
Chapter 23. Kansh' vadh.

    While Karna' traveling for his journey, on the other side Avatar of Lord 'Vishnu' is playing his own lila(play) in Gokul'. Krishna is now over 11 years old.

    While Sri Krishna' was little his mama got the news that his Kaal is still alive and well he send his subordinates to kill Sri Krishna.

    When Krishna' was little To get rid of infants in the village, Kansh' dispatched one of his dependable workers. This was the demon, 'Putana'. She gave the young children poisoned milk, which killed them. Finally, she went to see Sri Krishna', a baby who had been fed toxic milk. But she underestimated the devine child. Beby Krishna' had sucked out her life thus she died.

    When Kansh' learned of Putana's passing, he dispatched 'Trinivarta' to murder devine child Sri Krishna'. The child Krishna' was taken away by 'Trinivarta' after he changed into a whirlwind. 'Trinivarta' intended to discard Krishna'. However, Sri Krishna' put on weight and grew heavier. As a result, the demon was unable to advance. The weight of Lord Krishna' eventually became too much for the demon to bear. 'Trinivarta' died after collapsing to the ground.

   Kansh' inspired his friend 'Bakasura' to kill Sri Krishna' by changing into a crane. Sri Krishna' was struck by Bakasura's beak. However, Bakasura's beak was destroyed by Lord Krishna once he grabbed hold of it. As a result, Sri Krishna' instantaneously murdered 'Bakasura'.

   King Kansh' had grown weary of hearing about the demise of each and every one of his loyal demon slaves. He confronted to Devki' and Vasudev'.

"You still have your eighth son! He is in Vrindavan', and his name is Krishna'."

    Kansh' expressed his intense rage. Devaki', his sister, and Vasudev', her husband, shook in the presence of his dreadful face.

   Kansh' continued, "You two have been tricking me for a long time. But no longer. I'll kill that kid right now, and then I'll kill you two. You two were now free. But now I'm going to return you to jail. You'll be there until you pass away."

    With this thunderous proclamation, he gave his men orders to seize the couple and imprison them in the royal jail.

    Their entire lives had been spent in prison for nine years. They were sent back to prison after learning that their child had survived.

    The weeping parents consoled one another and anticipated the day when their son would kill the oppressive ruler.

     It had been several years since the Oracle had informed Kansh' that the eighth child of his sister Devaki' would murder him. When the eighth child turned out to be a daughter instead of a son, Kansh' had already killed her seven sons and had freed his sister and her husband Vasudev'.

    However, after learning that his nephew was still alive and well in Vrindavan', Kansh' once more put Devaki' and her husband in prison before leaving for his personal quarters.

    Kansh' bellowed with a thunderous "Kootaka'! Where is Keshi'?, I told him to kill the child just two days ago, and that has now happened. What's going on with him?"

    The first minister trembled in horror even as he said, "Keshi... was killed by Krishna', My Lord," for he was fully aware of the King's fury.

    Kansh' yelled, "Whattttttttt!!!" " Keshi' is my favourite servant. Dead? So how is that possible? Is that boy really so strong?". In fear and rage, he questioned Kootaka'.

    " Yes, my Lord, he is, he is, and so it is! Indeed!" the minister mumbled. "He appears to have magical abilities from birth, my Lord. We now understand that Krishna cannot be put to death using common methods. Therefore, we should use deception to force him to visit Mathura."

   Kansh' had always had the nagging fear that the words of the Oracle may, somehow, come true and that he may not be able to kill his nephew after all. But how could he show his fear. He was supposed to be the mighty ruler, master of all.

  Kootaka' thought about a plan that can kill Krishna', he got some possibility to complete this plan so he stated, "Words have the power to accomplish what a sword cannot. Ask Krishna' to visit Mathura' by calling your cousin Akrur' and telling him to travel to Vrindavan'. Because of his skill with words, he will undoubtedly be able to win Krishna' over and convince him to visit."

    Kansh' pondered for a while. He said, "yes, I believe this just might work."

    He said as he called his cousin. He despatched Akrur' to Vrindavan' after explaining his strategy to him. But he had no idea that Akrur' was a devoted follower of Sri Krishna'!

    Akrur' wasted little time in moving on. He travelled to Vrindavan' with a lot of trepidation. He informed Sri Krishna' about Kansh's wicked plans as soon as he arrived.

    Sri Krishna' guffawed. He said,

"Let him have it if that is what he wants, but it seems like Kansh' is genuinely anxious to die, rather than quietly waiting for it. Go together to Mathura'!"

    Sri Krishna' accepted his parents' blessings, who were hesitant to agree at first. Even though they were aware that their sons were not regular mortals, they were quite concerned at the notion of anything bad happening to them.

    Along with his brother Balram', Sri Krishna' left Vrindavan' with Akrur' and travelled to the realm of his uncle. In Mathura', word of Sri Krishna's presence quickly spread. So, there was interest, excitement, and delight everywhere.

    Kansh' was devising a strategy to get rid of his nephew in the meantime. He suddenly had a thought.

    He questioned Kootaka', "Is the crazy elephant Kuvalayapida' awake?"

    "Yes, my lord", Kootaka' said. He is securely shackled, yet he is attempting to escape.

    "Then release him into the streets", Kansa growled. He yelled angrily, "Let him kill the 2 young children!"

     Kootaka', much against his better judgement, obediently carried out the king's command and let the elephant loose in the streets. He didn't want Sri Krishna' and Balram' to perish, after all. But the idea of the king's anger cause him to act differently.

    As soon as the deranged Kuvalayapida' was let out, he began destroying everything in his path. In terror, people screamed and fled for their lives.

    Kuvalayapida' was startled to see a young man with Dark complexion skin standing in the centre of the main thoroughfare he looked devine. Sri Krishna' was that boy. The elephant charged in his direction. Sri Krishna' pulled out his sword and severed his trunk as he was about to approach. The insane animal bellowed in agony before collapsing and dying.

    The bravery of Sri Krishna' astounded the residents of Mathura'. They shouted his name and praised him loudly. The two brothers received blessings from the city's elderly women, and young girls showered them with flowers.

    "God is praised!" The crowd shouted, "Jai Balram'! Cheers for the two!"

    Balram' grinned and shouted, "How they love us".

   "Yes, but keep your head on straight, brother. Danger is still all around us "admonished Sri Krishna'.

    And it didn't take long for Sri Krishna's prophecy to come true.

    Kansh' returned to the court enraged.

" The elephant is now also deceased. Please tell me how to kill my nephew! I will stop at nothing to see that they are killed.". Angry, he yelled at his minister.

    "You may rely on Mushtik' and Chanur' to complete the task, my Lord. I believe Krishna' will definitely be killed by them. " Kootaka stated. They are unbeatable warriors who have never previously been defeated by a mortal.

    Kansh' enthusiastically replied, "Yes! The demon brothers Mushtik' and Chanur' will undoubtedly kill my nephew, you're right."

     Kansh' informed them right away. They emerged from their slumber to observe the two brothers strolling close to the arena.

    "Ha ha! Will these kids challenge us to a fight? Why, they resemble tiny kittens just starting out! Look at them, Chanur' chuckled. So little, so frail... We can use our little finger to crush them!",    Mushtik' chuckled.

    However, nobody could have foreseen what would happen next.


    The very next second, Mushtik' felt a sharp knock to the head. Balaram had used his powerful mace to assault Mushtik'. Mushtik' screamed in despair as he collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain.

     "You hit my brother". , Chanur' shouted. He charged at Balram' while roaring and yelling,   "You're very rude to assault him! I won't hold back. I'm going to kill you."  He let out an agonising moan, and a minute later he was prostrate on the ground. He had experienced Sri Krishna's blow.

   At this point, the arena was packed with fans who were rooting for the two demon warriors to perish.

    The soft-hearted mother shook her head in sorrow at the hopelessness of the situation, "Oh no! They're mere boys! What can they do against these demon-like wrestlers?"

    Another man reassured him, "Our Krishna' and Balram' are wonderful beings, blessed by Lord Vishnu'. They will surely destroy them."

    The woman screamed, "Behind you, Krishna'!" at once.

     Sri Krishna quickly turned to the side to avoid Chanur's impending axe attack. He dodged the axe by moving quickly. He stooped, grabbed hold of Chanur's thick legs, and pulled vehemently. The monster lost his footing and collapsed with a loud crash!

    Kansh', meantime, was restless inside the palace. He had been waiting for so long that he was losing control of his irritation. He thought lustfully,

"My demon warriors must have killed Krishna' by now... I want to see the lad dead!" and hurried to the arena while grinning evilly.

     But what he discovered there astounded him beyond belief. What a terrible shock it was for him to discover his best fighters captured by Sei Krishna' and Balram'!

    Kansh' beheld Sri Krishna' for the first time in his life, and his heart nearly stopped in fright. His nightmares appeared to have materialised in some way.

   Kansh' had come to witness the fight, and when Sri Krishna' glanced up and spotted him, he exclaimed, "Here, Uncle!" with joy.

    As soon as Sri Krishna' said this, Chanur' was instantly killed.

    Evil Kansh', it is now your turn to depart for Hell, roared Sri Krishna'.

    Kansh' experienced a body-wide freezing sensation. The sight of his cheerful nephew walking closer to him made him experience a tremendous terror. For the previous few years, he had been seeing this image in his dreams every night. Kansh' attempted to flee after experiencing a terrifying fear for his life.