
Keepers of the Sun and Moon

People born with what we now consider Magic have been around for eons, in the form of individuals known as Keepers. They lived among those without abilities, known simply as non-users, but slowly the Keeper population dwindled. In the present, Caleb Teller is a Sun Keeper who can radiate an aura that affects people's emotions. He finds himself constantly running into James Mason, a Moon Keeper with precognition, who he usually made a point to avoid. Avoiding him becomes more difficult when they discover a plot by a secret society to overtake their town and rid it of non-users. Now they have to figure out what exactly the society's plan is and how to stop it.

Storyfaerie · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter One


I roll my eyes as my brother calls out my name. Rushing me when I'm in the middle of my morning skincare routine is bad enough, but rushing me for school of all places is a whole 'nother offense. I finish rubbing moisturizing cream into my face and relish the smooth feel of my golden-brown skin as I hear him call out again.

"If you ruin my perfect attendance because of your stupid hair, I'm disowning you!"

Disrespecting my hair is the final, fatal straw. I step out of my bedroom and make a show of running my fingers through the fifty inches of black coils. I worked too hard growing out my crown to let it be anything less than gorgeous at all times. I find Darius impatiently pacing our small living room. We might be identical twins, but he doesn't put nearly as much effort into his appearance as I do. His hair's in a high-top fade, his gold eyes, a staple of our Sun bloodline, are hidden behind a thick pair of black glasses, and he's wearing the same old, tired, green hoodie he insists is 'lucky'.

"First of all, my hair always takes priority over your sad life achievements!" I snap back. "Second, if 'disowning' me means I don't have to acknowledge I'm related to you, all the better for my social life."

"Boys, what have I told you about fighting?"

We both jump at the sound of momma's voice. She still looks exhausted from working late yesterday. Her hair's in a messy bun, her gold eyes have bags, and the lotion on her copper brown skin hasn't been completely rubbed in. I make a rubbing gesture against my elbows to remind her, resisting a smirk as she sucks her teeth and smoothes it in.

"You're both gonna be late for school," she continues. "Did you remember your lunches?"

We both mutter 'yes', irritatingly in unison. I cross my arms just to give us a little less symmetry. He looks like he's about to do the same, before deciding to stick his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry, momma. I'll drive us," Darius says.

"No way, every time you drive, you melt the steering wheel," I say. It really isn't his fault, Darius's Magic involves intense heat, the type not even Fire Keepers can achieve. It doesn't mean that I can't still tease him for it.

"T-that only happened twice! It's not my fault I get nervous on the road," he replies, defensively.

Momma pouts the way she always does right before she scolds me. "You know your brother still has trouble controlling his powers, Caleb. They're more...potentially destructive than either of ours."

"I'd say my Soothing Aura can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands," I say. As if in response to my words, the faint gold Aura around me brightens slightly. Being able to relax someone and take away their tension can be very useful in disarming someone, not that I ever use it in such a way, of course.

Darius rolls his eyes. "Yeah, 'cause it's not like you only use it to charm and manipulate people." It's like he can read my mind with how he senses when I'm falsely playing innocent.

Momma forcefully points at the door. "That's enough from both of you! In your car, now."

We both mumble another apology and give momma a hug goodbye before leaving. We hurry out to our shared car in the driveway. It's a small, old, plain-looking thing, but it still drives well, which is all that matters when we can't afford much better at the moment. Momma's isn't faring too well either, but at least she doesn't have to share it with Darius. We get in, Darius backs us out of the driveway and we're off.

Concordia High. A spider web of social navigation and ladder climbing. The classes are boring, of course, all the good drama happens in the halls. Or even before you've stepped inside the building's bland walls.

I check myself in the mirror for the dozenth time, just to make sure I still look the best among the sea of trashy try-hards and unremarkable try-not-at-alls. It might not exactly be the hardest to maintain my role as king charming in this setting, but that doesn't mean I can't keep making an effort to best myself. When there's no real competition, be your own. Darius rolls his eyes as he gets out of the car. Finally satisfied with myself, I get out as well, and instantly regret it as I see who's waiting at the school entrance.

"Oh great. Look who's playing welcoming committee," I grumbled with disdain.

Standing at the front doors is James Mason, the golden boy mayor's son. A strategically polite, approachable smile is on his face as he greeted students walking in. He's not even in the student council, no doubt he's just trying to get brownie points from the staff.

Darius drags me from our car to the entrance, and as we get closer, I can't help but eye James. I'm not checking him out, of course, but it's hard not to notice him. He holds himself with perfect posture, his stature taller than most of the other students at six feet, three inches. His dark brown eyes almost match his umber skin and his cropped, black coils are as neat as his pristinely ironed clothing. Anyone would think he goes to a private school for how overdressed he is. Who wears a sweater vest and dress pants to a raggedy public school like this?

James's smile turns into a grimace as his eyes meet ours. "The Teller twins. How nice to see you," he says. To his credit, he manages to keep his expression and tone neutral, no doubt biting back disdain for us commoners.

All jokes aside, I can't help but notice he seems tense. Maybe it's because of the emotional focus of my powers, but I'm good at telling when someone's uncomfortable or stressed. Almost without thinking, I get the urge to extend my Aura out to him to try to soothe him. He and I might not know each other well, but it's good practice for me to use my Magic whenever I can, and I don't often get the chance.

I give into my instincts and step up to him until I'm in a decent range for my Aura to reach him without needing to get any closer. I've never wished that my Magic didn't require close proximity any more than now, with him towering half a foot over me with a look of subtle surprise.

I put on my best charming smirk as I radiate my Aura outward. Then, my eyes glow brighter, their gold hue even more obvious as they shine. A sign that I'm channeling my Magic.

"Nice to see you too, Jemmy," I coo. "Just make sure to take it easy."

My charming smirk falls as I see he has an underwhelmed expression. A flash of blue briefly glows in his dark eyes. Of course, my Aura isn't strong enough to influence other Keepers yet. Luckily James is the only Keeper other than us who goes to this school. He crosses his arms and gives me his own condescending smirk.

"Thank you for your concern, Caleb, but I'll be fine," he says.

Well, I gave it a shot. And even if it didn't work, it was an improvement to see him have a genuine smirk on his face, even if it was at my expense. I shrug and smile innocently. At least it was good practice. I feel the same mystical boost running through me that I feel every time I use my ability, and I know I've gotten stronger, if only slightly. Just like training a muscle.

It only lasts a split second, and once it's over I notice that I haven't moved back away from James. His eyes are looking at me curiously and suddenly I feel embarrassed. Darius clears his throat and breaks us both out of a stupor neither of us realizes we're in.

"It was nice seeing you too, James," Darius says. "But, we should get inside."

James gives a stiff nod as we finally walk inside and he follows in after us. As he does, I can't help but feel something tugging at me. Even without seeing him, I can feel the tension coming off of him.

Cut to the last class of the day and I'm bored to tears in history. The teacher is droning on about the same topics as last week. A lot of talk about Magic and the history of Keepers from a non-user with surface-level knowledge.

Said non-user is Miss Willow, a middle-aged white lady with a look as bland as the subject she teaches, and a blonde bob as short as my attention span during her lessons.

Naw, then it would be a pixie cut.

"There are four well-known categories of Magic," Miss Willow lectured. "Tamer Magic deals with animals. Rather it is summoning them, controlling them, or even becoming them. Physical Magic deals with the human body, granting the Keeper enhanced strength, speed, agility, or allowing them to shift their form. Elemental Magic deals with the four core elements, fire, water, earth, and air. Smith Magic deals with craftsmanship or molding man-made materials. However, there is a rarer fifth category, known as Cosmic."

Even from my seat in the back, I can see Darius perk up at her last few words.

Miss Willow continues. "While the others stemmed from thousands of bloodlines, only a few dozen families were confirmed to have Cosmic Magic. Sun and Moon are the only two known subcategories. Cosmic Magic is believed to have the most potent abilities out of all the types but is the most difficult to master and yield properly. In the past, they were revered as highly as nobility."

At this point, both of us are itching to speak up, albeit for different reasons. We're already outsiders for being Keepers, if people knew we were part of some noble line, they'd never leave us alone. Darius's hand shoots up before I can say anything rude to the teacher. Probably for the best. Instead, I giggle at his eagerness.

Miss Willow doesn't look as amused about being interrupted, however. "Yes, Mr. Teller?"

Darius's mouth took off like she had waved a checkered flag. "Ma'am, I just wanted to mention that there's a lot more to Cosmic Magic than what is widely known. Mostly because it has been intentionally hidden or destroyed throughout the years. People, Keepers and non-users alike, didn't believe anyone deserved the power that Cosmic Keepers were born with. It led to them having to live in hiding long before the other Magic users separated into communities. Sun Magic tomes say-"

Miss Willow raised a hand to interrupt him. "Excuse me, Mr. Teller. You seem very...knowledgeable about the topic. But, I believe it's best if we stick to documented history, rather than theories."

I'm exactly one second away from getting out of my chair and telling her what I think about her dismissive, condescending, ignorant-

"Yes, ma'am, " Darius concedes as he sits back down. The way his voice cracks gives my heart a twinge. He looks so disappointed and humiliated.

Neither of us says another word for the rest of the class. Once the bell rings, and everyone is dismissed, Darius is the first one out of his seat. His hood is over his bowed head as he speed-walks out of the room. As I pass his desk, I notice scorch marks in the wood. I increase my pace as I hurry after him.

Once we're in the hallway, I call out to him. "D, wait!" But, he doesn't even slow down. I catch him just as he rounds a corner. I already know where he's headed, and exactly where to cut him off. Unfortunately, there's an unexpected six-foot-three obstacle that I nearly run right into.

James instinctively grabs my arm to steady me as I stagger back, his other hand occupied by a cell phone.

"Caleb!" James gasps in surprise.

I can hear a deep, rough voice through his phone. It sounds enraged. Whether it's because of the interruption or I just walked in on an argument, I'm not sure.

James sheepishly apologizes to the person over the phone. "I need to go, please pardon me." He quickly hangs up before the voice over the line can protest.

I can't help the look of concern on my face. "Was I interrupting something?" I ask.

"No, no. It was just my father," James waves off my concern, but his words don't reassure me.

"You look upset, is something wrong?" I try again.

"It's nothing," he insists. "What were you in a rush for?"

"Something happened in history that upset Darius," I admit.

"Miss Willow?"

"Isn't it always?"

I giggle, my eyes crinkling just from the joy of being able to laugh even a little after what happened. When I finish, James is staring at me with a slight smile of his own, a cute timid upturn of his mouth.

"What?" I can't help but ask, my own smile still bright on my face.

I almost wish I hadn't said anything, because he catches himself, swallows, and his expression and tone is back to its default 'elegant indifference'.

"N-nothing. I should let you get back to...finding Darius."

He still seems like something's on his mind, and I can't help but wonder if he's really alright.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your father didn't sound too happy."

"When is he ever?" James mutters and rolls his eyes without thinking. He instantly stiffens, as if his father might reveal himself and scold him. "I-I mean..."

"You don't have to be scared to speak against him," I say, softly. "I know I don't know you well, and you don't know me, but if there's anything you need to talk about..."

He crosses his arms defensively, his features twisting in irritation. "You're right, you don't know me," he says, coldly. "And the last thing I need is someone trying to analyze my relationship with my father."

I roll my eyes. "No one said I was trying to do all that. But, if you're going to be a prick just because I was worried about you..." I let it slip without meaning to, and he catches it. Because that's the type of obnoxiously observant prick that he is.

"You were worried about me?" James asks, looking at me curiously again. His irritation from earlier is gone, at least temporarily, and I try to ignore my relief about that.

"I, um, I mean... This morning you looked really tense, and just now you..." I shake my head and try to wave the topic away as he does so easily. "But, you're right. I'm sorry for poking my nose in your business. I really have to go find Darius now."

I don't give him the chance to respond, I just move past him to get to the library, where I'm sure Darius is. As I do, I still feel James's eyes on me.

When I reach the library, I instantly notice something is wrong. My eyes flash bright gold without me actively pushing my Magic forth. I scan the large room, but my Magic is pulling me towards the back of the library on its own. I know any resistance I give would just delay the inevitable. Whatever the inevitable was.

I wind up wandering towards the Magic section. The school just lumps it in with the so-called 'restricted' books, as it's typically frowned upon for non-users to try to learn it. All Keepers know that thinking non-users can learn how to wield Magic is like thinking you can grow wings with enough willpower. But, I digress.

Finally, I hear a groan from the far corner. Darius is sitting at a table with his hands clasped together as if he's afraid to touch anything else. He doesn't notice me yet, seemingly just focused on keeping himself from scorching the table. I carefully walk over to the table and sit in the chair next to him.

"D? Are you okay? Don't let her get to you."

"This isn't about class," he mumbles, his voice cracks on the four words. "I'm overheated and I can't cool down."

This happens sometimes, through no fault of his own. When Darius uses his powers too often or too strongly, it takes a while for him to cool down. In the meantime, he runs hot enough to melt or destroy almost anything he touches. Thankfully we're alone now. We don't need to give anyone around here any more reason to think we're dangerous. They already think that for more irrational reasons.

Despite that, I move closer to him to comfortingly put my arm around his shoulders. His heat doesn't affect me or momma, though I'm not sure if that's a trait all Sun Keepers share, or if we're immune only because we're related. I radiate my Aura around us in an attempt to make him more comfortable, regardless of my knowing it won't work.

Darius says as much. "You know that doesn't work on me, " he sniffs.

"But, does my attempt make you feel better?"

"...Kind of."

I chuckle and thankfully Darius manages a weak one of his own. He pulls his hands apart and timidly sets them on the table. It doesn't so much as sizzle.

I consider myself lucky my Magic doesn't have a drastic downside, though D and momma joke that my flamboyant personality and flair for the dramatic are tied into being able to sense and influence other people's emotions. But, what's so bad about feeling strong emotions? Even if I can get a bit overwhelmed by them.

Luckily for us, it's time to go home for the day. I coax Darius into standing so we can leave, just as I notice someone come around the corner. I shouldn't be the least bit surprised it's James again with this being the third time we've run into each other today. Even the serious look on his face isn't too out of the ordinary for him. Still, I can't help but feel as if something is off with him. He looked tense before, but now he feels on edge as if something scared him bad.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think I could see his Aura, colored with confusion, fear, and a bit of...guilt. But, it must be my imagination.

"Excuse me if I'm interrupting, but I need to speak with you, Caleb," James starts.

"Me? I have to take Darius home."

"Not now. Tonight. I'm not sure why, but I've been getting a bad feeling all day. And I think it concerns you." His eyes glow blue as if to emphasize the nature of his 'feeling'.

James has precognitive visions as his Moon Magic ability. Even the non-users at this school who are squeamish around Keepers know to heed the warnings his visions give.

"If you don't mind giving me your, uh, phone number, I could contact you."

He sounds so adorably awkward, I can't help but mess with him.

"Aw, you don't need to fake a premonition just to get my number. Why didn't you just ask?" My voice is dripping with sarcasm, but James gets visibly flustered regardless. He's too easy to mess with.

"Forget it," he huffs. "Just meet me at the beach tonight." He seems to hear the implication as he says it. "Damn it, that doesn't sound any better."

"Such a romantic. I'll bring my parasol."

Darius chimes in. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have to get home."

I nod at him and turn back to James. "Right. I'll see you tonight then, Jemmy."

Darius drags me away before James can say anything more. Darius's impatience surprises me until I notice he's got something tucked under his hoodie. It's likely one of the books on Magic from the restricted area, but I'm more surprised I didn't notice him take it rather than the fact he did. Maybe, despite my playfulness, James's request shook me more than I know. I keep my mouth shut and no one notices as we leave.