
Kei Honda: From Truck-kun to Human! Pokémon Master

Following the directions of his GPS truck-kun was on his way to send another soul to the reincarnation cycle. People praised him and he had swerved out of the way of many teens and young adults trying to enter the cycle before their time! Today his target was a middle aged successful businessman only when he hit the man at full speed something different happened. His small Kei truck body flattened and everything went dark. After a talk with his father Truck-kun, now named Kei Honda in honor of his previous body, has been transported to the world he always watched while sending people to the Cycle. The world of Pokemon. Alright, so I don’t think there will be a system per se, but he will have an inventory, and he does have extensive knowledge of the Pokémon world. This will pretty much be an OPMC story as I do want to use this to help me learn to write relationships between characters (and no not just romantic relationships), so any tips would be appreciated. I’m not going to be using aptitudes (blue=weak - purple=strong) as I don’t really like them and I’m not going to be posting stats or abilities. I’m going to be sticking to base type vs type. I Look forward to everyone’s reactions and comments as I would like to make this a long running Pokémon fic, but I apologize in advance if that doesn’t happen.

Throwaway_ · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

And so our journey begins.

The first thing I felt was the wind.. The wind brushing against my skin. Wait. My skin? Instinctively my eyes fly open and I see a great blue expanse overhead with trees at edges.

Sitting up I flex my hands in front of my face taking in my new body. There were little hairs across my arms I hadn't ever noticed on humans before, and they tickled as the air whipped against them. That wasn't the only thing though as a great gust buffered against me and blew the brown hair that rested on my head to invade my vision.

My hand reached out for the locks and massaged it between my fingers as I admired it, before taking in the rest of my body. A slender yet athletic build was covered by a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans. My feet were covered by all black tennis shoes tied with dark purple laces.

My skin was a slightly tan white, but it was then covered by a transparent blue screen (not a system… kinda). The word 'Inventory' appeared at the top and rows of boxes lined the screen with the first 3 boxes being occupied. The one holding what looked like a piece of paper opened with no prompt from myself revealing a letter written by father.

'So Kei, I hope you're enjoying your new body I gave you. The inventory is a gift from me a long with you not needing to eat or drink to sustain yourself. Of course you can eat and if you want to blend in with the people around you, you should get used to it.

I've already got your journey set up for you. All you have to do is travel up the hill behind you and you will find Professor Oak's lab. Just give him your name and he will give you a Pokédex and some pokeballs for your journey. The other things in your inventory is 100,000 dollars in this world's currency as well as a Pokéball that holds your favorite Pokémon.

This is the final assistance you will receive from me. Good luck my son'

The letter faded out as if it had been a hologram and disappeared from the first slot of my inventory. Standing up I turn around to find the familiar hill leading up to Oak's lab from the show. With a smile gracing my face I head up the incline and reach the door which has a reflective window beside it where I finally get a look at my own face.

I have brown eyes that go with my brown hair and sharp features. Though it made me seem as if I was glaring, I did look fairly handsome. However that's only using people I've sent to the Cycle as a comparisons, there are definitely way more attractive people I've seen while carrying out my duties.

Shaking my head I turn towards the door as it opens revealing Professor Oak.

"Ah! Kei, you finally made it. Well what are you doing standing outside? Come in, come in. Lets get you squared away with your Pokédex. Your father already told me you had your starter already, so I'll just need to register it to you." Oak waved for me before walking back into the lab.

Wow I guess father really did get everything prepared for me.

Following Oak down a hallway he reaches a door that he swipes a card in front of a panel, revealing a lab room with a computer against the wall. Beside the computer was a desk holding a Pokédex and 5 pokeballs.

Picking up the Pokédex he moves to the PC and motions me to stand beside him. His fingers race across the keyboard and the menus of the Pokédex until he passes the Pokédex to me.

"Here, take your picture for your ID." I just nod as I hold up the Pokédex and could see my face on the screen.

In a box on the screen the words 'tap to capture' flashed in a transparent grey. Softening my slightly intimidating features to a reasonable level I tap and I'm pleased with the photo.

Oak takes back the Pokédex and nods in approval before holding the pokeballs under the scanner of the Pokédex one after the other.

"Watch closely Kei because from now on you will have to do this yourself. This is how you register new pokeballs you acquire to yourself. You will use this same feature when you want to scan a Pokémon for the info common for the species."

I nod along with his words as he finishes the last Pokéball and then turns to me holding out the Pokédex once more.

"Now for your starter." He says kindly while looking at me with a smile. Figuring it would be a bit strange to pop a Pokéball out of thin air, I reach my hand into my pocket while activating my inventory to make the ball appear in my hand out of sight.

Pulling the ball out and pressing the button it expands in my hand before popping open with a flash. The energy slowly morphs into the shape of a small bipedal creature that made the excitement build up in my chest.

A Pancham!

The black and white panda Pokémon with his signature leaf tucked into the corner of his lips turned to me with his chest puffed out.

"Pan! Pan!"

He said before saluting me and I crouched down running my hand over his head causing him to push against my hand gaining a chuckle from me and Professor Oak.

"A Pancham, I don't get to see many of them in the Kanto region. I imagine you'll catch a lot of opponents off guard with that Pokémon." Oak said as he began registering Pancham to me as my starter before pulling up another page on his PC.

"I wouldn't have any other Pokémon be my starter." I said with a smile causing Pancham's mischievous smile to grow wider before dancing around in glee.

"Pan, pan, pancham."

"Here Kei, I updated your Pokédex to include the National dex instead of just Kanto." Accepting the Pokédex from him I smile back.

"Thank you Professor Oak, I'm sure it will come in handy."

He nodded before looking off into space with a hand to his chin and a slightly exasperated expression.

"What is it Professor?" I ask with a tilt of my head, only for him to shake his as he turns towards me.

"Ah it's nothing. Just another trainer was supposed to come bye this morning but he's rather late. Ash Ketchum may love Pokémon, but his punctuality has always been a problem.

Not that this matters to you, you're ready for your own journey after all. Good luck Kei." Oak held out a hand i clasped it with my own and shook his hand and walked out the lab.

I basked in the sun and wind as I still hadn't gotten over the near euphoric feeling that I now got to enjoy only for it to end abruptly.




Me and a teen around the same age as me are sprawled out on the ground rubbing our respective injured parts. Him rubbing his head and me holding my ribs, while Pancham is staring at him with a menacing expression.

He raised his head and immediately began apologizing.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there I was just in such a rush to get to…. Professor Oak! Sorry! I gotta go!" A blur of black hair shot past and up the hill and that's when it clicked.

"So that was Ash, huh? Haha" I chuckled lightly as I stood up and dusted my now dirtied clothes before patting Pancham's head.

"It's alright Pancham, he didn't mean any harm." He looked up at me in resignation, but turned back where Ash had run off to and gave a small growl and stomped his foot.

"Pan pancham…"

"Don't mind, don't mind. I'm sure we'll see more of him on our journey. After all if we're going to become the strongest we have to beat anyone who may challenge us. And if I know Ash he will definitely challenge us."

Pancham seemed to finally relent after that with a nod and followed close beside me as we walked down the trail.

'Viridian City is 5 miles ahead along route 1. Kei should reach his destination by nightfall when taking into account battling and rests along the way.'


"GPS is that you?"

'Yes, Kei. Your father allowed me to accompany as you were the only Truck-kun that needed assistance, he figured you would still need help.'

Embarrassed I scratch the back of my head with a slight chuckle, but was interrupted by Pancham snickering.

"Not you too Pancham!" This only served to make the mischievous bear laugh more and me to sigh.

'Also Kei, my name is no longer GPS. It has been changed by your father to Nauta. My only function is navigation, though I can only guide to places already charted on a map. I can however track certain people or Pokémon you have come in direct contact with.'

My eyebrows raised at that as I let out a whistling breath.

"Wow, that will be really useful. Father really helped me out, I can't wait to make him proud."

"You ready Pancham, and Nauta? We're gonna take this world by storm!" I said with a fist pumped in the air. Pancham copied me, but Nauta seemed to have a different opinion.

'I hope you won't be this embarrassing all the time, Kei." I deflated slightly though I felt like I heard a bit of sarcasm in her response.

"I'll try to do better Nauta."


"Pan, pan." Pancham nodded.

"You hush, you did the same thing I did." Though Pancham just pretended to not hear me as we began walking forward down the trail. The reality of everything was finally starting to hit as I placed one foot in front of the other delving deeper into the Forrest covered route to Viridian.

Author's Note

I'll try to keep chapters around this length.

Nauta is not a system, just wanted to have Kei have a companion without having to to just throw Ash or somebody in there.

Kei will be interacting with Ash and the main cast quite a bit, but I do want to try to give him his own adventure.

Also while he does have a Pancham I want the rest of his team to be Kanto pokemon as I want him to use a different team in each region besides Pancham. He will be a permanent member.

Also choosing Pancham is not some kind of 'avoid using a Kanto starter'. I just like Pandas and like Panchams and Pangoros.

See ya next chapter