
2. Twins. Sort Of

March 3rd- Las Vegas, Nevada

"I have to call my sister," I said, grabbing my phone after practice.

"You mean the sister who stopped talking to you." It wasn't a question.

Yuta laid down on my lap, snatching the phone out of my hand. He was pouting. My twin was always mad when I brought up my other family. My mom and stepdad raised me and I grew up with my other brother and sister. Still, he was right. When I told them I was leaving for Korea, they turned their backs on me.

"It's her birthday, Yuta," I told him. "I have to be the bigger person."

He scoffed. "Bigger person? You did nothing wrong. You don't need them. You have a whole family who loves and supports you. They kept you from us for too long."

I laughed, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. "Don't be jealous. You're my number one, always."

This made him soften enough for me to take the phone out of his hands. I pressed on my little sister's number to call her. It rang and rang until it went to voicemail. Disheartened, I hung up without leaving a message. Yuta reached out and grabbed my hand.

"You don't need their negativity. I'm here for you. Always." He whispered.

I sighed. "Yuta, I've been thinking."

He looked up with eyes much like my own. "What is it?"

"If I ever get married, will you walk me down the aisle?" I asked.

Yuta laughed. "Are you planning on getting married anytime soon?"

I smiled. "No, of course not. I was just thinking about it. I love Dad, but I'd love it very much if you walked me down the aisle."

My twin smiled back at me. "Of course I'll walk you down the aisle. It would be my pleasure."

Just then, the door to our practice room opened. Mark Tuan of the Kpop boyband Got7 and his mom walked in. I gasped, excitement welling up in my chest. I pushed Yuta off my lap to get up. He play-whelped as he landed on the floor. I ran to Mark, practically jumping on him to hug him.

"Mark!" I exclaimed.

He laughed, hugging me. "Best friend. It's so good to see you."

It had been months since Mark and I had seen each other. Since I left to be officially stationed in China, I hadn't been back to Korea. We called each other once a week, but it wasn't the same.

"So, when are you two getting married?"

We both groaned and he put me down. I turned to his mom. Mrs. Tuan was dressed fashionably, as always. She smiled at me with red lips and her hair fell into perfect and newly dyed blonde curls.

"Hi, Mama," I said, hugging her.

When Mama Tuan heard the story of my family, she declared me an official member of hers. It had been less than a year since I'd met her son, but she had already told me that she loved me like a daughter. Well, daughter-in-law.

"How's practice going?" She asked. "Are you ready for day one of the concert tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Yuta and I were practicing. Not for tomorrow, but for the last day."

Day one was the normal group performances. Everything you expected at a concert. Day two was the vocal day where everybody showed off their singing abilities. Day three was hip-hop day. That day was for break dancing and rapping. The fourth day was performance day. Dedicated entirely to putting on amazing shows and showing off dance skills. The last day was cover day. Everybody was encouraged to cover other artists' songs. They didn't necessarily have to be Kpop songs either. Yuta and I were covering a Jpop song for our set here in Vegas.

"Are you and Mark going to do anything together?" Mrs. Tuan asked.

Mark scoffed. "I haven't seen this girl in months. There was no way we could've put something together."

"Maybe if the tour gets extended, we can," I said. "What do you think, Mark?"

He smiled. "Perform with my best friend? Count me in."

That's when I noticed Yuta standing behind me. He put his chin on my shoulder, huffing. My brother didn't usually mind when I spoke English with someone else. However, I could feel that he was feeling left out. He got like that sometimes. He only spoke two languages. Compared to my four, he felt like he knew nothing.

"Tell Mark to stop stealing my sister," Yuta whispered.

I laughed. "Tell him yourself."

He glanced up at Mark, then seemed to think better of saying anything. Instead, he buried his head into my hair.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you." Mark said. "A bunch of us are going to a club tomorrow night after the show to celebrate. You should come with us."

Yuta huffed. "I'm good. I'll be sleeping."

I laughed, ruffling his hair. "You can count me in. If this one is going to be asleep, I won't be able to do anything else."

When we toured together, Yuta and I always shared a hotel room. There was an even number of us in NCT, so we decided that we would share a room to make it easier for everybody else. We were twins. Why did it matter?

"Remind me again." Mrs. Tuan said. "You're twins, but you're also half-siblings, right?"

Mark groaned. "Mom. I explained this to you a million times. Come on. Let's go. I'll see you tomorrow, Yuna."

I turned to Yuta and smiled. "One more run and then we can call it a night?"

He smiled too. "Sounds good to me."