
Keeping Secrets.

My eyes blur as I see the blood on my hands while I stand in front of my mom, dad and my brother. The cops are running around me making my head spin. I can’t move. I can’t say anything. All I could do is try my best to breathe but there was a clear lack of oxygen in this room. I could see that one of the officers was trying to say something but I couldn't answer. I just stared at the blood on my hands again. This is when I realize that I might as well be a killer.

preferably_evie · Fantasy
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2 Chs

First day chaos..

Isabella practically dragged my ass to the hospital after I fainted. The doctor confirmed I had a panic attack. I could tell Isabella wanted to ask me what happened at the party but she didn't push me to say anything. When Isabella saw me she said I was feverish but as soon as I woke up my temperature went down, almost ice cold. Isabella knew about my past including my half human nature. I'm not sure what happened myself though, during the panic attack I could feel my body heat up which usually only happens when my emotions run wild. But I don't want to think about that right now. Today is a new start for me. That's what's important. A fresh start.

Isabella and I had separate classes since I was an art student and she was a science student. I didn't like being separated from Isabella. She helps my anxiety be stable but I'm going to have to be independent eventually.

My schedule is fine, nothing too bad but I had no idea where my classes are. They gave me a map but it was no help, it confused me even more.

My eyes were on the map trying to figure it out when I bumped into a guy who looked like he had anger issues. "Watch where you're going!" Anger issues, check. "Sorry about that." I was being polite although I was annoyed. But I was at fault too since I wasn't looking ahead of me. Still, he could have gone past me. Oh well.

After what felt like a decade I arrived at my first class on time. Mr. Owen was this lesson's teacher and as far as I could see the kids loved him. He must be one of the fun teachers, hopefully all my classes are easy going. That may be a lot to wish for, at least I hope the teachers aren't strict.

The lesson starts and ten minutes later, a guy waltzes in as if he wasn't late as hell. Mr. Owen looks annoyed, I'm guessing this happens a lot with this specific sophomore.

"And what's your excuse this time Mr. Williams?"

The guy just smiled and said, "I guess my watch was set to the wrong time." Mr. Owen looked so done. "Just go take a seat Mason." I wonder why he didn't get punished.

As Mason took a seat I realized this was the same guy who bumped into me earlier. Reckless and irresponsible. After everything settled down I went back to listening to Mr. Owen.

Class finished after a full hour of an introductory lesson, but it wasn't that bad. My next class wasn't till after lunch hours so I decided to give myself a tour of this place.

This place is huge, I wouldn't be able to get used to this place until a few weeks, maybe even a month.

"You again. Why do I keep seeing you around here?" I turned around to see Mason leaning against a wall across from where I was standing. "I don't know, maybe my luck is bad today, I've seen you three times. It hasn't been pleasant."

Mason wasn't easy to read but he seemed to be amused.

"I'm guessing you haven't heard about me or who I am?"

"And who are you? Why should I think you're so important?"

"Maybe because my dad is the chairman of this university."

I could tell he thought that he was very impressed with himself.

"So your dad is chairman and that's supposed to matter because..? Just because your dad has a high position in this university doesn't make you some prince who can do anything he pleases."

This time Mason seemed dumbfounded. After that I walked away and I won't lie it felt good to one up him.

Now to find my next class.