

feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor. is Called Stockholm syndrome KEIRA AUBURN WIRTFORD, a young fierce lady in her 20's striving to achieve her dreams by running away from home. Her life takes a new turn when she is held captive by her father Arch enemy. Is she going to pay for her father's sins ? Or is she going to face the unexpected ? why not join me in this journey and find out what happens ........

Real_hiqmah · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


<p><br/><br/>KEIRA<br/> <br/> The sound of leaves and chirping birds filled my ear , whatever the stranger gave me wore off minutes ago. I kept kicking and thrashing, but the hunk of a man wouldn't drop , I kept hitting his back ,he didn't even bulge , is he made of stones or what? <br/>I tried screaming of help before realizing we were in the woods ,after walking what seems like half an hour, the stranger suddenly stopped, I could hear the sound of a gate opening , then he dropped me off his shoulder , wobbling , trying to stand on my feet properly , I tried taking in my surrounding , my eyes met with a house looking like an 8,000 square feet of floor space, a large but impressive mansion that speaks luxury , the stranger flicked is finger to my face ,wait is he mute or something ,I wondered ,because I haven't hear him speak since I found myself in this state. <br/>Move inside or I'll move you , he isn't mute after all. i glared at him, staring at glass door in front of me , how does it work ?he ignored me, rude a**, the stranger pushed the door forward and kept walking further into the house dragging me behind , while I was trying so hard to meet up with his long strides .<br/>I stared at my surrounding again and everything screamed luxury , who is this stranger? Is he into human trafficking ? a lot of unanswered questions filled my mind ,he stopped in front of an elevator guided my two bulky guys ,looking like bodyguards or something . they bowed at the stranger , he's the boss I guess . For some reasons I feel like I can't escape from these bulky looking guys ,he nodded is head at the two guys and entered the elevator dragging behind .<br/><br/> </p>