
Chapter 3. 'RADHA' Maa meets 'KARNA'.

'Radha' ran towards her husband. Her husband with the tears in his eyes he showed her the bucket. Where a baby boy is lying quietly looking at his surroundings. He has black hair, sun radiant face, fair skin and hawk -eye. His eyes had maturity beyond his age.

Happy tears fell from her eyes. A smile from on her lips. She hold the baby in her arms and kissed him. She felt happy like never before. Her eyes showed tenderness, love, for the baby.

Baby also looked at har tried to wipe off the tears.

She asked her in low voice husband "Whare did you get him?".

He said "After surya puja when I was returning I saw a busket on Ganga river I picked it up and there was him."

She gasped is sock said, "How can someone put child in river?", She felt pain for that child. With the motherly love he kissed the baby.

She said "Can we keep him? I love him, I don't want to part with him, he will be our child we love him right?."

He said with a smile " yes"

He touched the boys head with love.

He said " But, what will be the name of that boy?"

'Radha' said without thinking " He is our child a gift from 'Suryadev'. He is our son. 'Adhirath' putra 'Vasusena' and 'Radha' nandan 'Radhey Karna' ".

With this a warm sunlight fall upon three of them from setting sun.

'Radha' feed 'Karna' some milk which he gloped it down he was very much hungry. He felt warmth he never felt, he felt happy , warm towards his mother and father.

After that he quietly sleeps in his mother's lap.

She sang Lori to him making comfortable to his sleep. She had a happy smile on his face.

Outside 'Adhirath' quality watching all of this with a foolish smile on his face.

Some days later

'Radha' and 'Adhirath' felt child is different from other children. He cries when he need to go toilet, and when he is hungry. Other time he sleeps, or happily plays with them.

'Karna' is his childhood which he never had. He loved them, he is adult in child body. So he when he had to go bathroom or he is hungry he cried.

1 years later

Early morning sun is not raisen yet.

'Adhirath' 'Radha' and 'Karna' three of them waking towards river Ganga. 'Karna' is on his mother's lap he is gripping her saree.

Today is the day 'Adhirath' found him on Ganga river. They are coming for surya puja on 'Karna's birthday. They're all praying to 'Suryadev' and mata 'Ganga' for this blissful life.

'Karna' is praying 'Suryadev', mata 'Ganga' and 'Mahadev' for giving him this life. He loved his family they also loved him.

9 months later.

'Radha' and 'Adhirath' are happy today today their son call him mama and papa.

They had tears in eyes. Happy smile on their face.

'Karna' is also happy to see them happy.

9 months later.

'Karna'is 2 1/2 years old, 'Karna' is taking his first steps. He is walking toddling towards his mother.

'Radha' is cooking in kitchen while sitting on ground. Suddenly she felt Small hug from behind. She turn around and see 'Karna' is hugging from is behind.

She asked " beta how did you came here?".

He tilted his head and pointed towards his cart and said "walk".

She became happy and asked him " show me your walk beta".

He showed him his walk and again come towards her with a open arms.

She also opened her arms lifted 'Karna' in her's arms and kissed his small face.

'Adhirath' coming home from work he saw mother and son loving eachother. A smile from in his face.

He asked them "What happened? Why are you so happy today?".

'Radha' saw her husband and and she said with excited tone " 'Karna' learnt to walk today. "

He said " really?".

She asked her son " beta show your father your walk".

He nodded and showed them his walk.

'Adhirath' became happy. He picked him up and hold him in his lap.

1 1/2 years later.

'Karna' is 4 years old now, he is in jangle near bank of Ganga river,Some distance from his home, he is practicing archery with a wooden bow and arrow. 6 months ago he found a big old tree in middle of forest. He found it had hollow trunk. He decided to make his secret base. He make a hole big enough for him, that he can crawl in it.

After somedays his tree house complete.

He also found a small bamboo forest inside forest he decide to make his bow and arrow and sword.

'Karna' stops practicing archery, wipes his sweat from his forehead. Then he sat under a tree near his tree house and drink some water from his groud bottle, took deep breath seat in meditation position and try regain some energy.

In his mind he opens his data panal.

'Radhey' 'Karna'. /'Vasusena'. /'Karna' (suryaputra).

Race: Human(with divinity).

Rank: Human.

Level. 7/10.


Photographic memory. L 2/20.

Minor healing factor. L 2/20.(U)

Pseudo photosynthesis. L 3/20.

Hawk eye. L 6/20.

Superhuman reflexes. L 4/20.

Superhuman stamina. L 4/20.

Superhuman speed. L 3/20.

Superhuman strength. L 2/20.

Heightened senses. L 6/20.

Language efficiency. L 5/20.

Emotional control. L 7/20.

Pain resistance. L 3/20.

Heat resistant. L 10/20

Fire resistant. L 8/20

Indomitable will. L 8/20.

Sewing. L 4/20.

Cooking. L 6/20.

Housework. L 10/20.

Swimming. L 10/20.

Basic archery. L 8/20.(U).

Basic swordsmanship. L 6/20.(U)

Basic unarmed combat. L 4/20.(U)

Basic meditation. L 10/20.(U)

Low weaponsmith. L 7/20.(U)

( basic L 1-20, high L 1-40, master L 1-50,

Grand master L 1-75, perfect L 1- ???.)


Supirior archery talent.

Supirior swordsmanship talent.

Top weaponry talent.

Top unarmed combat talent.

Top Aura talent.

Top chakra talent.

Top stealth talent.

Top weaponsmith talent.

High disguise talent.






Surya kabaj(Armour) G devine.

Surya kundal.(earrings) G devine.

He closed data panal. After regaining his energy he looked upto the sun, a smile from on his expression less face. He guess the time is nearing noon. He packed his things and put a cloth bag he made it using different clothes sewing together, and goes inside his tree house and put things here. He picked his kimono style deep brown shirt and a cloth for wiping water after bathing, and goes out of forest and goes to the Ganga river.