
Chapter 2. Reborn.

Someone said 'death is the new beginning'.

In Varanasi at the ghat (bank) of Ganga river 'UP government committee for funeral' is giving funeral to many COVID victims. At that time a Naga sadhu came near dead bodies, and go straight towards Karna's corpse he sprinkle some Ganga jal towards Karna's corpse and did some ritual and said in high voise " HAR HAR MAHADEV" bagban sabhi ka bhala kare sabhi ka atma ko santi mile'.(HAR HAR MAHADEV, may God bless you all, may all souls find peace).

'Dupar Yuga'

At the banks of river Ganga a unmarried girl and her servant is putting a baby boy in bucket, boy has black hair, sun radiant skin , fair skin colour, black pupil with yellow ring surrounding his pupil(hawk -eye) and has a kabaj(armour) and kundal(earrings). He was wrapped in white cloth, boy is unconscious.

That boy thrown into Ganga river by girl and her servant, as if washing sin. Girl is cring and servent is counseling her at that time that boy's eyes snaps open and watching here and there and his eyes land on caring girl. That boy's eyes widened in shock, and confused.

Kran snaps open his eyes as if he is in a bad dream and fulfilling a long sleep, he is watching here and there and his eyes widened in shock, and confused.

He couldn't believe what is he seeing. He took deep breath and try to calm down his restless heart. He was so familiar with this seen. He sees his arms and legs that shrink into baby's arms. And questioning himself, is this reborn with memory? Or he is snatching someone else's body. Thinking that immense amount of guilt serge through his heart that he killed a infant. His eyes showing immense amount of sadness, guilt, self blame. At that time there a massage shown into his brain.

"For your devotion this is gift I bestowed upon you. You are reborn as a baby 'Karna' for your last dying wish, I also giving you a simple system with no intelligence no bounding, which will show you only your data panal, and help you throughout this journey. I wish you well".

Reading this he folded his hand and showed his respect and devotion towards 'Mahadev'.

A non existing smile from on his face. He concentrate on his mind and open his data panal.

'Karna' (suryaputra).

Race: Human(with divinity).

(Humen, Demi Humen, Nag, Rakshas, Asur, Minor gods, Major gods, Supreme Gods.)

Rank: Human.

( Human L 1-L 10, super human L 1-L 20, Ardh rathi L 1-L 30, Rathi L 1-L 40, Ati rathi L 1-L 50, Maha rathi L 1-L 75, Ati maha rathi L 1-L 100, Maha maha rathi L 1-L ??.)

(With each rank upgrade level cap reset to 0)

Level. 0


Photographic memory. L 0.

Minor healing factor. L 0.(U)

Pseudo photosynthesis. L 0.

Hawk eye. L 1.

Superhuman reflexes. L 0.

Superhuman stamina. L 1.

Superhuman speed. L 0.

Superhuman strength. L 0.

Heightened senses. L 1.

Language efficiency. L 3.

Emotional control. L 3.

Pain resistance. L 1.

Heat resistant. L 5.

Fire resistant. L 2.

Indomitable will. L 2.

( L=level,U=upgradable skills)


Supirior archery talent.

Supirior swordsmanship talent.

Top weaponry talent.

Top unarmed combat talent.

Top Aura talent.

Top chakra talent.

Top stealth talent.

Top weaponsmith talent.

High disguise talent.

(Low, Mediam, High, Top, Supirior, Perfect.)

( Aura is same as Haki, divided into 3 parts 1. Observation aura. 2. Armament aura. 3. Overload aura. Aura will be depend on chakra which present in Every human.)

[Chakra: 1.Muladhara (the Root Chakra),2. Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra),3.Manipura (the Naval Chakra), 4. Anahata (the Heart Chakra), 5. Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra), 6. Ajna (the Third-Eye Chakra), 7. Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra). ]






Surya kabaj(Armour). G devine.

(Gives protection from only mortal denger, not included Trideva astra,)

Surya kundal.(earrings). G devine.

(Reduce energy based attack 30% and radiate into surrounding)

(G= grade . Low, Medium, High, Top Supirior, Devine)

After closing data panal he again prayed to 'Mahadev' for this gift. He knows this gift will help him to survive in 'Dwapar yuga'.

His eyes are getting heavy. He has to sleep. 3-4 hours letar he opens his eyes, he is feeling hungry, some Ganga watar was in his busket which making him uncomfortable. Suddenly he drank Ganga watar and try to take deep breaths, and with the help of sun rays he produced little stream of energy which helps him to reduce hunger and helping him to remain awake.

With this he tried to make as mach energy as possible because night is coming. He at evening prayed to 'Suryadev' an 'Mahadev'. Then he tried to sleep to reduce energy consumption.

After sleeping 12 hours he opens his eyes with the help of sun rays.He felt hungry. He paid respect towards 'Suryadev' and 'Mahadev'. After he again started to make energy again. Which helps him to survive. With this slowly Time passed away.

'Dwapar yuga', Hastinapur.

A middle aged man praying 'Suryadev' in evening at the bank of Ganga river. He is 'Adhirath' a charioteer 48 years old, he and his wife 'Radha' 45 years old they have no children. So they pray to 'Suryadev' for a blessing for a child.

Today while he praying he felt warmth of sun rays as if 'Suryadev' is blessing him for his prayers. After praying while he was going home suddenly he saw a busket in Ganga river. He don't know why he felt he has to pick it up. He rans towards Ganga river and drive in and swim towards the bucket and pick up. He put the bucket on his head and swim back towards river bank. After coming out of water he saw a baby boy in the bucket. Happy tears coming nonstop from his eyes, he moves fingers towards the boy and boy hold his fingers like he never let it go. He thanks mata 'Ganga' and 'Suryadev' for this precious gift, then ran towards his home.

'Radha' is making food and looking neighbour's kids. She felt sad, she looked towards sun and prayed for blessing for a child, she felt sun rays today warmer then ever. When she opens her eyes she see her husband is running towards her with smile and tears in his eyes, she saw he had a bucket in his arms, she doesn't know why but her body ran towards her husband.