
Keeping it alive

Ritu has just broken up with her boyfriend. She still loves him; he loves her too. But circumstances ended up in breaking them. She is obviously not over him yet and she can't take the fact that he is getting married to somebody else, so she moved back to her hometown, compromising her career ambitions. Broken hearted Ritu, at her hometown, trying to get meaning to her lonely life, experiencing a whole lot of sadness, unexpectedly found a new way of life with her new friend Chery. She is trying to keep her love alive, Even if he is not there anymore.

Nik_The_Wordsmith · Urban
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7 Chs

Home, Sweet home

The humid air of my town nourished my skin and pouring love of my mother made my day. And her handmade 'Rotis' with 'chai'.

I was resting on the chair, enjoying the color play of rising Sun. It was nicd to be home. Feels fresh and alive. The air, the people, the weather, everything was perfect. I closed my eyes for a moment to hear the chirping of birds. So musical! And somebody started screaming. Irritated me opened my eyes. It was Ma. Screaming at me while cleaning the house. It took me few seconds to gather myself together and I tried to guess what I had done wrong. Then I saw my bags, thrown on the bed, half unpacked, half messed up. So she was shouting because I hadn't unpacked them. 'Come on! I can't' I told myself. And got out of the comfy chair to unpack them properly. Who would argue with Ma? Better to follow her than hearing those words.

''Told you thousand times, don't open the bags until you have time. And if you open, then keep them properly. Who will listen to me? I'm shouting here like speaker and nobody listen to me. Both daughters turned out like their father. No use of instructing you all, I'm invisible here."

She was continuously shouting at me and Pa, though none of us was listening to her.

"Ma, I kept my bags proper here in the corner. I will unpack them at night. I'm tired right now."

She looked convinced and seemed quite happy after ordering around.

I took my spot again and tried to enjoy the view again. But the sun was too bright now and birds were chirping too loudly. I sighed for a moment and went to help Ma.

Pa had brought fresh shells and crabs in the morning. They looked yummy and tasty, even uncooked.

After having heavy lunch of seafood, my soul was satisfied. Then we all chatted for hours and I slept while talking.

In evening, we drank tea watching TV.

TV session ended with dinner. Overall refreshingly happening and awesome day after a long long time. I didn't miss him at all. I felt happy about it. I was on the path of accepting the truth. I was making progress. That's nice.

At night, I closed my eyes and remembered him. Then I remembered myself not to remember him and slept. In the show of night dreams, I saw him in various roles. But none was happy.

I prayed god to help me to forget him. It was a start of new. New day towards light. And I got out of bed.

"My empty heart's shell break, those are my mother's words,

Warmth of father's smile & salty smell of my town.

Still it pours down the happiness and sinks down to the ground. That's my heart."