
Keeping Secrets.

My eyes blur as I see the blood on my hands while I stand in front of my mom, dad and my brother. The cops are running around me making my head spin. I can’t move. I can’t say anything. All I could do is try my best to breathe but there was a clear lack of oxygen in this room. I could see that one of the officers was trying to say something but I couldn't answer. I just stared at the blood on my hands again. This is when I realize that I might as well be a killer.

preferably_evie · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Night Before..

I really shouldn't have let Isabella drag me to this party. More and more people kept filling up the mansion of a house I was in. Isabella just wanted me to get out of my comfort zone and let loose for a bit and to be fair I knew she was right. It's our first year of college and up until now I've stayed on the sidelines of life. Sidelines equalled no trouble and that's exactly what I prefer but I also know I can't stay on the sidelines forever it's not possible in life, at one point you will be pulled into the spotlight.

Right now I was in the corner somewhere watching everyone enjoy themselves, I can't understand how they do that. I would die to not have a care in the world but then again my life ain't that simple. My life probably isn't simple because I was in a house of humans and I was the only.. Let's say non-human. I'm not talking about my lack of social skills or ability to stay in the shadows, I mean literally I'm not human, well half of me isn't.

I'm a creature with blood on my hands. In another person's perspective I may be innocent but I'm far from that. I can't be innocent with my guilt filled past.

I may be the perfect good soul that others may yearn to be but if you look past all that you may just run away from me, it's for the best anyway.

Isabella is my friend and my only family. I lost my family when I was nine and after that Isabella's family took me in. My parents were close with Isabella's parents and they were more than happy to take me in. I was happy but I was scared that they would run from me if they knew what I've done.

I'm the reason for my family's death. Their blood is on my hands and I can never wash it off no matter how hard I try to forget.

Everytime I look at my hands I can almost see the blood on my hands, even when I look now in this mansion filled with normal human beings, I can see the blood on my hands. The music, the lights, the smell of alcohol is making my head spin. Suddenly I'm feeling faint.

"Seraphina? Hey, what's wrong? Sera?"I can hear Isabella's voice but I can't reply. Tears roll down my cheeks, I want to get away from myself. Isabella's voice is faint. I can't seem to catch my breath, it's like someone took away the oxygen in the room. I can tell I'm starting to blackout but I let myself. I have to trust I'll be alright when I'm up again. It's all I can hope for.