

feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor. is Called Stockholm syndrome KEIRA AUBURN WIRTFORD, a young fierce lady in her 20's striving to achieve her dreams by running away from home. Her life takes a new turn when she is held captive by her father Arch enemy. Is she going to pay for her father's sins ? Or is she going to face the unexpected ? why not join me in this journey and find out what happens ........

Real_hiqmah · Urban
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10 Chs


<p>KEIRA<br/>I greeted The cashier ,and proceed in shopping for what I need , after 20minutes of picking and dropping ,I feel like I'm being watched ,but I shook off the feeling and returned to the cashier and paid for what I got .<br/>I went back to my car , got in ,picked my cellphone and discovered I've got six missed calls ,four from Kelly ,two from Brie and one text from a private number ,opened the message and I'm not fazed by what is written "watch your back connor" because I'm sure it is the stranger that broke-in. <br/>All I want is to come face to face to the stranger and discuss whatever he wants from me , because I'm sure I don't have anything valuable that warrants the stalking and break-in, I don't even own any possession of my father's. <br/>All I want is a better life, why is it so hard to get one without obstacles, destructions and death threats.<br/>I decided to call Kelly and Brie back, "hey Big man, I'm sorry for skipping work today" ,Kie you can't keep being unserious ,you've been taking your project lenient , and yo don't even know how the phone functions' anymore [sounding stern] ,because it's been like ages ,that I've been trying to reach you, what's going on Kie?<br/> He sighs.".... "Nothing I'm just a bit under the, weather, hmn ok, take care of yourself" He hung up.<br/> Beep, beep….. "KEIRA AURBURN WIRTFORD, where the hell did you drop your phone?<br/> Brie yelled through the phone, I'm sorry okay! I've been busy with work. What's up? just wanted to check on you and your father got in an accident, And it was stated in the newspaper that it wasn't an accident ,someone messed with his car and the driver remains the suspect for now I rolled my eyes even if I know she can't see me.<br/> Bee, you know father have many enemies ,could be one out of many of them trying to get him killed , why suspect the driver , he's just doing is work. <br/>Thinking of it could it be the stranger that broke in my house ….Kie you there! Brie screamed through the phone, yeah yeah, don't think too much, your father is alright "after talking for a while, I hung up.<br/> Not to be insensitive, father deserves whatsoever, pain he is feeling now because, I can't even start mentioning the pains he has caused many innocent families. I started my car and drove home.<br/> After hours of fixing my door and getting everywhere cleaned up, I decided to take a nap.<br/> A bang jolt me awake, before I could realize what's going on, everywhere went black.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>UKNOWN P.O.V<br/> I've been watching her eat, sleep, walk, drive, work for years now except from being her childhood friend, that she doesn't even remember due to some reasons caused by her devil father who's going to die soon, [chuckles] let's see how this is going to be played, and who the winner would be [smiles] messing with is car was just a start to the game, and having is daughter is also a bonus ...Connor let's see who the master is. <br/> <br/> </p>