
Chapter 22. Eklavya.

    Sun is still sining in the sky brightly, wind is blowing smoothly, it's a plesent atmosphere.

     Inside of the forest, a person over 18 is looking down on the cliff, and thinking about his life, what is the significance of his life in this society? Why is he still here? What have he has done in his life? What has life has done to him?

    He revised all of it but he got one answer of every question.

   Nothing. Life gave him nothing, he also had done nothing significant for the world.

     He looked up the sky, today he felt different about the atmosphere, sun is shining but it's not burning, it's like sun is spreading him warmth on him. He never felt so good under the sun before. He felt that in his cursed life something good going to happen today. But he ignored it, he knows he is going through a tough phase and he has to go through it, but live has fucked him hard enough, and he almost lost his will, he is alive because of the duty towards his family with his shattered dreams.

    He thought and sighed in his cursed fate, while looking at his severed right thumb finger.

Few years ago...

   A young boy is practicing with his Bow and Arrow, everyone thought he is playing but he is doing his job properly, he is practicing wholeheartedly.

    His father looked at his son and sighed, that boy tried to hide from his family but we know parents knows the thought of our heart, we don't have to tell or express it to them, they are from 'Suta'  community, they don't have permission in the society to be a worrior.

   His father approached him and asked, "  Beta, you are the prince of 'Nishad' tribe. So, what are you going to do with your future."

    That boy stopped his practice and looked at his father with tears and said with stubborn voice , " Baba, I'm going to be a great Archer, and no one can stop me, I'm going to fulfill my dreams."

    His father looked at him with distress and said, " Beta, I know you want to be an Archer but we are from 'Suta' and we don't have permission to gain higher knowledge, we are hunters and we only knows hunting knowledge."

    He looked at his father and said, " I know father I know, but I cannot live without doing nothing, father Bow and arrows calling me.I feel so good, comfortable, and peace with Bow and Arrow."

     He Kneeled and Kowtow before his father and said, " Please Baba, teach me the way of 'Nishad'."

    His father smiled and picked up his son and looked approvingly.

    'Hirnadhanu' was a exceptional worrior and was the general of small platoon under the 'Magadh', under 'Jarasandh', but dew to war injury he has to leave his position, now his has taken the role of leadership of his tribe 'Nishad'.

    'Hirnadhanu' also was very passionate about archery, but he also didn't get the permission to learn higher knowledge. He taught himself everything in his life journey, he learnt by watching, he has learnt 'Sabd bhedi baan'( sound piercing arrow.). And many styles.

     'Hirnadhanu' took upon the charge of teaching his son, he taught him all the things and knowledge he learnt about in his life journey, and his son is like a sponge absorbed everything he has to offer. He always taught him that, The so-called strongest Arrow is the power to

protect what you want to protect and harm what you want to hurm.

  3 years ago before present time....

    That boy has now become a will built worrior, he has learnt all of the knowledge his father and others have to offer, he is proficient in tracking, spying, anti reconnaissance, stealth, spear fighting and trap making. But above all he excelled in Archery. He practiced everything by himself.

Few days later...

    He saw a 'Bramhin' 'Maha rathi', who is an exceptional worrior well versed in every weapons, is teaching his son. He was memorized by the valor of the worrior and exceptional teaching skills. He couldn't control himself and walked towards the duo.

   He walked towards the duo and Kneeled on one knee and folded his hand and asked," Panipat , 'Maha rathi' I gave my utmost respect to you, please panipat accept me as yours student and teach me about way of Worrior."

   But in this world sometimes everything doesn't go according to plan.

   That 'Bramhin' worrior looked at him and said in deep voice, " You looked like a Hunter, and you are from 'Suta' community, and you have no permission to weild higher knowledge. So, who gave you courage to ask me to teach a 'Suta', are you telling me commit a sin. "

   That boy's young heart broke by the hursh word of that worrior but he tried to explain himself to him, " No no panipat , I do no dare to tell you commit a sin, but according to me knowledge should be given to whom who are talented and worthy."

    That 'Bramhin' got angry and said," Now a 'Suta' is going to teach me how to do things, a 'Suta' is going to tell that 'Vedas' are wrong. Get out!! get out from my sight now, you should be grateful I will  not kill you in front of my son. Now get out!!!"

     That boy hold his pain and tears and apologize to 'Brahmin' , " I am sorry for offending you panipat, please forgive me, I do not wanted say that 'Vedas' are wrong....I...I.I'm going, please forgive me.."

    He got up and left head down, but from coroner of his eyes he saw worried and sad expression of the son of that 'Bramhin'.


    That person is thinking about his life and sighed, suddenly he heard someone speak.

" Are you going take a step forward or take a step backwards!!"

   That person looked at the source of the sound, he saw a solitude is leaning on the tree and watching at him.

   He asked that solitude, " Who are you? and what are you doing here?"

   Solitude said," who am I ? And what am I doing ? Is not important right now, right now tell me are you going to step forward or step backwards from that position??"

    He said with irritation, " I'm going to step forward or not you don't have to know."

    Solitude answered, " you are right I don't have to know, or I should not interfere with you, but if you are going to step forward then I'm going to very much disappointed in you. "

    He raised an eyebrow and asked , " why are you going to disappoint if I took a step forward?"

    Solitude said, " You are a good person and a exceptional worrior, on the top of that you are an Archer , and I'm also an Archer if you are dead then I'm going lose a rival."

    He got angry and laughed manically," Ha ha ha ha haha..... Worrior.....An Archer ..... A rival. Ha ha haha .."

    He looked at the solitude and said in choked voice, " I...I...I cannot  become any of this, I'm a weast .... What have I done in my past life to be born in a 'Suta' family. I ..I..I wanted to become all of it but I cannot."

  That solitude walked towards him and hugged him and said, " let it all out, I may be not your friend, just think myself a friend for today and let it all out  Mitra ..."

   He broke down in in tears.... In his arm and a strangers warmth.

   They both sat on the cliff and looked at the horizon.

   That solitude looked at him asked him, " You are a man of story, care to tell me your story."

   He looking at the horizon and said without looking back,

  " I am prince of'Nishad' tribe I belong from 'Suta' community, I learnt way of 'Nishad' from my father 'Hirnadhanu', he taught me how to be a man how to be an worrior. He taught me everything he knows.

      But I wanted something more I wanted to become greatest Archer, so I left my tribe for my journey, in my journey I met a 'Bramhin' worrior, I asked him to teach but he rejected me, but I was fascinated by him in my heart I already made him my 'Guru'.

     So, I built a statue of him from my heart and learnt with him, I prayed to the statue like a god, I have done everything someone do for a Guru'. I from him I learnt true archery.

     Someday a dog was burking, for some times I got irritated so I shot my arrow without hurting him, I just filled his mouth with arrows so that dog cannot make sound.

     Then I was going  my daily Puja to my Guru', I saw him walking towards me with a boy of young age, I saw jealousy in that boy's eyes, but I ignored it, I paid my respect to him, he asked me is me the one who shot arrows in the mouth of a dog, I answered him 'yes'.

     He looked at me and said who taught me the way of Archery, I told him I learnt from you, he got confused and said, I don't remember teaching you anything. I told him in my heart he is my one and only Guru', and I learnt from his statue, the way of Archery.

     He got Impressed but he didn't tell nothing, but I saw worried look in his eyes, he prepared to left me, but that boy said, you learnt from Guru' are you not going to give Gurudaksina'!? 

     I suddenly realised that I thought him Guru' wholeheartedly, so I asked him about Gurudaksina'. I saw momentary guilt in his eyes then determination, he asked me my right thumb finger for Gurudaksina'.

     From that day onwards I lost my finger, my hope, my dreams everything

     Sorry for showing you my pathetic sight my friend."

   That solitude looked at the horizon sometimes and said." You have suffered enough, but you should not lose you will. Will is the everything to a worrior."

   He said sadly,  " Right thumb is everything for a Archer, I lost it how can I become an Archer."

    That solitude got up and walked back without looking at him and said, " I had something to do with 'Nishad' tribe, but prince is this much pathetic, looked like my work is done. "

    He got enraged and shouted, " how can you know  my pain when you have everything."

   Solitude stopped for a moment and said, " You had not lost everything, have you tried by left hand. You didn't tried everything and you are saying you lost everything."


    He got shaken by the statement. He found his hope will everything. He shouted at him, " friend tell me your name."

   Solitude said, " 'Radhey Karna' and I'm going to be the best Archer in the world..... And your's?"

    He said, " 'Eklavya' and I'm going to be your rivel."