a large opening, placed next to the dungeon entrance.

A blue sky with occasional clouds.

And about 10 meters away was a group of 2 people with brown cloaks sitting on the front of a brown wooden carriage that was a bit bigger than Titanya with a horse attached to it that we were looking at them with frustrated expressions.

They started to quietly argue about something but Kella Managed to hear it with her enhanced hearing.

"Where are they?" "We even paid off the watcher so we could do it here."

"Isn't the fox they were talking about?" "the fox looks perfectly fine."

"Did the fox kill them?" "We gave them that dust so the fox didn't have a chance to fight back!"

"Wait look who's the person on the fox's back?" "That one looks far more expensive than the fox."

'Oh yeah, didn't that one asshole say they were going to sell Tanya?' Kella realized why they were probably there.

Kella whispered in Titanya's ear. "I think those guys are slavers"

Titanya nodded as she heard Kella. "I think so too." Titanya couldn't hear them but the carriage looked like the one she'd seen a few times unloading slaves.

"Maybe this can be a good thing." "How can this be a good thing?"

"Think about it, we don't have to pay them anymore." "But how are we going to manage to use the enslavement scroll on them?"

"Do you have any more of the drug?" "Yes, wh-oh I get it! Distract them I'll do the rest."

The people jumped off the carriage one went behind the carriage and the other made their way over to them.

"Tanya put me down." Kella Said in a serious tone.

Titanya squatted and let Kella get off. "Did you hear something?" Titanya asked remembering her hearing is very sensitive.

"They want to drug and turn us into slave's" Kella Said quietly.

"As soon as we get out we're targeted by slavers..." Titanya muttered

"You alright?" Kella asked just to make sure Titanya didn't have any trauma or anything.

"I'm fine, I'm just mad." Titanya looked Kella in the eyes and almost screamed seeing her Pupils were focused and had a red tint to them.

"play along." Kella stated as the person finally reached them at this point, pulled down the hood on his head showing a average faced human with gray hair and green eyes and asked "Hey, are you ladies alright?" The man asked with a wide smile.

Kella put on a sad face and said. "We're coping, why are asking?" Titanya quickly decided to play along and lowered her head.

The man was confused by the response but continued. "You came out of the dungeon alone so I wanted to see if anything bad happened."

"The rest of our party died..." Kella Said looking at the man with a pitiful look. "But on the bright side we got this." Kella pulled out the brass knuckles and put them on.

The man's eyes shined with greed. "You got a Artifact? Even from this dungeon that can be worth up to 2 gold!" The man seemed to forget that person he was talking to was apparently morning.

"But it doesn't look too useful though." said curious.

"It might need mana." The man absent mindlessly said.

Kella eyes shifted for a moment Then moved mana into one of the brass knuckles and watched as the bumps on the brass knuckles grew 3 long claws parallel with her arm.

"So that's what it does." Kella Said looking at the man. "Thanks." Kella made a smile that made the man finally realize something was off.

Kella grabbed the air next to Titanya. "Ack!" A voice yelped. "Just for that I'll give you 1 chance to get out of my sight before your friend loses a hand."

"Like hell I would leave, you cocky cat!" The man decided to pull out a short sword and charge Kella.

Kella stared at him with a annoyed look. "Ok then, if that's your choice." The man swung down on Kella's arm that was grabbing something.

Kella parried the attack with the brass claws, making him back up. "Tanya fight this one, I'll deal with the other." Kella kicked the air causing a grunt and a crash.

A man slowly appeared on the ground holding his thigh. "Ok, I'll do my best." Titanya out her bow underneath her cloak and immediately put a arrow through his head.

"Why are they so weak?" Titanya asked staring at a corpse.

"Probably because our stats are high and you practiced until i was happy with it so you were trained more then they expected, especially coming out of this dungeon... but are you ok?" Kella gave her thoughts and asked if if she was ok after killing someone.

"What do you mean?" Titanya didn't understand the question.

"You just killed a person." Kella Said. "So?" Titanya replied.

'Maybe killing is normal here... that's a bit sad but I'm going to have to get used to it or die.' Kella thought then pounced at the remaining man.

The man realized he was going to die and started swinging his sword in the hopes of taking this cat with him. "Stay back you beast!" He screamed.

"Oh hush you hypocrite." Kella said as she hit his sword out of his hands then jabbed the brass claws in his chest.

"Yo-u'll be sla-ve's all the same if they fin-d us." He said with a disgusting blood filled smirk.

"I'm not sure who 'they' are but they won't find your corpses, Riko you have a meal." Kella Said pulling out the claws from his chest and opened a pouch.

he watched with blurring vision as a small wolf jumped out and grew to be bigger then him. 'Shit...' And with that he went to sleep for the last time.

*Ding* <Kella Reached LV 11>

"But let's get there useful stuff first." Both of them grabbed stuff off of the slavers they killed.

After getting 1 gold coin, 5 silver coins, 15 copper coins and 2 short swords, Kella and Titanya let Riko have the rest.

"How did you see that guy who was invisible?" Titanya asked curious she heard him but Kella grabbed his hand out of the air.

"He didn't hide his body heat." Kella said putting the swords in a pocket dimension, the gold in a small pouch then latched it closed and giving Titanya the rest of the money. *Ding* <Multi Dimensional Pocket Reached LV 2>

"Why did that matter?" Titanya asked for clarification while accepting the money and putting it in a pouch.

"My eyes can activate form's of vision one of which is thermal." Titanya looked confused she never heard thermal before.

"...It means I can see heat and people are usually hot, so I can see them even if they turn invisible." Titanya's eyes sparkled. "Can you let me see like that too!?" Titanya pleaded with a wagging tail.

"First let's deal with this." Kella looked over to the carriage. "I don't want to leave any loose ends, hmm." "Could Riko eat it?" Titanya proposed a idea.

"Could you try Riko?" Riko went over to the carriage and took a bite of the wood parts begrudgingly then started taking more and more until nothing was left except for the horse who was cut free by Titanya and ran off.

Kella and Titanya looked at Riko who was laying on her side with a stomach as big as herself and she couldn't move even with her at her biggest size.

But probably the most surprising thing was how strangely normal it looked, it looked like it was a actual wolf and not a slime at all.

That is if you don't think about how the wolf in question is taller then Titanya and had a growth that was same size of said wolf.

"I think she liked it." Titanya joked while poking Riko's stomach.

"Yeah but she can't move." Kella said looking over to Titanya who had a expectant expression.

"Can we do it now?" Titanya asked hopefully.

"If you want to and Riko needs to get rid of her belly anyway." Kella Said to Titanya then looked at Riko.

'I kind of wish she had a bottomless stomach though... oh that might work but I'll try it after Titanya's eyes.'

Kella made a pocket, pulled out the 2 pieces of a mattress, fused them together and put a pillow on the mattress. "Lay here while I do it and i can't guarantee what you'll get from this besides improved eyesight."

"Ok, your the best Kelly!" Titanya yelled happily then laid down on the mattress.

"Ok I don't know how long this is going to take so get comfy, Tanya... and if it starts to hurt tell me." Kella placed her hands on Titanya's eyes and started to move her mana into them.

-3 hours later~

"Ok that should be it, how do you see?" Kella asked taking her hands off Titanya's eyes.

"Hey Kelly can I request something weird?" "What can I do for you?"

"Could you put your face in front of mine?" "Pfft, alright."

Kella had to sit on Titanya's belly to be face to face. "Ok Tanya, I'm ready~" Kella said in a flirtatious voice to mess with Titanya.

Titanya opened her eyes then her cheeks turned red then covered them after a second.

"I'm I breathtaking In your eyes?" Kella teased.

"Yeah, you look even more beautiful now." Titanya timidly replied

Kella smiled. "It seems I did a good job then."

Titanya opened her eyes again and saw something else as well. "I think you did far better than just good."

"What did you get?" Kella asked thinking about skills.

"Something called spiritual fox eyes." Kella got off of Titanya at this point.

"So what does it do?" Kella asked interested.

"One moment." Titanya sat up and tapped something invisible. "It says it allows me to see souls and the truth in most things by looking through the spiritual world, also it has 2 forms one being normal and the other is spiritual."

"Why don't you try it out?" Kella suggested.

"But how do I use it?" Titanya asked timidly.

"It's mostly intent, you want it to happen and it will." Kella told Titanya how it works for herself.

"So I just... Oh like that." Titanya mumbled as her eyes started to have a fire behind her pupils that shifted and glowed slightly.

'It looks like her eyes really have a fire in them now' Kella thought as She stared at Titanya.

"So how does it look?" Kella asked.

"You look like your on fire." Titanya replied.

"How does everything else look?"

"See through like glass, well except for that rabbit over there." Titanya pointed out a rabbit hidden in a bush.

"Not Riko?" Kella pondered why she didn't mention Riko.

"Nope she's see through as well, I can see her inside moving though."

"I guess that means Riko doesn't have a soul." Kella looked to Riko who didn't seem to understand what that means.

"I guess not." Titanya said as she looked at Riko then got off the mattress.

"I guess I'm ready to go to pavron now." Titanya mumbled with a bit of frustration.

Kella heard her feelings just from her voice. Kella looked at Riko and saw that she was done digesting(?). She was about 340 cm tall now. "Good, Riko is done as well so let's get to the town and become a adventure myself then leave." Kella Said Motioning for Rico to get in her pouch and putting the mattress in a pocket.

Riko who was happy to not stand guard anymore and tried to shrink down to her pouch carrying size but realized she couldn't do it any further then the size of a basket ball now.

She started to panic out of fear of getting punished. Kella saw that Riko wasn't getting any smaller which made her have a thought. "Can you not go any smaller now?" Kella asked before getting annoyed.

Riko nodded slowly. "I was going to do this later but it I'll try it now." Kella walked up to Riko. "Grow until you the same size as me."

Riko listened to Kella like she was a drill Sargent. "Now I'm going to try something if this doesn't work the way I want it to, your ether just going have to walk or be in a pocket dimension half the time." Riko felt nervous hearing that second option.

"First open your mouth." Riko listened as Kella moved her hand to Riko's mouth. "Now I'm not sure how this is going to taste to you but don't reject it."

Kella started to move cosmos into Riko's mouth to Riko it tasted similar to fruity ice cream.

Kella moved cosmos into the rest of Riko's body then spread it out as thin as possible.

"I'll slowly add more until something happens and if nothing happens after a 1 hour I'll just put a pocket dimension separated from my first one in you."

-15 minute mark~

Riko felt the cosmos in her and tried to digested it out of instinct but it didn't work so she tried to think of other ways of interacting with it.

-30 minute mark~

Riko tried to accept the cosmos as is instead of breaking it down and the cosmos started to slowly combine with herself.

-1 hour mark~

Riko felt her entire being was changed by the cosmos that Kella gave her. *Ding*

<Riko has changed into a Space Slime Wolf>

"You changed into a space slime wolf?" Kella said as Titanya ran up to Riko and excitedly said. "Your so pretty now!"

Riko's fur changed to be finer and softer. it's colors were now vibrant purples and blues. They swirled, mixed and covered her upper half and the side of her legs.

Silvery whites that reflected light that made it looked like it glowed and covered her bottom half.

Her claws were black and had small Multi colored spots that sparkled.

Finally her eyes took a change as well with her sclera looked like they had the milky way galaxy spinning in them.

Her iris started green on the outer rim and slowly went to black the closer to the center it was, blending into her pupils.

"You look like a space husky now." Kella said baffled at Riko's new look. Titanya looked curiously at Kella. "What's a husky?"

"that's my favorite kind of dog." Kella replied staring at Riko then shook her head.

"Anyway, how well can you change your size now?" Kella asked Riko who then shrank to the size of a golf ball.

Kella picked the golf ball sized doggo and pet her. "I do wonder how much you'll change if you merge with other things though." Kella said before putting Riko gently in her pouch.

Riko got what Kella said stuck in her head.

"Ok, we're good to go now, ready?" Kella asked looking at Titanya.

"Yep let's go deal with the town, you'll probably like Gilbert when you meet him though." Titanya replied.

They finally started to walk on the path. "What's Gilbert like then?"

"He's a very decisive person I have no idea how they manage to get me out here without him following. He probably would of dragged me by the neck back to the adventures guild if he knew who I went with."

"Then why isn't he here after 3 days?"

"Oh right you probably don't know, when you're in a dungeon time passes 24 times slower. so it's only been about 7 to 8 hours I think."

"Then they might of paralyzed him with that drug so they didn't have to deal with him... now that I think about it those idiots probably bragged about it to him thinking they would never see him again." Kella theorized based on the taunting she saw them do to Titanya.

"Your probably right but how long does that drug last again?"

"3 to 8 hours apparently." Kella replied.

So they chatted on their way to Pavron.

Kella started to hear fast footsteps ahead of them.

'who's running towards us?' Kella thought then had thought. "Wait... So according to your description he might come running the instant he could to beat the shit out of the people who hurt you?"

Titanya pondered the question for a couple seconds. "Yeah that sounds like something he would do, although we only met when I became a adventure so I haven't known him for that long."


Any ideas for the future would be appreciated.

I can be a bit slow in writing but I hope you like what I'm writing

Rayithcreators' thoughts