
Kella The Matagot

A woman goes to bed looking forward to sleeping in but wakes up with a completely different body called a cat beastkin by a screen floating in front of her. To make things worse she's in an unnatural forest

Rayith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Cleaning up, Riko and Titanya's Common Sense.

"You can't get rid of me." Titanya mumbled sleepily

"Why would I want to." Kella replied before the Fox fall asleep in her arms.

"God im exhausted. Such a hand full you are." Kella Said looking at Titanya with a tired smile.

"Although I think I helped her far more than I first intended to." Kella only meant to help her cope with almost getting ruined but ended up becoming something that holds her new world of hope together.

'Not that I regret it but I don't think I could get her to leave me alone now even if I wanted to.' Kella thought looking at Titanya who was clinging to her tightly in her sleep.

"as much as I want to take a catnap with you right now there a few things I need to do first." Kella Said peeling Titanya off of her and picked Her up.

"I'll join you in a bit, I need to clean up after myself." Kella Said laying her on a tree. She made her way to the exit.

Kella thought about a few things she put off because of Titanya taking priority over them. 'So it seems Tanya has a status as well which probably means everyone has it, Beastkin do seem to be treated poorly considering that assholes speech and her fears, my mana weapons are strong enough to kill people and I still feel no guilt over killing the group of people.'

Kella smelled something that stung her nose "There they are." she looked the corpses of the one who tried ruin Titanya. "Money, valuables and food are what we need and I'll get rid of the rest with slimes."

Kella started to Scavenged the corpses for anything useful she took the weapons and the packs they had on them when she looked in the packs there was 25 coins 5 silver ones and 20 copper ones, what looked like Jerky and a jar of white dust that was half full.

"I don't want anything else from them especially there clothing. my clothes may be basic and have holes in them but I still don't want them." She piled everything she wanted next to the exit for now then looked at what was leftover.

Kella thought about how to move the body's at once then had a thought. 'Can I pull them with just mana?' She pulled mana from the air and tried to wrapped it around a limb only for it cut it off. "Huh."

She kept trying on the cut off limb for 30 minutes only to get a pile of mush. *Ding* <Mana Weapon reached LV 6> "That's cool but not what I wanted... can I make thread out of mana?"

It took 40 minutes and lot of mana but the thread was made Kella made it by stretching the mana thin as she could, she also found out how to make flexible mana and change colors which was surprisingly easy Kella just had to kinda just... will it to be.

*Ding* <Creation has evolved into Free Form Creation>

making the mana flexible had the downside of it being easier to break the more flexible it is and changing colors did practically nothing. 'Although I'm going to use it for camouflage and make things prettier.'

I also learned through a little testing that braiding Mana threads together is better than just making it flexible.

After making some rope out of Mana threads and a small flexible pot for the mush that Kella made. Kella tied all the body by the legs started to drag them towards the center.

-15 minutes later~

'I could just dump them here but I really don't want Tanya to see them anymore.' Kella kept going.

-30 minutes later~

*Stomp* A completely normal looking Wolf that was twice the size of her, with silver fur that was Slightly blue tinted, Dark green eyes and a diamond crest on their forehead walked out from behind tree menacingly. 'Perfect.' Kella smiled at wolf Which confused it. The wolf had terrified everything else it's come across, Before eating them to grow stronger.

The wolf growled at Kella to intimidate her which it immediately regretted as Kella's expression turned cold and say. "Hush or I'll whip you into submission."

The wolf felt terror for the first time in its short life staring at the small cat's large eyes that looked like thin diamonds and shut up as it felt crushing force came down on it. It size also shrunk down to slightly shorter than her.

'I guess covering somebody in my controlled mana works very well.' Kella thought

"Smart." Kella's expression was happy again and the crushing force disappeared as fast it came.

"You'll be helping me with cleanup." Kella Said to the wolf to which the wolf tilted its head even more confused at the statement.

Kella untied a body and tossed it in front of it and waited. the wolf looked at the body then her then the body. "Eat it please." Kella asked nicely but not taking no for a answer.

The wolf Complied with the suggestion both because of fear and it doesn't hurt them anyway.

The wolf grabbed the body by the legs before tossing its head up swallowing the body in 3 gulps it's neck and jaw deformed unnaturally before the mass went down the throat and settling in the middle of its body.

"And all of this." Kella Said tossing the rest of the body's and placed the bag of mush in front of it.

The wolf grew to kept eating until nothing was left. It even ate the bag Kella made at the end.

The wolf laid basking in the taste(?) on the ground with a deformed stomach that was as big as itself unable to move from the size of its new stomach.

Kella watched the large stomach reduce in size and the wolf increase in size as time went on.

"Interesting, Slimes eat to grow but they can change their size at will." Kella analyzed the wolf that managed to catch her interest. 'Kinda wish I could take this one with me.' Kella thought as She thought as wondered what else she could try before heading back.

"What would happen if I give you my blood?" Kella walked up to the basking wolf and cut her left palm with a claw. the wolf opened its eyes smelling blood and looked at her. Still confused by her actions.

"Hold still for this." Kella Said, making the wolf freeze Instinctively making it easy for Kella to slap her Palm on it's forehead which made both the point of contact and her hand glow.

*Ding* <Requesting Mutated elite slime wolf LV 20 to become Kella's familiar>

"Interesting, familiar huh." Kella looked at her hand that was already healed then the wolf. who was staying completely still.

"Well, do you want to follow me? you'll grow stronger and get to eat more things then you imagine, all you have to do is accept and listen to me."

The wolf stared at Kella for several seconds.

*Ding* <Mutated elite slime wolf LV 20 accepted request to become Kella's familiar>

<Name required to finish process>

"Good choice." Kella smirked "Now for the name." Kella thought for a second before saying. "Riko."

Kella watched both of their body's glowed brightly as a symbol of a black cat with a long tail looking backwards appeared just above the crest on Riko's forehead and the tail went around the crest and stopped at the bottom. 'Is that supposed to be my symbol or something? I like it.'

"Ok let's go I want to take a catnap with Tanya." Kella looked at Riko who asked who Tanya is.

'Now how do I know that?' Kella thought as She looked at Riko 'Being a familiar I guess.' Kella thought.

She gathered the rope she made and ran towards Titanya. Riko followed asking about Tanya again.

"...She's my fluffy also call her Titanya." Kella Said thinking about Titanya then smiled. Riko asked what she means by fluffy but didn't get a response.

-10 minutes later~

"Finally I'm back I can nap with Tanya." Kella walked towards Titanya who was luckily still asleep but looked like she was having a nightmare.

'I think that's my fault.' Kella thought about how to make up for it then had a idea 'Couldn't I make a bed?

Kella sat next to Titanya who quickly latched onto Kella that seemed to stop her nightmare and smiled. 'well now I can't really do that again.'

Kella took rough estimate of her Her height to make a bed her size then realizes a issue. 'if I'm really what my height was, she's over 3 M tall. I don't think I'm 2 Meters tall anymore.'

Kella was upset at this revelation about her height but she really can't do anything about it so she tossed the thought to the back her mind to not think about it too much which was a bit hard when she being held like a big teddy bear by someone bigger then her.

'Let's just make it bigger then her.' Kella started making a mattress and pillow out of flexible mana.

-20 minutes later~

*Ding* <Free Form Creation Reached LV 3>

"Done." Kella Said picking Titanya up by her thighs then placing her on a off white rectangle and resting her head on a large pillow she made.

Kella had to lay with her because Titanya was still clinging to her.

Kella looked to Riko and said. "3 Rules about Tanya. 1 Never hurt her, 2 When I'm not around, You are to listen to her over anyone else and 3 If she's in danger, protect her. Understand?" Riko nodded then plopped on the ground getting ready to wait a while.

"Good, now for my long awaited catnap." Kella Said wrapping her arms and tail around Titanya's body and closing her eyes to finally get some of the sleep she was putting off.




*Yawn* Titanya groggly opened her eyes to see a small beautiful cat beastkin sleeping with her. "It wasn't a dream." Titanya then realized they weren't on the ground and instead on a soft cushion and pillow. "Maybe I'm in one right now." Titanya said confused.

Titanya saw Kella's tail.

"I wonder how it feels." She Inched towards it slowly then put her hand on it gently. "So soft." She started petting the tail softly then stopped, looking at her ears.

"If her tail is that soft then how soft is her ears?" With Titanya's greed hitting its peak she reached out and softly kneaded Kella's ears. "Oh my God! it's even softer."

Completely entranced by the feeling she didn't even noticed that Kella was staring at her with a warm smile and slight blush from the feeling of having her ears kneaded.

"I guess that means you like my fur?" Kella said in playful tone.

Titanya blushed. "Y-yes a lot." she looked at Kella's face that quickly enchanted her as well.

Kella's face had delicate features with the exception of her eyes that were a bit large but not to a unhealthy degree, Unblemished fair skin that was a very light red on her cheeks, large round Irises that were different colors but both shined like jewels And a smile that was equal parts terrifying and beautiful with all pure white teeth and long fangs on the top half of her mouth.

"Pffft, I guess you like my face too then huh." Titanya blushed even more. "Yes you're beautiful." She said with a shy smile. Making Kella blush a little more.

"You're quite beautiful as well Tanya." Kella Said while Admiring Titania's face herself and at the same tapping her on the nose.

Titanya face had sharp features, lightly tanned skin that looked unblemished, Irises that we're colored like ruby's and shined like a fire was in them and a smile that was rather cute it even showed 4 canine teeth that looked a bit longer than normal.

'Her smile would probably be terrifying to some people' Kella commented internally while looking at the fox turning as red a tomato.

"You're so unfair..." Titanya said sitting up with Kella in her arms like a stuffed animal.

"You better not make this a habit or I'll make a habit out of putting you in a dimensional pocket." Kella Said with a frustrated expression.

"You have that?"

"Yep, I haven't been able to use it for that long though."Kella Said making a dimensional pocket *Ding Ding* <Dimensional pocket has reached level 10> <Dimensional Pocket has evolved into Multi Dimensional Pocket.> big enough to crouch into.

"Not that long? This seems like advanced space magic."

"I'm not lying, I'm pretty sure I've done some ridiculous things in the past 2 days. Like Riko over there." Kella Said pointing in the direction of a massive wolf that was staring at them with interest in her new masters relationship with the one she was to protect and listen to.

"Oh Riko... How long has he been there!?"

"about 3 hours after you fell asleep I got Riko as familiar because they Interested me. And I don't think Riko has a gender... do you Riko?"

Riko looked at them offended for a several reasons and Kella knew she was female from Riko. 'never getting used to that.' "And Riko is female apparently... Somehow?"

"You got a familiar because they Interested you? also sorry for calling you he Riko." Titanya said to Riko who nodded accepting her apology.

"But what race are you though? your massive, You eyes are a unnatural color for a wolf and intelligence your Is really great." Titanya said while walking up to Riko still holding Kella.

"Mutated elite slime wolf. She was very Obedient when I asked nicely so that helped in my decision of not killing her." Kella Said with a smile, making Riko shiver.

"A Mutated elite!? what the fuck! you made a Mutated elite your familiar just because she Interested you?" Titanya was shocked elite monsters were Notorious for their enormous egos and so were even more so with mutated monsters. so a Mutated elite would be next to impossible to get to agree to be a familiar, not Mention this tame and nice to other people around them.

"What did you do to get her to agree be a familiar." Titanya asked. "I gave her a good reason to."

Titanya remembered she was sleeping on something soft. she turned around looking at a white rectangle and a purple pillow. "What is that and why is it here?"

"A mattress and pillow and I made them so we could sleep better." Kella Said like it was normal to make these things on a whim.

Kella jumped out of Titanya's arms and sat on the mattress.

"Out of what?" Titanya calmly asked.

"Out of mana." Kella calmly answered.

"Why are you answering all of my questions?" Titanya asked curious about why she was so open about this stuff.

"Your gonna stay by my side right?" Kella said

"I'll never leave." Titanya stated with a scary conviction. 'Yep thought so.' Kella commented internally.

"So you need to know about the stuff I do." Kella answered making Titanya smile widely. 'what a pretty smile.' Kella thought. Titanya then covered her mouth.

"Why did you cover your mouth?" Kella asked, not happy with possibilities she thinking of.

"People said my smile was ugly." Titanya mumbled. 'Bastards' Kella cursed in her mind. "Do like my smile?" Titanya asked timidly and her tail was still, anxious for Kella's answer.

Kella Motioned Titanya to get closer which she listened. "closer" She said mysteriously Titanya leaned down to be eye level with her.

"It's beautiful Tanya." Kella Said patting her head.

"Really!?" Titanya burst into a radiant smile in front of Kella who smiled in return.

"Of course." Kella got hugged again which let her see Titanya's tail wagging quickly behind her.

this continued for a bit before Kella was placed down. "So what are we doing now?" Titanya asked curious

"Well, you know how to leave this place right?"

"Yes you beat the boss of the dungeon and then you can leave." Titanya said thinking she ment this rhetorically.

"And what level are you?" Kella asked.

"1 why?" Titanya Answered.

"Ok we're gonna level up as high as we can and then leave." Kella Said making her plan for the rest of the dungeon.

Kella thought for a second then grinned and pulled Titanya into the bed with with her hands interlocked with Titanya "But first we do this." Kella Said teasingly.

Riko looked away afraid of getting on the bad side of her master.

"W-wait isn't this too ahhhh!" Titanya cried as something foreign but familiar entered her body.

Ah yes my first cliff hanger.

They're such a lovely thing aren't they?

Jokes aside I'm really liking how the stories going.

I do plan the slow Kella's growth a bit in the skill department both because I'm out of ideas she can do right now and so the pacing isn't too horrible.

Rayithcreators' thoughts