
Kei Honda: From Truck-kun to Human! Pokémon Master

Following the directions of his GPS truck-kun was on his way to send another soul to the reincarnation cycle. People praised him and he had swerved out of the way of many teens and young adults trying to enter the cycle before their time! Today his target was a middle aged successful businessman only when he hit the man at full speed something different happened. His small Kei truck body flattened and everything went dark. After a talk with his father Truck-kun, now named Kei Honda in honor of his previous body, has been transported to the world he always watched while sending people to the Cycle. The world of Pokemon. Alright, so I don’t think there will be a system per se, but he will have an inventory, and he does have extensive knowledge of the Pokémon world. This will pretty much be an OPMC story as I do want to use this to help me learn to write relationships between characters (and no not just romantic relationships), so any tips would be appreciated. I’m not going to be using aptitudes (blue=weak - purple=strong) as I don’t really like them and I’m not going to be posting stats or abilities. I’m going to be sticking to base type vs type. I Look forward to everyone’s reactions and comments as I would like to make this a long running Pokémon fic, but I apologize in advance if that doesn’t happen.

Throwaway_ · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

2nd party member.

Flying through the air attached to the other end of my line was none other than a, Dratini! It soon landed on the ground in front of us with a guarded and confused expression.

"Go, Pancham. Start things off with arm thrust."

Pancham leaped from my shoulder and charged the Dratini only for it to cower but instead of preparing for battle and that's when I noticed all the injuries marring it's body.

"Wait, Pancham! Stop!" Pancham was only halfway to the other Pokémon and slid to stop as he looked back at me in confusion. Walking over I pat him on the head as I pass.

"She seems to already be injured and not looking for a fight."

Pancham looks back at the Dratini and stares before falling in step with me. As I reach the Dratini I crouch down and give the gentlest smile I could muster as I reach out a hand.

The scared Pokémon eyed me carefully and right as my hand was about to reach her, her tail snapped out and whipped my hand. It was a strange sensation as I had never felt pain before, I unconsciously recoiled my hand to chest. Though my free hand had to block Pancham as he was about to retaliate.

"Wait Pancham, she's just scared. Right?" Pancham looks at me with a troubled expression, but doesn't force himself past my hand as I reach out once more.

"Hey there, Dratini. I don't want to hurt you anymore than you already have. I want to help you." I said as soothing as I could though she still flinched back when I got close, she didn't whip her tail out at my hand again. Coming up with an idea I slide my backpack off and pretend to dig through it and eventually pull out at Oran berry.

I didn't need to do this to access my inventory obviously, but it didn't seem smart to let anybody know that I could do such a thing.

Dratini's nose instantly twitched as the berry approached, though she was still staying cautious she uncoiled slightly and reached her head forward. She sniffed at the berry a few times before looking up at me and then to Pancham.

With my nod and Pancham's hesitant nod she finally opened her mouth and snatched up the berry in one bite. I could feel a smile stretch across my face as I watched the Pokémon eat it, some of the smaller scrapes instantly healed as she swallowed the Oran berry.

I fed her another one and this time all I could think about was how this Pokémon came to be in this condition, swimming through the river while so injured? Looking closer at the injuries I noticed they didn't look like battle injuries but rather as if a net or rope had dug into her skin.

I reach out again and I'm met with no tail whips or flinching away as my right hand caresses the smooth skin of the dragon type Pokémon. She seemed to practically melt in my hand and much like Pancham leaned as much as she could into my hand.

"Haha, you seem to be doing better little one. Now I have a question for you."

I paused my ministrations for a moment and could see the sad expression that passed Dratini's face as she stared up at me.

Cheeky little Pokémon, wouldn't let me pet you at first but now you're upset when I stop?

"Would you like to become my Pokémon? I'm on a journey to become the strongest trainer, not just in this region but the whole world and I would love to have you join me and Pancham in that journey." My previous smile was now changed with a serious expression as I held a hand out to the Pokémon.

It considered it as it stared at my hand, but what I said next gave her no doubts that she would join me.

"I'm not positive but I have a feeling your injuries was the result of poachers or Team Rocket members. With me by your side I could train you to the point that you would never have to worry about them again and we could take them down so they never do that to another Pokémon."

Dratini's eyes seemed to sparkle at the thought and briefly shook its head before staring back with determination. She reached out her tail and gently coiled it around my hand and we shook. A great smile broke out across my and I reached to my belt that held my Pokéballs. Bringing it out and pressing the button to expand I then hold it out in front of me where Dratini nods and uncoils her tail to press the button and subsequently be absorbed into the Pokéball.

"Welcome to the team." I whisper to the Pokéball and it rocks gently in my hand and then I place it back onto my belt. Dratini was extremely weak and malnourished at the moment from her run in with her previous captors, so while I would like to get started on her training right away it will have to wait.

Turning around I'm met with the bewildered face of Misty as she's stands there staring at me.

"What?" Comes my question that seems to break her out of her trance.

"Y-you, you caught a Dratini… your first time fishing… With my fishing rod?!" Her voice slowly filled with anger though I could tell it wasn't really towards me.

"Ah, well I suppose that is what happened. Thank you for letting me borrow your rod." I respond with a gentle smile as I hand back the rod to her. She deflates at my nonchalance and sighs deeply before plopping back down on to the ground and casting her line.

"Maybe you'll catch something interesting too, since I caught a Dratini, maybe this stream is lucky?" I try to cheer her up though that just seems ti further depress her.

"Easy for you to say. I've been fishing this stream all morning and still haven't caught even a single magikarp." She complains as she looks up to the sky and I stifle a giggle.

"You think that's funny?!" She whips her head to glare at me from I stand at her right side. My contained laugh finally breaks free and I laugh out loud a little.

"Haha, you mean ,ha, to tell me you have been out here since the morning haven't caught anything?" Her cheeks flush with a combination of anger and embarrassment as she stands up and sends a punch to my shoulder.

"Well! Not all of us can be as lucky as you, Mr. Perfect!" She yells as I see her line beginning to tug.

"You got a bite." I point out and she whirls around faster than when she glared at me and dive for the rod and began reeling in as best as she could.

"Oh! It's a really big one! I don't know if I can reel it in." She let out through gritted teeth as she fought with the rod. I slid up behind her and grabbed onto it as well and began to help her real it in.

"I-idiot w-w-what are you doing?!?" She stammered out as her body was now pressed flush against mine with my arms wrapped over hers and my hands clasped around her hands as we pulled.

"I'm helping you of course."I said, but looking sideways to her face I could see that she was once again blushing bright red. I didn't remember Misty blushing this much in the show, is she really that embarrassed?

"Well, let's just hurry to real it in." I said and she nodded quickly to my words and we focused back in on the Pokémon we were trying to reel in. Though I began to notice things I hadn't noticed before, her body was soft as it pressed against mine and I could smell a pleasant perfume coming off of her.

I looked back down at her face and this time I noticed something else, her breasts had become pressed together from the way our arms were pulling on the rod and now I couldn't ignore them for some reason. They seemed ready to spill out of her shirt and we're definitely bigger than her shoe counterpart, though I suppose that's to be expected.

What I don't know is why it's distracting me so much? I lived my life as truck-kun sending plenty of women in varying states of dress, or undress, to the cycle and it never had any effect on me. But here and now I was beginning to feel things and become conscious of thing I never had before. It must be this new human body.

As I thought about this I began to notice how she was wriggling her lower body against mine and I was beginning to feel another thing I had never felt before. Though I had a pretty good idea what it was from the anime and movies I had seen from Earth and I knew it would not be good if that part of me made itself known.

So I focused on something other than her ass practically grinding on me as I gave one last pull on the line and it was finally over. Though I heard a squeak from Misty as she squatted down. Only problem is that my hand were still firmly locked around hers so at the sudden movement I came down with her, but rolled at the last second so as to land on top of her.

This somehow ended up with us in a position of her sitting atop my stomach with either leg spread touching the ground on either side of me. This also showed me why she dropped down with a squeal as she finally reeled in the line.

My earlier observations had come true and I was now currently staring up from the ground at Misty's exposed breasts. A bit of chill ran down my back as I looked up past her mounds to her bright red face that seemed to be constantly switching through various expressions.

"Ah, well, uh. They're very nice?" This seemed to simultaneously be the right and wrong answer as her face didn't contort into anger, she just shrunk in with the red tinge now reaching the tips of her ears. Now the reason I think it might have been the wrong one as well, is well… this.


"You dumbass!"

With that she finally dives of me on to her knees facing away as she readjusts herself and I sit up and look over to our catch.

"Oh, we caught a person. Andddd I think I see a flock of Spearow coming."

Ash began to sit-up as he coughed out water and looked back the way of the Spearow. He immediately jumped up and began running again. I had kind of hoped that at least this part of the timeline would change, but it seems not.

Rain clouds could be seen forming in the distance, and as I turned to follow Ash's path I see him bee-lining for the bike.

"Hey, that's my bike!" Misty yells, finally in a proper state of dress but I could see she was still blushing slightly. Then it finally clicked, she had been blushing all this time around me because she was attracted to me. I suppose I am fairly attractive, but so much so to cause Misty, who I don't really remember ever acting like that in the show, to be reduced to a blushing anime heroine.

"Sorry! I'm in a rush, I'll give it back someday!" Ash said as he was already atop the bike and began pedaling hard down route 1.

"Urgh! That bastard, he just stole my bike!" Misty stomped a foot with a growl, while I had been gathering up our stuff and handed her, her bag and rod.

"Here, we might want to get moving. It'll be night soon and if we hurry we can still reach Viridian before then." She accepted her stuff but couldn't look me in the eyes, which was fine because I was a little uneasy about the whole scenario myself. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to be acting after such a thing.

After all I only had dense anime protagonists to go off of and I had a feeling that I had been filling that role quite well ever since I began talking to her.

"Ya, then I can get that bastard back for stealing my bike." Misty nodded as we broke off into a jog down route 1. I'll admit I snuck a few peaks over at her as I was becoming increasingly aware that we weren't the kids from the show but adults. I forced my eyes forward and picked up my pace just enough to be a step ahead. That's when I felt the first rain drop and turned to look at Misty.

She was wearing a yellow shirt, thankfully it wasn't white as that would lead to even more problems.

Author's Note:

I don't really know what I plan to do with the romance in this story. It most likely won't be with Misty as I actually don't like her very much as a character. Just wanted to use it to show that MC is feeling things he didn't used to and how he reacts to it.

There probably will be sex scenes at some point in the story as I might as well since I made them all 17+. And they'll age normally so by the end of Kanto, Kei will be 18, same with Ash and Misty will

Be 21 as I have her at 20 rn.

There's not going to be a sex scene every other chapter or anything like that and definitely no pokephilia. To each their own but it's not for me.

Battling will be the primary focus with everything else coming behind.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed.